Member Reviews

Good day! For today’s review, we have here the novel of Minnie Lahongrais, the Cradle of Chaos. Its genre being science fiction, fantasy fiction with a reference to our current world situation, the COVID-19 pandemic. I have found this novel from NetGalley.
Cradle of Chaos is about a story of humanity, the violence, and hate crimes wherein some people of planet Earth are driven with so much hatred to be able to cause danger to fellow earthlings. Innocents are killed and killings are rampant. But then, a boy named Dante Blanco who came from his own experiences of fear yet his heart still filled with love, became the hero for this story after bringing back the Eye of Fear back to the Orbitia, a twin planet of Earth.
From the very beginning until the last chapter, the novel comes so much strong. The themes have an ability to trigger such strong emotions (yes!) within you. This book belongs to “the book I would read if the first paragraph is so good” club because it is really timely, hence with the pandemic reference; realistic happenings especially the introduction parts – so heartbreaking; and that I couldn’t count anymore how many times I got teary-eyed, and got frustrated over the characters decisions. This novel honestly got me super doubtful to each of the characters because I have this thought of “what if the narrator (whether they goes by any of each type of POV) is unreliable?” and that feeling lingers until the end. I think it was just my own conviction or what, and may or may not applied to each one of you, anyway, this book is a reminder of how humanity is being sautéed on its own oil plus the cruelty behind loose knots, and how some loving hearts are still there to bring the good values within us and striving to make this planet habitable to every old and newer generations.
My only problems while reading the book are first: it’s a little bit fast-paced yet a little bit stretched on some points (or maybe it’s a way of building up the momentum of the story) that sometimes it was confusing to follow thoroughly. Next, I AM SUPER DUPER GOT CONFUSED AT THE POV! It changes abruptly that I had to go back from the previous page or chapter to absorb the details or the narration. I don’t know if that was only an error from editing but I appreciate it much if they could put a space that acts as barrier from each character’s POV so it could be much easier to know who’s who. I also wanted to recommend to not mix the character’s POV in one chapter, paragraph, or sentence. I guess it was probably a 3rd POV omniscient? Because the author seems like she wrote all the character’s thoughts, in instance, in one scene that would give us a window of their thoughts regarding the same situation they all face in the same setting. I hope it make sense and I deliver it somehow. Lastly, since there are lots of triggering themes, probably the readers appreciate a warning before diving inside.
I am giving Cradle of Chaos a 4.3 ⭐⭐⭐⭐.3 stars. The book cover and the book description have captured my attention; the book contains realistic situations that I always love to read; and the world building is heavenly. Recommended for ages 18 and up. Be prepared.
Takeaways: Love one another and hate must be stopped. It will never be easy but if one chooses to do what is beneficial for themselves as well for other people without stepping on each rights, the world would soon filled with love.