Member Reviews

Not normally a book I would look at. Time travelling has never interested me. However, I read this with great interest. It was intriguing and most enjoyable. It kept me hooked throughout with so many revelations taking the story in many different ways. The ending also surprised me. So very clever. I would certainly recommend it.

Our story opens with Jen, a lawyer, waiting for her adult son to come home after a night out. I feared there might be an accident as we watch Jen observe her son get closer to home. Another figure approaches her son, and I thought we were about to witness an awful crime that Jen would have to relive as she deals with this moment. We did…but it wasn’t at all what I expected. Todd, Jen’s son, stabs and kills the man. Watching your son get hurt would be awful, but I can’t imagine how you’d feel watching him kill someone.
The next day, the strangest thing happens. Jen wakes, and it is the day before the crime. Nothing has happened, and she believes she is going mad. Each time she goes to sleep she seems to travel back in time. There has, Jen is certain, to be a reason for this. Can she learn anything that will help her stop this crime before it happens?
Wrong Place, Wrong Time was a skilfully constructed story. From start to finish it was fascinating to observe Jen’s experiences and to try to piece together anything that could have relevance to the crime that instigated this event. McAllister weaves a rich story, where nothing is quite as it seems. We watch Jen as she is forced to relive her life, reflecting on interactions and trying to work out what might hold the key to protecting her son.
As the story unfolded I found myself quite amazed by the concept. I loved the mercurial quality to the story, and found myself wholly unsettled by the ending.
I can’t wait for someone I know to pick this up and read it. A huge thank you to NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this in advance of publication.

Jen, early forties, happily married to Kelly, with one son, Todd. Everything seems hunky-dory except for the fact that Todd has been a bit distant lately, but Jen has put that down to him turning eighteen, & getting a girlfriend. She is therefore devastated when, upon returning from a night out, Todd gets into a scuffle on their doorstep & ends up stabbing a man to death. He is arrested & Jen & Kelly are in shock & disbelief at what has happened. The next morning when Jen wakes up, she is surprised to find Todd at home & completely unaware of what went off the previous night. Things turn even stranger when Kelly also professes to have no knowledge of the incident either, & when Jen checks her phone, the date tells her it is the day before. Again. Can she find out what led up to the attack & this time prevent it from happening?
I've read quite a few good but not great books recently, so I was absolutely thrilled to read an absolute belter. It starts off slow - so slow I almost quit at 17% - but when it takes off, it becomes a rollercoaster of emotions & plot twists. The narrative is told mostly from Jen's point of view but there are also some chapters from a character called Ryan, whose significance is slowly revealed. At first glance I thought this may be in a similar vein to Groundhog Day, but instead of reliving the same day, Jen starts to relive days further & further back in time. She gets to see certain moments of her life with new eyes. I won't lie, at times I found Jen a bit annoying, but that was far outweighed by the author's skill in weaving all the plots points together. It's a fairly simple plot when you lay it all out & I had a good idea what was happening, but the author tells it in such a way that it makes for gripping reading. Recommended. 4.5 stars (rounded up to 5 stars on sites where half stars are not available).
My thanks to NetGalley & publishers, Penguin Michael Joseph UK, for the opportunity to read an ARC.

I don't think I’ve ever read a book that had me so engaging and excited to see what's going to happen next.
From the first chapter, I was so drawn into the plot that I finished it in one sitting.
I think I would just go crazy nuts if those things happen to me. Apart from the shock that your son was charged with murder, to wake up every single morning on the previous day again and again? That was just brilliantly thought.
The pieces of this intricate puzzle were so cleverly sparse out that had me gasping when I realised what might happen. Even then, I felt like I knew both and how this will be solved.
Perfection. That's all I can say about this novel.

This book is brilliant, I found it near impossible to put down once I started it. One night Jen and her husband are waiting for their teenage son to get home but something happens outside their home and their son is charged with murder. Jen is reeling and doesn’t know what to do. When she wakes up the following day for her, it’s actually the previous day. And so the novel begins where every day Jen is further and further back in time and has to work out why, and how she can use this to stop her son committing murder in the future. I thought this book might be confusing to follow but it’s not at all, you just get so invested in Jen’s story and the plot that it all flows perfectly. I was riveted all the way through and was so keen to see how it was all going to end. I loved this book, it’s so clever and different. I definitely recommend it!

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest, independent review.
Your teenage boy is in custody for murdering a complete stranger. You go to bed, wake up... and it is yesterday. Every morning, you wake up a day earlier. Can you prevent a murder that has already happened?
Wow, wow, WOW!! I absolutely loved this! The time travel element was totally unexpected and extremely clever! I loved it and was gripped from the start! My mind was completely blown!
The characters were portrayed perfectly; I trusted no one and suspected everyone. Although slightly complicated in terms of switching back in time by varying periods of time, the plot was mysterious enough to hold my attention throughout. I loved travelling back in time with the lead character Jen, completely absorbed in the story as she tried to save her son Toby from committing murder.
This was a brave move for an author to go from psychological thrillers, right to a time-travelling thriller, but it worked perfectly.
This is definitely McAllister's best! I 100% recommend it!

Thank you to Netgalley, Penguin Books and Gillian McAllister for my advanced copy,
Holy moly. This was absolutely phenomenal. This was the first book of Gillian’s I have read and it definitely won’t be the last.
I was dubious to start with as I am not a big fan of plots involving time travel/loops but Gillian did this amazingly. I was enthralled throughout and I could not stop reading; I read 90% of it in one sitting.
There were so many twists and turns, I was trying to guess what the hell was going on throughout and I just couldn’t.
I don’t want to go into too much detail for fear of ruining the plot, but this is a genius bit of writing that I will wholeheartedly recommend to everyone for a very long time.
I can 100% say this will be in my top reads of 2022

Thank you to #NetGalley for my advance copy of #WrongPlaceWrongTime by #GillianMcAllister
A mother sits up and waits for her son to come home safely the she sees him coming up the road. Grateful that he is home safe she can’t believe what happens next. Todd is involved in a violent crime right outside there house. He is arrested and Jen spends the night dozing and worrying in equal measure. But when she wakes the next day, it’s not the next day it’s two days ago, maybe she can stop this happening and save her son. My old brain found it too confusing as Jen keeps going back in time.
A very clever book that will be loved by many but not for me.

I am a big fan of Gillian McAllister and have read every book of hers and loved them all so knew this book would not disappoint !! I didn’t read the blurb for this book and I’m so pleased that I went in blind, this really is a mind blowing book that you need to read.
This is a hard review to write as I really don’t want to tell you too much about the storyline as I think this is a book to go into with no idea of the content - just know this is a book worth reading and if you love psychological thrillers you will love this !!
I will say that it all starts with Jen looking out of her window waiting for her son to come home late one night. She spots him walking down the road and then something completely unexpected happens and her whole world is turned upside down. Jen must discover the secrets that lie with in the present and past to make sense of what has just happened.
This book is completely unexpected and totally mind blowing. The characters are brilliant and I loved how the story, with all its twists and turns, slowly develops within the pages. If you are a fan of Gillian McAllister then you know this will be a brilliant book and if you’re not, then you will be after reading this.
Thank you to Penguin Michael Joseph UK and NetGalley for a digital copy of this book.

Gillian McAllister's books pleasingly not similar to each other in terms of format, however they are all original and well worth a read.
Wrong Place, Wrong Time is perhaps more 'out there' than I am often comfortable with in terms of originality for crime fiction but it is a measure of the author that I stayed with it and while I didn't adore it, I did fully appreciate the skill involved.
Essentially the problem I had is that the protagonist, Kelly lives in a perpetual time loop which involves trying to alter the path that led to her seeing her son kill a man. The reader joins this anguished woman try to travel far enough into the past, holding onto the information she gathers along the way, to get to the reason of the murder and thereby stop it from happening.
This is a great concept and I'm sure it will be a huge hit with many readers.

Took my breath away!
Like many parents, Jen finds herself unable to sleep until her son comes home; when he does arrive, she witnesses him committing a murder then being arrested and detained in a jail cell. Jen doesn’t think she will ever sleep again – but she does, and when she opens her eyes, she finds it is the day before. Completely thrown and deeply puzzled, Jen realises that this may be her opportunity to find out exactly why the events of the previous (or next) evening happened . . .
There are some writers who produce series of novels which, although entertaining and each with a different plot, are a bit formulaic – however no one could ever accuse Gillian McAllister of that. Every one of her novels has taken me by surprise and this one more than any other! I began reading Wrong Place Wrong Time wondering what it was about and, as I continued, thought it an impossible scenario; very soon I change that to improbable and before too long I was accepting waking up each day going further back in time as not only possible but normal! This is an earth-shattering read; the time changes begin to be acceptable because there is so much more to focus on. I admit to working some – but not all – of it out. This is one author who can keep me glued to each and every page and has me gasping in surprise several times over. Shocking, stunning, but somehow it all made sense in the end and I could finally get some sleep. A novel which demands you set your life aside and devote every minute to it until you reach the final page. If you’re not completely awestruck, then go back and start at the beginning because you’ve missed something. A glittering, glowing triumph and that ‘something different’ novel which all readers are in search of. Easily worth my highest recommendation and commanding every one of the five glowing, sparkling stars I'm more than happy to give!
My thanks to the publisher for my copy via NetGalley; this is – as always – my honest, original and unbiased review.

Gillian McAllister, you stole my heart with this story,
Your characters and timelines were visually perfect. I felt as though I was not only watching a movie, but that I was actually in it. The intensity of the plot never let up.
We are not even halfway through the year yet, but this is and will remain my Number 1 book for 2022!

Wow this was so good! I almost read it in 24 hours, but of course life got in the way!
This book is all about Jen hoping to stop her teenage son, Todd from committing murder, before it’s happened and it’s addictive. I loved Jen and I loved the way the story went from the day of the murder and then backwards in time. As you can imagine Jen was so frustrated in the beginning not knowing what was going on, thinking she was going mad! I won’t write any more for fear of spoiling the book for you, except to say there are some fab twists, and plot developments.
I love time travel and timeslip books, I love thrillers, this is both and it’s brilliant! Gillian McAllister has definitely out done herself this time, and I agree with all the buzz surrounding this book. It’s definitely one of my favourite thrillers this year and I highly recommend it!

Wrong Place, Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister is a superb mind-bender of a story. It is perfectly crafted and skilfully written.
Jen lives in a normal suburb in Merseyside husband Kelly and son Todd, a physics university student when she witnesses a terrible crime whilst waiting for Todd to come home from a night out.
The subsequent events cause Jen to question many things, not least her husband's account of his family and his honesty; she is rocked by all that she discovers but can she make sense of it all?
This is such an original and entertaining story which twists me for a bit, then makes perfect sense by the end!!

If I were to review Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister in one word it would probably be 'phenomenal'. And in 3 words - 'what a ride'. I really enjoyed this book from start to finish, and it got to the point just over halfway through where I had to finish in one sitting, no matter what else needed doing! McAllister explores the theme of going back in time to prevent future events from happening, in this case a murder that Jen, the main character, witnessed her teenage son committing. The book combines tension and thrills with compelling narrative, exploring themes of parenting and parenthood, family ties, secrets and consequences. As Jen travels backwards through time trying to solve the puzzle of why her son would commit murder we find out more about her life and relationships, and the significance of seemingly small events. McAllister's execution of unfolding the story backwards is flawless. The time travel element is dealt with in a way that both acknowledges and discusses the intricacies and complex theories regarding its possibility, but avoids excessive detail. Instead it is used as a narrative device and is woven seamlessly into the unfolding of the story. I don't know if the author is a parent but she writes about the realities and struggles of parenting and particularly motherhood really well, raising questions about the mental load of mothering and the burden of guilt. I found this to be a really thought provoking book and one I would read again, despite knowing the outcome. I felt that the ending worked really well and I came away feeling exhilarated. Many thanks to Netgalley, Gillian McAllister and Penguin Michael Joseph for the digital copy provided in exchange for an honest review.

Gillian McAllister is a master of psychological thrillers and crime novels, and I absolutely love her books, but this one just blew me away!
With a shocking opening, I was completely hooked right from the start. But nothing prepared me for what followed.
The concept behind this novel is like nothing else I’ve ever read before, and it’s both addictive and thought-provoking. What would you do if you had the chance to go back to the past and change the future? I was just completely drawn into the story and it was impossible to put the book down.
Very clever and full of twists and turns, this fast paced and gripping book is definitely one of my top books of the year so far.

Wrong Place Wrong Time by Gillian McAllister
I give this book 5 stars
It's every parent's nightmare.
Your happy, funny, innocent son commits a terrible crime: murdering a complete stranger.
Somewhere in the past lie the answers, and you don't have a choice but to find them . . .
The author has come up with a spectacular mind blowing concept. Each chapter is more exciting than the last and it gave me an on the edge of my seat reading experience as l raced through it. We delve further into the past as the story progresses and Jen shows how determined a mother’s love can be…….There were SO MANY twist and turns l was left speechless and astounded..Compulsive to read and extremely difficult to forget.
Definitely in the running for my favourite book of the year, ld highly recommend it to EVERYONE
With thanks to Netgalley,Gillian McAllister and Penguin Michael Joseph UK, Michael Joseph for my chance to read this.

A brilliant thriller. So many twists and turns. I never knew where it was going and it kept me guessing right until the end. Thoroughly recommended.

Wow where do I start with this review without giving away to much. A mother watches her kind and somewhere geeky son stab another man. She has no idea why this has happened and how to help her beloved son. When she wakes the next morning it turns out she has gone back in time. For me time travel has never been very appealing but it works so well for this book. Following Jen back through time in ordered to find out what is happening to her son is a fantastic and unique plot. Well worth a read

This was a cleverly written book where we started at the end and worked backwards. It did take a little bit of getting used to initially but once I got into the story it was great!
Another sucessful book from Gillian McAllister.
Thank you to Netgalley and Penguin Michael Joseph UK for this ARC which I received in exchange for an honest review.