Member Reviews

A beautiful, tender debut novel which addresses themes of relationships, family, friendships, love, loss, trauma, forgiveness, acceptance and the healing power of music.
As the tragic events of Aberfan are unfolding, nineteen year old William Lavery, newly qualified embalmer, is celebrating at an annual dinner dance when the call for help arrives. Without hesitation, he leaves to offer his help, an experience that will impact his life for years to come. However, as we follow William, we gradually learn that his young life has already encountered loss and turmoils of its own.
Wroe writes with such poignancy and sensitivity as she recounts William’s story, taking us back and forth between the past and the present. Layers are subtly revealed as the story unravels and the various important characters in William’s life are introduced. His family members are cleverly drawn, especially the relationships between them and I really enjoyed Uncle Robert’s and Howard’s characters. His friend Martin is the most wonderful character and I particularly liked his role and his absolute belief and understanding of the power of music.
This is a book that has stayed with me long after the last page.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an E-ARC in exchange for a review.

This book i loved instantly. Its a very neat story of WIlliam the embalmer who helps out at Aberfan. It is a heartbreaking tale neatly bookended by the disaster in Wales. Williams life is explored and focuses on the relationshio with his mother. uplifting and brilliant.

Loved this book, A character driven novel with such relatable characters. Although in places was abit over complicated. Looking at the aberrant disaster it is a beautifully written emotional book. Looking at issues of PDST and other mental health issues, it deals with these issues with great sensitivity, this book will stay with me a long time.

Initially a distressing setting with an unusual occupation, but a beautiful story. Loved this book!
It's 1966 and a black tie dinner is interrupted with news of a disaster in south Wales. William immediately volunteers to be of service.
Though he has just ualified as an embalmer, he is needed to tend to the bodies retrieved from a terrible landslip in Aberfan. The tragic and distressing events cause him to look back on his life, his early years and the decisions, events and relationships which have brought him to this point.
It is a shocking opening for a novel, particularly one which has such a sunny cover. I knew nothing about the subject matter before starting to read so was rather taken aback. But it is sensitively handled, and the author mentions in the acknowledgements that has spoken with those involved in the events at the time to research her story.
It's a wonderful, beautiful novel. The characters are well drawn, the situations believable, and the subjects of love, loss and kindness are tenderly handled and thought-provoking. Ultimately this is an uplifting, life affirming read.

One of the most stunning books I've read for a long time, this story will stay with me for a while. Starting with 19 year old William Lavery's celebratory dinner with the girl of his dreams at the Embalmer Association dinner, which is cut short in order for him and fellow embalmers to go to Aberfan and help with the tragedy that killed so many children. The short time that William spends there has a momentous impact on his life and mental health. The story then goes back to his time as a chorister and again, some moments that are small in time but huge in the effect they have, including his friendship with the glorious sounding Martin. It moves between the various timelines, all giving more depth and nuance to William and his actions.
William's relationship with his mother and his uncle are keystones in his life, and the book perfectly captures the tension and emotion in their relationships. It also beautifully describes his friendship with Martin and his family, as well as the other apprentice embalmers that he meets through his studies. It is so rich and evocative, there are times when you want to shake him to stop him making stubborn decisions or acting out of pride. As well as that, the parts of the book set in Aberfan are devastatingly beautiful and heart-breaking, and William's actions as an embalmer are so tenderly written.
A Terrible Kindness is an absolute must read, but make sure you have a clear diary as you wont want to put it down, and tissues at the ready.

I adored this book ! I loved William and Martin ! What a heartwarming story William a young embalmer begins his role in the heartbreaking disaster at Aberfan . The Characters draw you in to the last page ! It will be one of my books of 2022! Please read it ….

This was an excellent read. Very Moving. I would certainly recommend it in store to customers. Look forward to reading whatever the author writes next.

A Terrible Kindness by Jo Browning Wroe is an absolutely heartbreaking historical tale that surrounds the terrible Aberfan disaster of 21st October 1966.
The novel begins and ends (7 years later) in Aberfan. Aberfan was a defining moment in nineteen year old William’s life as he volunteered (for his first job) as an embalmer there. It was a job he did with quiet kindness, wanting the children to look their best for their parents.
“Keep your head down and your heart hard. That’s your kindness” was the advice William was given by those older than him. Those few days were to haunt William in his waking and his sleeping, as he could not escape the sights he saw. Those sights would direct his thoughts and beliefs for years.
Sandwiched between the two trips to Aberfan the reader hears of William’s early years as a choir boy at Cambridge from 1956. “Coming to hear us sing is like being hugged by God.” There is power in song, as William would find out in later life. We also hear of his life as an embalmer from 1966 onwards.
The reader instinctively likes William. He is quietly kind and it is this kindness that oozes from every pore as people are attracted to his character. He walks through life amongst others as a silent angel.
The whole book is beautifully written. There are terrible, awful scenes at Aberfan but what shines through is the kindness – of William and of others. I particularly liked Betty who did what she did because of kindness and compassion.
A Terrible Kindness will make you cry but it will also fill your heart with love and kindness as you witness the gift that many gave to a broken community on that October morning in 1966.
I received a free copy via Net Galley. A favourable review was not required. All opinions are my own.

Lovely story, brings you into the characters world, very poignant opening, then works back into the past of the lead character. It brings you into a world that most will not have had any perspective on, and you can almost smell the chemicals involved...
Highly recommended.

How marvellous it is when a book broadens your horizons, takes you to places you would never envisage yourself going, and provides you with an enjoyable reading experience all at the same time. <b>A Terrible Kindness</b> by Jo Browning Wroe did all of that for me. Horizons were broadened when I learnt about the 1966 Aberfan tragedy which resulted in the deaths of 116 children and 28 adults. I'd never considered the life of a boy chorister boarding and training at Cambridge and I certainly never envisaged being taken into the world of an embalmer. Granted this was all via a work of fiction but it propelled me toward an evening of Googling and YouTubing once I'd finished the book. I truly appreciated listening to the magnificent sounds of various Cambridge choir renditions of Miserere and Myfanwy two songs regularly mentioned in the book. However all I've mentioned so far was the icing on the cake. The book itself was well written with interesting characters having to handle difficult situations and I was super impressed to learn this was a debut novel.
William was the main character and as the book opens he has just completed his training as an embalmer. A celebration is in full swing when news of the terrible Aberfan tragedy is delivered and the embalmers are asked to volunteer their services. William leaves for Wales but his days there, tending to the bodies of the children, are traumatic and have lasting repercussions in the years that follow. This experience wasn't the only one to cause lasting repercussions in Williams life. Some episodes from his time as a chorister resulted in major upheaval and to some extent altered the course of his adult life and indirectly led to his becoming an embalmer.
Throughout the story I regularly thought of William as a kind hearted and genuinely good boy who developed into a man with these same traits. He was loyal and he loved intensely, but he was a complex character who made a few poor judgement calls, made some uncharacteristic decisions and said some things he didn't necessarily mean in the heat of the moment. Instead of moving on from these lapses he severely punished himself (with flow on effects for others). His way of dealing with these situations was to sever ties rather than to mend relationships and at times I wanted to shake him. His boyhood best friend, Martin, said it this way
<i>‘For the gentlest, most kindhearted person I know, you are extraordinarily good at making a pig’s ear of things.’</i>.....
whilst his mum summed it up with <i> ‘What a terrible mess we can make of our lives. There should be angel police to stop us at these dangerous moments, but there don’t seem to be. So all we’re left with, my precious son, is whether we can forgive, be forgiven, and keep trying our best.’ </i>
This was a story strong on friendship and family - albeit ones with issues which were sometimes left to fester. It touched upon themes of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, guilt and forgiveness, and of course thread throughout it all there was kindness.
My congratulations and thanks to the author for her work, thanks too to the publishers Faber and Faber Ltd andNetgalley for the opportunity of reading this digital ARC in exchange for an honest review which it was my pleasure to provide.
4.5 stars on Goodreads

I was enthralled from the first page! William immediately comes across as a self-effacing young man who has worked very hard to be the best. As he attends a celebration the news from Aberfan of the dreadful disaster is delivered and William immediately goes to offer his services. The disaster and what he experiences cause him to look back on his past and it shapes his future.
The writing is insightful, thoughtful and believable. I loved William and often wanted to shout at him, shake him, encourage him and give him a hug. The other characters around him are well described. It made me smile, it made me cry.
Can't wait to read more by this author!
Very many thanks to Netgalley/Jo Browning Wroe/Faber & Faber for a digital copy of this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

A Terrible Kindness by Jo Browning Wroe. Such an emotional read. And so beautifully written. Five stars from me.

This was such an interesting book - I cried in the first couple of chapters and wondered if the traumatic event would be present through the book, and if so whether I could continue.
But whilst it frames the novel and is almost the strapline, it doesn’t really figure much at all, the story is a much more personal story - which is ok. However it felt slightly that the link to such a factual event was unnecessary and a slightly more cynical reader could feel it was there to attract attention.
The book can stand alone, and the plot itself is well thought out.

Without a doubt, one of the most moving and thought provoking books I have read in a long time.
William is 19 and has just qualified as an embalmer when the Aberfan disaster occurred. Responding to the call for help, he immediately goes. Totally unprepared for what he is to see and experience, he is forever altered.
But William was troubled long before Aberfan. Estranged from his best friend and his mother, we know there has been trauma. But we don't discover the exact nature for quite some time.
The writing is outstanding in this wonderful novel. So many moments that make you stop reading while you digest the beauty of the words. The connection with all the characters is strong, and I certainly became so invested in their lives. I wanted joy for them all. I wanted William to find peace.
A truly special book that captured my heart.

A wonderful read. I absolutely adored this story and the characters. It broke my heart and made me smile. Williams story was so moving and I loved following his life through the years. I thought it was beautifully written and explored a very heartbreaking event at Aberfan. I highly recommend this book!

Anyone who remembers or has heard of the tragedy that unfolded at Aberfan will be interested in reading this book. It is beautifully written and takes such terrible events and brings light and hope from them. Must read.

This felt like such a strange book whilst reading that initialling I was going to put it down. I’m glad I didn’t, however there are still some aspects to it that grated on me. Mainly how the disaster features only from the main characters view point, the opening chapters focus on Aberfan so detailed and harrowing that as a reader you feel thrown out of that world and very much feel displaced, it led me to feel like the author could have used any human disaster to focus on her main characters plight of trauma and PTSD. Perhaps there is some truth and research gathered in the back story, where by the character of William the volunteer Embalmer really did exist in some form in the disaster, this seems completely plausible. However I felt uneasy at how a family member of one of the victims of Aberfan would feel at the real life events being used as a fictional stage.
Taking all of that into account, it was a very thought provoking story and dealt with the tricky themes of trauma, grief and the repercussions of living a life spent running from your past.
Thanks go to Netgalley for offering this novel up for a free impartial review.

This book featured in the 2022 version of the influential annual Observer Best Debut Novelist feature (past years have included Natasha Brown, Caleb Azumah Nelson, Douglas Stuart, Sally Rooney and Gail Honeyman among many others) and was also picked out by the New Statesman (and others) as one of the most anticipated debuts of 2022.
I would not be surprised to see it in a number of prize lists this year – particularly perhaps the Costa, as it is a memorable, emotionally impactful as well as ultimately uplifting read.
The author gave an excellent introduction to and summary of the book in an interview with Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge where she is creative writing supervisor (having previously done an MA at the UEA in 2000 – in WG Sebald’s last year).
"A Terrible Kindness was inspired by conversations I had with two embalmers, by then in their 70’s, who as young men had gone in 1966 as volunteers to the Aberfan disaster, when a mining waste tip, loosened by rain had careered down the Welsh mountainside and onto a small village primary school.
The story is about William Lavery, a young, newly qualified embalmer who answers the call to help. The book begins and ends in Aberfan, but in between are 17 years of William’s life, as a boy chorister in Cambridge, in London training to be an embalmer, and after Aberfan, with post-traumatic stress disorder, and his marriage in trouble, William returns to Cambridge and helps with a choir for the homeless, reconnecting with his musical roots and ultimately a return to Aberfan, to try and mend the fractured relationships in his life."
The author’s interest in undertakers first came from her childhood where she lives in a crematorium (her father was a supervisor) and learnt to admire their respectful professionalism.
I think anyone above a certain ages in the UK will be familiar with Aberfan, as it was a disaster that was and still remains seared on the national conscience due to both the huge loss of life – including 116 young children and 28 adults – and the aftermath – in particular the refusal of the National Coal Board to accept their clear corporate culpability.
The book is also I think about characters (in particular William and his mother) that try to simplify difficult and complex issues into their life into a single point of focus and resentment, and adopt a policy of avoidance as well as blame rather than forgiveness (of themselves and others).
For William’s mother – after the early death of her beloved embalmer husband – she focuses her mourning on hostility to her husband’s identical twin brother Robert and his partner (in both business and life) Howard, openly resenting the way in which Robert reminds her of her husband, how Robert and Howard seem to her to flaunt their togetherness in contrast to her own solitude and most of all the close relationship with William which excludes her (and seems to have taken over from a similarly close bond between them and her husband) and which she fears might suck William into the family business (something which becomes a greater issue for her after his nascent musical abilities are uncovered).
For Robert his resentment is focused on his mother due to a traumatic event which occurred in the College Chapel culmination of his Cantabrigian choral career – a solo performance of Miserere. What exactly happens is only revealed towards the book’s end, but it leads to Robert breaking all ties with his mother to the despair even of those more directly impacted by the incident (Robert’s Uncle and his closest Cambridge friend Martin). As an aside I initially felt this was an authorial misstep to withold the information about what happened in the incident from the reader when it is known to all of the book’s characters even those not there like Robert’s later wife Gloria (the daughter of another undertaking/embalming dynasty) – but I think this is so that we can first of all understand its consequences and judge for ourselves if it fits the incident (which while not doubt hugely mortifying should not have lead to a lifetime of damage). Robert also has a horror of having children – which he ascribes to his experiences at Aberfan which leads to an eventual breach with Gloria – at around the point he rediscovers the friendship of Martin.
In the final third of the book a series of set piece scenes and important conversations cause Robert to come to terms with the hurt in his life, his anger and guilt and to start to forgive himself and others and seek to repair and heal his various broken relationships.
Some of the scenes either slightly strain credibility or seem to involve perhaps rather too much coincidence but there is no doubt that they are powerful in their impact and in their message: there is a particularly clever scene I felt when Robert uses the recording of Miserere to convey his understanding of the hurt he has caused to his mother as well as I think starting to understand the need to forgive; and later a very powerful one in Aberfan when he realises that he does not have to stay trapped in his memories.

I honestly don't know where to start with this book. It's not the doom and gloom you would expect to read about a story that involves an embalmer and Aberfan. It's truly beautiful, the parts based in Aberfan are written with massive empathy but also with hope. William is a wonderful character as is his best friend Martin. Williams journey from childhood to adulthood is so captivating I didn't want it to end. The author touched on so many difficult subjects yet it was a joy to read. This story will definitely pull on the heartstrings but with every page turned I smiled more and more.
A massive 5 🌟 from me

It is a remarkable debut, full of clever intricacies and memorable characters, but never so over worked that William’s story is not centre stage. I hesitate to use the phrase ‘must read’, but I think losing yourself in this book would be time well spent. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️