Member Reviews

I was given this book after the publishing date.
I didn't really enjoy this book due to the plot holes I found. I liked the characterization.

Different to my usual read, but I'm glad I tried it. I requested the audiobook and the actual book so I could read along, or listen while working sync up later.
Interesting storyline. I've not read anything like it before

A time where rain became toxic, and people die from contact. War with neighboring sections, corrupt leaders, resistance, ...
An interesting dystopian science fiction. Which I loved.
What I found more intriguing is that the author is a biology professor. But I was disappointed with the end. How from the rain becoming toxic without a direct contact and people dying just from volatile toxicity, to just finding the cure and the toxic rain just gone! Seemed too quick too fast of a solution.

I could not review this book. The very first sentence was repulsive to me. If I remember correctly (since my copy was withdrawn): "He buried his wife ...." in the sand on the riverbank, I believe. I didn't care to find out why the author thought it was necessary to dispense with the protagonist's wife in the first sentence. It's not a good way to create sympathy and interest in the female half of the population.

One of my favorite dystopian works to date, all the best tones from Station Eleven, Handmaid's Tale, etc. wrapped into one. Grim, painful, disturbing, yet hopeful all at once. Nice to see something that can stand out amongst its peers and tell an original yet classic dystopian story. 4.5 stars
Thank you to NetGalley and Pacific Street Publishing for the ARC.

A terrific novel of climate change and genetic engineering. Ohh the storyline was fascinating, deep, intense, thrilling, and shocking!
Overall this was an exciting book that gave me several hours of escapism and enjoyment. Id definitely read other books released by this author.

I am a huge fan of dystopian novels, and this one did not disappoint. It gives a look into a future that we could possibly be headed for. I really enjoyed the story line and it had a great climax. I will definitely be recommending this book!

Well done Mr Ritter! This peek at a possible future was totally believable. Loved the title. A sign of a good story, to me, is walking with the characters, and hoping things turn out for us. Thanks to NetGalley and publisher for the ARC. .

Interesting dystopian novel that resonates with the current conversation on climate change. California has separated into various regions due to war and disagreements. Man’s desire to control the weather system to enhance crop efficiency has resulted in harmful chemicals being dispersed into the atmosphere and the result a climate catastrophe. Storylines follow a family separated by imprisonment, resistance fighters, scientists fighting to prevent fatalities occurring and those at the top with the ultimate power. One of those books you can’t put down, everyone is racing against time to save lives. Would make a good movie.
Thanks to Netgalley the author and publishers Pacific Street Publishing for an ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

This book was a slow burner, it took a little while to get going. The concept itself is good and offers a glimpse into a not too distant, and quite possible, future.
I wish that the characters were a little more developed and diverse but overall it was an interesting read
*I received this book from Netgalley and the publishers in return for an honest review*

The book gives a glimpse of not so distant future....................................
Rainwalkers by Matt Ritter is indeed a book giving us some insights into our future. Nice plot with a good research done by the author. Also, the book is full of action and adventure. Although, there was nothing new in the plot. But, it turned out to be interesting and worth a one time read.
I would give the book 4 stars for its climax, which I happened exactly as I thought. Thanks to Netgalley and Pacific Street Publishing for providing me an opportunity to read and review the book.

It's a well written, turning page book! I enjoyed so much more than I expected.
The characters are very believable and human, I liked Ben a lot, how he showed compassion even with all the problems around him.
It was a pleasure to read this book, thank you so much!

Thank you to Netgalley for this ARC. Unfortunately Rainwalkers was not for me. I DNFd at 34%. The concept sounded interesting when I requested the book, but the writing just fell flat for me. I wish the story started earlier in the fictional timeline, like when Taft was separated from his family or even when the harmful rain first started. Instead this story starts out with Taft on the run, burying his wife who was killed. He’s looking for his daughter. However he was not an interesting character for me, nor were the other POV characters.

This is OK, not great. I didn't always stay engaged, but the premise is decent. I'm a little surprised this won awards, but who am I to judge. I hope the author keeps writing.
Thanks very much for the review copy!!

I absolutely loved the concept of this plot but the actual execution fell flat for me. I feel like the book started in the middle of a story instead of at the beginning. I wanted to see how the rain becoming toxic all played out in the beginning. In fact, I think that is my favorite part of dystopian novels--seeing how normal society falls into a dystopian world and watching it all unfold.
I also think there was something about the writing style that I just didn't jive with. Maybe it seemed a bit rushed and so it felt like something was lacking. Beyond that, I do think I would try something by the author in the future. The plot held promise, but I want to see more explanation on what caused some to be able to walk in the rain. I want more of the science and interactions between characters and less of the violence and action.

Rainwalkers is a dystopian novel set in the near future where rain has been made and now that rain is lethal to humans. This story was a face paced read and the author did a great job describing the atmosphere of the setting and was easy to follow. This is a cautionary tale for us as humans In a world we take for granted and this novel is a terrifying speculative look at what life could be like. Great story!

4 stars, Poison Rain
by Matt Ritter
This is a decent dystopian novel, it would have been better for me if it didn't have injuries and purposeful death of children in it.
A story about a father trying to reach his young daughter.
I received a complimentary copy of #rainwalkers from #pacificstreetpublishing and was under no obligation to post a review. #dystopian #futuristic #newreleasebooks

Super novel with an interesting view of evolution and climate change. I'd admit to must read dystopian novels.

Thanks to Net Galley for the ARC.
Great dystopian/sci-fi/horror book that warns of dealing with "climate change" without becoming partisan in politics.
A great cautionary tale of the dangers of trying to control the weather or the things a man loves and the dire consequences of weather. The 'magic' at the end was disappointing for me but the rest was good
I enjoyed this book.

There's a kind of sci-fi scenario which is a tricky balancing act to pull off. Basically when you move a number of generations on, the populus are trapped in an area of some form, some disaster or technological shift has happened and the powers that be both use this as a reason to keep control over the people, to the extent of not solving, or even exacerbating the disaster. I always find these stories a hard pull, because I find it hard to believe that the lure of power within a disaster is greater than the desire to be freed from the situation. And I also find it difficult to believe that a couple of generations is all it will that for the people to become so pliant to allow it. This is the core issue I had with Rainwalkers, where we are thrown into an intriguing situation that never quite convinced.
Its the future and to combat climate crisis, scientists have seeded the clouds with some form of bacteria that makes it rain more often (I will let the science go here....) However the bacteria mutates making the rain deadly to be out in. Its a solid - if silly - situation, and one made a little bit more difficult because this all takes place in the Salinas Valley in California. The way the Valley is surrounded by lowish mountains makes it vaguely plausible that it could be cut off, but nothing really explains the lack of flying vehicles, or indeed radio signals that leave the valley. Instead it is cut off and a local government is fighting and endless war against the "outsiders" and of course any dissidents. They have discovered that some children are immune to the rain (hence Rainwalkers) and are desperately trying to find more to help them fight the war - rather than discover why and solve the problem .This involves leaving kids in the rain to die - at one point at a success rate of ten percent. Its a great and shocking visual, but I cannot imagine the valley having a large enough population that thirty kids at a time can be just murdered. Around this scenario we have a father looking for his daughter and people trying to escape conscription. Its nominally and action-adventure piece, though in reality it ends up being the character running around slowly filling in bits of world-building and uncovering the secret plot. It also has one of my least favourite solutions to the scientific part of the crisis - I am not a fan of magic blood...
I am probably more down on this than I expected as individually few of these niggles would get to me, but together they just ended up bugging me. As action it didn't work, I never felt the peril for the daughter plot and the baddies plot was just too ludicrous. There are some good ideas here, but it just didn't work for me.