Member Reviews

Absolutely loved reading Sasha’s story visiting her Dad at The North Pole Forest. Full of love, friendship, snow, reindeer and all things Christmas. If you want a book to get you into the festive spirit. This is the one to choose.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of The Post Box at the North Pole by Jaimie Admans. All opinions are my own.

This book wasn't on my radar and I missed it so this is a little late but wow I am SO happy I got around to it. This was so delightful!! I loved the writing style. I loved the relationship between Sasha and Taavi, and the development between Sasha and her dad.

I can't wait to read another book by this author!!

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Reads like a Hallmark movie. Funny characters that make for a fun Christmas read. Some parts were too descriptive but overall great book.

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The post box at the North Pole is a hard to put down book as it draws a reader into the family oriented narrative but also romantic at the same time. It’s a precious story linking back father and daughter in reforming their relationship but also linking the daughter with someone else. Sasha helps mend the relationship with her father and blends in with Tav. She helps bring the North Pole Forest back to life

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Such a fun read! Loved this one!

Many thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for my ARC.

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Sweet and fun, a true gift of a holiday story! I loved reading this one; it transported me right into a holiday spirit. If you are looking for something spirited to read around the holidays or just want a sweet story, this would be a perfect choice.

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I must firstly apologise for the amount of time it has taken me to provide a review of this book, my health was rather bad for quite some time, something that had me in hospital on numerous occasions and simply didnt leave me with the time I once had to do what I love most.

Unfortunately that does mean I have missed the archive date for many of these books, so It would feel unjust throwing any review together without being able to pay attention to each novel properly.

However, I am now back to reading as before and look forward to sharing my honest reviews as always going forward. I thank you f0r the patience and understanding throughout x

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This has been on my NetGalley shelf for over a year, and I still haven’t picked it up. I've tried, but it just isn't for me (right now). I hope other people enjoy it more than I did.

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I love books by Jaimie Admans and when Christmas is thrown in on top, I’m hooked. Great fun to read.

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This was a very cute, cozy, adorable Christmas book. Everything about this book had me ready to pack my bags and fly to the North Pole! Not that being detailed is a bad thing, there were just some parts that took too long to read through. Which is why I gave it 4 stars instead of 5. A definite recommendation to read for the Christmas season!

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This is the story of Sasha, who used to love Christmas, but since the death of her mother it no longer holds the same meaning. When her father needs help, she travels to a Lapland-esque place to help him run a very unusual Christmas operation. This book was so different for me in that different Christmas books generally focus on different things- some are funnier, some more wonderous, concentrating on the magic and traditions, some more nostalgic. This honestly had it all- the spectacular detail and beauty of an ACTUAL winter wonderland, perfect nostalgia, and yet romance and comedy. An absolute stunning book that I have seen recommended so many times now, and I would jump to tell people this HAS to be on their Christmas tbr! Thanks so much to the publishers for the book in return for an honest review

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This is a great feel good Christmas book. Sasha is in for another mundane holiday until she gets the call from her dad that he’s had a heart attack and needs her to help out this December.

Little did she expect to be making a trip to Norway, much less riding on a dogsled, experiencing the Northern Lights, feeding reindeer, writing Santa’s letters, and falling in love. This holiday book provides all the feels, including a serious side and let’s you experience the best of the best Christmas activities along the way. You get to taste, smell, hear and feel all parts of this winter holiday (plus the author gives us a dash of mistletoe romance - super G rated but still passionate). The best part was the super sarcastic main character. I laughed, chuckled and loved the self-depreciation humor. Join the adventure to save The North Pole Forest.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️✨This book would have been a 5⭐️ with a bit of editing but still the perfect book to get you into the Christmas spirit.

Thank you @netgalley @jaimieadmans1 and HQDigital for my ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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A lovely feel good Christmas story about a young girl, Sash, living a very quiet almost sad life. Since her mum died at a young age and her dad left her to travel the world Sash has hated Christmas but this year she gets a phonecall to say her dad is sick and needs her help and she ends up flying to Norway to talk him into coming home for good.
What she doesn’t expect is to fall in love, not only with the magical North Pole Forest but also with the very hunky Tav. This book has is all of your looking for a cosy Christmas love story. I loved it!

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Can you imagine getting to go to the Arctic Circle during Christmas? That was Sasha does as she attempts to reconnect with her estranged father. Is there a better place to spend the holiday? Maybe for Sasha. She’s not feeling the spirit but when she finds a pile of letters to Santa from all over the world she begins to find a little spirit.

Taavi is a beautifully broken giant but so wonderfully sweet who is running a reindeer rescue and helping Sasha’s father with his rental cabins and property. He and Sasha have the sweetest romance as it grows. I mean they hold hands under the Northern Lights!

I loved that each chapter began with a letter to Santa. It really added a layer to the story that made me feel so good. Regardless of how funny the letter was there is just something about those letters that made me smile every time. There is just so much to love about this book and as I said it was perfect for me during this season.

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The Post Box at the North Pole

by Jaimie Admans

With less than a month until Christmas, Sasha is replaced in her job as an assistant to a dog groomer and gets a phone call from her adventurer father Percy informing her that he is recuperating from a heart attack. When her mother died, her father became an absentee parent traveling the world and never able to make it home for Christmas.

Sasha jumps at the chance to be with her father, to be needed by him. He says he is running a reindeer sanctuary in Norway. When she arrives, she discovers Percy is “Santa” at the North Pole Forest two hundred miles north of the actual North Pole. He and the mysterious, tall, quite independent and capable Tav are trying to bring the decaying Christmas attraction back to life.

Sasha resists all things Christmas because of her many disappointments over the years. Percy and Tav (also a part of the North Pole Forest enterprise) want to engage her again in the magic of Christmas.

It would be impossible to imagine a tale with more of the Santa Christmas spirit. The setting is an incredibly cold land with lots of snow. The North Pole Forest is decorated with white lights, and Santa’s house is the perfect cozy refuge where you can always find a mug of hot chocolate. Santa greets children in a grotto, and the onsite post office is overwhelmed with 500,000 letters to Santa each year. There are Christmas themed cabins and glass igloos for viewing the Northern Lights.

Unfortunately, the center is in disrepair because tourists are not flocking in. Percy had to let go his workers which continued the downward spiral. Tav is a reindeer whisperer with skills at managing and healing reindeer, but he has emotional wounds of his own and physical scarring that is usually covered in layers of clothes.

We don’t get to know Percy as well as Sasha and Tav, but all three are important to the story and will speak to your heart as you learn their motivations. If you are looking for some Christmas magic, you will find it in The Post Box at the North Pole.

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Rating: 5/5

Category: General Fiction, Romance, Women’s Fiction

Notes: I love Christmas decorations, music, and celebrations as much as anyone, and I do find the season magical, full of wonder. This book, which I highly recommend, emphasizes the “true meaning of Christmas” as the belief that anything is possible at Christmas. With all the focus on Santa, elves, and presents, the book skirts over the real “reason for the season:” to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Jesus was born as a human to be like one of us. One of His names, Emmanuel, means God with us. He taught love of God and others, died an unjust and painful death, and was resurrected—all to take on himself our sins so that we can live forever. All we have to do is believe in Him. (John 3:16). Regardless of your beliefs about the season, I wish you a very Merry Christmas!

Publication: October 18, 2021—HQ

Memorable Lines:

The excitement of sitting down to compose a letter, maybe drawing a picture with it, decorating the envelope, and then posting it…That’s magic to a child. The whole world has gone digital, but Santa is one person who should always uphold tradition.

Every star in the universe must be out tonight, twinkling down on us, the movement of the curtains of green gives the illusion that the stars are dancing in time with the lights. Shades of pink creep into each green splash and turn yellow before fading away completely, only to be replaced with more flowing streaks of light, and just watching them makes me emotional.

“If you can’t be a big kid at Christmas, when can you?” “I’m glad you’re coming round to my way of thinking.” He tilts his head to the side. “Too many people absorbed the lie that when you grow up you have to stop liking fun things and start liking adult things but the happiest people are those who embrace things they love without shame.”

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Jaimie Admans is fast becoming my favourite author for cosy Christmas reads. The Post Box at the North Pole is possibly THE MOST festive Christmas story I have ever had the pleasure of reading (bar The Nativity, but between you and me I'd pick a Jaimie Admans book every time!)

Packed full of ALL things Christmas, (think cute reindeer, Santa's grotto, mugs of hot chocolate and plenty of snow ⛄) The Post Box at the North Pole will not only leave you feeling the magic of Christmas but leave you with a happy heart full of festive feels, because Sasha and Tavs story is just so stupidly romantic! ❤️

I absolutely adored every single minute I spent reading about the North Pole Forest and how trying to save it bought them closer together - witnessing them fall for each other, below the northern lights was a real romance readers dream. Jaimie's imagination served up pure festive joy, with Christmas nostalgia sprinkled throughout.

I'd love there to be a sequel, just so I could revisit The North Pole Forest and see the changes this gorgeous couple have made. I know, I know, it's fictional... BUT you just know they're going to have made The North Pole Forest so cheerful and merry! AND just imagine if Nia and James from Nutcracker Lane came to visit - I couldn't cope! 📮💕

I already CAN NOT wait to read Jaimie's next Christmas offering! 🎅🏼🎄🦌

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Wow! Such a MAGICAL book! Hallmark Christmas movie worthy. Heartwarming and touching. Be prepared to laugh, cry, and wish that one day you could also travel to Norway to see the Northern Lights. The only reason this got 4 stars instead of 5 was the romance was too much of a slow burn for me. I was like -- Get on with it already! Overall though, I really enjoyed this one and would definitely recommend.

Thank you to NetGalley and HQ for this eARC.

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This book is just the epitome of Christmas. If you’re looking for a Christmassy book to read, then I highly recommend this one. It was wonderful, from start to finish.

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What a lovely lovely book. Took mere hours to read. Jaimie creates such level of detail that you could be there all from the comfort of your sofa....a story about being reunited with family who do sometimes know better. I won't spoil it suffice to say I would recommend this book to anyone in search of a but of escapism for a few hours

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Lovely feel good book to read. It was a joy to read. Lovely characters. Great plot. The book was charming. Very well written. I’d definitely recommend this book. Idyllic location that set the tone of the book to perfection. Perfect seasonal book to get you in the mood for the festive season.

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