Member Reviews

Having guessed the outcome far too early for my liking left me with a read that felt slow and frustrating. I was desperate to see if I was correct but thought Cross took a long time getting there. In the end, the conclusion was anti-climatic as it no longer felt like a surprise.
Protagonist Sarah is really down on her luck with spiralling bills and a dead-end job. The chance to secure a role as Nanny really appeals to her and when she sees her potential employer lives in such an affluent area of New York, she feels this might be the break she has been waiting for. Except meeting the family is awkward and with an atmosphere. Furthermore, the Bird family employ Sarah before she has even met Patty, the child. What is going on?
Cross certainly creates a sinister and claustrophobic atmosphere in the luxury penthouse apartment. It shows that money does not buy happiness, despite all that the Bird family try and do. Indeed, having to sign a non-disclosure agreement for the role of a Nanny triggered alarm warnings… except Sarah is so desperate for extra money that she is willing to overlook this strange demand.
As the story progresses, it is clear that the Bird family have plenty to hide. However, I didn’t find the story particularly suspenseful and that not much really happened. Although the chapters are relatively short, I don’t think it contributed to a fast-paced story and instead I felt a bit bored by how long it took the writer to provide any real answers. Even when Sarah’s fiancé is pulled into the secrets surrounding her employer, I never get a sense of danger or fear that Sarah experiences.
In my opinion, this plot was quite far-fetched in places, even beyond my boundaries. The backstory surrounding Patty was not particularly convincing and I really disagreed with how Collette is treated. On the other hand, I thought the writer could have really developed Collette’s character more, adding further sinister undertones to the plot. When I reached the ending, I felt the conclusion was abrupt: an Epilogue would have tied up all the loose ends rather neatly.
In my opinion, this is an easy-going, not-quite thriller about a woman whose new position as a Nanny is not what it seems. Whether the ending was supposed to be really obvious or not, I think it certainly spoiled my enjoyment of this book, making it less sinister because it had been so predictable.
With thanks to Avon books and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Brilliant thriller what a thrilling fast paced edge of your seat read it kept guessing right until the end this is definitely worth a read

O my word. I will be honest, I was reading this, and really thinking at some stage that the book wasn't really going anywhere. I couldn't be more wrong. The twist in this book was so well done, I so enjoyed the book, and I remembered once again why Ms Cross is such a talented author! Well done!

This was a fun book to read, albeit, it begins with the well-known trope of a nanny that is in debt and has to sign a contract and crazy things transpire with the family. However, this was still an enjoyable read. It's certainly one that was quick to read and didn't have to really take too seriously. I read this genre quite often, so I did catch on quite quickly how the story was going to evolve, but it was still fun to read.

I liked this book a lot. I loved the premise of this book and the major twist.
It was full of suspense.

An easy and exciting read with a lot of twists to keep you engaged right till the end!
Thankyou NetGalley and Avon Books for this ARC!!

Nanny needed. discretion is of the utmost of importance.
Sarah is drowning in debt and struggling to get by on her waitress salary and tips. She lives with her fiancé Jonathon who also works at the same restaurant.
Sarah comes across an ad
for a nanny needed in New York "utmost discretion required.' It seems like the perfect job, a glamorous penthouse apartment, an attractive salary and a contract that has a lot of small print that she does not bother to read!!
She meets Stephen Bird for the interview, he is the stepson of Collette Bird and stepbrother to Patty who is nearly four and needs a nanny.
WOW I'm still shaking my head wondering what I have just read. I loved how I thought this was going to be another nanny story and instead you gave me a chilling and twisty ride where the final destination caught me by surprise.
A book that you won't want to miss out on, buckle up you are in for a bumpy ride!!
Thank you to Netgalley for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

Wow ! Talk about sinister! This thriller has everything and kept me completely captivated from the first page to the last page.
Thank you so much to the author and publishers for this wonderful read

Sarah and her fiancé are seriously in debt so it’s a godsend when she finds a card in her building’s lobby advertising for a nanny with a much better salary, she leaps at the chance, especially as it’s in a lovely part of New York. It’s only when she starts working there that she realises she might have made a big mistake! The author does a great job of describing the atmosphere of this vibrant city. Trouble is there are so many things that happened in this novel which wouldn’t in real life, so there are quite a few ‘no, I don’t think so” moments which spoil it. There’s the usual naive/overbearing/ruthless etc characters. Strange, blunt ending too - will there be a follow up? What Sarah does next? Will Collette mend type of thing? It was easy to read and get into.

By now people know I am an absolute wuss when it comes to thrillers, and so the first chapter of this, a scene where a group of children gather at a birthday party where the birthday girl is nowhere to be seen, had me step away for a while, unsure as to whether I could read on! (I know, okay?!)
This was the atmospheric story of Sarah, who took a job as a nanny despite having no experience. She is soon made to question why she’s taken on as she realises the job entails more than she originally signed up for. With disclosure agreements, threats, a mother who is on the edge and just the creepiest ambiance, this is a thriller that hooked me and wouldn’t let go! I won’t say any more except that the ending- I don’t know that is was for me being of the ‘whaaatttt?!?!?’ variety, but after the twists that led to it (two ‘no!’ moments)- it is most definitely a book I’ll be recommending!!

Cover: Ominous. I’m not wild about the color palette—orange and blue, why?
Interesting premise. If you’re strapped for cash and get the chance to land a well-paid job, wouldn’t you snatch it up right away? Even if some aspects might sound a little, ah, shady? Sarah Larsen does just that: she signs up a contract with the Bird and agrees to be a nanny. Given the salary, I wouldn’t have any second thoughts either.
As MCs go, it’s easy to root for Sarah. I like the way she acts throughout the novel, even if she’s a little too naïve here and there. The Bird family is unsympathetic, instead; I wouldn’t say nasty, but Cross does a good job of panting at them as unpleasant. Collette is the insane one, of course, and the catalyst of the entire story. I’m so sorry for her plights.
The final revelation is a bit too much, though. Over the top. No matter the reasoning, I find it hard to suspend my disbelief that much and buy the whole thing. I mean, really? They don't check at all, they hear the doctor say, 'trust me, bro', and go with it? There's grief and there's being gullible.
From a technical point of view, Nanny Needed suffers a bit from the chosen POV. While I agree first POV works fine here, there are too many ‘I’ and they distract from the story. Also, I get the stylistic choice of starting sentences with ‘and’ and ‘but’—I do! They can introduce pivotal moments and add emphasis to them. However, they’re still coordinating conjunctions :(
3,5 stars on GR.

Loved this! What a fab read. Really enjoyed the storyline and the pace of it. Great twist at the end. It had me from page one! Will definitely be looking at others from this author.
Thank you Netgalley.

A good read
A great book with lots of twists and turns
With great character
Will have you hooked
Thanks NetGalley

I’m not too sure how I feel about this book, I feel like some parts of it were quite strange, and did not like the end at all as I felt there were a lot of unanswered questions

Nanny Needed was probably one of the oddest books I've read to date. While it hed my attention I found the storyline to be outlandish and bizarre. Young Sarah is struggling to pay off her debts and build a life with her partner Jonathan when she comes across a job advertised that seems to good to be true, She soon realises there is more to the job than she realises and a nanny is not what is really required. Her whole life is soon turned upside down. A weird and sometimes wonderful amd sometimes odd read

I had to sleep a night about my feelings for this book. I loved most of the book. Building up the story was good. Then I lost interest and experienced lost of focus because it was getting a bit slow. In the end it got my attention back on the part when it all got explained. But the end?? Why? Why this end? Was there no more paper? Was the limit of letters reached? Please make a new end in a new press of this book. The end was a no go and because of that a 3 star grade. When you end the sudden end it could raise to 4.
Thanks for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

What. The. Actual.
This novel is a mindf**k
I absolutely loved it!!
In this book, we are introduced to Sarah, who is struggling to make ends meet, due to the debt incurred whilst looking after her Aunt
She applied to be a nanny for the very wealthy family who live in the penthouse
Everything seems too god to be true, but nothing could prepare Sarah for what is actually happening
This book is very original. I genuinely had no idea how this was going to pan out and so many times throughout this book I was saying the words… what the actual.
When all was revealed, I couldn’t believe that I hadn’t guessed it. It was obvious. But not in a bad way
I’ve thought about this book so much since finishing it.
It kept me hooked and I raced through it
Absolutely loved and recommend this book

Nanny Needed by Georgina Cross was just wow!! An instant page turner that hooked me in straight away. It was an intense psychological thriller that kept me guessing to the end. Filled with twists and turns I loved it.

Brilliant twisty little thriller had me hooked from page one and the ending was not to be missed, will look out for more from the author! Really enjoyed it and it was different to some others ive read so a good storyline too

This was a fast-paced domestic thriller. It started off with a brilliant premise and I was intrigued to see where it might go - I definitely felt creeped out by the characters and setting.
However, as the book progressed, I felt it lost that tension. Some it began to feel repetitive and too far-fetched, so I didn't feel as engrossed for the second half.
Nevertheless, still a good quick read that was slightly different to any storyline I've read before!