Member Reviews

Thank you to Kodansha and NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!
Lovesick Ellie by Fujimoto is an absolutely adorable shojo comedy that will remind you of your first love in high school! The story revolves around Eriko, a plain and boring high school girl. Unbeknownst to everyone, she fantasizes about the most popular guy in school and writes her fantasies online on a Twitter account called "Lovesick Ellie." One day, her crush finds her phone and reads her fantasies about him. What will he do? Will he expose her to the school, or is this the start of something new?
Overall, Lovesick is a laugh-out-loud shojo comedy that will appeal to fans of Horimiya and Wotakoi. One highlight of this book is how adorable it is. We get to watch as the main couple meet each other for the first time, and gradually move up to holding hands, and then going on a date. Another highlight of this book is how funny it is. The FMC may act like a wallflower, but she has a romantic imagination that will make some readers blush. Also, the MC is funny in his own way. Although he acts kind and popular at the high school, he actually has a hidden dark side. If you're intrigued by the synopsis, or if you're a fan of shojo manga, I highly recommend that you check out this book when it comes out in January!

In the synopsis when they say that Omi-Kun is a two faced boy, they are telling the truth. He is so cranky and rude at times, I don't understand the appeal of him. Eriko aka Ellie was relatable and I did like her. There were a lot of mixed signals coming from Omi-Kun, and I'm not surprised she couldn't always tell what he meant.
I wasn't wowed by this one, unfortunately. I would only pick up more of this if my library had it and I was paused in between other mangas.

Eriko Ichimuro is a "plain", friendless high school girl with an active imagination. She starts sharing posts on social media about her pretend romance with the most popular guy in school, a character heavily influenced by her own school's popular boy Ohmi. In a series of chance meetings, he finds out about her secret and she finds out his, that he's not the nice guy he portrays himself to be.
It's a pretty typical shoujo with a plain girl and a popular guy involved and so far there have been a few interesting scenes. Eriko also makes a friend and part of the story involves trying to maintain that friendship. It's all done in that typically Japanese way with all sorts of rules in place.
Overall, it's a very likable manga and shows promise for the future of its story. I rate this 3.5 stars. Thank you to Netgalley and Kodansha for giving me an advance reader copy. I have provided this review voluntarily.

A fun read with two likable characters. The best part of the book is when Eriko is in the Ellie persona. Pacing can throw you off a bit but still a solid manga to check out.

Thank you Netgalley and Kodansha Comics for the opportunity to read and review this.
This is a very cute and sweet shoujo manga, following the school life of Ichimura Eriko (Ellie), who is a loner girl, with a crush on popular and handsome Ohmi Akira (Omi). Unlike other girls within her school who pursues his attention, she fantasises about him by tweeting under the username Lovesick Ellie.
I really enjoyed this story and look forward to reading the next volumes!

ARC Copy...I feel mixed when it comes to reviewing romance Manga but thought it was cute, the protagonist is really in over her head love sick and although it is going outdated...the social media effects does make the social fabric "current" for now.

Lovesick Ellie is a romance in which an unassuming plain girl (aka, Mary Sue) catches the attention of the hottest boy at the school because....she crushes on him on Twitter. It's a strange concept and I don't think I quite bought the logic of why the boy would be interested in the girl who makes up a fake relationship with him. It's billed as 'pervy' but there is very little of that - it's mostly her putting herself down and him being aloof and rude to her while being aloof and fake to others. I'd probably use the word creepy instead.
Story: Ichimura is the kind of girl no one remembers: plain, unassuming, boring, and utterly unremarkable. She has a huge crush on class prince Ohmi and uses Twitter to fantasize about him, creating a fake relationship with him. She has quite a following already for her stories of their dates. But one day she accidentally sees the non fake personality Ohmi doesn't show anyone - something he lets her see after reading her Twitter. Is Ichimura the first person he can be honest with who won't betray him? And will Ohmi actually be interested in the most boring girl at the school?
So yes, the premise is highly unrealistic and hard to swallow. Ohmi won't get close to anyone because he was several betrayed when younger - so he is fake and friendly to everyone. But for some reason, Ichimura's fake romance with him on Twitter makes him like her and completely forget how much he hates people who only friend each other for what they can get out of them. It doesn't make a lot of sense but it's a manga, so you just have to go with it.
Most of the book is Ichimura showing just how forgettable she is and wallowing in her lack of beauty/interest. Of course, Ohmi will like her for her true self and inexplicably find her creepy fantasy twitter endearing. Cue another girl who suddenly makes friends with Ichimura who has similar social issues.
In all, bog standard shoujo romance - illogical, lacking believability and organic qualities, and there to be cute and romantic. Your mileage may vary. Reviewed from an advance reader copy provided by the publisher.

I guess I was in need of some fluffy romance, because I devoured this in mere minutes!
Lovesick Ellie follows the story of high school girl, Ichimura Eriko (Ellie), who has a crush on the school's perfect handsome boy, Ohmi Akira (Omi). Instead of pursuing his attention like other girls, she fantasises about him by tweeting under the name "Lovesick Ellie". At the same time she found out Omi's true character, he found out about her tweets of him.
It's sort of a cliche: loner girl, befriending the popular guy, but both characters were so refreshing to read. Ellie was unapologetically a pervert with her fantasies, and it's funny how Omi kept calling her a pervert yet he was unable to stay away from her. Omi's character is a perfection in front of everyone else, but he was snarky and selfish when in front of her. It's not to the point that his words would be harmful to Ellie though. There were parts where it can feel cringey, but I'm a sucker for cute romances anyway so I still had fun!
Both of them end up being comfortable around each other, but also embarrassed about their feelings as well. They're very easy to love and I like that Ellie managed to come out of her shell bit by bit, even befriending a new person all on her own. Compared to Ellie, I think that Omi didn't have much growth in this one—other than showing his true self to Ellie—but I believe that's being saved for future volumes of this manga.
Lovesick Ellie is a sweet and hilarious story, and I hope I can follow the story of Ellie and Omi more soon! Many thanks to Netgalley and Kodansha for the chance to read this book in exchange with my honest review.

such a cute shoujo read that has touches of kimi ni todoke, where two people can only show their true faces to one another and no one else. that openness with each other develops, which also helps ellie's small circle, grow with the confidence she gains to be herself and put herself out there. i think it's a sweet manga and the art style is absolute perfection, though unlike kimi ni todoke, the pace is less of a slow burn and more instantaneous. i would definitely love to see what happens in volume 2 with the introduction of more characters!

To be honest I wasn’t entirely sure I liked the manga. Mainly because i found the first chapter to be so cringe it was hard to read. But It honestly got so good near the end of chapter 1. Ellie and Sara are both so weird I love it, I would love to see more of her later. . I loveeeeeee Ellie and Omi-Kun. I didn’t like him at first because he was such a jerk. He’s still a jerk but I like it now. I don’t know what that says about me… It turned out so good, I’m so surprised!

I received an e-galley of Lovesick Ellie, Volume 1 by Fujimomo from Kodansha via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.
I think that Lovesick Ellie has two very interesting main characters in what would otherwise be a typical shoujo manga. Ichimura is a young high school girl who lacks social skills - most don't even know that she is there. Little does anyone know that she is quite expressive and has a vivid imagination that comes into play on her Twitter account where she fantasizes about the handsome boys around her, in particular Ohmi, the most popular and handsome boy at school. Ichimura soon finds that the real Ohmi is quite different from the public Ohmi that everyone knows. This knowledge brings these two to cross paths as they find that perhaps the reality - as jarring as it may be - can be actually much more interesting and sincere. This was a fun first volume and I look forward to reading more of Ichimura and Ohmi's story.

Eriko Ichimura is a socially awkward girl, who is always overlooked by her classmates. She only has one hobby: tweeting about her fantasies under an alias. However, Akira Ohmi, the most popular boy in school, discovers Ichimura’s secret. Yet, she also learns about his secret.
I could not help but to relate with Ichimura. I too often feel invisible to the people around me. She shows how that affect can have on a person, especially a teenager. I like how Ichimura discovers Ohmi’s secret, and yet, she senses why he behaves like that. She understands her shortcomings and accepts them.
LOVESICK ELLIE has this WOLF GIRL AND BLACK PRINCE vibe. I adored that manga. Ohmi reminds me of WGaBP’s Kyouya Sata, especially how both boys have two sides to their personality. They pretend to be pleasant and approachable on the outside, only to hide their cynic, true selves beneath.
I will definitely be adding this manga to my personal collections. And I cannot wait for any future volumes.

This manga spices up the "meek girl and the popular guy getting together" trope by adding a loner girl, Eriko, who runs a romance Twitter account fantasizing on her cool and only-apparently-perfect classmate, Ohmi.
The art is very pretty, but I found the story a bit confusing and repetitive. Also, the relationship between the two main characters develops way too fast for my liking.

4 🌟
Eriko is our female lead who has pervy thoughts. This is a big shout-out to all girls who like to imagine cute/handsome guys all day long.
The good part of this manga is the hilarity of how Eriko easily gets into pervy mode whenever our male lead goes flirty with her.
She does blushes easily and that's super common with shoujo manga.
I like the comedy more than the romance part of this volume so far. But this is a really great start. I think the two will support each other in the future knowing their characteristics. Also, it's still volume 1 but they kind of show their feelings for each other now.
Special thanks to NetGalley, Fujimomo, and Kodansha for an e-ARC.

Ichimura is invisible to her classmates and passes her time secretly sharing her lightly perverted fantasies on Twitter. These fantasies include the most popular cute boy, Ohmi, who seems to be a great guy, beloved by all. In reality Ohmi has a dark secret; he actually has a rotten personality. When Ohmi and Ichimura learn each other's secrets, they become closer. I thought this was funny and cute! Ichimura's pervertedness put a different spin on this high school shojo. Sure, all the usual tropes are here, but solidly done and super enjoyable to read. I just found out that the whole series is available digitally on Comixology! Kodansha, you're about to get some of my money!

Big thanks to Kodansha for the advanced e-arc of this manga. All opinions and comments are my own.
This was a really fun and interesting premise for a manga. I loved both MCs and thought this was a refreshing take on a shojo romance. Definitely looking forward to the rest of the series!

To be honest, I was thrown off at the start by how wild the heroine is lol she's deep into her romantic-fantasy world but it was cute enough to continue - I guess it makes sense since she's in high school and dreaming about relationships? It did bother me a bit at first with how over the top all her reactions were (also how do you not have a password on your phone...?), but as Ellie got more natural with Ohmi and their relationship started developing better, it got quite enjoyable.
It's nothing very new but it was nice, and I hope in future volumes Ellie also grows more out of her shell and improves as a character, instead of being reactive to what Ohmi does (please at least correct people when they get your name wrong!!!). Also, Fujimomo's art is seriously so cute... it matches the vibe of the story so well!! So 3.5 stars rounded up for that.