Member Reviews

I really enjoyed this book. It was hard to put down as it drew me in immediately and before I knew it I was in the middle of the book!

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A cute little read, but I was a little underwhelmed with the storyline.

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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Three and a half stars.

Clem is a bit of a soft touch. She has a massive dog that she can't really afford to feed. She manages an artisanal cheese shop, her upstairs neighbour has taken out a restraining order against her dog, and she's still friends with her ex-boyfriend even though he's really boring.

Then Clem finds that someone has stolen her identity - and appears to be having a much better life, even if it is a bit creepy that this person is visiting the same bars, restaurants and shops, oh and she seems to look very similar too.

When Clem is arrested, because of frauds her doppelganger has perpetrated, she determines to track down this mysterious identity thief.

I started this book three months ago and gave up after a short period because Clem seemed such an idiot, I mean who doesn't realise that someone is spending on your card for months on end? Especially when a barman accuses you of borrowing money from him and not repaying it?

I restarted this yesterday and finished it today, while I did enjoy it it had a very Goldie Hawn feel to me; Clem is just so dipsy and insists on tailing people around London wearing a dodgy wig on her rollerblades. Also, I felt that almost everything was a plot device to enable something else to happen later in the plot. And there were lots of kooky characters with bizarre interests which all felt a little overblown.

Overall, it was an okay, fun read but I have a feeling that this style of character could get very tiresome.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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Clem finds out that someone has been impersonating, and feeling that the police aren't taking it seriously enough, she sets out to try and catch the fraudster herself, with the help of best friend Bianca and Charlie Bucket!
I felt like she made some bad (or mad) choices, but still wanted everything to work out for Clem, especially with Gus.

A fast paced read!

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A highly enjoyable novel showing what swapping lives is really all about - especially if your doppelgänger is also super cute! A terrific storyline and awesome characters!

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This was a bit hit and miss for me. There were some funny parts, I liked the writing style and Charlie Bucket was a hoot. However Clem also felt horribly naive and frankly quite immature at times. Her leap into trying to find her identity thief and putting herself in dangerous situations never felt realistic and I honestly started to struggle with her characterisation and choices. Bianca and Marcus also encouraging her to was also a bit wtf (terrible friends imo). There was also very little romantic connection between Clem and Gus until over halfway through the book despite this being labelled as a romance. Despite flashes of something that was vaguely interesting every now and then during their interactions, I just could not connect with their budding relationship. Overall some interesting elements but I was not enamoured with the execution.(2.5 ⭐️)

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Not bad but a little underwhelmed after reading it if I'm honest. Just felt very meh after reading it.

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I struggled with this. Keeping on top of what was actually happening was far too confusing for me to keeping reading

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I have chosen It Takes Two as a Liz Robinson Pick of the Month for my section on the LoveReading website. Please see attached link for full review.

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I enjoyed this book, in a quirky kind of way, I definitely didn't see the emding coming! An enjoyable read that I would recommend for someone looking for something a bit different to the easy read rom-com type of book.

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