Member Reviews

Just failed to grab me at all. I felt like a tarot deck of poems is a fantastic idea, but the poems just didn't scratch my particular itch for what I like in poetry.

This short poetry collection has a unique approach. I personally liked the natural and mythical aspects. The poems didn’t connect or flow as much as I was hoping, but overall it was a quick read.

I was expecting a lot from this small gem...For me, it didn't quite deliver what it promised. However, it was an interesting concept, at least new and exciting to me, the way it builds up is something to savor. It does a good job reeling you in BUT, beware, it leaves you hanging.

The tarot cycle: poems for the apocalypse by Elektra Flowers.
Apocalypse Poems Book 1.
In The Tarot Cycle, Elektra Flowers transforms the madness of modern life in timeless, symbolically-rich language. In her characteristically direct, evocative style, she guides readers through inspired images to the revelation and renewal that is required for growth. Whether read on its own or as a complement to The House Cycles, The Tarot Cycle is a powerful refuge for those lost at sea in a time of uncertainty. Discover the tarot anew in this powerful book. Read it in one afternoon; understand it across a lifetime. This includes 21 poems.
An ok quick read. I did like the cover. 3*.

An evocative collection of poetry. The collection reads like a series of micro fiction, imagery filled poems. An enjoyable a quick read.

Thank you so much for early access to these collection of poems. It was a quick read with an interesting theme, especially for someone interested in the mythology and symbolism of tarot. There were a few stand out poems, such as "The Hermit." Overall it's a good read, and would be a great place to start for those looking to read more poetry.

A beautiful and creative collection of poetry. I felt the way of using the Tarot deck very interesting.

To be honest, I always had a thing for tarots so when my eyes fall into this one I immediately drawn over and started reading it (auto-approved).
It’s a collection of poems for each tarot card. Must say one who practice tarot would enjoy reading this book. The writing structure are easy to follow and no you don’t need knowledge on reading tarot cards for this book anybody can enjoy this simple piece of work.
Very much appreciated. I found myself underlining and highlighting so much from this book. They are useful addition to traditional interpretations. So, I’m in love with the author’s work here.
Read and reviewed voluntarily, opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.
Thank you @netgalley and @parakopress @booksgosocialgroup for the #arc in exchange of an honest review.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an e-copy of this book.
I enjoyed these poems and I felt that they gave an added dimension to the understanding of the major arcana. They are a useful addition to traditional interpretations of the cards, and I hope the author produces poems for the remaining tarot cards!

I absolutely loved this short and easy-to-read collection of poems, I can see this not being a great read for those who aren't familiar with the symbolism of tarot, but I definitely think you could still enjoy it either way!

It is a book for the major arcana not the full deck, so it is a quick read and something to add to the major arcana learning.

The Tarot Cycle: Poems for the Apocalypse explores the archetypes of the tarot's major arcana. The poems read as if spoken by a loving mythic voice. Each enters to the meaning of the card the poem is named after, such as "Strength," and "The Hermit.". Those who read them without knowing the tarot should be able to appreciate the tone and the mystery each poem describes.

The concept of this book - a different poem for every card of the major arcana - was interesting and I was excited to read it, but the book didn't really live up to my expectations.
As an exploration of tarot cards and their interpretations, the poems were pretty surface-level and I'm not sure they would give readers much to understand or contemplate about tarot. Maybe people who have never looked into tarot before would be able to gain some insight, but I think the books that often accompany tarot decks would be more helpful.
As a book of poetry, the poems themselves are written with plain language, so they were easy to understand and approachable for people who might not read a lot of poetry. Many are only a few lines long. Unfortunately, they didn't really grab me or make me feel any particular emotion while I was reading, which was disappointing because that's a big part of my motivation for reading poetry.
Thank you to the author and publisher for providing this copy for review.

This book was well conceived and ill written. I couldn't connect with the material at all even though the subject of tarot poetry was unique. I wouldn't recommend this book.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. All thoughts and opinions are my own*
the prose of this poetry collection was beautiful. I love the moon so naturally I gravitated to this poem. I did find certain pieces repetitive and I think that may have taken away from my overall experience when reading this this collection.
the authors prose is beautifully done, and the writing is thought provoking. I wish the poems were a little more diverse and I feel like I would have enjoyed the process, themes, and overall style more.

I did not like this book.
“Let them love what is more than themselves, let them love in a way that belongs to no one else.”
It is a very short book and every poem is connected to a tarot card. The concept is really intriguing and anyone who is interested in Tarot cards will be interested in this poetry collection. However, I doubt they will be pleased considering this collection seems completely absurd and meaningless. I did read this book quite quickly but not one poem resonated with me. I really wanted to like this collection considering my love for the Tarot, but alas, it was a disappointment.
I would honestly not recommend this poetry book.

This is a new collection of poetry with vivid, striking imagery inspired by tarot cards, world mythology, and visions of the apocalypse
I definitely enjoyed these poems, I loved the author’s writing style. However for me, the drawback is that each poem was sort of just a poetic description of the cards themselves rather than simply inspired by them. As someone who is just getting into tarot, this was hard for me to follow without pulling out my deck and looking at each card while reading the corresponding poem. Which is just too much work for me to do to enjoy poetry.
I do enjoy this style and would read more from this author, and hope that the next collection isn’t such a literal translation of card to poem.

Thank you #NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book.
I chose this book as I’m a tarot reader that is familiar with the Major Arcana. This book is full of poems for each card in the Major Arcana. I loved how Flowers incorporated some of the classic symbolism as she detailed each card. I would recommend this to anyone who is inexperienced with Tarot.
I was hoping for more of a love story or back story with each poem, but Flowers chose a different route. I am intrigued at her future works with other areas of the metaphysical world.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Thanks to NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the free digital copy of this book.
3.5 stars.
I don't usually read poetry, but the theme and cover of this anthology caught my attention. For anyone who's familiar with tarot cards, this book covers a poem for each of the major arcana while also taking us through the fool's journey. All of the poems manage to take us a bit deeper into each of these cards, meeting each "character" involved. My faves were "The Fool", "Justice" and "The Star".

While reading the first few poems I was a bit bored and found it quiet cliché, but as it went further I was slowly beginning to see just how enchanting the prose was, and how the book's structure is so beautifully unique. There were some lines that even made me gasp out loud on just how well-crafted they were. My personal favorites were The Lovers and Death poems. Overall, would highly recommend!