Member Reviews

This is a review of a sampler. I presume that the stories presented had been specifically chosen to represent the book - if this is so, I think I would find the book a bit of a disappointment.

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When it comes to self help books, I try to approach them with a 'take what's for me and leave what isn't', attitude. Overall, I do like the message Stefanos Xenakis is offering - and maybe it's because it's just a sample of the book, but it was pretty half and half with which of the short stories resonated with me and which...really didn't. Would I read the whole book? Probably, yes. I like the short chapters and the feeling of being encouraged by the author, I think it's a book I'd have to be in the right mood to read though and certainly not one I'd be able to just read in one go, although that's probably the point anyway.

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Maybe you shouldn't judge the book by its sample, but here we are. Assuming the selected chapters were somehow the most representative for the entire book, they left me with very little desire to read the rest.

I don't know who the author is and what's their background, but surely they like their parables. Little quasi-personal stories are used to presumably coach people how to live, but the tone the writing comes across very privileged and lacking actual depth and greater experience in working with people's psyche.

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The Simplest Gift by Stefanos Xenakis

A sample of a book that can be read in less than 15 minutes.
I think the author is trying to say Carp diem ( Seize the day )
From reading the sample, I would not go on to the the whole book , as it felt disjointed for me.

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