Member Reviews

Unfortunately Dr. B. left me totally cold. I have tried several time to get into the narrative flow but I never managed to get a grip on the story nor care for the characters. It didn't even feel like the story was taking place during WWII.
I did select the novel for my library collections and I will give it another shot next year.
Many thanks to 4th Estate and Netgalley for the ARC

The narrative is based on real events. Dr Birbaum (Dr B) did exist and was in fact the author's grandfather. The story starts on his arrival to Stockholm with his family flying the German nazi regime. He is a journalist and editor and we follow him in his rounds and dealings in WW2 neutral Sweden... all is not what it seems, obviously. Interesting and very real characters prop up, from Alexandra Kollontai (Russian ambassador) to the famous publisher Bermann-Fisher. Alas, the story and how it was told did not grip me. I was not interested in the outcome of the different strands and what one could call the denouement did not make for the rather cold and flat tone of the writing (this is a translation: could it be this the cause?).
I imagine that if you are interested in this period the novel may through some light in not very well-known facts. Stockholm was the northern Casablanca, and I for one was unaware of that.

I really enjoyed this book, it was a rollercoaster of emotion and I couldn't put it down. Well written with a compelling and inspiring storyline and well developed charcaters some of which I loved especially Immanuel Birnbaum or should I call him Dr B.
I love that the book is based on the live of the authors grandfather he sounds like a truly wonderful man and I have taken him to my heart, I cried for him and I cheered for him and I shall never forget him.