Member Reviews

such a cosy adorable read that swpet me up in the magic of christmas and made me wish I lived in a lapland inspired village and that the cosiness of christmas was all around me. I loved it

If you're looking for a book filled with snow and reindeers, this is for you. Otherwise it's all just a bit too unbelievable even for a romance novel. The three main characters are unreasonably broken and flawed in spite of the traumatic backgrounds the author has given them. The spirit of the book carried me along but I was working very hard to suspend my disbelief.

Wow, for a heart warming feel good moment you need to read this. After her mum died when she was young and her dad went away travelling so he was never at home, Sash had really turned her back on Christmas and all the magic and sparkle that goes with it. She has gone through life from job to job, never feeling like she had a purpose, staying home, never travelling, playing it safe, that is until she gets a phone call from her dad. He has had a heart attack, out in Norway at a reindeer sanctuary where he works and needs her help.
This is where the adventure begins for Sash, she is introduced to dog sleighs, reindeers and the stunning light show of the Northern lights. She has hot chocolate in glass igloos, Christmas pancakes for breakfast and glØgg (mulled wine) in the Candy Cane Cabin with the ever so handsome Stav.
It is only when she starts to the read the letters to Santa from children all over the world that she starts to connect again with the magic of Christmas.
This is a truly festive read, even though there are tragedies told as well as triumphs it just warms your heart. The descriptive writing throughout really places you directly in the North Pole Forest, I found myself immersed in the warmth of Santa’s House and could almost smell the cinnamon from Mrs Claus’s kitchen.
If you want to escape for a few hours to a magical world where anything can happen then this is the book for you. I know what I am putting on the card in my wishing jar ‘ A job at the North Pole Forest’!

The tittle of this book just yelled read me. Sadly it was so slow to get going. A lovely story once you got half way.. You felt for Sash and her father. You get why Christmas was ruined for them. I loved the North Pole forest. The reindeer’s were so cute . There is a lot to enjoy but it felt dragged out. Happy ending. I loved the letters at the beginning of each chapter

This is simply glorious and you can't beat that Christmas feeling in September! I loved the story and I really want to go to visit the Reindeer. A curl up in front of the fire and read from cover to cover book.

I have to say a big thank you for letting me read this brilliant book.I love Christmas and this book didn’t disappoint me at all.it’s the best book I have read all year and maybe last year as well.sash mum died and her dad never come home at Christmas and she missed him.but the she gets a phone from him for help he had a heart attack.she does to him and it’s Christmas land Santa village,I loved it I wished I lived there.I could see every and smell all the spices.this book is a must read even if you don’t believe in Santa after this you will
Thank you for the best book ever

I'm a huge fan of the festive season and this latest release from Jaimie ticks everything on my wish list!
I loved the setting - I'd visit any day of the year, the characters and all of the wonderfully described details. Every sense was catered for and I raced through my copy even though I didn't want it to end.

Dear Santa
Please can you have a word with the heads of Disney, and get The Post Box at the North Pole by Jaimie Admans turned into a blockbuster Christmas movie, so that the whole world can remember the magic of Christmas!
Many thanks
Rachel x
Do you believe in Christmas magic? Do you still believe in Santa? Well even if you are a bit of a cynic this book will have you rediscovering the joy of the festive season.
And as a believer already, it is the most magical, heartwarming, festive feeling book I've read so far this year and is likely to be up there with my all time top Christmas reads. I'm ready to put up my tree in September, and start listening to Christmas music already, just from reading this book.
Without a doubt this is Jaimie Admans best book yet, and I thought her previous Christmas books were marvellous, but this one ramps it up another gear even more. No idea how she can even try to top it next year, as this is Christmas perfection.
I mean it's set at the North Pole Forest, in Norway above the Arctic circle, and its pure magic. Although it's not really quite as spectacular as it was in its heyday, and the area really needs some new energy and repairs, but by the sounds of it, it used to be as spectacular as the Santa's workshops in films such at The Santa Clause and The Santa Claus movie.
For there really is a Santa, he is real, but most of all what is so special about this book are all letters to Santa, and just what an impact replying to some of them can have.
I truly believe this needs to become the next big Disney Christmas movie, it's the wrong setting for Hallmark, and I know Disney would turn it into an amazing film, it just that good and it needs to be seen on a big screen!
There is romance, there is past tragedies, there are reindeer, oh so many reindeer, there's snow, and above all there is belief. Belief in the Christmas spirit, and in Nisse (elves), and Christmas wishes, and so much more besides.
And there is Tav who I have completely fallen in love with, and will happily fight with Sasha for!
So so much amazingness is contained within these pages, that if you only read one Christmas book this year, you need to make it this one. Especially if you just love reading books that really are about the spirit of the season!
Thank you to HQ Digital and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

I adore Jaimie Admans books and this one did not disappoint. An enchanting storyline, the perfect location for a Christmas story to take place and lovable characters that I became fully invested in. As usual there was depth to the characters with past trauma to overcome which made the ending even more perfect. Another great read.

The new Jaimie Admans book is just so......Magical!!!!
I am a massive fan of this wonderful lady, especially her Christmas books as they are always written with such heart. I know the book will make me cry, make me laugh out load and will make my heart sigh with happiness. Its a Jaimie Admans guarantee!!!
This book is no different, it meets all my criteria but it as an extra special helping of magic that's like a balm to my heart. The last year, let's face it as been exhaustingly difficult, and when I was reading this story of a woman, alone and lonely, desperately looking for a purpose, who has never been made to feel wanted or important, I could put my self in her shoes as she found herself in The North Pole Forest with an absent dad who thinks he's santa and a reindeer whisperer who has forgotten how to ask for help. As all of her work, the characters are perfectly flawed and each have their own demons to slay, but seeing them be vulnerable aswell as being able to laugh at each other was a joy to read. Admans sprinkles magic and norsk folklore into the story and by the end I felt so warm inside, it was if I'd been given a huge hug from Santa himself telling me to believe in magic
A perfect balm for tired and weary hearts this Christmas 🎄

A truly festive read! I feel like I’ve spent a wonderful Christmas in the North Pole, wandering round a festive village, riding on a dog sled, drinking hot chocolate, watching the Aurora Borialis while sitting in a glass igloo, feeding litchen to reindeer, racing through the snow in a sleigh pulled be a reindeer and simply having a wonderful Christmas time! This book is so evocative of Christmas and is such a feel good read, with everything brought to life by such descriptive writing. Thoroughly enjoyable, thoroughly festive, thoroughly feel good and thoroughly recommended!! My Christmas wish is for a follow up book, as it’s too soon to leave Sasha, Tav and Santa - I really want to know what happens next!

I really enjoy books that are about Christmas & I really enjoyed this one. Thanks for the opportunity to read and review this book.

A great Christmas read.
Sasha is normally a home-body, preferring never to go away. but when her Dad has a heart attack, she agrees to travel to Norway to help him out.
But everything is not as she thought when she gets there, and he is keeping secrets from her. but as she throws herself in to helping keep his business afloat, she spends more time with Tav, falling for him the more she gets to know him. But when it is time for her to return to her life back in England what will happen, especially when she thinks he has been keeping secrets from her the whole time she has been there.
A great story, but I would have liked to have seen more of an epilogue.