Member Reviews

This book is told in multiple POV. This book has short chapters but still it drags and is slow paced. I felt it lacked some twists and it failed to keep me interested

I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.
Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.
However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

Wow just wow. I absolutely loved reading this book, it had me hooked from the fist page. It was fact paced. A real page turner. Lots of twists and turns to keep you on the edge of your seat. It was an exciting plot that played out well. Very well written. I will definitely be looking out for this author again

Kathryn Croft is a new guilty pleasure when it comes to holiday reads and I found this one in a pile of unread thrillers in the depths of my kindle. Though suffering from a twist too many it was, nonetheless, a racy read.
Inspired by the Channel 4 show Wife Swap, Sienna persuades new north London friend Abby they should swap husbands for a night. Nothing seedy just a change of company at the end of a dinner party. Needless to say everything unravels from there. What happened between Abby and Rob that destabilised relationships? What is it that makes primary school teacher Abby so apparently irresistible to everyone except Rob’s mother? The story moves apace to a conclusion that explains everything in just about credible terms

I could not get into this book, ultimately it was not form me and I could not finish it. It may be one for other readers

A cracking read, full of tension and twists. Fascinating characters too. I can't wait to read more from the author.

I would firstly like to thank Netgalley and the publishers for allowing me the opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
I have whiplash! I generally suspected every single person expect for who did it 🙈 I certainly wasn't expecting that reveal!
While I wasn't bored at any point, and I was certainly intrigued the whole way through, for me, however, there was a few little plot points that weren't entirely believable. Some actions/decisions made by some of the characters were definitely questionable.
Regardless; still a read I enjoyed and I will definitely be seeking out more of this author's books.

Another brilliantly written book by Kathryn. I have read most of her previous books and this one really doesn’t disappoint. Read it in two sittings (had to go to work otherwise it would have been one sitting). Please please let me have more. Thank you

This is a must read for anyone who enjoys a good thriller!!
Absolutely loved the characters, the plot, the tension - impossible to put it down.
Certainly recommended!

Gotta love a bit of Kathryn Croft, as with all her previous books this one doesn’t disappoint, red it in one sitting and don’t budge from my seat for anyone 😂 fantastic once again, love, love, love!

THe story was solid, the storyline was actually pretty good as well, except something was missing for me and I just didn’t gel with the characters, most of the reason for the absent 5th star. Not sure that I liked the way it ended either. But overall, a solid read.
Thanks so much for my review copy.

Unfortunately I was unable to read this because I couldn't download the app on my ancient ipad. I have since bought a Kindle but this title has been archived.

I found this book to be disappointing. I failed to connect to it. It is a fast paced read. I liked it as it still had its twists and turns, but I failed to connect with the characters.

This is a dark and twisted thriller which focusses on the lives of two couples – Abby and Rob and Sienna and Greg. Abby and Rob are new to the area, and Abby meets Sienna at a fitness class. The two couples become friends until a drunken decision one night changes everything and Greg suddenly goes missing. The story is told mainly from the perspectives of Abby and Sienna and the chapters are short and snappy, holding the tension as to what has happened to Greg. The storyline initially grabbed me, and I found myself really involved in the storyline. For me though, it did slow a little in the middle of the story, but then picked up the pace towards the end.
I really couldn’t decide whether I liked Abby and Sienna. My opinions of them swapped and changed as the storyline moved on, one minute I sided with Abby and then this changed to Sienna. It was very difficult to work out which one of them, if any, was telling the truth or if they were lying. The storyline twisted and turned throughout, although sometimes there were too many twists to keep up with. These gave me more questions than answers and I did find myself losing where I was in the plot at times.
Whilst a little slow through the middle of the book, the ending along with the reveal was good, with an unexpected twist in the tale. Overall, the suspense and tension were enjoyable, but I found it difficult to connect with the two main characters. An interesting read, but not one of my favourites by this author.

I think more of a 2.5 stars than a 3.
Abby and Rob relocate to London. Abby has yet to find a job and she has no friends until she meets Sienna in a Pilates class and they hit it off. Rob and Sienna's husband, Greg, even get along so they have dinners together until one night after a lot of wine Sienna suggests a partner swap. After that things go downhill. It is assumed Abby slept with Greg and then he goes missing.
I didn't find any of the characters, except for maybe Rob, as being particularly likeable. They all lied to each other, kept things hidden and I didn't find anything about this thriller thrilling. I kept reading only to find out what happened but by that time I didn't really care. There was too much of she's the psycho, no, wait he is and I'm really going to tell you the truth this time. Then throw in a meddling mother-in-law for good measure.
This is my first book by this author and I would be willing to give some others of hers a try.
Thank you to Netgalley and Canelo for providing me with a copy of this book.

The Other Husband is an intricately plotted, twisty turney read that I struggled to put down!
Both main characters and their POVS are fantastic. I found both women relatable to a degree. The book starts with both women (Abby and Sienna) being friends after meeting at a pilates class that was cancelled. Their friendship progressed to their husbands also becoming friends and a tight social circle was formed.
One night Sienna comes up with an idea for the women to swap husbands for the night - this results in their lives being changed forever from events that unfolded. One of the husbands goes missing and one of the women will stop at nothing to find out what has happened to him.
I live twisty, psychological thrillers and this is one of my current favourites!

Wow! An epic page turner which keeps you guessing until the last page. Even on the last chapter I was still trying to guess how it would end. A brilliant read!

Full review to come on Goodreads and Amazon. Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for a review copy.

Full review to come on Goodreads and Amazon. Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for a review copy.

I'm a fan of this author and this didn't disappoint. Tense and keeps you wanting more. Good dynamics between characters, and twists enough to surprise.