Member Reviews

I've been sitting on the fence about this particular review for quite a while now. There were so many things about this book that were problematic for me and it's always a challenge to reframe my brain dump of thoughts in a way that is more meaningful than simply saying that I just didn't like it. All things considered, I am a firm believer that each book has an audience somewhere and I have no doubt that there are people that would relate more to the characters in this book than I did.
First of all, I had a tough time convincing myself to get past the first few pages of this book. Normally I give myself 30 or so pages before I start to get a feel for the characters. However, the main couple in this story bothered me right from the start. Granted, the book is literally called The Break Up, so obviously we're not supposed to like the couple together. However, even though the plot point is in the title of the book, they don't actually break up until quite far into the book. This was a problem for me because I found that the majority of the comments that the main character guy said really got under my skin. Toxic masculinity, sexism and discrimination against people of different sexualities is never fun to read, especially if it's not even addressed half the time. Now, I realize that this was probably supposed to be a growth point for the main character woman, but I'm not convinced that she developed as a person considering a lot of the language that she was using about herself even towards the very end. I was expecting that the story would be an empowering journey of self discovery and respect as the main character learned how much more she had in her life than just her relationship with this horrible guy, plus maybe a bit of spicy romance mixed in! If this is what you're hoping to read about, I'm sorry to say that this is only the case for *maybe* 10% of the book.
The one potentially redeeming quality of the plot for me was the strong friendship group. The main character had a pretty great group of friends who were always there for her. I enjoyed the banter and occasional deep thoughts in the friendships scenes, but there were too many friends in the group for me to feel any particular connection to them. I felt like none of the friends had any real depth to them and they were only there to provide banter and to peer pressure their friend to sleep with strangers. Although some characters had good moments, I still had issues with some of their language and behaviour that I found disrespectful at times and also unrealistic. Who really goes drinking and partying every weekend as an adult? And did any of them have jobs?
Finally, about halfway through the story the main character meets her new love interest. At first, I was excited to see where things would go, until I realized how emotionally unavailable the main character was. Instead of having the beginnings of a fresh romance with someone who respects her, she doesn't even bother to get to know the new person so as a reader, they seem pretty one dimensional. All I know if that the new girl was gorgeous, creative and that they were weirdly accepting of the main character's arrangement with her ex.
Basically the only bits I liked about this book were the occasional fun friendship chats and the beginnings of a romance with a genuinely nice human. But that was all we got. Just a tiny taste towards the end. I was happy that the main character dumped the guy in the end but I don't think it was an enjoyable read on the whole. Wouldn't recommend.

I DNF'ed this book at around 33%. I just wasn't interested in reading it. It felt like a chore to pick it up. I kept trying to power through but after getting a third of the way in I just couldn't do it. Life is to short to read books you don't like.

I'm afraid this just wasn't it for me. I loved the concept, the blurb and the cover - but it wasn't at all what it seemed to be marketed as. What I thought was going to be a story about self-discovery, sexuality and love with a sapphic romance was not really any of that.
Rowan decides to break up with Edi, but only for three months so they can date and explore before settling down together. But then, she meets Winifred and wonders if she even wants to go back or start again. The story was largely about her relationship with Rowan, who was not redeemable for me in the slightest. I didn't really get any progression from the characters translate through when I read it, and even though I'm aware it's some of these unlikeable characters who are stating the opinions, the amount of transphobic, homophobic and just generally uncomfortable statements in this book made it feel all wrong and they didn't read as though the person saying them was 'in the wrong' exactly.
There were some humorous, sweet parts of this story, and I think if this was remarketed and sensitivity read, it could make for a really sweet novel.

This book was marketed as a romance novel which I think was a mistake. The main character Edi gets engaged to her high school sweetheart, gets coerced into an open relationship, and then meets a woman in a cafe who she finds herself interested in. She spends most of the novel upset that her and her fiance's engagement isn't going exactly as planned. I found the book overall lacking and quite boring. The music and TV show references in the book dated the book but not in a fun way - there was no nostalgia brought up when the characters talked about OITNB or Little Mix playing in the club. Edi's friends are also very into choice-based feminism but I feel like the character never made a choice herself.

I’m not quite sure how I feel about this book. I didn’t love it but I also didn’t hate it. I couldn’t really connect with the characters so that made it hard to read for me. However, I did love Edi’s journey to finding herself outside of the longest relationship she’s ever been in.

A unique non romance about finding love with oneself, this was truly an incredible reading experience. I loved Edi’s journey to finding herself outside of the longest relationship she’s ever been in. I loved how Fred helped Edi find herself and how the conclusion was a healthy ending and resolution for all parties. Wonderful storytelling!

Apologies - I wouldn’t have requested it if I had seen the reviews on GR first, I cannot support transphobic authors.

This book is definitely something, I'm still not completely sure how I felt about it. The blurb and picture give it a rom-com feel but I'd say it's more women's fiction or general fiction. There wasn't much depth from many of the characters. I kept hoping throughout that it would pick up and become more enjoyable but it was rather blah. Thank you to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

This book was definitely not for me. The idea is different, and I did appreciate a new take on the rom-com ideas. The couple taking a break to date other people and then return to each other to decide if they want to be together. It sounds refreshing, but in practice it didn't land for me. I had a lot of second hand embarrassment, and a lot of cringe. This is definitely personal from person to person though. If this new take on a rom-com sounds interesting to you, I would check it out for yourself and see if you have a different reaction to these situations & meet-cutes we find out MC in throughout the book.

Oh my goodness! This book was so cute! First off, the story hit so close to home for my own personal life experiences that it’s insane… I have yet to find a story that does that! I loved Fred and the girls, they’re the group that you want in your corner! Seriously, the new IT book of 2022!

I had really high hopes for this book after reading the description but unfortunately I was a bit disappointed. I had to DNF halfway through. I was expecting a sapphic romance but it definitely wasn't that. If anyone, wants to try the book keep that In mind. The writing style wasn't my cup of tea but might be good for some.

I had some concerns regarding the bi-phobia within this book...it was rampant. If this was 10 years ago, that and the transphobia would have been brush over...but it's not. I wanted this to be so much better.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

I have received an ARC through NetGalley for review purposes.
Okay, just to get this out of the way: this book was marketed as a romantic comedy. In the acknowledgements, the author refers to this as a romantic comedy. This is doing the book a disservice as it is most assuredly not a romantic comedy. The book is neither a romance, nor especially comedic.
What is is, instead, is a sweet story of a woman who, when her fiancé pressures her into a three-month "break"/open relationship, learns to stand up against her immature and selfish fiancé, to do things that pleases her, rather than just him, and who also finds the courage to acknowledge that she is attracted to women.
All of the book is centred on Edi's (the protagonist) journey: her supportive, if interchangeable friends, her almost ridiculously self-centred fiancé, and her female love interest, whose main personality traits are being supportive of Edi, understanding of Edi and encouraging of Edi. Their relationship (in fact, ALL of the relationships in the book) are not show as actual, nuanced relationships between two people. Instead, the point is only the effect of the relationship on Edi and what she learns about herself through the relationship.
Again, all of which would be fine, if the book was marketed as the "finding yourself" story it is, rather than as a sapphic romcom.

I went into this book thinking it was a sapphic romance but was sadly disappointed. The writing was good.

Ironically started reading in trans visibility day then I read something that threw me off. Went on to investigate and turns out I was right all along. Therefore I’ve made the decision to not finish the book. Hope other can understand.

Edi Parcell's boyfriend proposes to her and all is looking chipper in her world. Until he arrives home from a weekend at his parents and confides in her that is worried they both might be missing out and suggests an open relationship. Edi is hesitant but, as a people pleaser, agrees, and finds out more about herself in the process.
I loved this book for about 60%. I was genuinely considering stopping reading it so I could go buy the physical copy. It was the perfect sunny day binge read. The secondary characters were so well placed and the relationship MVP award goes to Edi and her circle of girlfriends. Who doesn't want ride or dies like this?
Admittedly, I felt it dragged towards the end and there were a few moments where I expected dialogue to go a different way and it didn't and it was a shame. My main rating drop off came from comments that were used by characters that were a little jarring to see in 2022 - they were used as a device to code the character as hateful or unlikeable, but there were other ways to go about it.

I enjoyed this book. Edi’s childhood sweetheart has no sooner proposed to her and she has accepted when he admits to feeling like he needs a break so that when they do get married they don’t have regrets about not having experienced dating and having sex with others. Unbelievably, Edi goes along with it!
Initially, she’s hurt and a bit bewildered but she soon realises that it’s an opportunity for her too and begins to embrace her freedom. Her great female friends are really supportive of her and set her up a dating site profile and she goes on a date or two. As many of us have found (and here speaks the voice of experience) not everyone is as honest as they could be on their dating profiles! She also finds herself on the receiving end of some flirty banter with a female waitress………….and she’s strangely excited by it. So she begins exploring her sexuality.
Edi is a lovely character and I took to her straight away. It’s just an interesting take on an age old theme of ‘being on a break!’ It made me think of the Beautiful South song, ‘A little Time’.

Unfortunately this book didn't turn out in the way I thought it would. I didn't particularly enjoy the writing style or the characters or the plot so I DNF'd at around 30%.

For easy the first half of this book, I did wonder what the hell it was that I was reading and so wanted to stop because I wasn't at all enjoying it, but then it was almost like we'd turned a corner and I started to enjoy the book. A main character that grows on you and a group of close friends that is very good to have and to call upon in your hour of need.

For a book described as a romantic comedy it had dissapointingly little romance in it. I think it handled the topics of independence, discovering who you are outside of romantic relationships and female friendships really well, but i expected more romance. It definitely has the vibe of a feel-good wholesome romcom you can watch a milion times for comfort, except for the focus not being on romantic love. Considering my expectations, i was a little bit let down and really counted on some nice queer romance. If that's what you're looking for - this isn't the book for you. But if you find yourself longing for a book with a twenty-something main character, who only begins to discover her sexuality and finds her voice, you should give "The break up" a try.
The only other thing i have to mention is that i felt Edi's friends each had one (1) personality trait and i honestly saw more chemistry between Edi and Faith than any of Edi's actual love intrests.