Member Reviews

The Long Weekend by Gilly Macmillan
I give this book 4.5 stars

Deep in the Northumbria moors, 3 women arrive for a weekend getaway.
Their husbands will be joining them in the morning.
But when they get to Dark Fell Barn, the women find a devastating note. Their phones are out of range. There's no internet. They're stranded. And a storm's coming in.
The situation starts to spin out of control as each wife tries to find out what's going on.
This was a tight-knit group. But someone has decided that enough is enough.
That it's time for a reckoning.

This fast paced story narrated in 1st person is written through the eyes of several characters and a creepy unknown..As you are drawn in everyone seems to be hiding something! I loved the gripping atmosphere that the author created.The plot held my attention throughout with so many layers,plenty of twists,turns and shocks that meant …..l COULD NOT PUT THIS BOOK DOWN!!!
Go grab your copy and enjoy the ride
With thanks to Netgalley,Gilly Macmillan and Random House UK, Cornerstone, Century for my chance to read and review this book


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"There's the feeling of a storm coming. Clouds race to gather on the horizon, their shadows grazing the solid stone-and-slate farmhouse below"
The weather is ominous and the brewing atmosphere between the barn owners John and Maggie makes for an unsettling atmospheric opening. A meticulously planned parcel delivered by courier is left for the incoming guests "Jayne, Ruth and Emily". The three women are bound by the friendship of their husbands. All 3 men have had last minute business making them unable to make the first night.
The mysterious Edie has orchestrated the note, her friendship on ther periphery since the death of her husband Robert. The note is a farewell and a promise that one of the husbands will be murdered.
Dark Fell barn is isolated. What had promised to be a relaxing retreat, now spirals into a nightmare. Phone service is non-existent. They had been warned not to leave after dark. John darkly noted only one of the women was worthy of the barn. He is guardian of the land and as he left his eerie parting thoughts were " they're on their own now". The land holds a bloody past and he is reluctant to have strangers trespass despite the need to earn money from its rent. The setting sees the friendships begin to fissure. Buried secrets burble to the surface as friendships are pushed to the brink. #thelongweekend #gillymacmillan #penguinrandomhouseuk #Netgalley #Century

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This is an author that I never hesitate to pick up. I have enjoyed reading her books from the first one I picked up. One of the things I enjoy most about this author is her writing skills and her ability to pull me into the story. This book is no different. This is a well written story about a group of friends that go on a trip. The wives go first and expect their husbands the next day but what happens the next day is not something they ever expected. As friendships are tested and things go out of control, when is enough, enough. This is a story that is hard to put down and the charactes made the story engaging. The twists and turns had me turning pages fast just to see what would happen next. The growth of the plot was great as well as the growth of the characters. This was a hard to put down story that I highly recommend. You dont want to miss this one.

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While it took me a while to get into this book (I didn't really gel with any of the characters bar Maggie), I was HOOKED once the plot twist was revealed as it was one hell of a twist.

The barn was the perfect setting for the creepy atmosphere Gilly Macmillan created and the whole time I was there with the characters, I was just relieved I wasn't there in person.

The book just got more and more tense as time went on and I can honestly say that while this was my first by the author, it won't be my last.

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Simply the weekend from hell! Three couples arrange to meet in an isolated farmhouse. The husbands are delayed so the women go ahead. A threatening message is left for them from a mutual "friend", one of their husbands will not be coming! So fast paced with rapid and deliberately confusing change of narrator, the sense of threat is nerve wracking even after they get home.

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This is the first book that I have read by the author, the title and cover totally sold it to me. I sure has hell wasn’t disappointed. It has left me wondering why I’ve never read any of her books before.

I devoured this in a day…I simply couldn’t put it down. The story alternates between different characters point of view. when three women visit Northumbria moors for a weekend retreat. With their husbands joining them the next morning. Until they find a note claiming one of the husbands has been murdered.

We follow a story that is full of twists and turns and will keep you on the edge of your sit. This story will have you questioning all the characters and guessing until the end. There are some rather uncomfortable moments that will put you off your food. and I mean literally…..Made my stomach turn that did!

The Long Weekend is jammed packed with suspense and OMG moments I loved the setting. The time period jumps back and forth with plenty of character build up. I really enjoyed it and I am excited that I have found a new author to read.

Many thanks to Cornerstone via Netgalley for a copy all thoughts are my own and not biased in anyway.

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Despite the fact that I read psychological thrillers by the bookcase-load, the latest novel by the Sunday Times bestselling author feels so fresh and the characters and voice so authentic! (Her best, yet, perhaps!?!) From the moment I picked it up, I was hooked and I could barely put it down.

Set in a holiday home on the wilds of a Northumberland moor, this is a tense and gripping exploration of the toxicity and fragility of secrets and friendships. Longtime fans of Gilly's writing are going to love this novel – this one certainly does! – but also I'm sure it's going to inspire many more readers to pick up Gilly's books.

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Really enjoyable, took so many different twists and turns and kept me guessing until the very end, with several big twists throughout. Perfect read for someone who wants a pacy page turner

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Jayne, Ruth and Emily are spending the night at the secluded Dark Fell Barn, no internet, no phone reception. Their husbands (Mark, Toby, Paul) are supposed to be there but can't join them until the following day - but nevermind, it's a good opportunity to get to know each other better isn't it?

A gift has been left in the barn for them that was delivered by courier, assuming it's an apology from the husbands it's opened excitedly....

‘By the time you read this, I’ll have killed one of your husbands’

As the night goes on and the storm rages, the ladies end up in various stages of drunkenness and terror, and is someone stalking the barn leaving sinister effigys? Will they survive to find out if the letter is a hoax? If it's not, whose husband is dead and who is sending the letters?

The book is told in third person narrative from each of the already mentioned characters and Imogen (the daughter of another member of the group), John and Maggie - the owners of the barn and in first person narrative from the individual who sent the note.

It's fast paced, I absolutely raced through it and could not put it down, desperately trying to work out the twists and turns and if everyone (or anyone) was telling the truth.

Two of the characters having other issues (dementia and alcoholism) was heartbreaking but also added to the unreliability of their narrative.

I absolutely loved it! Perhaps some would find the plot a bit farfetched but I thought it was a clever premise and well executed.

#netgalley #thelongweekend #gillymacmillan

Review also posted on good reads but can't link account.

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Wow! Wow! And yes, you’ve guessed it, wow! 

The first thing that captivated me about this book is the unique narrative of which it is told. Instead of your traditional chapters, the story seamlessly travels from one Pov to another. I can understand how this distinctive writing style might take some getting used to, but I revelled in it. With each paragraph/Pov new details emerge like picking up tiny pieces of a puzzle, desperately trying to fit them together to reveal the final picture. This, for me, added to the intrigue and suspense. I was literally gripped from the start and didn't want to put it down. 

The women's friendship seems perfect, but as the hours tick by, their worries and fears intensify and the fragile bond that connects them begins to buckle under the stain of personal realisations about themselves and their marriages. The women, whether you like them or not, are brilliantly developed, with fascinating backstories giving them each a unique perspective. 

Another thing I loved about this book is the language. The vivid descriptions of something as simple as the weather, made it so much more real than I had expected. Perfectly setting the scene, environment, mood and the whole atmosphere. I was hooked. 

I wish I could say more, but this is one book your should go into blind. Absorb it all for yourself and delight in the tense ride you’re about to go on.

This is an utterly compelling and fast pace thriller. Revelations and twists galore going in multiple directions only to come together at the mind-blowing end. I can't praise this book enough and I highly recommend it. 
It's dark, unnerving, and unpredictable. 

Thank you so much NetGalley, Random House & Century for gifting me the ebook in return for this thrilling book.

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Three women travel to a secluded destination twenty four hours ahead of their husbands. A threatening letter awaits their arrival suggesting one of their husbands is going to die. Mayhem ensues with each of them acting in a chaotic, hysterical fashion putting in danger the whole trio. On the home front a calculated plan is in progress to eliminate members of the group in a misguided mission to correct a longstanding charade related to relationships, adultery and paternity. All characters involved were one dimensional misfits with serious character flaws that verged on the unbelievable. The plot was so far fetched as to be idiotic. The pace of the action resembling a high speed series of events with little cohesion towards a massive car crash of issues . The storyline was exhausting to the reader with a bungled tying up of loose ends in an attempt to produce any form of conclusion. Unable to find any redeeming feature in this muddled and far fetched book.

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The long weekend by Gilly Macmillan.
By the time you read this, I'll have killed one of your husbands.
In an isolated retreat, deep in the Northumbria moors, three women arrive for a weekend getaway.
Their husbands will be joining them in the morning. Or so they think.
But when they get to Dark Fell Barn, the women find a devastating note that claims one of their husbands has been murdered. Their phones are out of range. There's no internet. They're stranded. And a storm's coming in.
Friendships fracture and the situation spins out of control as each wife tries to find out what's going on, who is responsible and which husband has been targeted.
This was a tight-knit group. They've survived a lot. But they won't weather this. Because someone has decided that enough is enough.
That it's time for a long weekend.
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Great story and characters. Wow. What a read. 5*.

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Whilst I found this book a little slow to get into I was glad I stuck with it.
If you are the type of person that, like me, normally manages to predict the plot half way through then this book will challenge your predictions. Plot twists are aplenty and there’s tension created to keep you totally gripped.

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Three women arrive for a stay at a remote retreat deep in the Northumbria moors.
Their husbands will be joining be them,so they think.
On arrival at Dark Fell Barn they find a note telling them one of their husbands is dead having been murdered.
They are stranded a storm is coming they have no Internet and no phones.
As each wife tries to find out what's happening even after all they have been through together friendships once strong are fractured.Can things ever be the same again?
Someone has decided that it's reckoning time.
An enjoyable read that at times I found it hard to get into.
Thanks to Netgalley and Random House UK for the ARC

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I was intrigued by the premise of "The Long Weekend" and was eager to find out how such a story of a "who's the victim" would play out.

But I'm sorry to say I was disappointed.

This book starts off slow and is hard to follow as it keeps switching narratives without context or clues. But once settled in, I was comfortable enough with the format. The author even manages to get some good twists in.

But though the story has its heart-pounding moments, ultimately, it is a letdown because of the slow pace, unlikable characters and repetitive commentary.The plot also gets crazier and the reason I got through it was to just be done with it.

Thanks to Netgalley and Random House UK for the e-arc.

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This suspenseful novel was written via multiple viewpoints, one of which was an unknown (until near the end) narrator . The entire time I was reading this novel I was wondering…. Wondering if the letter was a hoax or whether it was real. Wondering if the three women would leave the barn unscathed. Wondering about the identity of the off-site narrator.

This novel was just so cleverly written. Plot twists abound and the pace is break-neck – with suspicion rife among almost all the characters. Some of the characters I immediately warmed to while others left me cold – as I’m sure they were meant to.

Yes, this novel raises the question of “How well do we really know anyone else?”. Just because you’ve known them for years and spent countless hours in their company, they might just be concealing their true nature…

“The Long Weekend” is a compelling psychological thriller that is sure to loved by all fans of the genre.

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The premise of this book sounds ideal; three couples away together for their annual trip, without children, in a remote barn on a Northumberland farm. Of course things go wrong quite rapidly in this intense story &, to be honest, I couldn’t find one character I liked.

The car journey to their destination is where we meet the women who, for various reasons, are travelling to the barn first. The men are joining them the next day as they all have excuses not to travel with their partners.
One couple is missing. Edie & Paul. Edie is recently widowed after Paul died in an accident & she declined the weekend invite. She has other things planned. On reaching the barn, the women discover a note from Edie explaining that she has murdered one of their husbands.

From then on, for obvious reasons, the weekend takes a turn for the worse. No phone signal due to the barn’s remoteness. A storm knocks out the power. The claustrophobic atmosphere enables the couples to assess their own problems & the secrets they hold close.

Without chapters & written from a variety of POVs, it took a little time to adjust to the writing style. Each character has its own distinct voice including an identified one.

Tense & menacing. Recommended.

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Three couples plan a weekend break in a remote cottage and just the thought of that spooked me straight away! The men are delayed so the women travel on ahead, thinking that their husbands will join them the following day.

When they reach the cottage – which they can’t even access by car, they have to travel the last yards via farm vehicle – they find a note which reads, “By the time you read this, I will have killed one of your husbands”.

The women are stranded. There’s no mobile phone signal, no internet access, they’re in the middle of nowhere and there’s a storm brewing. Which one of the men has been killed? And who killed him?

A gripping psychological thrilled, highly recommended.

Thank you to NetGalley, RandomHouse UK, and Cornerstone for an advance reader copy in return for an honest review.

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The Long Weekend is written in a first person narrative and narrated through several characters. One of them remaining unknown for a large portion of the book. It’s an unpredictable psychological suspense/thriller with lots of twists that is quite atmospheric in places. I love how the author drip feeds you little bits of information throughout the book, never really giving too much away which makes you want to keep on reading.
My only real criticism of this book is that there are no chapters or breaks between narratives. One paragraph is one character and the next your in a different environment with another character. It means you really have to concentrate on what your reading and I found myself flicking back a page or so to work out what was happening. I really hope that this is due to it being an arc and not a fully formed copy.
This is a fab book where friendships unravel and it’s really hard to put down!

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I was soon drawn into this thriller which is centred around 3 friends going for a weekend stay in a rural holiday barn in the Lake District.

What follows is a novel which slowly exposes a complicated set of relationships between the central characters and those around them.

Without wishing to spoil the story, the holidaymakers, stating that one of their husbands would be dead. What follows is a convoluted journey through the previous lives of all the families.

There are plenty of twists and turns in the plot and several quirky red herrings before the truth finally emerges.

I give my thanks to Netgalley and Random House (Cornerstone ) for a copy in exchange for this review.

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