Member Reviews

Fear of animals can be so debilitating for kids. In extreme form, it may even keep them from wanting to be outside.
Well, it is surely accepted wisdom that talking about fears is one proven way to diminish them. So, those who know a child who fears animals, may want to gently read this book with them.
The author does a good job of helping kids to move forward. Included in this title are many facts about animals. There are also suggestions about ways to cope with anxiety. In addition there is a fine section for adults at the end of the book.
This title offers much to the fearful child and their caregiver. It is a useful resource for therapists as well.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Jessica Kinglsey Publishers for this title. All opinions are my own.

Thank you NetGalley for this eARC. My rising 3rd grader loved the story and I got because he is deathly afraid of dogs. Any time we are anywhere and there's a dog that is not ours he flips. Thank you for the story and techniques to get over his fear.

I like how this book speaks to children as equals - it is not condescending in any way which I really appreciate. The illustrations are very cute and I like how interesting animal facts are provided for context (although the way sometimes 3 facts were displayed per page in a "post it" manner felt a little clunky / overwhelming).
I did feel like some specific language and explanations were too complex for a 6 year old. At times, this book feels more appropriate for older children and young teens rather than the 6 - 10 age group which it is being marketed as.
The tools are very well laid out and it provides great support for working through animal related anxiety - definitely one where the parent and child work together. A much needed release but I wish that it put more emphasis on reading specific animal behaviour (some of this is provided as a "fun fact" but feels like an add-on) and how to behave around common animals we encounter in our lives. I understand the aim is to teach children techniques on how to deal with their fear and anxiety but you can't do one without the other - example: being unafraid of dogs but not knowing how to interpret their behaviour or how to behave around them does is not safe (and one of the reasons dog bite cases are on the rise in recent years).

This whole series is amazing. I really appreciate how it gives kids practical tools and step by step instructions to help them through fear and anxiety. I wish I would have had this series growing up and I will definitely be recommending it.

Facing Mighty Fears about Animals features lots of fun facts about animals. It also features some strategies to deal with fear of animals. The illustrations were in black and white but aided the text..

This is a great book for kids of all ages to read, it helps you understand why you might be afraid of certain animals and by understanding that fear you might be able to overcome it.

This is a really helpful book to read with kids who may be extra afraid of animals. It uses clear language to explain why they may feel the fear, then leads into a slow, measured approach to working to resolve the fear. My scared-of-animals kid was a bit skeptical, but I could tell the book struck a cord with him. We will definitely use the techniques in this book, and I think having him read about it in a book made it very relatable to him. This book is ideally suited towards children but actually has substance to tackle the fears.

The "Facing Mighty Fears" series by Dawn Huebner features a fantastic set of non-fiction books which aim to support children who suffer from anxiety in an non-intimidating and interesting way. Each page has simple illustrations, short paragraphs and interesting facts like the number of bones in a cat or quotes from famous people. There are also simple and straight forward strategies that children can use to counteract anxiety with clever names or acronyms like W.I.N. or steps in a staircase.
Facing Might Fears about Animals includes several questions or thoughts that children might experience when encountering animals or insects that frighten them. The characters in the story very relatable to a child with anxiety. There are three steps, "W.I.N.", to take when preparing to meet a new animal. There is also a list of ideas that could be new things to try. There is a note to caregivers with examples and suggestions as well as a list of resources. The illustrations are very inclusive, children in different cultural clothing, wheelchairs or other unique attributes are featured throughout the story.
I could 100% see myself using the books in this series in my Grade 3 classroom. I would recommend them to parents of anxious children. I could also see using a page or two as part of a small group or whole class mental health lesson, or just to offer to children who could use new strategies. This book could also be used by parents and guidance counsellors as well as teachers of children ages approximately 5 to 10, maybe others as well depending on developmental levels. Additionally, as a former Humane Educator, I could absolutely see using this book with children who have fears of animals. There are many parents who struggle with supporting children who are afraid of animals, and as a humane educator that was one of the challenges I supported some families and children with. This book and the WIN strategy would have been so helpful in my work in that setting as well.
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for giving me the opportunity to read and review this fabulous book! I can't wait to purchase a copy for my classroom!

This book explains how children can overcome their fears of animals with the help and support of their families,. It has a special section for parents and a list of resources. It is easy to read and informative.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Facing Mighty Fears About Animals by Dawn Huebner is a book in Dr. Dawn's Mini Books About Mighty Fears series. This series is designed to help children aged 6-10 with managing their fears. The book is structured like a workbook more than a story book. There isn't really a plot, but the book is designed to help children think through their fears. The book is illustrated with black and white illustrations throughout.
Overall, this book is a children's book with a lovely message. One highlight of this book is that it has a very important message. I think that children's books are incredibly important when they teach children about lessons like how to manage their fears. These lessons are good for everyone to learn. I took off 2 stars, because the black and white illustrations just didn't appeal to me. The book would have been better if it was in color. If you're intrigued by the description, you can check out this book when it comes out in April!.

What a fantastic, well presented book to help young children target their fears and phobias of animals. The language, illustrations, tips, and fun facts are all pitched perfectly to help children work through their fears. Every step is well explained, and can be tailored to each child's own fear, and can be taken at their own pace. There is a handy section for supporting adults at the end of the book too. Would definitely recommend.
Thank you to Jessica Kingsley Publishers Netgalley for an eARC of this book to read and review.

Pros: I wish I had a book like this as a child as I was terrified of dogs. I appreciate that there are books available now that address children's fears in an open way. This book provides tools for children and their adults to help work through fears of animals, including learning about the fear-avoidance-relief loop; exposure; and Willing, Interested, Near. I enjoyed the fun facts throughout--although this book is for kids, adults can learn so much from it too!
Cons: This is not a con but is a note that I think this is a book for a child to read with an adult the first time they read it so they can talk about the big ideas.
Thank you to NetGalley and Jessica Kingsley Publishers for the opportunity to read this book.

My daughter gets anxious about a lot of things so it helps to talk through them and now, with this series, read about it! While we love dogs some other animals give pause and this book is perfect for that!

Facing Mighty Fears About Animals is a book to help children overcome animal anxiety. It discusses how animal anxiety is more than being wary of unknown animals or avoiding animals who could potentially attack. This fear of animals involves avoiding animals that most people typically don't avoid because the avoidance is based on fear. This can result in an avoidance relief loop. The book compares learning to deal with fears of animals to jumping into a cold pool -- at first it is uncomfortable, but it eventually becomes comfortable because your body adjusts. There are three steps to help overcome fear of animals which include being willing, interested, and near (exposure). The book also contains notes to parents/ caregivers which provide additional information for adults. It explains the difference between being scared of a new animal and where a fear is grossly out of proportion to actual danger. It suggests teaching children to be cautious, but not afraid. The book includes additional resource and organizations at the back.
This book would be an excellent resource for parents/ caregivers of children who have animal fears. I liked that it presented the information in a way where the child would learn about his/ her fear while not making the child feel bad that he/ she has a fear. The book also includes fun facts throughout the book which children and adults will find interesting.

Facing Mighty Fears About Animals is another great book in this series. This one addresses why people can be fearful of animals, what impact it can have on them and how to try to overcome those fears. It is explained in a great way to make it appealing to children.
Thank you to NetGalley and Jessica Kingsley Publishers for my ARC.

Like the other two books in this series - "Facing Mighty Fears About Health" and "Facing Mighty Fears About Throwing Up" - this book is so important. Its use of accessible language and relatable metaphors makes it stand out. Kids and adults alike will benefit from reading these books, and then reading them again!

This is a great resource for kids experiencing fear of animals! It is common and seeing a book addressing the hesitancy/fear as well as solution will be really helpful for kids.

This is a great book for young children who deal with a fear of animals that they may come across in everyday life. I think it gives great ideas on how kids can work through their fear and how to overcome it.

An awesome book for kids and even adults on facing their fear of specific animals that aren't commonly dangerous. The book goes over why you could be facing the fear, steps you can take to help overcome the fear, and so much more. It has an awesome technique called WIN, and explains it step by step. It's also loaded with so many fun facts about animals throughout it, most of which I didn't even know. Another great book in the Facing Mighty Fears collection.

This will be of great benefit to those with fear of animals. As an adult who is extremely wary of dogs I found it to be useful, especially the WIN mnemonic, even though it’s aimed at a younger audience and for parents to share with kids. It’s visually interesting as well as a learning tool for overcoming fear.