Member Reviews

I immediately hated the overblown descriptive-heavy needlessly long-worded style of writing in this book. I suspect Blake and I will never get along, because I also felt this way about Masters Of Death.
The thing is, there was so much potential in this book. The premise is intriguing enough - six people in their late teens/early twenties who are geniuses in different disciplines of magic coming together to hone their craft amongst ancient texts in a library that was thought lost to the world but the twist is that one of them is eliminated after a year. I'm not sure why we pretended it was a gasp-worthy plot twist that by "eliminate", we meant kill, but whatever floats your boat.
And so, in that regard I found the start of the book to be interesting enough, as we chose a decent way to introduce the six main characters through having them be approached by the man behind the recruiting process for this shadow-y organisation. I was a little put out that we started the story from the POV of the most boring character of the group. I didn't know what to expect from this book so thought I'd be stuck in Libby's head the entire book and I was not looking forward to her milquetoast observations.
Unfortunately, soon enough the book squandered all of its potential of an interesting story by burying it under long words and relationship dramas. I'd say we were looking at this book being maybe 80% dialogue? On the very infrequent occasion that we weren't just word-vomiting at each other, the character's internal dialogues started sounding very similar to each other. Which we could say is because they were spending a lot of time together, or we could say it's because there were too many POVs to jump between. Six was enough without throwing side characters in as well.
I found myself frowning at this book so often. Plot twists or mostly relationship twists seem to come out of nowhere but it never felt like clever plotting and more like I missed any foreshadowing because the thesaurus was thrown at every single word, making the book far too obscure/obtuse to understand what was even going on.
The ending was just confusing and a complete let down. I'm not completely sure what even happened but it felt disappointing. I really feel like this book had a lot of wasted potential. It's so frustrating to see what could have been. The world was interesting enough but we devolved into pure relationship drama and endless, endless, endless dialogue between characters who seemed to just be using each other as a sounding board to prove how much smarter and cleverer they were than everyone else.
A real slog to read.

I enjoyed this book - perfect for young adults who are fans of fantasy books! I did think the ending felt unresolved and would have liked more of a conclusion

I love a dark academia novel, and this one was really fun! I enjoyed the dynamic of how the group was all brought together, their unique abilities, and how they come together when needed.

This was a really immersive and engaging blend of fantasy and dark academia, with a cast of mostly unlikable characters that you nonetheless find yourself wholly invested in.

Unfortunately, this one was a dnf for me - I just couldn't get along with the writing style which makes me really sad as I then ended up with it from a subscription box.

Afraid I had to DNF, it was not for me sadly.
I'm sure plenty will enjoy, but it just did not grip me

After hearing so much about the Atlas Six, I really wanted to love it more than I did. Whilst no doubt the writing was beautiful and I did enjoy the story and the intricacies of the character relationships, I felt the plot took way too long to develop. I enjoyed the twist at the end (I knew there had to be something!) however I will not be in a rush to read the next books.

I did enjoy this book, it was nothing like I expected.
The writing is very lyrical and descriptive but in a good way, it’s very immersive.
I liked the different PoV’s and the multiple main characters.
It did feel like more of a prologue that the first book in a series, but I did enjoy

I couldn't put down the first volume of this dark academia trilogy, despite it being quite a long book I absolutely whizzed through it. It takes a fair while to get going, but the compelling writing made you keep turning the page. The characters are all absolute disasters but that's part of the charm - like reality TV, you can't look away and you know they can't all make it to the end...

I recently finished reading The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake and I must say, I was blown away by this book. From start to finish, it kept me on the edge of my seat and I couldn’t put it down.
The story follows six prodigies from different parts of the world who are invited to join a secret society called The Atlas Six. They each possess unique abilities and are brought together to complete a dangerous mission. But as they uncover more about the society and its intentions, they start to question everything and must decide where their loyalties lie.
What I loved most about this book was the diverse and complex characters. Each of the six members of The Atlas Six had their own distinct personalities and backgrounds, and it was fascinating to see how they interacted with each other. I also appreciated that the author didn’t shy away from addressing important issues such as mental health and discrimination.
The world-building in this book was also fantastic. The author created a unique and intricate world that was both magical and futuristic. It was easy to get lost in this world and imagine myself as one of the members of The Atlas Six.
The plot was full of twists and turns, keeping me guessing until the very end. I loved how the author weaved in elements of mystery and suspense, making this book a thrilling and engaging read. The pacing was also well-done, with a perfect balance of action and slower moments to build tension.
Overall, I highly recommend The Atlas Six to fans of young adult fantasy and sci-fi. It’s a gripping and thought-provoking read that will leave you wanting more. I can’t wait to see what Olivie Blake has in store for us next.

I have tried a few times now to read this book but each time I try, I just lose interest. I do seem to get further every time so maybe one day I'll get all the way to the end. But on this occasion I'm calling it a day with my attempts to get into it and DNF'ing at 45%.

Obsessed, 10/10, immaculate, stunning, incredible, amazing, one of a kind
5 stars
Cant wait for the next in series, highly recommend

To be honest I'm not entirely sure I understood the hype about this book. The storyline was okay, and had an intriguing premise, and the characters had some interesting backstories. I just wish we learned more about them because most of them ended up being quite one dimensional. Interesting ending so will be reading book 2 with the hope the story overall has a little more complexity.

This book made me excited for dark academia in the way that all the vampire novels did when I was a teen. I was hooked from the start and can't wait to see what comes next. Fans of Leigh Bardugo will love love love Olivie Blake.

This dark academia sci-fi is deliciously seductive. If a magical library isn't enough to tempt the senses, then six complicated protaganists with complex motivations, desires and flaws will certainly do the trick. I even adored the "side" characters, and was thrilled at the forced proximity morally grey character cataclysm. Immediately recommended this to everyone who likes any of the above elements, and was so excited to read the sequel. Olivie Blake is an author to watch.

So, I couldn’t have been more the target market for this book and it’s been on my TBR for a while - I’d been really looking forward to it. So much hype, especially amongst dark academia fans! However, it just really didn’t work for me.
The characters were incredibly unlikeable, and I get that that was the point, but I don’t think this was executed so well - I wasn’t rooting for any of them to succeed or even survive, which meant there was nothing driving me forward.
Again, it should have worked because I LOVE slow burn, but this was all slow, no burn - and without the atmosphere to keep me engaged even while there wasn’t much plot happening. I ended up switching to the audiobook eventually just to push my progress forward, because it wasn’t holding my attention.
The Atlas Six just had so much potential, and I wanted to love it but it just missed the mark so slightly on all grounds - this might work for some people, and I’m sure it does as it’s so popular! However for me, I didn’t get what I was looking for out of it. It didn’t have the dark academia atmosphere, or the intolerable yet endearing characters, or a mysterious and intriguing plot. It was just not for me, but I look forward to catching up on the rest of Olivie Blake’s works and to try and find something that works for me - I just received Masters of Death and am looking forward to it!

The download date was unfortunately missed, I would be happy to re-review if it became available again. I have awarded stars for the book cover and description as they both appeal to me. I would be more than happy to re-read and review if a download becomes available. If you would like me to re-review please feel free to contact me at thesecretbookreview@gmail.com or via social media The_secret_bookreview (Instagram) or Secret_bookblog (Twitter). Thank you.

I honestly struggled with this to begin with. The world is complex, with a large cast of characters all with unique abilities that play a bigger part of a society I knew nothing about. Once I found myself established and used to Olivie Blake's writing style I couldn't help but feel engrossed!
I will say I didn't really understand the individual powers of some for so long. This was a big amount of world building which had a huge pay off in the end but I felt like it took too long to reach it. Up until that point the book was a solid 3 stars but I couldn't ignore how the twist made me feel. It truly invigorated my enjoyment of this book and bumped it up a star. I will definitely be reading the sequel soon!

I'd seen The Atlas Six all over Bookstagram, so I was excited to receive an eARC from the publisher via Netgalley. Given the hype, I have to admit that it wasn't as good as I expected.
Don't get me wrong, I loved the setting and the premise. Dark academia is one of my favourites, so this should have been a great fit, yet it just wasn't in the end. The pacing was so slow and I felt as if I was constantly waiting for the plot to progress (it never did). We have an amazing group of characters yet the story primarily focused on two of them whereas I was waaaaaaay more interested in the rest. It all felt very roughly done and in need of editing.
Didn't live up to the hype for me!
Many thanks to the author, publisher, and Netgalley for sending me a copy of this book in return for an honest review.

This was a good opener to a new series. I liked all the different characters dynamics. And I liked that each characters had their own chapters. I liked the dark academia atmosphere and the cleverly written plot. It did seem a little pretentious at times but that’s the world we were in. The pacing was good, it managed to hold my attention even when there wasn’t much going on through the middle. The ending definitely made up for it though. I’m intrigued to see where the series goes and I cannot wait to pick up The Atlas Paradox.