Member Reviews

A multi-layered, rollercoaster of a tale that will have you glued to the page!
Linwood Barclay certainly knows how to spin a tale! A woman - presumed dead, Brie turns up 6 years later at her old home. A family in turmoil with a lot of secrets and lies and a detective determined to see the husband pay.
Wowzers! What a read. This story has so many subplots but the way in which they are delivered is nothing short of mastery. The book has a very slow, steady pace, as events happen and secrets unfold this pace serves the plot well because it is A LOT to take in. You’ll be believing you’ve figured it all out within the first quarter but don’t be duped… Linwood is an expert in misdirection!
A thoroughly enjoyable and engaging read that I’m sure will become another best seller. Barclay knows his audience and has finely honed his skills to serve you a brilliant plot with an excellent finish.
Thanks to NetGalley for my advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

Thank you to #NetGalley and #HQ for the advance copy of #TakeYourBreathAway by #LinwoodBarclay
This is a cracker of a book with twists and turns on practically every page.
Andrew’s wife disappeared 6 years ago and everyone presumes she is dead. Her sister has spent the time trying to get the police to arrest Andrew and blackening his name.
But now Brie is back !!!! Where has she been ? Is it really her?
A superb thriller by a master storyteller.

Chilling, cleverly crafted and addictive from start to finish, I’d definitely recommend this.
Andrew is away for the weekend on a fishing trip with his best friend and colleague when his wife, Brie, mysteriously goes missing. Six years later the mystery of Brie’s disappearance still hasn’t been resolved and her siblings and the local detectives seem to firmly be pointing he finger at Andrew, who has since changed his last name and tried to move on with his life, against the odds. Then a woman turns up at their previous address to all intents and purposes seeming to be Brie and everyone’s worlds turn upside down again.
There are many twists and turns in the storyline and there is a fantastically build up feeling of injustice and wanting to solve the ultimate mystery of what happened to Brie. We are directed to be suspicious of everyone and everything and there are plenty of mind blowing red herrings along the way. There was also clever withholding of information that the lead characters had gleaned, until it could be revealed more dramatically later which gave great tension to the book and compelled me to finish it within a day. Brilliant writing and storyline and well worth a read.

It’s been a while since I’ve read a book by Linwood Barclay and what a cracking choice this one is. An excellent thriller, a real page swiper, the plot keeps you fascinated and guessing all the way through. Lots of interesting, multi-layered characters, I just found this a terrific read from beginning to end. Must not leave it so long until a read another Linwood Barclay novel.
Thanks to NetGalley and HQ for providing me with an Advance Reader's Copy in exchange for an honest, unbiased review.

Take Your Breath Away is a gripping and engaging read. I found the concept - the reappearance of a woman who had mysteriously disappeared six years earlier - to be imaginative. I was sad at the ending ( without giving anything away). I enjoyed the range of characters and the way in which the story was told from their viewpoints. I have to agree with another editor that the Kindle version was unproofed and this did impact on the readability at points. I think it would make a really great film.
Thanks to the publishers and to Netgalley for an opportunity to read and review.

Linwood Barclay is back to his very best here with this gripping and twisty crime thriller. I loved the multiple viewpoints from characters who all seemed to have something to hide and the storyline where nothing seemed to make sense. What happened to Brie and why, after six years, have there now been sightings of her? Linwood Barclays No Time For Goodbye is one of my very favourite books and this is right up there with it for a tension filled and shocking read. I loved it!

I have read and loved all of Linwood Barclay’s books so I was very excited to be able to read his latest before publication. This had a great plot with various twists and turns. Some of the characters I liked (particularly Andrew) and some I really didn’t (Isobel). At the beginning of the book, I had no idea where this was going but there were enough clues that I worked it out by the end. Well paced and a very enjoyable read. Can’t wait for the next one!
Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for an ARC of this book.

Linwood Barclay can always be relied on for a page-turning story with relatable characters and more than a smattering of very dark humour. Take Your Breath Away sticks to that winning formula. The action takes place in Barclay's favourite suburban environment, a town perhaps a little too big for everyone to know each other, but certainly not large enough for the more notorious (deservedly or otherwise) inhabitants not to be easily recognised. In this book, the protagonist - Andrew Mason - is suspected of having murdered his wife six years ago...until she comes back to their former family home, Or does she? This engaging and well written story takes us deep into Andrew's life and his relationship with both his former in-laws and his new girlfriend which is stretched to breaking point by his search for his ex-wife.
The police officer investigating Andrew's case is perhaps a little blinkered and one-dimensional but the remainder of the characters fit well with the Barclay archetypes and the interaction between them, as much as the plot, makes this an extremely readable and enjoyable novel which will entertain during the long winter nights.

These days between Christmas and New Year are solely for sitting in front of a fire, reading. I was fortunate to have received an ARC copy from Netgalley and HarperCollins in return for an honest review. I say fortunate because this is the perfect book for reading days. It gripped me from the very first page and kept my interest until the last. It’s a murder/mystery or is it? There are lots of twists and turns and many laugh out loud moments
This is a great read and it is pure dark comedy

Get ready to be drawn into Andrew Mason's world where a traumatic event that still haunts him from years ago resurfaces, threatening to ruin his new life and relationships that he has worked hard to build. It’s a classic from this author which, as always, has a great plot, believable interesting characters, and keeps you guessing. With the usual twists and revelations, this had me willing things to work out for the likeable Andrew and I raced through the last few chapters getting the answers to the many events that unfold throughout the book.

The days are long, dark and soggy, the fire is lit and I have a large box of chocolates within arms length. Only one thing more is needed to make this a perfect Christmas holiday - yes, the new Linwood Barclay. Mysterious disappearances, equally baffling reappearances, an unforgiving sister-in-law and a neurotic new partner - you know the drill and it is all the more comforting, thrilling and satisfying for it.
Top read!

A really clever and surprising psychological thriller. A missing woman reappearing after 6 years , an obsessive cop and a grieving husband trying to rebuild his life can sound like the usual setup but this story takes a completely different direction and keeps you wondering. The twists are unexpected and the ending will leave you astounded.

I'm such a fan of this author and this was an excellent premise for a book. It’s definitely a book of highs and lows as I found elements of the storyline gripping, but, overall, I'm afraid, for me it was a disappointing read.
It starts really well with Brie, a woman who disappeared six years ago, seemingly turning up at various places. For example; the site of what was her home. There are many and varied characters and a police detective who appears to suspect Brie's husband of murder. So far, so good. Unfortunately I found the book to be, overall, a difficult read, finding it slow and a tad meandering and not the author's usual page turner.
For those who also enjoy this author's book, by all means give it a go, it's definitely got it's fans. I'm grateful to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to preview.

I received a copy of this book via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This is the story of Andrew. He goes away on a boys only fishing trip with business partner Gregg, when he arrives home he finds his wife Brie is missing. Andrew then becomes chief suspect in his wife’s disappearance. Six years later a woman claiming to be Brie turns up at the house where she and Andrew used to live. Where has Brie been for all this time and why turn back up now?
This was a very enjoyable fast paced thriller. I really enjoyed Andrew’s character and felt a huge amount of sympathy for him even though I was never 100% sure he was totally innocent. There are several sub plots as well as plot twists that make you want to keep turning those pages. I thought that I had guessed exactly what was going on and who was responsible but I was totally wrong!

The latest thriller from Linwood Barclay is one of his most enjoyable in recent times, it is suitably twisted, and entertaining, keeping me engaged throughout, and set in Connecticut. 6 years ago Andrew Mason had his life shattered when on a fishing trip with his best buddy and business partner, Greg Raymus, he returns home to find his wife, Brie, missing. Their marriage had gone through some rough times but they had sorted out the problems they faced, one of the issues being she was fed up with living in fixer up homes, she wanted somewhere more settled. The police under Detective Marisa Hardy conducted interviews with various interested parties and suspects but got nowhere, she comes to hone in on Andrew as the prime suspect, when it comes to wives, it's always the husband, right?
Andrew's life went on a downward spiral, unable to bear being regarded with suspicion, taking to the demon drink, only to he helped by the only person who believed in him, Greg. He changes his name and moves to a place where he is no longer recognised, getting work and recently finding love with Jayne Keeling, who moves in with him, along with her troubled 16 year old brother, Tyler. However, the past returns to haunt Andrew, and to threaten the new life he has built, when his old neighbour, Max, contacts him to tell him an upset woman resembling Brie had turned up at their old home. Furthermore, the same woman is seen by Brie's family, gathered around their dying mother, Elizabeth McBain. Isabel 'Izzy' had been convinced Andrew had killed her sister, Brie, and pursued him relentlessly, but is it possible Brie is alive? If so, what happened to her?
Andrew, with the police once again taking a closer look at him, decides to find out what happened to his wife, only to find himself dogged by danger and deaths in the present. Barclay writes a gripping thriller, packed with suspense and tension, that I could not let go of until I reached the conclusion with its final twist. If you are looking for a terrific and thrilling crime read, with some great characters, then I think this just might be right up your street. Highly recommended. Many thanks to the publisher for an ARC.

Thanks to Netgalley and HQ for the advance read of this e book.
This is the first I have read from this author so I was delighted to be approved. I really enjoyed this title, had my attention from the start and never let me get distracted from it, I couldn't put it down. A solid 4 stars from me.

Great psychological thriller about a guy called Andy whose wife Brie disappears while he is on holiday with his friend Greg.
His wife's family think he did it as do the police but can't find enough evidence to charge him. Andy moves away and changes his name and meets another woman and live together.
6 years later his world is in thrown into chaos when a neighbour from his old address rings him and says a woman turned up and asked where her house was and she looked like Brie.
What follows keep you guessing who is telling the truth as Andy tries to find out the truth about what really happened to Brie and can she really still be alive.
I could not stop reading this until I finished it and the ending is not what you expect.
Brilliant book can't wait to see if another one follows.

Utterly absorbing thriller from Linwood Barclay. Characters, plotting and pacing spot on. Could not put it down.
Thanks to HQ and Netgalley for a review copy.

I would like to thank Netgalley and HQ for an advance copy of Take Your Breath Away, a stand-alone thriller set in Connecticut.
Six years ago Brie Mason disappeared from the family home while her husband Andrew is away for the weekend. He quickly becomes the prime suspect in her murder, but with no body and no proof of murder he is left in limbo. He has rebuilt his life after hitting rock bottom, so he is unprepared for the appearance of a woman with a strong resemblance to Brie. The investigation is re-opened and Andrew, once again, comes under suspicion, so this time he’s going to investigate.
I thoroughly enjoyed Take Your Breath Away, which is an intriguing mixture of mystery and hidden agendas with so many twists I lost count. That should be unbalancing, because the reader never knows what is going to happen next or if what they are being told is true, but, instead it arouses the curiosity and urges the reader to keep turning the pages.
The novel is told from various points of view, including, at the beginning, interview transcripts from when Brie disappeared. I found these the most interesting part of the start of the novel because they give context and offer a different slant on events. The various points of view and necessary scene setting make the novel slow to start in terms of action and developments. Once, however, the scene is set and the characters established it soon takes off. There are plenty of developments that don’t have an explanation at the time so the reader is left guessing and trying to work out where everything fits in. I was rubbish at this, but still totally intrigued by why Brie disappeared initially and the secrets and actions of the main players. It all comes together well at the end, offering explanations and a final twist.
Andrew is a well drawn character in a difficult situation or, as I prefer to see it, a nightmare. He has never escaped the suspicion that surrounded him, so he changed his name and avoids his old stomping grounds. He has a new partner and a nice life, so what does the return of Brie do to it? I’d have a nervous breakdown but he decides to nose around, because he has so much to lose.
Take Your Breath Away is a good read that I have no hesitation in recommending.

The shocking affects when your wife disappears and you are prime suspect. Six years later, you have moved town, changed your surname and in a new relationship but then your wife is spotted twice. Is it her, where has she been are all left hanging to the very last page. You can feel the emotions reaching out of the page. Compulsive reading, if it was a series you would be binge watching it.