Member Reviews
I think this is a great starting point for absolute beginners that are ready to take off grid living seriously, but aren't sure where to start. The topics discussed give a great foundation for thinking about if living off grid is something the reader wants to do, and offers information for taking first steps into making off grid living a reality.
This was a good first introduction to the questions and considerations that you need to make when thinking about what living off grid means.
I would have loved to see more content in this book. It feels a little glossed over and I'd love to get into more detail.
Also it's written with the US in mind so living in the UK wasn't as ideal as I would have hoped.
If you really have no clue where to start, get this book. It's thought provoking and gives you enough to be able to set some really easy goals on how to get started!
Not really a how to but how things to think about before and after getting land. Nice to see if the idea of off grid is for you.
Nora’s book is an informative read which will appeal to anyone considering off-grid living, or indeed wanting to improve their skills living off grid. It’s something that fascinates me so I benefited from reading the book. It’s jam-packed with suggestions, I’d highly recommend it.
I read this book at the point where I have just purchased acreage to go off grid - this book starts way before that process so really is for an absolute beginner. I’m also not US based so for that reason I did find some of the content irrelevant. Also, some matters it simple glides over to the point of being almost obvious and at times entirely unhelpful (perhaps it is a book that would be better branded as an “Idiot’s guide to living off grid” That said, even if it was occasionally irrelevant or glib, it provides a really helpful overview of absolutely everything you need to be thinking about and planning to move off grid - even if it doesn’t go into great detail it’s a valuable “jumping off point” for the whole journey. It’s a strong reference book even if it’s not an encyclopaedia in and off itself.
I received this book from the publisher through Netgalley for review and all thoughts and opinions are my own.
A clear and informative book on the pros and cons of off grid living. Learn everything you need to know about living a simpler of life away from the hustle and bustle of urban on grid living. Author is clear about the process one must go through to make the decision to leave belongings and city lights behind.
I really appreciate this book and believe this is an optimal place to start for the beginner just as the title states. So, if you were going to pick-up your first book on off-grid living then this is a great place to start. Furthermore, the book is priced perfectly for what you are getting. The writing style is clear and easy to read and should spark anyone’s interest in independent living off the grid. Well done to the author and thank you to NetGalley for this title in exchange for an honest review.
Anyone who is considering living off-grid should seriously read this book. Whereas there are other books out there that attempt to tackle the topic, few are as comprehensive as this one. And where many other books attempt to give readers all the information they will require to help them go off-grid, this one provides lots of references to do it in style. Anyone who wants to live off-grid right the first time should read this book.
As my family has raised Chickens for the past 5 years and find it enjoyable, I found this book to be both encouraging and beneficial
If you know nothing about raising Backyard Chickens, here's an opportunity to discover how, why, and if you should contemplate raising these endearing birds.
Despite this being very US-centric, there is a lot of useful, practical information for beginning your journey to living off-grid no matter where you live.
Off Grid Living for Beginners is a general guide to starting planning and list-making and resource gathering to move to an off-grid self-sufficient lifestyle by Emma Nora. Released 27th Sept 2021 it's 132 pages and is available in hardcover, paperback, and ebook formats. It's worth noting that the ebook format has a handy interactive table of contents as well as interactive links throughout. I've really become enamored of ebooks with interactive formats lately. For Kindle Unlimited subscribers, this book is currently included in the KU subscription library to borrow and read for free.
This is a logically formatted and easy to read guide to planning and troubleshooting.The chapters are arranged thematically: examining readers' own motivations, learning from other's mistakes, minimalism and preparing for change, finding and acquiring property which suits the purpose, building a homestead, making the actul transition, making a living and keeping everything running, and some thoughts about the subsystems of a working farm such as power, water, livestock, etc.
The author's style is very informal; more like a casual chat with friends than an actual instruction manual. Because of the arrangement of the chapters, and that the book feels more like an À la carte presentation to be read in sections instead of straight through, some of the information is repeated in relevant locations throughout the book.
There are no photographs or illustrations. There are also no tutorials or plans included; they're beyond the scope of the book but many good building plans can be found online or through the library. One place where this book is very strong is the references lists. The author has done a good job of collating and curating references, and this book has a comprehensive annotation and resource lists which will provide readers with many hours of further reading.
This would make a good selection for the smallholder's library or for anyone information-gathering before making the commitment to move to a more self-sufficient lifestyle. I've spent the last few decades gardening and doing what I can to increase my own food security and independence (I learned at my grandfather's side), and I still *strongly* recommend getting a mentor and finding like minded folks and resources to get off to the best start, but this book will definitely fill a gap and provide enough information to at least get started.
Four stars.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.
If you've ever thought to yourself "Man, I sure wish I could go off the grid," Emma Nora's "Off Grid Living for Beginners: Step-by-Step Guide From Planning to Building a Homestead to Living Off The Land and Become Self Sufficient" may be just the book for you.
"Off Grid Living for Beginners" is, almost quite literally, a paint-by-numbers guide for beginners contemplating the journey into off grid living. Nora takes the reader from the earliest visioning stages to actual planning to a variety of concerns that must be addressed in order to live off the grid successfully including housing, gardening, earning an income, livestock, and a wealth of other areas that are both obvious and "I'd never thought of that."
Living off grid herself, Nora has comprised an impressive catalogue of resources to help the journey. It's clear that she's learned a lot along the way and it's also clear she's willing to share that knowledge is a simple, easy to understand way.
While it might be reasonable to expect Nora to weave together her own experiences, there is actually very little in the way of autobiographical material here. "Off Grid Living for Beginners" is more instructional in presentation with very little, if any, emotional engagement and while it's clear that Nora embraces off grid living herself there's never a point where it feels like she's trying to sway someone one way or another.
Instead, Nora seems to be trying to make sure someone has all the information necessary to make a responsible decision for themselves.
While I may have romanticized off grid living in the past, after reading "Off Grid Living for Beginners" it's pretty clear that it's not the life for me.
It should be noted that "Off Grid Living for Beginners" is truly for beginners. It's doubtful that anyone experienced with off grid living would learn much here and it's really the organization of this material that makes it so useful. Nora's step-by-step approach is incredibly well organized and so precise that it's like having all the information at one's fingertips.
If you're looking for personal experiences, look elsewhere. If you're looking for emotional resonance, look elsewhere. However, if you're looking for a clear and concise guide that will help you explore the world of off grid living then Emma Nora's "Off Grid Living for Beginners" is a teriffic place to start.
This is a great guide for people who may be considering living off the grid and seems to be very thorough. It’s definitely not for me but I was really fascinated and impressed by the people who can live, survive and thrive this way.
I received this book for free for an honest review from netgalley #netgalley
Very useful information. I was pleasantly surprised.
Beginning book for those considering living offs the grid. Gives good points of all the things you should consider, such as where to buy property, what to look for in property (water), and how to make money while you are trying to live off the land, such a Farmer’s Markets and CTA (subscriptions to the crops you grow).
Good overview. Doesn’t go too deep into anything the but Bibliography is probably the best place to find more information than can be found in this guide.
It is amazing all the things you should consider, so it is a good book to pick up to go over that list. And perhaps, once you read it, you will realize that yes, you are ready, or no, you have a long way to go.
<em>Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for making this book available for an honest review.</em>
I thought I would like to try off-grid living. After reading this book I realized it is not for me. The book did a great job explaining the derails of living off the grid. Great read.
I really like the worldbuilding, and how the author can create a world that has the capability of making us vicariously live through it. I feel like the introduction was a bit too slow-paced for me. The characters are fairly interesting.
Henceforth, it was quite a good read.
This is a good overview for folks who think they might like to try off-grid living. It introduces many aspects, some that are often left unconsidered, and goes into a little bit of detail. For someone seriously considering moving off-grid, however, this book is just the tip of the iceberg. They will want to read something that is more detailed, or do more research in that particular topic.