Member Reviews

A revised review will follow closer to publication on goodreads and also on Instagram.
This is worthy of the hype! I Won’t lie it took me a little while to get into but when I did goodbye to the day! Amazing!

An excellent read. It is told in such a genius way with really likeable characters & a gripping plot. I loved it

Absolutely fantastic!!!
A huge round of applause to McAllister for crafting yet another masterpiece in how to write a bloody good book.
This one must have taken skill and time to write, and pure genius to think of such a great concept. Throughout the story I wondered how it would pan out and what the conclusion to it all would be. I was more than happy with the outcome.
There are times when I read a book and I can imagine it on the big screen, this book NEEDS to be adapted to TV or film. It would be amazing.

Original, tense and totally compelling. Impossible to put down, I’ve devoured this in a single sitting. It’s an incredible page Turner based on an original and intriguing premise. A devoted mother witnesses her beloved son committing murder on the doorstep of the family home. It’s unexpected, brutal and, as a lawyer, she has a keen eye for detail. Step into Groundhog Day, where the events she witnessed haven’t yet happened.
What’s real? Are these wild imaginings of a deluded mind or déja vu? Gillian McAllister has delivered a first rate psychological thriller. Plausible characters locked into a seemingly real time drama that plays with your head as the reader. Exceptional, intriguing, very clever and filled with twists and turns. This is going to be a 2022 title that everyone is talking about. Wow! Loved it.
My thanks to the publisher for a review copy via Netgalley.

Imagine you witness your teenage son stab a man and getting arrested. Imagine the following day you wake up the day before. Then you wake up two days before. You keep moving backwards in time until you can solve the crime. You know who did it. You need to know the why, and change it in order to save your family.
This was a fun read. I was hooked through and through. I did find the protagonist a bit slow at time though and wasn’t completed convinced by some of the plot twists. Nevertheless a rather refreshingly original take on the thriller genre.

Surprisingly this is my first Gillian McAllister book but I can guarantee that it most definitely wont be my last.
This is action packed from the very few lines and as it delves deeper becomes more fascinating, more compelling and more urgency. Be prepared to read in one sitting as you wont want to take your eyes away from the page.

Disclaimer - huge Gillian McCallister fan.
This is a fantastically executed storyline. Moves quickly and strongly, excellent characters and absolutely gripping. Cannot recommend more highly.

I have read all of Gillian McAllister's previous novels and loved all of them This is no exception. I could not put it down, despite having a long list of Christmas prep. tasks to do. The unravelling of the truth as Jen went further and further back in time, finding out more snippets of information was really really clever and unique. The characters were well drawn and interesting. More please.

I love Gillian McAllister books and after reading a little preview of Wrong Place, Wrong Time at the end of her last book I was desperate to read the whole thing. When an email from the publishers offered me the ARC there was no way I was declining the chance.
This is absolutely the best book I’ve read this year. I think it’s safe to already say it’s going to be THE book of 2022. It has twists and surprises throughout, a few WOAH! moments and a really good story that’s unlike anything else I’ve read before. This is in a completely different league to the authors previous books - they were all five stars from me but this book is something else. It has film all over it.
I’m doing the very rare thing of immediately reading this again.
Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the ARC in return for an honest and unbiased opinion.

I’m a huge Gillian McAllister fan (although her books can be a bit hit-or-miss for me) overall she’s a consistently intriguing author. Wrong Place, Wrong Time falls somewhere in the middle. It’s not a miss, but it wasn’t exactly a hit for me either.
The premise is that Jen, a mother of a teenage young boy, waits up for her son only to see him stab a man. Then every night she starts to wake up a day before, going backwards in time. Each chapter starts with her going even further back in time. So the first few chapters have titles like minus day three (three days before murder), then minus day five (five days before murder) etc.
So it’s a bit different in style to Russian Doll, in which the protagonist wakes up on the same day and has to make different choices so she doesn’t die subsequently living a little longer.
While the premise was a real hook, the execution fall a bit flat for me personally. I loved the first act (even though I caught onto how the time shift thing worked a lot quicker than Jen, who was a bit slow at times my goodness 🙄). The last act was interesting too. I liked the ending and how everything comes together. But the middle bulk from 25%-75% was really saggy and I actually found myself feeling bored 😑 I think it’s a personal taste but I’m not a big fan of organised crime/British mafia unless it’s done extremely well ala Breaking Bad. Here I found the characters and the characters stereotyped, their motivations weren’t convincing. Plus, I think because you know what the crime is you’re not wondering who is the killer, it’s the why that we’re waiting for, and I’m not sure I really understood why Todd killed that man. All I knew was that (cue violins) Jen had to stop him, because her son can’t go to jail 😏 And while there were twists aplenty I did find myself side-eyeing Jen constantly who I found incredibly stupid 🤦🏻♀️
Plot holes asides, this is an intriguing read with a refreshing premise about the lengths of a mother and how far she’ll go to protect her son.

This is so very, very clever! I absolutely loved it. I cannot recommend it enough. I devoured it in one afternoon and am now sad that it’s over!
I do like this author and this is her best to date.

It's every parent's nightmare. Your happy, funny, innocent son commits a terrible crime: murdering a complete stranger. You don't know who. You don't know why. You only know your teenage boy is in custody and his future lost. That night you fall asleep in despair. Until you wake, and it is yesterday. Every morning you wake up a day earlier, another day before the murder. Another chance to stop it.
My heart skipped a beat when I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of McAllister's latest book. I had already read so much hype about it and was keen to get stuck in. I was not to be disappointed.
McAllister has written a very unique thriller and one that will stick in my mind for a long time. We begin on the night Jen witnesses her son murder a stranger, from there we follow Jen as she keeps waking up on days further and further away from the event, we see her emotional turmoil as she battles to understand what is happening, and then follow the twists as Jen realises she may be able to stop the murder from taking place. This is a unique read and unlike any thriller I have read. This is also so much more than a thriller; it is incredibly emotional and the way McAllister portrays emotion is beautiful.
Reading this, I really got a sense of Jen and her torment and it was very special to follow her as she tries to undo the future. All the characters are very strong in this book and I enjoyed getting to know them and discovering their secrets, of which there are many!
'Wrong Place, Wrong Time' is a very special thriller and one I will remember for a long time. Everyone is in for a treat reading this.
Thank you to NetGalley and Michael Joseph for an advance copy.

When this landed on my kindle there was never any question of it being started immediately and from that moment I couldn't put it down.
It is an exceptional read, intricate, clever and so so perfect in every way.
It's such a brilliant idea, telling a story backwards. Unfurling all the layers leaving you trying to piece it all together and it just works, it's absolutely inspired!
As always with Gillian's books the characters feel so real, the emotions, the thought processes, they're all so familiar and natural that you just instantly connect and you're straight in the pages with them.
The release of information, is perfectly paced. Snippets to confuse, to shock or to just let a few of those pieces floating around click into place, really makes this something you have to finish immediately. I was reading in the car, while cooking, getting dressed, it was just such a compulsive read!
Truly remarkable, I finished with a satisfied 'wow!' This is set to be one of the top releases for 2022 for sure!

It's official Gillian McAllister is a GENUIS, in my eyes anyway. WOW! OMG! BRILLIANT! PHENOMENAL. This is one gripping book, completely absorbing and it's GM's best book to date without a shadow of a doubt. Who'd of thought a book told backwards, with time loops would work. Well this one did, it's outstandingly clever with characters you really feel for and care about immensely. All the characters are brilliant and I immediately connected with the protagonist Jen, all she wants to do is save her son. So she goes back in time and along the way discovers hidden secrets which could break her family apart. The plot is completely original and it's definitely written from the heart. I LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED LOVED everything about it and it's going to be number one in the bestseller list for 2022. There are not enough words to say how much I enjoyed this book, it's twisty with an ending which blew my mind. HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Gillian, you have definitely written your best book ever and I think this would make a phenomenal TV series or film.

I dropped everything (except my kindle) when @michaeljbooks offered me an ARC of this one.
It’s the story of Jen, Todd, and Kelly. Jen watches as her son, Todd, stabs and kills a man outside their house. He’s arrested and their lives fall apart. But when she wakes it’s the day before and no one has been stabbed yet!
Like Gillian’s other books, it’s so flawlessly plotted, it’s seamless. And this one gets more intricate, more complex, more thrilling, and more twisty as it goes on. Yet it never feels out of reach or too convoluted. There’s such a beautiful simplicity in the prose, that no matter how complex the story, it glides like silk. And that is a difficult balance to achieve.
Hats off, it’s perfect.

WOW! I have read this book in 2 days. It has so many twists and turns, and then more twists, that you are literally kept on the edge of your seat. Such an amazing concept to write about and I can’t really explain anything without giving spoilers away! I’d definitely recommend to all lovers of Gillian McAllister, possibly her best book yet!

Another great novel by author Gillian McAllister that I kept me gripped throughout. Exciting premise and a fast paced plot that kept me guessing to the very end. Interesting characters, well written and a genuine page turner.
Late one night Jen witnesses her teenage son murder a stranger in front of her. Immediately her life and future disintegrates, leaving her speechless. Her son offers no explanation for his actions and very quickly he is arrested and taken away by the police. As a parent you always want to help them but what if your past hid a secret on which your own family’s future depends? And what if you could travel back into your past to find the answers and stop make changes to save her son.
This was a real page turner and one of the reading highlights of the year for me.
I would like to thank both Netgalley and Penguin Michael Joseph UK for supplying a copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

Wow! This was an absolute page turner of a read with so many twists and reveals as the story progressed or is that regressed? Starting at current day but moving backwards day by day I was right there with Jen as she was initially stunned by her son murdering a stranger outside their house then moving back to work out why this happened and couldn’t even be prevented. It was amazing how the reveals were drip fed making her question almost everything she knew yet there was more and more she needed to understand before she could return to the present and when it all unfolded I was mind blown. This isn’t the first Gillian McAllister book I’ve read but for me it’s definitely the best in fact it’s up there in my top ten thrillers easily, awesome read.

Gillian McAllister is one of my go to authors so I was absolutely thrilled to be given the opportunity to read Wrong Place, Wrong Time which I already had on pre order. I don't want to say too much about this amazing novel as it's too hard to do so without revealing spoilers. All I can say is this book is Gillian's best novel by far. The plotting is genius and I abandoned everything to read it over the course of 24 hours. The best book I've read this year and readers have a real treat in store for them when this is published.
Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read and review this digital ARC.

Wow! WOW! So basically the best book of next year is coming out 12th May 2022 and it is Gillian McAllisters latest read!
I have just whizzed through this in 2 days and have been bloody obsessed! OBSESSED!
I have been, as I know a lot of others have too, in a complete reading slump recently. That is until Wrong Place, Wrong Time came along and I could not stop reading and thinking about Jen, Todd & Kelly… taking them everywhere with me and talking the ears off my husband and son about them!
This is genius. You have to read it. You will love it and it will be a tv drama. The end! 😁