Member Reviews

4/5 - Very Good.
Another fantastic read from the ever more popular Neil Lancaster.
The likeable, returning protagonist on DS Max Craigie, and his team mates and boss Hell to make this well plotted thriller even more enjoyable,
It’s fast paced stuff, full of thrills and feels authentic from an author who really does know his stuff.
A writer and series building on great foundations in book 1, going from strength to strength. Neil Lancaster has quickly moved up the echelons of crime writing, and is a go to writer for me now.
Great Read

Thank you #NetGalley for my e-arc copy of #TheBloodTide in exchange for my honest review.
Thank you #NetGalley for my e-arc copy of #TheBloodTide in exchange for my honest review.
I certainly was not disappointed. And honestly thoroughly enjoyed this novel.
I found the descriptive pros superb. Where I struggled with some of the Scottish ‘lingo’, with the exquisite descriptions I found this not to be an issue as I was able to paint a picture inside my head as to what was going on.
This is the second novel to feature the main character Detective Max Craige, which I was unaware of.
Having not read the first novel I did not feel as though I was missing out on anything. As whenever there was anything in this novel that had any reference to the previous novel I found that anything relevant was explained. Saying this I am still going to find and read the first novel in this series, “Dead Man’s Grave” as I really did enjoy this one.
I feel that The Blood Tide would be well suited for anyone who loves to read a police procedural. And anyone who enjoys the television series “Line Of Duty” as I feel the two are extremely similar. You will not be left feeling disappointed or wanting.
I was so enthralled and captivated with this novel that of course I have to rate it the full five out of five stars.
For those wanting to give this book a try it’s publish date will be the 23rd February ‘22 (kindle edition) and I highly recommend it.

The follow up to Dead Man’s Grave - could Neil Lancaster do it again and keep me entertained and on the edge of my seat a second time? Yes he could and he did! Max Craigie and his team get involved when a fisherman goes missing and a fellow policeman is found hung after witnessing a suicide! The pace is fast, the team exchanges between Max, Janie and Ross entertaining and to quote the author himself, it is a ‘right old ripper’ of a story! Loved it!

This is the second in the series following DS Max Craigie but it reads well as a stand alone. It is an excellent thriller and police procedural that has the reader gripped from start to finish. The author, Neil Lancaster, who formerly served in the police force sets the scene perfectly. From the Highlands of Scotland to its bustling cities this is a story of murder, drug gangs, corrupt police officers and lots of action.
DS Max Craigie returns from a motorbike holiday in the North of Scotland straight into an intriguing case following a phone call from a close friend and colleague. As the investigation progresses Craigie has to pull on all available resources and previous contacts. As a layman I did not realise how many different agencies were involved in the solving of serious crimes so as well as being a fast paced action thriller it was also educational to me. With each page I turned there was more suspense and intrigue. Add that to the inevitable twists and turns and you've got a must read book!
Thanks to Net Galley for the ARC which I've reviewed voluntarily.

It was a good mystery/detective story. The ending was good. The characters were hard to relate to. Their chemistry doesn't work with each other. The story was overly described throughout was unnecessary. Overall, it was a good story.
Thank you to HQ, HQ digital and NetGalley for letting me read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

3.75⭐️ which I have rounded up
DS Max Craigie Scottish crime thriller #2
I haven’t read the first book, I think I might have had a better understanding of the characters if I’d read them in order.
Max is in the police standards reassurance a covert group working to uncover police corruption with DI Ross Fraser and DC Janie Calder based at Tulliallan
A missing fisherman whose body is never found, and a suicide are possibly linked first by Hamish who contacted Max.
I really liked Hamish who is the first respondent to a potential ‘jumper’. I didn’t really engage with Max. I liked Norma who is a miraculous data analyst who is bought in to help the team. There is a cute dog called nutmeg too.
The wonderful scenic descriptions almost take on the depth of a character.
It’s well written and has a good plot complexity, with plenty going on, plus a log of action. It has a decent pace throughout.
It’s a bit too heavy on high tech investigative techniques and action for my preference.
I think this one is for fans of line of duty.
I’d heard rave reviews for the series, and was keen to read it. It didn’t fully live up to those expectations for me. It’s purely down to personal taste. I’m sure a lot of readers will love it.

The follow up to the excellent Dead Mans Grave, I think I like The Blood Tide even better.
We are back with Max Craigie and his team in Scotland as they investigate some apparent suicides, drug gangs and police corruption, all the time having the shadow of an old foe hanging over him, even though that foe is in prison.
I would advise reading the first one of these first. You will get the back story, who the characters are and really just get to know them better.
Here they are fleshed out more and the story is even more engrossing than the first. Its a little over 400 pages and it felt half that, such was my immersion in the book. The story and writing here is top notch. An exciting opening book in this saga and this one upped the ante and then some.
Easy 5 out of 5 stars for me.
Thanks to the publisher for the ARC through Netgalley.

An excellent 2nd installment of the Max Craigie novels. This takes us on in time after the Hardie family have all been placed behind bars to more recent times and begins with the death of a drugs mule. Before we know it, we're lost in the midst of a story that again libkes to the Hardies. Well thought out plot in the stunning location of the Highlands, giving an insight into modern policing in today's Scotland whilst also giving the characters the space to develop as we find out more on each of the main players. Excellent follow up to the first book in the series and I cannot wait for the next.

This is the second novel to include Ross, Max and Janie of the Policing Standards Reassurance Team based in Scotland. The PSR is a small team with a wide remit and freedom to investigate. This is a police procedural, but one step removed from everyday policing that becomes two steps as they eventually investigate PIRC (Police Investigations Review Commissioner) who investigate the operations of the police. What the reader certainly gets a feel for is the bureaucracy, the career minded operators, the interagency cooperation, or lack of, and the paranoia that top level infiltration engenders. The author manages this without it ever being boring or too political.
The plot centres on the importation of class A drugs and the operation of what has become known as County Lines operations. An Edinburgh drugs baron has been jailed and his patch has been infiltrated by Liverpudlians and some members of law enforcement are seeking involvement as a contact is setting up a massive deal.
This is an incident packed story, there is room for characterisation but there is an awful lot going on within the investigation and it seems likely they will be fleshed out further in following novels. The principal characters are engaging and the introduction of the analyst Norma adds to the mix and brings a certain balance, one would expect these teams to be small but three is perhaps a little too small. We also have the intrigue of Mrs Fraser as a kind of ‘her indoors’ to keep Ross on his toes and she must surely to play a bigger role in the future.
Despite all this action the plotting is tight and any excess has been trimmed off. The pacing is not so much rapid as relentless. Chapters are short (some just a page or two) the narrative constantly switches. There is action a plenty, even a moral choice involving life and death race. Its breathless stuff, read this in one or two sittings and you are going to feel worn out.
The violence at times is brutal and inevitably occasionally graphic, but after all drug trafficking is a vicious violent business that destroys life. There’s a pub scene which is unpleasant, I’ve been in some rough pubs but nothing like this one though.
Finally I would like to thank the author, publisher and Net Galley for making a PDF available in exchange for a fair review.

The second book in the series and it doesn't disappoint. It can be read on its own but it carries on from the previous book.
DS Max Craigie uncovers a connection between the disappearance of a fisherman in a remote Scottish loch and an employee of the NCA who jumps from the Erskine Bridge. Soon there are more bodies and Max's past comes back to confront him again. Everyone who he holds dear is in danger but can he hold his nerve and reach a conclusion to his biggest problem.

Another installment in the Max Craigie series. It;s a good enough thriller, but once again there's a Deus ex machina rescue. I hope that is not going to be a theme of these books..

I found this a real exciting almost old fashioned thriller.
It is fast moving and looks at drug crime and police corruption and includes the use of modern technology in police work.
The characters feel real and I felt engaged with them, reading on keen to discover what happened next.
There are bloody and gruesome chapters but that feels appropriate within the story as the team work within their own areas of expertise to catch the criminals.
Thoroughly recommended

This was amazing. It was fast paced and believable, with a great cast of characters. If you liked Line of Duty this is for you.

Really enjoyed the latest Neil Lancaster novel, Blood Tide, this book carries on from Dead Mans Grave featuring DS Max Craigie who is still trying to stop the corruption in Scotland, the characters are well written and engaging. Although this is book two it does have an air of finality to it but I hope there will be more written soon.

This is an excellent sequel to Dean Man's Grave by Neil Lancaster. I highly recommend reading this before the Blood Tide to fully understand the character history and development.. This book continues with Max Cragie and the team investigating a suicide, where not all is as it seems. The story then centers around the drug trade with further corruption in very high places. This is a superb police procedural set in and around Scotland.
Highly recommended!
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the preview copy.

Neil Lancaster is fast becoming one of my favourite authors.
This is the second book in the DS Max Craigie series and I highly recommend that you read the first one, Dead Man's Grave, before this one is published (on 23rd Feb).
Max, Janie and Ross are the secret team who investigate Police Scotland colleagues. No expense claim fraud here though. This is all high end organised crime gangs with corruption right up to the top of the tree.
Think Line of Duty with balls!
Thanks to Harper Collins UK, Neil Lancaster and Netgalley for this ARC.

Another police procedural, set in Scotland. The plot flows fine. I do have a problem with the dialogue. It always feels stilted, the conversations do not have a natural flow. I was surprised to read the author claims a Liverpool background because the dialogue for his Liverpudlian characters is based in the 1960s idioms not present day useage and as annoying as expecting the Scottish villains to say “och aye the noo”

Another great story from Lancaster.
DS Max Craigie and the team are back, find corruption in the force. Someone is stealing from the drugs gangs but who would have that information except the police?
The novel focusses on Craigie but the characters in the team are all interesting with their own stories. Some new tech experts are added to the team in this book too.

I haven’t read the previous book in this series featuring DS Max Craigie and his tightly knit likeable team but I will certainly want to read the first in the series after having read this one. It is a fast paced police procedural involving miscreants on the police force and a drug running network. There is a subplot of one of Craigie’s past cases catching up with him which means his life and those of others may be put in danger.
An exciting, tense page turner of a novel. Highly recommended.
My thanks to the publishers and NetGalley for the ARC.

Brilliant police/crime story. Lots of twists and turns and excitement . Believable with likeable characters (the detectives) .
Slowly the plot emerges and the reader becomes aware that seemingly unrelated events are connected. The pace picks up as you get further into the book and keeps on suprising and holding your interest until the end .
Thank you to Net Galley for the ARC in exchange for an hinest review I will look out for more from this author
Check out this book on Goodreads: The Blood Tide https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58778863-the-blood-tide