Member Reviews

Andrew Mason goes away for the weekend on a fishing trip, leaving his wife Brie alone in their home. Then Brie vanishes without a trace, and people suspect that Andrew had something to do with it. Six years later, Andrew has moved on and put the past behind him, until one day a woman is spotted who looks just like Brie... could she be back? If so, where has she been? Andrew knows he must find out the answers, but in doing so could he be in danger...?

Another brilliant book from Linwood Barclay. The plot is thrilling and exciting and I couldn't put it down until I reached the shocking conclusion. The book is cleverly written and full of twists and turns. I loved it!

Thanks to NetGalley for an advance copy of the book in return for my honest feedback.

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Some explosive twists and turns, keeps you guessing. More mystery in the book then the story of what happened to Brie as there are a variety plots along the way.
If you are a fan of Linwood Barclays other novels or like Harlan Coben then you will not be disappointed with this blinder of a novel!

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What happened to Brie Mason six years ago? Why does her return home to 36 Mulberry disturb her so much? One thing is for certain her reappearance sets off a chain reaction and is a conundrum for Detective Marisa Hardy whose suspicious eye always falls on Brie’s husband Andrew who has lived under a cloud of suspicion and with the difficulty of the not knowing.

I think you could describe this as a classic Linwood Barclay mystery with several subplots that weave seamlessly together into an intriguing plot. The dialogue and characterisation is extremely good, the author gets inside several peoples heads giving the reader a ‘birds eye view‘ for want of a better expression! Particularly strong is Andrew but others are equally well conveyed such as Brie’s sister Izzy who let’s just describe her as something else! The plot is good, it’s multilayered, it’s puzzling, compelling and very easy to read. What is especially good is that your Miss Marple/Hercule Poirot amateur detective eyes fall on several characters and when it’s revealed it’s a good surprise and a believable one. The plot on a couple of occasions does straight into bonkers la la land territory especially towards the end when one characters actions defy logical thinking which I daresay is often true to life but I can definitely say it’s entertaining and at the end of the day that’s what counts.

Overall if you like Linwood Barclay then you’ll enjoy this one which is an absorbing read from beginning to end.

With thanks to NetGalley and especially to HQ for the much appreciated arc in return for an honest review.

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Take Your Breath Away is an excellent story that holds your interest throughout, a real whodunnit. I usually workout the culprit/s but did not have a clue after vacillating between all the characters throughout.
Andrew Masons life was turned upside down six years previously when his wife Brie disappeared from their home whilst he was on a fishing trip with a friend. He has had to live with being accused as a murderer by his wife’s family and a police detective who never let up hounding him.
With his life now back on track and in a happy relationship his wife has apparently been seen again, first by a neighbour from where he used to live with Brie and then by Brie’s family.
As the story unfolds all is slowly revealed, lots of twists so no spoilers!
I really enjoyed this book, it is well written, great characters, plot lines and extremely entertaining, page turning enough to keep me well past my bedtime.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

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Another excellent Linwood Barclay novel. Andrew Masons wife goes missing whilst he is away on a fishing trip and the detective in charge of the case thinks he is guilty of killing her. Six years later he has moved on with his life when a person looking like his wife makes an appearance and is caught on CCTV outside where their old house used to be, before disappearing again. This brings renewed interest from the detective in charge and other unforeseen consequences.
Lots of excellent subplots and twists to the story. An excellent read from an author I really like.

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Having read Elevator Pitch and enjoyed it I was looking forward to read Take Your Breath Away and I was not disappointed .This is a brilliant thriller with a few mysteries thrown in ,great believable characters though some were not very nice !Fast paced and gripping from the very beginning with plenty of twists and turns ,multiple plots which are cleverly weaved together for a very satisfactory ending .Excellent read .Many thanks to the Publisher ,the Author and NetGalley for my free copy in return for an honest review .

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A well-written book and a clever story, which was impossible to predict. I loved this great thriller, which is another great book from this author. I can't wait for the next one!

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A solid four star read. Well written. Fantastic characters. Fast paced. Gripping. Plenty of suspense to keep me enthralled but t I guessed the culprit.. Would definitely read his next novel. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the chance to review it

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*4.5 stars*

Whilst Andrew Mason was away for the weekend on a fishing trip with his buddy Greg, his wife Brie disappeared, making Andrew the prime suspect. Even those close to him thought he’d killed his wife, but the police couldn’t find any concrete evidence. His life took a downward spiral, he almost lost his job, his drinking was out of control, and he was shunned in his local community. Six years on, things have changed, he took back control of his life, and has a new partner, Jayne, who he loves very much. Just when life is looking good, someone looking just like Brie turns up in various places, with witnesses claiming it’s her!

There were several plot lines, secrets and twists waiting to be revealed, that made this one difficult to put down.
From about 25% in I thought I’d guessed what had really happened. I had my suspect lined up, slapped in cuffs and on the way to the Police Department, but thanks to excellent use of smoke and mirrors I was wrong! Terrific

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I love Linwood Barclay’s books and this has to be one of his best yet!
6 years after a woman mysteriously vanished without a trace, a car pulls up outside the house that she disappeared from. A woman steps out, holding shopping bags. She looks up at the newly built house on the olot of land and screams, “where’s my house?”
A few miles away, Andrew is living his life with his new love. He couldn’t stay in the house that his wife, Brie, disappeared from, so he changed his name (to avoid rumours) and moved away. Andrew’s new life is about to be turned upside down with the news of the woman’s appearance at his old address….
This was an unputdownable read. It kept me guessing all the way to the end, which I relished after all of the twists and turns of the story.would highly recommend.
Thank you to a NetGalley for my copy.

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Thanks to Linwood and NetGalley for allowing me to read Take Your Breath Away before the publication date.

It is difficult to review this very entertaining book without giving away too much of the plot.

There are lots of secrets to be revealed and the odd comical scene, although the latter might just be my sense of humour..
The reference to Charlie’s house requires a warning to any sensitive reader….I still shudder in horror!

Andrew and Brie Mason’s marriage has hit a sticky patch but they have agreed to address the issues and put the past behind them as they work to repair their relationship.
Brie insists that Andrew goes on a planned weekend fishing trip with his friend and business partner, Greg, although she has never liked Greg.
When Andrew returns, Brie has vanished.
Detective Marissa Hardy is convinced that Andrew has murdered Brie although there is no evidence.
Andrew’s life falls apart as the community and Brie’s family turn against him. When he manages to sell the house, he moves away from the area.

6 years later, Andrew has changed his name to Andrew Carville and his girlfriend, Jayne, has moved into his house with her 16 year old brother, Tyler.
Andrew’s world is turned upside down again when he receives a call from his former neighbour, Max, who tells him that a woman who looked like Brie, had turned up at their old home. Max has also called Detective Hardy who is determined to find the evidence to charge Andrew.

Is Brie alive and why has she not contacted Andrew?

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Another good read from Linwood Barclay. A fast paced story that keeps you guessing until the end.
Thank you to NetGalley and HQ for the advance copy of this book.

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This is another really good murder mystery by Linwood Barclay. It is well written, fast paced and has several different threads intertwining beautifully. A woman went missing 6 years ago, with her husband the main (only) suspect that the detective in charge seems determined to focus on. Andrew is trying to get on with his life, under circumstances we can barely imagine. This is a tense read, and feels as though you are living through it with the main character. Several times I was sure I’d solved the mystery only to find it had gone somewhere unexpected. I couldn’t take to the detective, Hardy, but then I don’t suppose we are meant too. Its a nice take on life in a small town, where everyone knows - or thinks they know - exactly what is going on in each other’s lives, and how claustrophobic this can be. Lovely twist in the tale too.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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Completely addictive thriller where Bree, Andy's wife, disappears not long after she and Andy both confirm their respective infidelities. Her family and the police are convinced he killer her but there's no body, and no proof. Six years later it seems that Bree has resurfaced. A brilliant book full of twists that kept me guessing.

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I have read and enjoyed most of Linwood Barclay's previous novels and so was thrilled to get the opportunity to read Take Your Breath Away. This is a classic Barclay - Andrew's wife Brie disappeared six years ago and Andrew has lived under a cloud of suspicion since then. He has made a new life for himself and has a new partner. However, it seems that Brie has returned when she is seen at various locations around the town. This is a gripping and pacy thriller, the reader doesn't know who to trust or if Brie is alive or dead. I liked the cast of supporting characters and the relationships between them and Barclays portrayal of a small town American community. My only criticism is that this novel felt a little formulaic but I still found it a compelling and enjoyable read that I would recommend.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this digital ARC.

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Another fast paced, gripping thriller from Linwood Barclay.

Following Andrew, whose wife disappeared in mysterious circumstances and is presumed dead, the reader discovers all may not be as it seems. Barclay skillfully weaves together multiple plot lines and characters, with plenty of twists and turns to keep you guessing and never letting up on the fast pace throughout.

Fast paced, intriguing, well written and packed with twists and turns, Take Your Breath Away is definitely worth a read.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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A fast moving, page turning thriller, I could not put it down until I had finished. Highly recommended. Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for giving me a copy of the book.

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I was so excited to received this as an ARC from Netgalley as Linwood Barclay is one of my favourite authors and his latest book has not disappointed!
I liked that the book jumped between the main characters first person POV and between other characters, it gives you a sense of Andrews inner thoughts while still maintaining a connection with the other characters and the story that he’s not involved in. The whole book really drives the suspense and has plenty of twists and turns which is what I love about his books. I thought I had guessed the ending but I shouldn’t be so quick to think that when dealing with a Linwood Barclay book!

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Thanks to Netgalley and HQ for providing this arc in exchange for an honest review.

Andrew is living with his girlfriend Jayne and putting his leg back together after the disappearance of his wife, Brie, 6 years ago. But then someone who may be Brie returns to the land where their house used to be and the neighbors report back to Andrew that Brie may be alive after all.

This was a solid thriller from one of my top 5 authors. There were several mysteries here beyond just what happened to Brie, including uncovering secrets within Brie and Andrew’s marriage. I was engaged in this one right from the start and wasn’t disappointed with the resolution. Barclay does such a great job with the domestic thriller. Can’t wait for his next novel.

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This is classic Linwood Barclay on top form, with a suburban family guy thrust into an intricate plot full of twists and thrills.

I'm a huge fan of Linwood Barclay. I've read all of his books bar three, (two of the Bad series and Find You First). I'll confess I didn't think Elevator Pitch was one of his best and still have Find You First waiting on the pile.

Take Your Breath Away is based around the mysterious disappearance of Andy Mason's wife Brie six years. She hasn't been seen since, the cops and certain members of Brie's family are convinced Andy killed her, but never found a body or firm evidence.

Andy had tried to move on from the ongoing suspicion, moved town, changed his name, settled into a new relationship and when Brie appears to have been spotted visiting their old address all kinds of questions start being asked.

It starts off at a fairly gentle pace, with plenty of characters to get to know, and subplots to set up, but as it progresses...Wow! It will Take Your Breath Away.

Linwood Barclay expertly juggles multiple interwoven plot lines, and the pace. His ability to get you into a character's head, explaining their thoughts and split second decisions to the point you are sharing in their panic, is phenomenal.

The multiple subplots are perfectly balanced and the author dances between them expertly, hooking and reeling you in before leaving you hanging with a switch to another equally compelling plot line.

Overall, simply a compulsive masterclass in Linwood Barclay doing what he does best. If you're a devoted fan, this is one of his very best, if you've never had the pleasure this is a stunning introduction.

Thanks to Netgalley and HQ

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