Member Reviews

Reading a novel called insomnia certainly causes it. I could not put it down. I am aware of Sarah’s work but have never read it before. I’ve certainly been missing out.
Insomnia follows the story of Emma who has an estranged relationship with her mother. Emma Is not someone most people would have in their friendship group but would certainly embrace if she was. Emma has had a shitty upbringing in foster care and a poor relationship with her sister and family due to her attachment issues.
There are so many twists and turns I have woken up with whiplash after finishing it at 1am. I would definitely recommend this novel and if I could give more than 5 stars I would.

Just loved this book, there were twists which I loved - I really dont want to say much more as for me like all of this author's books it is better to go in fresh with an open mind and then just explore and embrace it.
I was given an advance copy by netgalley and the publishers but the review is entirely my own.

I chose to read and review a free eARC of Insomnia but that has in no way influenced my review.
Sarah Pinborough, over the years, has become a bit of a go-to author for me. Her latest release, Insomnia, is the third of this author's books I have read. Although I must admit (I am ashamed to admit!) that I haven't as yet read Behind Her Eyes which is very well known for its WTF ending and has recently been made into a Netflix series (I haven't watched the series either as I want to read the book first). However, I WILL be able to watch Insomnia when it hits our screens (which I understand it will be doing in the future) because oh boy, I HAVE read this incredibly compelling story.
Emma Averell is a successful divorce lawyer, has a devoted husband, two beautiful children, a luxurious house and a top of the range car. She's also only a few days away from turning 40 which strikes fear into the hearts of many people but for Emma that fear is tenfold. Because Emma's mother, Patricia, had a catastrophic breakdown on her 40th birthday almost killing Emma's older sister. Patricia told Emma she has 'bad blood' too so she's terrified history will repeat itself. When Emma starts suffering from insomnia she knows what's happening. The same happened to her mother before that devastating night. All Emma needs to do is sleep and then everything will be fine. But no matter how hard she tries, no matter what remedies she takes, she just can't sleep...
Insomnia is a tense and gripping tale which I read in two sittings. I found Emma an intriguing lead character. I was keen for everything to work out for her in the long run but the impending sense of doom the author conveys tells you that the Averell's are in for a rough ride. A bone-shatteringly rough, incredibly bumpy ride indeed! I didn't necessarily like Emma but I felt for her. I wanted her to find answers, I wanted her story to be different from her mother's. Emma's descent happens quickly over the course of 11 days, going from a switched on wife, mother and lawyer to someone who doubts themselves constantly, questioning her own actions and thoughts. She zones out for long periods of time making Emma the perfect unreliable narrator. Pinborough is an absolute master at writing an unreliable narrator as she skilfully proves within the pages of this book.
I absolutely fell in love with Emma and Robert's youngest child, Will, who at the tender age of five is morphing from a fun-filled, bouncy kid to a quiet, nervous child. I thought making their older child, Chloe, a teenager on the cusp of being an adult herself was a really interesting move by the author as that meant there were three adults all repeatedly telling Emma she was losing her mind - Robert, Chloe and Emma's older sister, Phoebe. When those that love you the most keep telling you you're unstable, that something is wrong, surely they must be right?
Would I recommend this book? I would, yes. Insomnia is a dark tale which I devoured over the course of a day featuring a cast of fascinating characters. If you've read any Sarah Pinborough novels in the past then you'll know to expect the unexpected. My advice, expect the unexpected The ending is both shocking and surprising. Aspects of it, I loved. The torrential rain beating down set the scene perfectly, the tension was so sharp and the fear I felt in my gut was 100% real. But there were things about the ending which I wasn't so keen on. I don't want to say too much for fear of putting my foot in it and saying something I shouldn't but I will say the ending was very different, unique and not at all what I expected. Lots to love, a couple of teeny, tiny things...not so much. But all in all, a gripping tension filled read which I heartily recommend to fans of psychological thrillers, particularly those who are looking for something a little different.
I chose to read and review a free eARC of Insomnia. The above review is my own unbiased opinion.

This was a solid thriller. It is a domestic style tale but with the usual Pinborough twists. I liked the sister relationship and the many rumours and twists.

I hadn’t read Sarah’s previous well known book, Behind Her Eyes because I’d heard it contained supernatural elements, which don’t really appeal to me. But I’m so glad I read this one, I loved it!
The story begins with Emma, a highly skilled lawyer, happily married with two children. Hers and her sister, Phoebe’s childhoods were tainted and traumatic because of their mother’s mental illness that pinnacled on her 40th birthday. Emma is soon to be 40 herself and when suddenly she can’t sleep, she fears she will succumb to the same fate.
This novel is expertly written and designed to make you continually doubt Emma and not know who to trust. I do love an unreliable narrator! Emma’s increasing despair and fear that she is losing her mind is palpable and I raced through the story, desperate to find out the truth.
Just as I thought I had a grasp on what was happening, the author throws in another curveball. The characters, although not all likeable (I hated Robert, Emma’s husband, who seemed determined to believe only the worst of his wife), were realistically and cleverly drawn, I especially loved little Will.
For me, the ending was unexpected and does require some suspension of disbelief. But overall, this is a dark, twisty, insidious story that is impossible to put down. Definitely recommended.
Thanks to author Sarah Pinborough, publishers Harper Collins UK, Harper Fiction and Net Galley for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

Wow-what a read! As a huge fan of "Behind My Eyes," I was immensely excited to read "Insomnia" and it did not disappoint. A story of a mother slowly losing her mind due to lack of sleep, yet with other factors at play, it soon becomes apparent that all is not what it seems.
In true Sarah Pinborough style, this is an addictive, dark and chilling thriller that was impossible to put down, I read it in one sitting. Although it was slow to start, the plot twists and conclusions blew my mind. The added bonus of an epilogue meant all the questions were answered, and it felt complete. The tense, flawless writing style by this author made this book a perfect five star read for any psychological thriller fan. Highly recommended!

Ooh now this is a book and a half! Absolutely loved it. Got pulled in right from the first page and couldn't put it down. Literally binged it for a few hours as needed to know what was going on. I thought it was really clever storytelling, I didn't know what to think. I guessed at one characters involvement but couldn't quite put all the pieces together. Fantastic!!

This book was so addictive, I literally couldn’t leave it alone.. We witness a woman been drawn into insanity as she struggles to sleep, but at the same time it’s clear something else is going on.
Dark, twisted and so disturbing!

I loved Sarah Pinborough’s 2017 novel Behind Her Eyes. It was gripping, inventive, surprising and a lot of fun. Its twist ending blew my mind and left me with a big grin on my face. Without wanting to spoil things for those who haven’t read it, it’s that modern kind of relationship-focussed suspense novel with a climax that sends it into a different genre entirely. I subsequently read Pinborough’s short novel The Language of Dying which is a far subtler and more moving affair and I admired that too, albeit for different reasons.
Behind Her Eyes was a big word of mouth hit, and Pinborough followed it up with a couple of other books in the domestic noir sub-genre that did pretty well too, Cross Her Heart and Dead to Her. I read both and thought they were fine, although both lacked the kind of bonkers final twist that made Behind Her Eyes so special.
I think Insomnia is Pinborough’s attempt to recreate that magic, but I’m afraid for me it fell flat. It tells the story of a woman approaching her 40th birthday, who is haunted by the fact that her mother lost her mind when she reached that milestone, attacking her family and ending up in an institution. As the story develops, a series of escalating events makes the both the reader and the protagonist think that history is repeating itself. Gaps in her memory and unexplained events combine with various weird details to create a sense of sanity slipping away.
Of course, there is an explanation for it all, but it’s one that feels tacked on rather than woven into the narrative. The cynic if me wonders if the fact that the Netflix adaptation of Behind Her Eyes has recently been a hit is part of the reason for Pinborough’s return to left field endings. It would appear from the acknowledgments at the end of the book, that the same production company who adapted her earlier book for the small screen are working on a TV version of Insomnia.
Whilst it is a fairly compelling read, with a story that whips along and some decent characters, Insomnia is also a reminder that lightning doesn’t strike twice.

Thank you to Netgalley for my ARC.
I have recently read and loved Behind her Eyes which I know has had mixed reviews but that ending!
So I was very excited to read this. But it was a hard one to rate as I couldn't stop reading it but it felt a bit repetitive and felt it needed to get going a little bit in some parts. I also felt there was massive build up but then the end just suddenly happened and I'm not sure whether it's just me but I just didn't really get the ending?! It didn't seem like a massive reveal, just a bit of an anti climax?
Loved Behind her Eyes but this didn't live up to that for me

May need an extra dose of suspension of disbelief for this mind-blowing domestic thriller, but have fun on the ride!
Emma Averell is an accomplished lawyer with two children and a househusband. She’s come a long way from a traumatic childhood tainted with madness and attempted murder. Her mother, subsequently placed in a mental health facility, has been out of Emma’s life for years. Unfortunately, as Emma’s 40th birthday approaches, she starts to experience insomnia and soon fears she is going insane — just like her mother. As her life starts to crumble and fall apart, Emma tries to find answers about her childhood but discovers that she has no clue whom to trust.
The story was wholly original in some ways with the time paradox elements, but I had to work hard to buy in. I also had a difficult time relating to Emma as she wore on my last nerve with all the angst and wishy washy behavior where she never got control of herself or made good decisions. I admit that I was waiting for the huge twist that never came because there were enough hints that a reader could figure out most of what was going to happen. I know that I was hoping for some surprise like the controversial ending of Behind Her Eyes and the climax did not really come close in this novel. In addition, the pace was quite slow and repetitive. Despite those drawbacks, I still enjoyed the book and definitely will read more by this author.
Thank you to NetGalley and William Morrow & Company for this e-book ARC to read and review.

I loved Behind her Eyes by this author in book format and on Netflix.
I anticipated this new release with eager anticipation and I enjoyed it.
It’s not a full 5* for two reasons from me.
The reveal.
And the repetition. It’s been said that the pace is a little slow, I didn’t notice that as I read this mostly (or should I say, listened to it mostly) on audio. I play the speed a bit faster as I like listening to my books like this so maybe that’s why I can’t comment on the slowness.
Emma Averell Is zooming up to her big 4…0 and this brings worried events to the forefront of her mind. Her Mother went mad when she was 40. Is this what’s happening to her?
She’s suffering from insomnia and slowly feels like she’s loosing time and the plot!
I can relate to something that can cause this type of anxiety.
My dad died at 53 of a heart attack.
His dad died at 50 from the same thing and his dad before him….again in his 50’s.
I had at the back of my mind that if I survive past my 50’s it won’t happen to me and hopefully I’ll get a few more years left. It’s real folks. The mind can really enforce you to stay in that mode of anxiety and sleepless nights fearing to sleep just in case…….
I could totally connect with this characters concept.
I did enjoy this much for more reasons than I deducted 1*.
This book I Will remember for quite a while even-though the reveal wasn’t as jaw dropping as I’d hope.

Super story. Brilliantly laid out. Characters are engaging, writing is pretty skilful. I'm sure plenty of people will enjoy this.

3.5 stars. I enjoyed this book and it kept my interest. It was full of twists and turns and I certainly didn’t know how it was going to end. My only issue was that I really struggled to like the main character and some parts of the book were quite repetitive.

4.5 of 5 stars
My Five Word TL:DR Review : I liked it a lot
I’m always indescribably happy when I see that SP has a new book. I’ve followed her work for a while now and really enjoy her writing. To put the cat among the pigeons I would say that not only did I like Insomnia but I liked it more than Behind Her Eyes. It’s a perfect jumble of crazy mixed up, spiralling out of control, sleepless insanity. Every time I thought I had a handle on what was going on it turned out I was wrong and I just love the way that the ending is totally out there – let’s just say #wtfthatending – in fact maybe that hashtag will apply for all SP’s books.
To be fair, if you’ve read Pinborough you’ll be aware that her books often wander into strange territory, tales of the unexpected if you like. There are usually elements of magical realism that surface as the book progresses but this is usually coupled with such a straightforward and contemporary style that it’s always a surprise.
Insomnia starts with Emma Averell approaching her 40th birthday. Lots of people approach the big 4-oh with a little bit of trepidation but in Emma’s case this is exacerbated by events from her past.
Emma has an almost picture postcard existence. A successful career, a loving-stay-at-home husband, two lovely children, a gorgeous house and an impending partnership. Things are looking peachy until a few days before her birthday she wakes in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep. I’m not going to discuss the plot any further because this is a book that is probably best explored with no knowledge beforehand.
Why did I like this book.
Well, firstly it’s deceptive. When I first picked this up I thought I knew what was going on, but I really didn’t. You need a level of patience here because as Emma’s sleepless nights continue her grip on reality begins to crumble. She reflects on things from the past, particularly when people she hasn’t seen for years show up. And then the cracks start to appear. Maybe Emma’s life isn’t as perfect as it first appeared.
Secondly, it’s frustrating, repetitive and mind bending in the best ways possible. Here is a woman who thinks she’s going crazy. Hell, I thought she was going crazy at many points during the story. It’s an acknowledgement to the power of sleep and that period of restoration that your brain needs to function in a productive way. I veered between perplexed, annoyed and flummoxed. Why has Emma’ s life suddenly gone so haywire, why weren’t her family more supportive and what was going on at night when she completely lost periods of time – scary.
On top of this there are a few characters who dip in and out and Pinborough manages to paint them all in differing shades of suspicion. The husband, does he resent his wife’s success? The neighbours and the possibility of affairs. Emma’s sister appearing out of the blue? The client’s ex. Even (especially) Emma.
For me, the best part of this novel is that I felt immersed in Emma’s world. I was going slightly crazy myself and i don’t mean simply because I was staying up too late to function, I wanted to shake Emma, come on woman, snap out of it, pull yourself together. Stop doing things that make you look insane. But then, maybe she is insane! She’s a hot mess of fear to put it bluntly. She doesn’t know if she’s following in her mother’s footsteps, she doesn’t know if she’s a danger to her family, she doesn’t know if she’s committed terrible acts, she doesn’t know if somebody else has committed these terrible acts and, like Emma, I didn’t know either and it was driving me a little crazy too.
In terms of criticisms. Well, I’m not sure that the eventual reveal will wow everyone. It takes something of a leap but it was a leap that was easy for me to take so not a criticism so much as a ‘be aware’.
I found Insomnia an easy book to read. It took me through plenty of emotions along the way not least of all my extreme happiness that I can fall asleep at night. A twisty thriller with plenty of tension, well written and easy to conjure in the mind’s eye.
I received a copy through Netgalley, courtesy of the publisher, for which my thanks. The above is my own opinion.

Emma is dreading turning 40 because when her mother turned that age she went mad. She tells everyone that her mother is dead but she is not. Emma has her own happy family unit so why is she not sleeping at night and what is she doing when no-one else is awake.
I loved Behind Her Eyes by the same author as it was darkly original and of course that ending so was really looking forward to this new release and I have only seen rave reviews. However I really didn't think much of this one. I don't review every book I read and I wasn't sure I should review this one as don't have a lot to say but I thought I would show another opinion of this popular book and who knows maybe I am not the only one.
It started off well and the darkness descended quickly but then it just got very repetitive. I kept reading though thinking it would all be worth it but by the end I was left thinking what?! I liked the idea behind the ending but the execution felt more of a damp squib than the explosion it should have been. All the elements of a great twisty thriller were there but for me they just didn't come together and unfortunately it missed the mark. Certainly won't miss any sleep thinking about this one.

Emma Averell has a brilliant life, a family that she loves, a high flying career, and a possible promotion on the cards. She is just days away from her 40th birthday. The same milestone birthday that her Mother hit when life came crashing down for Emma and her sister Phoebe.
Insomnia has never been an issue for Emma before, but she is very much aware that it is an issue her Mother had before her birthday. Before it all went wrong.
Surely it's just a coincidence. Nothing to worry about.
Perfectly normal.
But then Emma's sister, Phoebe turns up out of the blue, demanding that she visit their Mother in hospital, and suddenly nothing seems normal...
It can't be a coincidence that their Mother has had an episode after years of stable treatment. She had always said that Emma would follow in her footsteps. As the sleepless nights continue, and strange things begin to happen. Emma can't help but wonder, is it lack of sleep? Or is she really following in her Mother's footsteps?
I always find Sarah Pinborough's books intriguing, you never quite know what direction they are going to go in, and this is no exception!

I found this story entertaining and a bit disturbing but I was expecting something darker and twisty.
I liked it but it was just ok.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

Another brilliantly dark and disturbing read by a master storyteller!
Maybe not the best book to read when you are struggling to sleep because it can cause some paranoia but it can also make you lose sleep because you don't want to put the book down because you need to know how this is going to play out!
Emma is a successful lawyer, happily married with two wonderful children but and this is a big but, her 40th birthday is around the corner. a Birthday she's been dreading all her life; a birthday that changed her life forever when her mother lost her mind and tried to kill her sister. Is she also carrying this darkness inside her and is she also cursed like her mother to suffer from insomnia and to lose her mind because strange things are starting to happen. She's starting to lose time and say things that even she can't explain. What is her sister's role in this and what is her husband up to? Is this the happy family she thought she had or is this just another dysfunctional family with lots of secrets?
Highly recommended!
Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK, Harper Fiction for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion

Emma Averell loves her life—her high-powered legal career, her two beautiful children, and her wonderful stay-at-home husband—but it wasn’t always so perfect. When she was just five years old, Emma and her older sister went into foster care because of a horrific incident with their mother. Her sister can remember a time when their mother was loving and “normal,” but Emma can only remember her as one thing—a monster. And that monster emerged right around their mother’s fortieth birthday, the same age Emma is approaching now.
Emma desperately wants to keep her successful life separate from her past, so she has always hidden her childhood trauma. But then she’s unable to sleep and is now losing time during the day, some of the first symptoms her mother showed. Is the madness in her blood, just as her mother predicted? Could she end up hurting her family in her foggy, frenetic state? Or is she truly beginning to lose her mind?
This is a brilliant read.
Wonderful well written plot and story line that had me engaged from the start.
Love the well fleshed out characters and found them believable.
Great suspense and found myself second guessing every thought I had continuously.
Can't wait to read what the author brings out next.
Recommend reading.
I read a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.