Member Reviews

I thought this would be a nice easy read but actually really enjoyed it more than I had anticipated. I liked the forced proximity aspect and although I felt I knew where it would end up, I enjoyed the twists it took to get there! Especially the little bit at the end - Valerie you sneaky old bean!
I think if Becca and Charlie were my own friends I’d find them quite irratating as Becca is quite prickly and Charlie was just soo passive but really enjoyed their developments over the ten year span.

Thanks to the author and net galley for this ARC!

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I’ll be totally honest when I admit that this isn’t a genre I usually go for, but the blurb really intrigued me so I gave it a go. I ended up enjoying it a lot more than I expected. The writing was so raw and real; it’s the kind of book that stays with you long after you’ve finished. I feel like I felt every possible emotion as I read the story of Becca and Charlie, I laughed as well as cried.

I really liked Becca and Charlie as characters. I could relate to Becca’s prickliness, and at first I was frustrated by Charlie’s willingness to go along with everything, but as the book progressed and I got to know both characters more I started to understand why they were the way they were.

As I said, not my usual read but I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. I'm always a sucker for enemies-to-lovers, and I thought this ended up being a really sweet story that explored overcoming grief. A really fab contemporary love story.

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There are not enough good things I can say about this story. I was hooked from the get-go and wanted to call in at work the next day because all I wanted to do was stay home and read so I could find out what happened (I didn’t…)

This story has a sad base to it, the loss of Ally, but is really a story of love and hope. It is also about taking chances, stepping outside of your comfort zone, and giving others a chance.

I felt so many emotions while reading along with Becca and Charlie. Sometimes I wanted to reach through the pages and smack one (or both) of them, other times I wanted to wrap them in hugs. The emotion was so well written and it was such a beautiful tribute to the grief and stages of grief that people go through after the loss of a loved one. The author had me concerned at a couple of parts and took some unexpected turns.

Not your typical love story, Ten Years is filled with grief, unconventional love, and hope. I wish I could better articulate how I really feel about it, but I feel this book with my soul and love it so so much. It will sit in a place of pride on my bookshelf beside my other book loves and I will revisit it time and time again.

I hope you will pick this one up and read it and I hope you love it as much as I do!!!!

Thank you to Pernille Hughes, One More Chapter, and NetGalley for a gifted copy in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was a great read. I loved the characters of Becca and Charlie and their inability to ‘get along’ which made for fun humorous reading.
We also get to know Ally through both Becca and Charlie’s memories which also adds another dimension. This is a very thought provoking story which stayed in my mind even whilst not reading. The story is played out over ten years which does actually work very.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in return for an honest review.

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This was a very well structured story and very easy to follow. Some really appealing characters whom seemed very real. It covered the ups and downs of life and had a conclusion to die for!

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This book had a lot of potential. I did enjoy it but definitely not as much as I should have based on the premise. I found the characters a little too emotionally stunted and immature (particularly Becca) since they acted more like teenagers than adults. I didn't mind the passage of time but found that it got very repetitive about halfway through. The chapters seemed to follow the same basic structure just set in different places. Overall, I did enjoy the book and it ended in a wholesome way so I rated it 3/5 stars.

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No. No. No. No. No. Just no. I'm only giving this two stars because I didn't finish it. I should have put it down when it started with the fiance/best friend's funeral.

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A totally unique story. Becca and Charlie are strong believable characters, with their entertaining spats and furies as they committed to their dear Ally's 'Bucket List'. The pace of a story happening over ten years could have been a struggle, but the author works it perfectly. I grew to understand Becca's lack of belief in herself and Charlie's passive sloth behaviour. Each year their tussles shifted ground as their relationship untangled. It was a joy and I would happily read it all over again.

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When I started this book I wasnt sure about it. But along the way I started to like it more and more! I think the book touched upon a topic that hasnt been written about in this way a lot.

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This one was a fair bit slower than I was expecting!!!

The chemistry between Becca and Charlie seemed a bit rigid and bland, and honestly.. the "forced proximity" tropes in this book felt a little bit forced.

Having said this, I felt the structure of Ten Years flowed really smoothly, and although I felt I knew where the book was heading, I was still captivated enough to keep turning the pages.

I think I fell victim to being the wrong market for this one, the romance was quite YA and the sad parts didn't really grip me emotionally.

NB: Netgalley provided me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I didn’t have any idea what book I was getting into when I started reading. Ten Years is the perfect slow-burn, angst-ridden, romance for fans of Love, Rosie. Literally so much fun but also so frustrating at the same time.

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Funny, clever and really intriguing, I was thinking about it long after I finished reading.

Great characterisation, funny dialogue, and a brilliant premise. This is going to be a huge hit.

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What a great book! I wasn't too sure when I started reading it and I wasn't very keen on Becca's character. But it is a really good story with good plotting and progression as we follow Charlie and Becca through the ten years following Ally's death. It reads so naturally and I particularly liked the way Charlie was several names for Becca - it's refreshing for that to happen in a novel (apart from War & Peace!!) but refelcts real life. Four stars and thanks to NetGalley, the publishers and the author for the opportunity to read and review a e-ARC of this title.

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They both loved Ally, that is without a doubt.
They both hate each other.
But yet they have to join forces to to do Ally's bucket list, as she is no longer able to.

That is Becca and Charlie in a nutshell, bother incapable of not bickering with each other but also wanting to honor Ally's memory each year.

They seem like chalk and cheese, but as we catch up with their lives in yearly instalments, their dynamic gradually shifts. And I for one was keen to see just what would happen to them both.

And we really get to know Ally too, the third side of the triangle through their memories, and it's clear she was definitely taken too young.

This is powerful writing from Pernille Hughes, it is the right mix between emotional dealing with tough subjects such as grief, while also being hopeful that you can move on with your life, and that your sworn enemy may not be as bad as you think!

It's a story that will play on your mind when you aren't reading, and certainly caught my attention throughout. It's a really special story and one I'm glad I had a chance to read.

Thank you to One More Chapter and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

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I was really excited to start reading this book but unfortunately it just wasn’t for me. I don’t usually enjoy second chance romances but after reading the description I thought I would give it a try. While I found this to still be an enjoyable and easy read, I also wasn’t in love with it. I found that I didn’t really care for the “romance” between Becca and Charlie. It felt a bit rushed and almost unbelievable how quickly they went from hating each other to falling in love and I just wasnt as invested in them as I wanted to be. I also found them both to be a tad bit childish and emotionally dramatic. However, I will say I did think Hughes did a beautiful job writing about grief and the process of healing and moving on. While it may have been a bit heavy at times, it was still perfectly written. If you’re looking for an emotional second chance romance this would be up your alley.

Thank you NetGalley for an ARC copy in exchange for an honest review.

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The kind of book you look forward to reading before you go to bed, and then you can’t stop.
Many thanks to Harper Collins UK and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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A cute book on a tough topic that handles it very well.

I enjoyed this book and loved reading it. It kept me engaged to the very end

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I really enjoyed this book. Yes, at times the characters are flawed but that’s the whole point!
I loved the premise and I love Pernille’s writing! I would definitely recommend

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I feel like there is something wrong with me. This sounded like the perfect read for me but I ended up dnf-ing it.

I just could not connect with the characters at all and found myself losing interest.


Thank you so much to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Depressing, slow and with dislikable characters, I very quickly realised that this was not my type of book. A DNF. I’m sorry to say.
My thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for my advance copy of this book.

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