Member Reviews

I had very high hopes for this one but it just ended up in the ok pile. I enjoyed the story line and the character development but I just didn’t feel much for the main character, there was no real emotion there and as such I wasn’t invested in her outcome.

I think the end of chapter 27 would have been the perfect place to end this one to leave me wanting more and to have had part 3 as a separate book as I although I liked the ending I wasn’t as invested in the book anymore and just wanted to be over. I love big books so it’s not the length it’s that each part felt like a distinctly different part and didn’t really flow.

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I have to admit, I did perhaps judge a book by it’s cover with this one (I mean - it is seriously stunning!) and requested this book straight away based on the cover alone, going into the book with absolutely no idea of what to expect - but to say I loved it is an understatement!! With it only being 9 days into the year so far, I can already see this becoming one of my favourite reads of 2022.

Inspired by Chinese mythology, Daughter of the Moon Goddess is a captivating tale full of magic that will take your breath away. The central purpose of the novel is that the main character, Xingyin, is determined to win back the freedom of her mother and to do so must face the trials and tribulations of the very court that imprisoned her mother to the moon. Xingyins journey is a long one, and along her way she grows to become a fierce warrior and faces plots which put the Kingdom and those she has come to love at threat.

What worked really well for this book is how the author is masterfully skilled at writing lush worldbuilding - it did wonders for capturing my imagination. With the world being crafted so extravagantly, I feel as though a really great job was done with the explanations of the kingdoms and the magic system. Nothing felt confusing and this added to the joyful experience of reading the novel.

I was surprised with how quickly the story flowed, this really is a book where you are thrown head first into the story on the very first page. I’ve never had an issue with fast pacing in books before but at some points the timeline did seem quite jumpy and there were a few time periods which I was sad we didn’t get to see more glimpses of, due to how quickly the novel was progressing. Overall though I enjoyed how fast the story moved, and I found it hard to put the book down as the plot just kept thickening. Like seriously, there was SO much content in this book, it’s got everything - from dragons, to merfolk - to captured princesses. There’s something for everyone.

I was also surprised at how much I didn’t mind the love triangle. Usually a love triangle can deter me from a book, as i’m personally not very fond of the trope, however with Daughter of the Moon Goddess I found myself rooting for both sides and even after reflection with writing this review I’m still not sure which ship I prefer. This undoubtedly is because of how great the characters are written. Between Liwei, the sweet prince whom Xingyin shares companionship with to Wenzhi, the famed warrior captain with a mysterious past - my heart was truly torn. Both ships had a collection of angsty and sweet moments, and I especially loved seeing the jealously between Liwei and Wenzhi in their interactions. Overall I found the love triangle quite entertaining and I’m excited to see the outcome in the sequel.

Finally I MUST comment on how much I loved Xingyin as a character. I was so happy Xingyin didn’t conform to any of these ‘not like the other girls’, or ‘absolutely perfect super strong can do no wrong’ etc etc etc stereotypes. She has flaws which hinder her journey, but what I found particularly enjoying was how she acknowledged these flaws and accepted them. It really stopped her from becoming annoying, and I appreciated how she developed from her mistakes. Through Xingyin the themes of the book really shine through too, with the strong importance of family and honour as well as the impending theme of loneliness which arrives from being so far away from home and just trying to make your way back.

The Daughter of the Moon Goddess was a really great read and I wholeheartedly recommend it if you're looking for an action packed fantasy WITH equally great romantic subplots. I’m so interested as to where the next book will take Xingyin on her journey and cannot wait for the sequel!

Thank you to Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you Netgalley and the Publisher for giving me a copy of the book in exchange of an honest review.

The basic premise of the book is Xingyin and her desire to break her mothers punoshment yet there is so much more than cannot be told.
Xingyin does not only care for her mother and thinks of her but she as well is searching for a place in the world for herself. Every decition she makes she does because of herself. She is confused and scared and errors a lot. She is not perfect and she gets hurt and betrayed and she betrays. She is humane and i love her for that.
The lore of the story was amazing and i loved reading all the stories there were.
Characters? I kinda of wanted to now more than Whenzei and Liewi, besides of Xingyin. There were a lot of characters that i felt needed more depth since what little we knew about them were so interesting.


I found the emperor's action weird after she decieved him. It feels like the author is trying to make them be the worst people ever, but we dont see that villanous characteristics in their actions. We know of what they have done, but we do not see them commit terrible actions first hand, and there were a lot of chances.
Also, i did not like how Whenzei became the villain in like 2 sentences. I wished Xingyin would understand him and more conversations. I also did not like Liwei and how until the very very very end it felt like he was blaming Xingyin for their fallout. It was not his fault but he had to be the one to fight for them and it seemed the only thing he did was push her to fight for them while not breaking a sweat himself.
The "punishment" for deceiving the Emperor was weird and i expected more.. The empress kind of went from being someone who was really scaty to fade into the background and it was dissappointing to me.
I feel like instead of being all hang up on Liwei, Xingyin should just have dropped his ass lmao i just wasnt the biggest fan,
Also, and the end i promise, i dont see how it is supposed to be a duology. I see a very closed ending more or less and there is nothing like nothing that can inspire a second part??


Overall i enjoyed it a lot and all the " problems " i had with it were because of my personal tastes.

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4.5 stars


This book is one big resounding yes from me. Often I feel like my complaint with books is that they either give up on the plot in favour of the characters, or vice versa, but I feel like this book is a perfect example of a perfect balance between the two. The plot was fast paced and engaging, and the characters were lovable. I do have. a few nitpicks about the pacing and some plot revelations towards the end of the book, but by no means did that take away from my overall enjoyment.

I need this to become an animated series or a cdrama asap!

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Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC.

I really enjoyed this book. Tan has created a mythical world that is full of life and character, and Xingyin is a thoroughly engaging heroine. I'm not a huge fan of the love triangle so was a bit disappointed when the story looked like it was going in that direction - we'll see if that trajectory is continued in the next book. But overall, a fun and fantastical story.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me with an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!

"Time to an immortal was as rain to the boundless sea."

What a beautiful story this is: ethereal palaces in the sky, full of ageless and beautiful immortals with the powers of the elements. Luscious landscapes more like dreamscapes in their wonder. Every page a sumptuous treat dripping in imagery.

"Some scars are carved into our bones - a part of who we are, shaping what we become."

This book transports you to a land of Chinese mythology, carried into the Celestial Realm on fluffy clouds with Xingyin, our wonderfully brave main character - who is the hidden daughter of the moon goddess Chang'e. Sheltered her whole life, Xingyin goes on an incredible journey of self discovery across 500 pages, unveiling her own history, her own powers, her own mind and many secrets along the way.

"Yet as much as I loved him, I loved myself more."

There is love, betrayal, friendship, desperation, hope... Every page is filled with joyous and mouth-watering descriptions of food and clothes and sparkling palaces. The cast of characters is memorable and interesting - and so easy to fall in love with. The friendships that blossom between Xingyin and Liwei, and Xingyin and Wenzhi are so natural and believable, and it doesn't fall foul of making their conversations and banter feel identical - there are definite differences and nuances in the way Xingyin acts with both that I really loved.

"Your dreams will be my dreams too."

The only complaint I have about this book is that I need the sequel today! I can't wait to see what happens next, and although the book closes with no cliffhanger, there are definitely some loose strings I need to see tied up!

I recommend this to anyone who enjoyed books like Six Crimson Cranes, The Wrath and the Dawn, Shadow of the Fox, and Shadow and Bone.

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Well this had me enthralled from the first paragraph! A gloriously evocative fantasy, inspired by Chinese mythology, specifically by the legend of the Moon Goddess; Chang'E. The fairytale quality, the beautifully descriptive prose and wonderfully rendered characters, has me convinced this will be a favourite for many. I was invested from the very moment we are introduced to the meloncholic Moon Goddess Chang'E herself to her introspective but pragmatic daughter, Xingyin. I loved seeing Xingyin grow from a somewhat naive and sheltered girl to someone who grew into her strengths and had a better understanding of herself. There is a sweet romance (with some angst) that was allowed to blossom slowly making it that much more convincing. The story itself though not fast paced, still held all my attention, the more it progressed the more the world expanded for as and I really loved getting to see the other Celestial lands.
I appreciated what the author set out to do with this book and I think she was successful, by the end I feel we got a satisfying ending with enough hints left to pique my interest in whats to come next in book 2. This is the author's debut, and considering how utterly enchanted I was by her writing, she has the potential to become one of my autobuy authors for sure. I look forward to continuing Xingyin's story. Highly recommend to all.

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another case of pretty cover, cool concept, meh execution...

This definitely felt like the author had a concept and a couple of tropes and decided that's enough. Let me start with the positives. The book has a stunning cover, both UK and us editions are just stunning. The author does a great job at providing really ethereal imagery when talking about the heavenly realms, the settings and the atmosphere was well done, it did feel quite grand and magical. This book also moves really quickly.

And now why this book is a 2.75 and not even a 3.

The characters... Again like I mentioned earlier, the concept is there, the tropes are there, but we're following such a boring main character that it makes everything feel so artificial. It's like staring at a really aesthetically pleasing portrait and just feeling nothing, I literally did not care for the character past her leaving Chang'er. Once you took away that aspect, she became so uninteresting. The writing pays so much attention to mindless details, and this constant need to speed through Everything, that parts of the story that felt like the perfect opportunity to explore her character ended up reading like a checklist. I'm not sure if it's the author's decision or the editor's fault of just wanting to shorten every book out there but it did help the book at all. Interactions feerl so forced and cliche, and we are just expected to believe and go along with it despite not knowing or caring about these one-dimensional characters. The characters also feel so inconsistent at times, like the author just wanted them to feel this way or do this action without showing us why that would make sense. Also this sad attempt to have every character act like the most cliche villains to garner sympathy did not work for me cause she literally doesn't do anything and again, shows how poorly the characters are handled in general, she is just so boring. I'm mad the daughter of this iconic character turned out to be the blandest lead ever.

Not every book has to be character-driven! Of course. But that means you have to have a solid and exciting plot to keep me going, but again, the pacing is so ridiculously fast we are going through tournaments in One chapter, transitioning from homeless to maid to [redacted idk spoilers?] in One chapter like SLOW DOWN, at least get me to care about the main character first omg. I also really did not like the writing style, there were some sentences that could have been cut just cause of how redundant they are, should've placed more time in building these characters. Anyways, this is a debut after all but I was really excited cause of the cover and the fact that it covers Chinese mythology, but nah not for me.

[netgalley arc]

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This is an epic Warrior, Prince and Princess tale, filled with Magic, Dragons and Girl Power. I am an avid Fantasy Reader and more than once I assumed the story was ending. Only for the story to continue. The twists in the plot I did not see coming at all and you want the enemies to lovers plot to half come true.
I love this story, I have it pre ordered on Waterstones and another copy coming from Fairyloot. I can not wait for more stories from Sue Lynn Tan.

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Epically captivating
Triangles and twists
Lands, lore and dragons

This was a sweeping, wonderful reading experience. It's a book with depth, a plot to twist you into knots and characters that you stand behind in complete support and belief. Daughter of the Moon Goddess was told over many years, these immortals have long lives after all. The main character Xingyin was young when we met her, but this woman she came to be was reading gold.

Xingyan battled for a place to exist in the celestial world both figuratively and later rather literally. Her companion and supporter Liwei stole my heart early on but then I came to doubt my heart's loyalties. Wenzhi complicated matters and I liked him. I could never have guessed the twists, turns, betrayals and loyalty that lay ahead in this plot; it was extremely clever and made for addictive reading.

The celestial, demon, mortal worlds and more were painted so vividly. I had grand pictures of places, forests, seas and dragons. There were quests and battles but none too drawn out. The strong woman that Xingyin became was a dream to read. There were plenty of sketchy characters, those that were obvious and those hiding in plain sight.

This fantasy epic tied up the story well but I can see there is a second book to come. I loved these characters so much that I can't wait to read more of their journey and adventures.

Thank you to Harper Voyager for the eARC copy. My pre-order is already filed and waiting, I need this on my shelf and I think you do too.

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I enjoy so much Chinese mythology and folklore inspired stories! They’re not familiar to me and I find them fascinating!

Here, we have a tale about family bonds, honour, love and duty. The plot is full in action, but helps so much with the story. Is not tiring and it’s very easy to read. Although there are a lot different people and places entwined, it’s not confusing but rather satisfying.

The main characters are lovable, strong and relatable, and enjoyed so much seeing them grow. The world building and magic well-built and detailed. And finally, SLT’s writing is unbelievably beautiful!

This is meant to be a duology and I can’t wait to read what happens next!

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What a book. Fast paced action after action. Forbidden Romance. Deceit. It was the full package. This book has really got me into Asian literature. I love the folklore elements to the book - I loved the magic, I loved the wannabe love triangle. In fact, the only reason it didn't get 5 stars for me was because I just wanted more. I felt like the ending could have been drawn out a little longer as it did seem to get wrapped up pretty quickly.

But it was still magic. A great set of characters. SO MUCH ACTION AND ADVENTURE.

Easily the biggest recommendation of 2022.

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daughter of the moon goddess was such a great read. with great writing and a fast-paced story, it made for an enchanting story to read about. although the chapters were a decent length, they didn’t feel lengthy or boring at all, a quality i really admire in a book. the plot was interesting because of which I was able to finish the book in just a few sittings. i also really liked the mc, Xingyin. i am so glad she stood up for herself any time someone underestimated her.
overall, an amazing read; i definitely recommend you read this.

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3.5 stars
I think this was a strong debut and I loved the mythology included. The whole book had a fairy-tale like atmosphere, and the descriptions of the world were beautiful. However I was never fully invested in the characters or the romance, which all felt a little sudden and forced. It started out very slow and picked up at the end but the change of pace was a little jarring. The ending was satisfying but honestly I'm not sure where it will go from here in the duology because there was nothing immediate that could be carried on and it could almost be okay as a standalone, but I'm still interested to see where the next book will go.

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I loved this book so much! The story is so beautiful and captivating. From its gorgeous cover to its gripping storytelling, it is a masterpiece.

The author has done a great job in blending the legends and mythology in this book. I enjoyed it immensely. The world building is also amazing. The descriptions of all the places and settings are so detailed and beautiful. I definitely want to live in the palace on the moon.

Coming to the characters, all of them are well crafted. My favourite is Xingyin, the protagonist. She is strong-willed, brave and definitely not stupid. Her inner conflicts and decision making is explained so well that the reader understands and connects with her. I loved her determination to save her mother.

If you are looking for a high fantasy full of magic, romance and adventure, go for this book. Highly recommended.

I don't know how am I going to wait for book 2, I want to read it now🤧

Thank you so much Netgalley and the publisher for the e-arc.

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As beautiful as the language and the idea of this just didn't work for me. The writing style meant that I couldn't properly lose myself in the story. But that is definitely a me thing.

This is an elegant retelling of Chinese mythology that many will adore. Pick it up if you're looking for something a little more lyrical.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for a free e-arc in exchange for an honest review!

I really enjoyed Daughter of the Moon Goddess, the prose felt so indulgent and the lush imagery is something I'm still thinking about nearly a week after finishing the book!
Daughter of the Moon Goddess follows the life story of Xingyin, daughter of the Moon Goddess, and how she paves her own way in life after fleeing from the Cruel Celestial Empress. Daughter of the Moon Goddess is filled with emotion, and I love how Sue Lynn Tan paced the book so we could see Xingyin really grow into herself without the story feeling like it dragged or was too slow.

I'll definitely be picking up the second book in the series!

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Daughter of the Moon Goddess is a novel inspired by Chang’E, The Chinese Moon Goddess. It follows her secret daughter, Xingyin, on an adventure once she leaves the moon to avoid been found by the Celestial Empire. This book is absolutely chock full of stuff happening – I was glued to it from a few chapters in to the end. It has big fairytale vibes, so if that’s your sort of thing, I’d definitely check it out! It’s like a more mature Six Crimson Cranes.

Xingyin’s mother, the moon goddess Chang’E, was exiled to the moon for taking an immortal potion that wasn’t meant for her. She brought Xingyin with her secretly, but when Xingyin’s magic starts to break free, she must leave the moon to avoid being detected by the Celestial Empire. Xingyin finds herself in the Celestial Empire, right at the heart with the Emperor and Empress themselves. She must not reveal who she is, but do everything in her power to break the enchantment that keeps her mother tied to the moon.

Xingyin’s story spans many years. She makes herself strong, attracts attention from powerful individuals and fights various monsters throughout. The action is none stop, which combined with the lyrical writing makes for a thrilling story written with bags of style. I love Xingyin as a protagonist, she is both innocent and strong – I loved her big hearted nature. I also enjoyed her growing friendships with others, including the Crown Prince and her combat teacher, and the way she never forgot where she came from and what her roots are.

From the romance to the light politics, I pretty much enjoyed every element of this book. It even ended quite neatly, so I’m excited to see what happens in the final book of the duology! I have high hopes for more romance, more dragons and a whole lot of adventure for Xingyin! I recommend this book for fans of Six Crimson Cranes and Priory of the Orange Tree.

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Wonderfully atmospheric. Simply magical!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for letting me access an advance copy of this book in exchange for my feedback.

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My experience with the story of Houyi and Chang'e has been fairly minimal other than a little research done after reading another fiction book inspired by these characters so this was a wonderful opportunity to delve into this mythology and folklore once more. I had a wonderful time reading this book and I thought that overall it was a very strong story with some great character moments and some excellent action scenes. It has the feel of a multi-part tv series with all sorts of different story arcs all rolled into one book which in another work might have felt chaotic or rushed but in this case felt just right.
I'm someone who loves a training montage and this book is just full of them. It reminded me that often all it takes for me to love a character is that they have a desire to learn and Xingyin has that desire in spades. She manages to have the right balance of naivete and common sense that so many authors get wrong.
The story at the heart of this book is simultaneously very complex, with multiple monsters to defeat and challenges to surmount, and incredibly simple - one woman's attempt to right the wrongs done to her family - that dual complexity and simplicity is another part of what carries this somewhat lengthy narrative.
I will say I found it a tiny bit slow to start, but once things get going it is a thrilling ride for sure.
I am blown away by the fact that this was a debut, I am so excited to see what will come in the future from Sue Lynn Tan who I am sure will be a household name in no time!
I received a free review copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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