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I'm a bit late coming to this unfortunately, and that was a mistake. A beautifully written, eloquent, and heart rending story.

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This was really good. A well written historical romance that captures all the intense feelings that go with lovers being separated. Communication was only possible through physical letters. The war was at the center of this novel and was filled with unknowns and death.
I got so emotional reading (which means I loved the writing). Things were happening, (scream) and I was holding my breath, praying that things would work out. !! How strong is their love? Will it survive all of this? Hopefully.
If you like a good historical romance then this is the book for you. Highly recommend.
Thanks Orion Dash via NetGalley.

This is an epic WW1 novel starting pre-war in British-occupied Egypt. Isobel is a wonderful character—straining against the vividly portrayed societal restrictions faced by a woman of her class. I found it especially interesting that she's from Belfast because, of course, this is pre-Irish independence. It's a refreshing take, although the families involved are very much upper crust with all the expectations that entails.
The historical research is extremely thorough and the language used feels genuine to time - always a bugbear of mine. Perhaps because it's so jam-packed and emotional, I needed to savour it in instalments. The ending, if a little predictable, satisfied.
A really fine debut and I look forward to more from this author.

A beautiful and heartfelt love story. I enjoyed reading this book. Many thanks to the publisher for the ebook.

In This Foreign Land is a beautifully told epic love story. The writing is superb and the descriptions brought everything to life in my mind as I read. The dialogue is great and very realistic of the era and the characters are fully formed. The plot is well executed and I really enjoyed reading this debut novel by Suzie Hull and look forward to reading more of her work.

I was really looking forward to reading this book but was sadly disappointed by it.
I enjoyed the first part of the book based in Egypt learning more about the pyramids and life in pre-war Egypt. The characters were all likeable especially Mr and Mrs Finch who you could feel the love oozing from them.
I felt it predictable what would happen to Isobel becoming pregnant and found some of the following chapters followed the same predictability.
The details within the prisoner of war camp made me wonder how Edward survived and how when he was captured they didn't simply execute him like happened to many other escapees?
I was left asking questions at the end of the book as Edward was surely now the family heir but was running a business and did not seem to be taking on or helping with any or helping any of the family responsibilities.

We always begin these reviews by stating that I actually don't read this genre a lot. There's times I feel like I'm doing the author a disservice by saying this- as if telling their audience I can't really judge the book. This is even more apparent in cases like this, where I adore a book so much and think about it for so long after reading!
I read and devoured this book in small chunks as I wanted to truly savour it, knowing that from the off I was all in for the story of vibrant character Isobel, who is very much restrained by the norms of the time she's living in. I fell for Isobel straight away and rooted for the journey she went on, including a physical journey that was so tangible it truly transported me away. I adored this book- the settings, the attention to vivid detail, the gorgeous romance. Very much recommended and one I'll be shouting about!

A heart wrenchingly good read, this epic love story is masterfully handled by the author.
Beautiful light touch description that sets the scenes and locations perfectly, whilst not impacting the pace. The dialogue adds to the richness and the credibility of the characters and the depiction of family relationships is superbly executed.
Most of all though this is a cracking good story and an excellent read. I devoured it in three sittings and found myself racing to the end, whilst also not wanting it to finish. I absolutely loved it and can't wait to read more from the author.
Highly recommend.