Member Reviews

In the finale of the series, Takane & Hana finally get married, move into their own home and appear together in public as a couple. The art is lovely as always. It was nice to see the reaction of some of the side characters now that the relationship is finally out in the open.
There is so much character growth in this series. Hana teaches Takane to think about other people's wants and needs instead of just going with what he thinks they want or need. Hana's go with the flow attitude changes as she learns to be more assertive and make decisions about her own future.

This was everything I wanted and more as a finale to one of my favorite manga series I've read thus far.
Over the course of these 18 volumes, we not only got a cute/funny love story, but we also got a tale of tremendous growth. We got the growth of independence and maturity from Hana as she faces the concept of love, her future, and adversity. And from Takane we saw him grow in acceptance, compassion, relaxation, and yes- maturity. I couldn't think of a better complementary couple than Takane & Hana.
Thank you to the creator, Yuki Shiwasu from sharing them with us, and giving readers the PERFECT happy ending.

It's sad to say goodbye to such a wonderful manga series. My only complaint is that I wish it had gone on longer because I enjoyed the characters so much. It was a fun ride and I highly recommend this series.

I read the first few volumes of Takane & Hana and now I'm skipping straight to the last volume. The story's premise might be dubious to most people, but somehow it worked as a comedy. I'm glad that they maintained the comedy that got me into this title and didn't avoid addressing the underage elephant in the room. (I received a free ARC from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion.)

A satisfying finale to this rom-com manga series. Readers of Takane & Hana that have followed the story since their first meeting at an omiai (Japanese arranged marriage interview) will be happy to see the series conclude with their wedding (and get a very brief look at the main cast 6 years later). The series is appropriate for YA readers, never gets graphic even after they are married and living alone, and focuses on the mental and emotional growth of the main couple. Even with the 10 year age difference between the main characters and the outlandish and often goofy conflicts, the series does a good job showing realistic healthy relationships and immature people figuring themselves out and building partnerships.

I’ve been reading this series for years and I really enjoyed how cleanly it was wrapped up. This one did seem to emphasize the age gap a ton and it seemed weirder than in the other volumes. Overall it was cute and I like the dynamics between the characters.

Well, this is the last volume! While I would have liked a little more closure for some of the reoccurring characters, this was a satisfying ending to this silly series. Takane & Hana have always had a fun dynamic between them, and I will miss it now that it's finished. I wasn't always the biggest fan of the age gap between the leads, but the comedy stylings, and sweetness between them always made up for it. This is an easy series to recommend to romcom fans! And if you've been following the series this whole time, I doubt you'll be disappointed in this final volume!

This was a wholesome ending to a chaotic story. While, for me personally, it's missing an extra something to make it a five stars, it was still such a lovely ending to the story.
If you've read volume 17, this one is pretty self-explanatory with Takane and Hana navigating married life and dealing with living together as a couple. There's a lot of the classic sass and jokes. They don't feel overly recycled, and it's honesty really cute to see how worked up Takane gets when he thinks Hana doesn't care that much about stuff or him. He's changed so much from volume 1. Hana too. She's such a strong character in this now, and so opinionated. I love that she never lost her backbone and instead learned to become even stronger throughout this series.