Member Reviews

3.5/5 stars
This novel introduces a truly fascinating realm, where vampirism is revered and the term "vampire" is considered shameful—talk about flipping the script! The characters were a standout for me, and it feels like Brien has laid the groundwork for an exciting series. However, it’s a bit of a bumpy ride getting there.
The multiple POVs (around four, if memory serves) were hard to juggle at first. It took me about halfway through the book to feel comfortable switching between them. Once I got the hang of it, the story became more enjoyable, but those early chapters were a bit of a maze.
As for the world-building, it was intriguing but felt scattered. The magic system and power structures had me hooked in theory, but clarity didn’t come until much later than I would’ve liked. Even by the end, I was still left scratching my head over some details.
That said, the potential is undeniable. The characters are what will keep me coming back, and I’m eager to see how everything unfolds in book two. Hopefully, the pacing and structure tighten up to match the story’s promise!
#SilverToTheHeart #NetGalley
Thank you NetGalley, for sending me the ARC.

Overall, this was a great story with interesting characters driving the plot, and a unique twist on the paranormal theme. While I *do* enjoy getting a story from multiple POVs, I found it hard to keep track of all the different narrators in this story - there were so many threads to keep track of that I felt like I might need to take notes. That said - I loved all the characters, and I thought Feathers did an excellent job developing them. The plot moves along at a decent pace, and is interesting enough to keep you reading from cover to cover. I'm curious to see what the next book has in store!

An old soul (several centuries old), the lover, fighter, and telekinetic Drake receives an order to safeguard Ana, a mortal with Elder Talent.
Ana, an artist beset by haunting visions, falls for the perfect stranger while venturing home to mediate emergent family chaos.
Past-warlord and present commander Sasuke wields his telepathic might to outwit Council traitors in an effort to save the human realm and its Guardian from a new Dark War.
This book contains a variety of interesting and unique characters that had a variety of personalities. Some you love and some you won't. There is great world building with hints of history and conflicts that have been simmering for hundreds of years. Some really good twists and turns that made you keep reading as you didn't know what was going to happen next.
I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a new series to start.

I am always here for anything Vampire and this definitely delivered. I liked the characters. I also liked the plot and the world building. I felt sucked into this world and it was hard for me to leave.
My one and only complaint was that there was a lot point of views the book switched around to and at first it was very confusing and it make it hard to get into the story but once you get the hang of it you're good to go. It is always tough to have a bunch of point of views because there are select characters you like more than others and its easy to rush to the characters that you like.
Overall I thought it was pretty good.

A vampire fantasy book! Nit another one I hear you say?? Well this was refreshing .
Told through 6 povs is quite unique when it isn't high fantasy but I really enjoyed it

Very confusing. The idea is there for sure, but the execution didn't do it for me. It was a lot of information too fast and the writing overall just didn't have an easy flow. I wanted to love this, but it missed the mark for me.

3 ★
I was looking forward to reading this Sliver to the heart but for some reason I just couldnt get into it. I dont know if it was the story line or the characters. I just found the story line confusing at times.

I should have loved Silver to the Heart but unfortunately it just didn't hit right. I found the writing to be quite clunky, which I can usually overlook but I wasn't drawn in and invested enough to be able to see past it. A shame, as the premise is great!

Unfortunately I had to DNF this book. I tried to read it multiple times but the writing was too difficult to get into. I stopped around 20% It feels like you're being dropped into the middle of a book halfway through a series. Too much is going on and there are too many POVs to follow.

I love how so many things happened in the book. I could not keep myself from the book because it was so good

Hello Books Lovers,
how are your readings going? But above all, how do you organize yourselves in the summer? Can you read in this heat? Many times I find myself having to stand up for anything because as soon as I sit down I start sweating XD
I assume today's review will not be very long because unfortunately I am about to talk of a book that I did not like very much. Or rather, I was enjoying the beginning and then it started to get lost on the road and I am very sorry about this thing because I would have liked so much to have a more positive opinion on this story.
The book in question is Brien Feathers' Silver to the Heart, a self-published book by this Mongolian author who kindly sent it to me via netgalley. And although the story has not made me particularly crazy, I really appreciate the chance that was given to me.
Silver to the Heart is a Paranormal Romance, more towards the adult than the young adult, and sees as protagonists those who, although called differently in the book, are real vampires, with slightly different abilities from the usual ones. But now there are so many vampire stories that if you don't differentiate it, there would be nothing interesting.
Our protagonists are Drake, a vampire with a few centuries behind him, and Ana, a mortal with special abilities that put her in danger. The bad guys want her and so it's up to Drake to make sure she doesn't fall into the wrong hands.
As described, he looks very charming, red hair, young. Younger than Ana, almost a teenager, the age at which he stopped aging. This thing I have to be honest, for the romance part it bothered me a bit. Maybe it's because I'm used to the age gap where he's older than her, and even if that's the case here too, he doesn't look older anyway, and, I don't know, that was weird.
But in reality up to here things were all right. What then began to stop me from appreciating the story were the absurdities. Especially in the way the two officially know each other. He treats her badly and then suddenly hears that she needs a chaperone for her sister's wedding and introduces himself to her parents without first volunteering, without discussing it. As a complete stranger, he introduces himself to her parents as if they had been together for a lifetime. These dynamics of this scene and others after, made me turn up my nose.
Let's say that, although history may be full of potential, it doesn't take much to ruin everything. The story for me has already begun to ruin itself from this particular scene. However, I reiterate that every judgment is subjective. I have seen that many people have loved this book, so if the genre is for you and the story intrigues you even a little give it a chance.

I really wanted this book to make it to my top 10…but it just didn’t. I liked it, but it just wasn’t outstanding or anything I loved. The writing was good though, and I would give this author another go

This was a super fun read I really enjoyed it and loved the writing style I will be recommending and buying a copy as well

Thank you so much Netgalley and Brien Feathers for the ARC of this book.
This book had a good mix of action, romance and fantasy. It was well written and the pace was good.
Unfortunately there was something little missing for me to hit it out of the park but overall a good read!

An interesting book with a good host of characters I ended up rooting for. I look forward to any future books

I don’t like to DNF books but I just couldn’t get trough this book. I like multiple points of view but this book has way to many and it’s really hard to figure out who’s point of view it is. It’s also hard to understand who’s talking. Maybe I try to pick it up again later but I can’t keep reading right now.

Thanks to NetGalley, Books Go Social & the author for providing me with an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!
I usually enjoy multiple POV's, but this story was too chaotic for my taste. I will not lie - first couple chapters were interesting enough and kept me, in some level, engaged. But as soon as more and more POV'S were introduced, pacing was constantly shifting between fast and slow, it became disorienting and difficult to follow the plot. Story fell flat.
Key features could be appealing to some readers - species, powers and all history /potential future events around dangerous dark times, that are coming. But, for me personally, I felt no connection to either constantly jumping story or, for the first time, main characters. I found Ana and Drake annoying and un-charismatic. Chapter where he was in her room, still somehow a stranger and than boom! Talk about sexy time. It came out of nowhere, was off-putting and ridiculous. I mean 30% in book and the guy already silently mentions that he loves her ( you know her like for 19 sec only..) and Ana - word "baby" will be heard in my realm of nightmares.
Sadly, I will not be continuing with the series. I think this book will appeal so some readers, but it du not capture my attention. Thank you for the chance to read and good luck in the future!

Thank you to the publisher, netgalley and the author for allowing me to read this eARC, I feel so blessed to be able to have critical conversations about great books and recommend books to my book club.
This is a new adult fantasy book that was unusual to read at first but after I got used to his writing style I enjoyed the book more and started to pace through the book faster. I liked this a lot and will read more from him in the future.

My only critisism of this book is that perhaps it has too many voices giving their point of view. It did take me a while to get used to this and had to check back a few times to see who was talking. That said, I did enjoy the book and the world of Ana and Drake. The story was compelling and the range of characters interesting. I definitely would buy the next book.

Thank you to NetGalley for a copy of this book.
This was an epic beginning to a series! The book was a great ride and kept me engaged throughout. I cannot wait to see what comes next in this series.