Member Reviews

Chris was “dead” to his family and decide to risen up from the death. The beginning was very confusing at first, since i didn't know who the main character was. When we first meet Chris is very rude and disrespectful and we end the book like that as well. I love Jada and loved how the author approached the colorism and the favoritism in her family. I think we didn’t get a lot of the main characters together so i didn’t really feel their connection for each other together. The flashbacks bored me. It’s felt like a lot of info-dumping. I’m glad that Chris ended up working on himself but if i was Jada i wouldn't have forgive him and made him grovel. I also love the song choices as well. I wished they were also trigger warnings like miscarriage and colorism. Thank you for this opportunity!

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LOVE SONG LYRICS by M. O. Kenyan had an interesting premise but faltered in the execution of the story. Chris’ family thinks that he is dead; he allows them to think that and holds great animosity towards his family members, even his twin brother Kris. While missing in action, Chris has time to meet a young woman named Jada and have a one-night stand with her. This encounter ends in pregnancy. A lot happens in this story, but the structure of the events is so disjointed that it is difficult for the reader to establish a timeline or trajectory. The story is all over the place and unfortunately never establishes a tone or a connection to the audience.
I voluntarily read a copy of this book from Netgalley and this review is of my honest opinion.

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