Member Reviews

Great book. I enjoyed Reading it. The characters and plot were interesting life like and easy to connect with.

This novel delves into the complex relationship between Daisy and her daughter Lily. As a flawed mother, Daisy's reputation casts a shadow over Lily's upbringing. However, Lily finds solace in her loving father, Ben. Tragedy strikes when Ben passes away, leaving Lily to confront her tumultuous bond with her mother alone. When Daisy falls into a coma, Lily discovers her diary, unraveling shocking revelations and gaining insights into the truth behind their strained connection. With a skillful narrative filled with unexpected twists,
It is an emotionally charged and unforgettable read. Park's poignant portrayal of human relationships leaves a lasting impression. Its profound impact on my emotions kept me engrossed, even during breaks. The diary entries by Daisy were a highlight, and the latter half of the book had me utterly captivated.

What is this?? Seriously, what the heck have I just read?!
This was a mind-blowing read, the closest thing I can describe it with is gossip, big juicy bits of gossip your good friend tells you while sipping tea.
The storyline was really powerful, the author painted a vivid visualization of Lily's life and her struggling with her mother, and honestly at the beginning, I thought that's going to be it, maybe she would discover that her father was no saint along the way for extra suffering effect.
But no, that didn't happen, what happened was a whirlwind of secrets revealed and every minor thing mentioned in the beginning made much more sense.
The characters were awesome, the author really took her time building them and giving them many layers that kept me hooked and eager to uncover.
I absolutely loved Lily, reading her story and knowing how much she endured made her much more loveable, because she wasn't acting like a small little girl who loses her shit with everything happening with her, she was so wise and mature, she was such a refreshing character, which isn't that common in this type of books with family sagas
The ending was satisfying to me, it didn't mark the ending of a plot, rather a closure or an end point to suffering and questioning your existence.
The epilogue was a little bit confusing to me, didn't get why the appearance of a certain character at the end caused such effect on the finale, but hey, by then I trusted the author completely of having thought that through😅
One of the best reads this year.
*I received an ARC of this book through netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review*

This book was so good! i love when a story had diary entries. As a daddy's girl when stories have anything to do with dads it just hits me different. LOVE IT!!

Writing, character development and plot are all excellent. I found it impossible to put down.
When I finished it, I closed the book and said “whew”. This is a book is a rare one that I will continue to think about for a long time

Was this book predictable? Yes.
Did I enjoy it anyway? Yes.
I really liked Lily’s voice, the character was presented as a strong resilient character. But something I didn’t quite like was her awful attitude towards her mother at the end, even after she discovered everything about her past. Yes, Daisy hurt her. Yes, Daisy neglected her. Yes, Daisy was a b¡tch. But deep down she was a woman who never managed to work through all the trauma she went through during her teen and young adult years.
This book was full of twists and turns that really pulled me into the story, even though I had deciphered who was who and what made Daisy be who she was before Lily began reading her journals.
There were tiny issues I had with some unnecessary descriptions (too much talk about physical appearances), but overall it was a good book.
Sidenote: I read the ARC and didn’t find any trigger or content warnings at the beginning of the book. Hopefully those were added in the printed version? Because there are a couple of triggers worth mentioning: sexual abuse, pedophilia, child neglect, rape, grooming, to mention a few…
I’m giving it a solid 3.5 stars!

I went into this book expecting a twisty thriller, but what I got was a deep, messy character story that hooked me from the beginning.
I love a flawed protagonist, and Lily is exactly that. She is isolated, having grown up in a family she doesn’t understand. When her father dies, and her mother is taken ill Lily goes on a quest to find out what has caused all of the trauma in her life.
From the get-go, Daisy (Lily’s mother) was a really fascinating Character. The way she is described is excellent, and as the story progresses and her diary entries are bought in it creates a really well-rounded character and you understand many of the decisions she made that impacted Lily as a child. The side characters like Flo and Kitty are also excellent, and pick up parts of the story with effortless links.
He Loves Me, She Loves Me Not is a well connected story, with some really dark points and some cracking twists that lead to an interesting end. This book was very well written, and I think my only flaw would be that some points were over described, making it a little longer than it needed to be.
All in all, an excellent read and I can’t wait to see what Emersyn Park writes next!

I received this one as an ARC from Netgalley, and just….wow. Park explores the life of Lily Armstrong and her chaotic upbringing. The first chunk of the novel follows Lily’s life from childhood until it’s almost time for her to leave for college; don’t worry about timeline confusion, each shift is clearly marked. Lily’s life then alternates between her current time (the late 80s), as well as the perspective of her mother via her writing. Her mom, Daisy, is a one-of-a-kind class-A bitch, and she’s known primarily for being the town whore. Lily is not only left to deal with the consequences of her mother’s reputation, but also how Daisy treats her directly. Their relationship is saddening, and their overall life experiences are disturbing. The writing flows smoothly, and this is a fairly quick read. Overall, I found myself growing from unimpressed (the first 20%) to totally hooked to find out how it ends. Although the reader does not get to know Lily herself very well, you’ll definitely get to know Daisy

My what a book
This book sucked me in from the second page and i was turning till the end. I also loved the point of views included into the book. Gave it more depth in my opinion.
Overall an amazing read that I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone looking for their next read

Lily tells the story of her life, growing up in the 70's and 80's with a doting father and a distant mother who made it a point to seduce every man that was important to Lily. Lily eventually sets out to find out what made her mother the way she was. I didn't really care for this book. The writing felt kind of forced to me and didn't seem to flow that well. I didn't like the story itself that much either. 2 stars.

This was such a powerful and heartbreaking story. There were some parts in the beginning that dragged a little too long for me and the chapters could have been a little shorter. There were a lot of unlikeable characters in the book, which was obviously the point, but I felt at times it took me a little longer to read it because of how unlikeable the characters and situations were. All in all, it was a moving story that I can definitely understand why others really loved it.

LOVED loved loved this book.
The writing had me captivated from the start to finish, and I found myself reading it almost straight through one sitting. I look forward to reading more by this author.

If ever a character needed a new life, it's Lily in He Loves Me, She Loves Me Not by Emersyn Park. You can't help but feel horrified for her as she goes through one horrible thing after another, most of them at the hands of her mother. I had a very hard time with this book because no one person should have to deal with so many life altering, terrible events, even if they're fictional. I finished the novel just to have closure, but I must admit, I didn't enjoy it very much, in spite of Lily's resiliency and strength of spirit. Read at your own risk and know that it can be very triggering.
Thank you to the author, BooksGoSocial and NetGalley for an ARC of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

I'd never heard of this author before but was intrigued by the premise of the book. It was slow at first but this paid off with the twisty second half. Most of the characters were unlikeable but you could understand why they were the way they were, in particular, this was the case with Lily's mother, Daisy. A great fast-paced read that's ideal to get you out of a reading slump. Will be keeping an eye on what Emersyn Park does next.

I wanted to like this book so much. I really enjoyed it in the beginning, but after the first eight or nine chapters, it's like it became a completely different book written by a completely different author. What started out as a a heartbreaking story of a little girl trying to "earn" her mother's love became... something else. The writing itself seemed to lose it's flow and skill and ended feeling like it was the very first draft. Things became unbelievable, and my interest in the book waned. Things seemed to improve when Daisy's diaries were found, but I didn't feel like they improved enough, and it was too little too late. That being said, I think this story and this author have a lot of potential, and I'm interested to see how things develop in the future.
Thank you to #NetGalley, the author, and the publishers for the opportunity to read #HeLovesMeSheLovesMeNot. I received a free copy of the ebook in exchange for my honest review.

After the death of her father, Lily must wade through diaries upon diaries of generational trauma to understand her mother's failings and find an explanation for years of mistreatment. He Loves Me, She Loves Me Not is filled with disturbing subplots sure to keep readers engaged as Lily's present and her mother's past collide in unimaginable ways.
I enjoyed Park's writing style and pacing, especially plot twist reveals. The incorporation of the diaries was effective in my opinion, and showed another side to a character painted as a villain. I think it could have been a little shorter, and it would have been nice to learn a little bit more about Lily outside of her negative parental experiences. Overall, a strong novel and I would be curious to read additional work by the author.
Note: I received a free ebook copy of He Loves Me, She Loves Me Not in exchange for an honest review.

I was lucky to receive an advance copy of this book form the Publisher and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review and opinion. This book was fantastic! I was pulled in from the first page and couldn't put it down. Be prepared to spend your entire day/night reading as there are so many twists and turns! I loved it and can't wait to read more by this author.

He Loves Me - Daddy
She Loves Me Not- Mother
Lily is an only child who is adored by her Daddy and loathed by her Mother.
As the years pass, and tragedy strikes. Lily is determined to find out what, if anything, made her mother into a despicable, thoughtless, and an unloving human being.
What she discovers through her mother's diaries will leave you breathless and in shock.
He Loves Me, She Loves Me Not is a beautifully written novel that follows Lily down a path, that is steep at times, to find out the family secrets, at any cost.

I am so sad to give this title 3 stars, I expected so much more!
Emersyn Park's novel He loves me, she loves me not deals with the parenthood, and how great an influence our parents are early in our childhood and later on in teenage years. Here there is a promiscuous mother, who decided to do everything opposite of her husband's wishes and she is the one holding the story together. We are learning about the life of a little girl Lily, she is telling us the story from her own perspective - her father is a hardworking man, infatuated with his wife and her mother, sacrificing every bit for their family. On the other hand, her mother is suffering from the mood swings and she is sometimes the best mother in the world, but at the same time the worst. And Lily knows that does days don't last forever, especially those when her mother is the best.
The three stars are here because the novel is so full of cliches that it is unbearable at times. I know that there are typical situations in our lives, and we love it when we can recognize it in the book, but it was just too much. I don't find this time wasted on this book, but I am not sure if I would recommend it to someone close to me, because they might be bored with this whole story.
* Thank you NetGalley, the publisher and the author for an ARC.

Awesome! I will definitely read this author again. The novel had a lot of twists and turns that were revealed over time. Great characters.