Member Reviews

Read and reviewed in exchange for a free copy from NetGalley. Having enjoyed previous books of Parks', I was pleased to be given the opportunity to read this. This was a gripping read.

Really enjoyed this book. Fast paced, brilliant plot & characters & full of twists. I would highly recommend this book.

She’s done it again, Adele’s books are always a treat and this one was no different, loved Dora and was rooting for her throughout, a read page turner with a fantastic twist…

One last secret follows Dora, a sex worker on her last job before getting out of the game. A trip to the south of France with client Daniel turns out not to be the glamourous and easy last job she was expecting it to be.
Typical of Adele Parks this thriller was a compulsive page turner that I read within one day - that TWIST! Amazing I loved it.

Adele Parks is one of my favourite authors so I was eager to see how this one unfolded.
Main character Dora is a sex worker, She talks honestly about her work in an articulate and open way. When she gets the chance to change her life, she takes the opportunity and looks forward to a brighter future. However, one last job is offered to her with a trusted client in a French chateau, and she decides to go ahead.
This is when things get a little creepy. She is with a group of her clients friends and let's just say, they're a very odd bunch! Dora feels uncomfortable in their company, and doesn't know who she can trust. You can feel the tension through the pages as the danger increases. Dora's story grips you and it's hard to separate yourself from this compelling novel.
As always, the writing flows with ease and the secondary characters are unlikeable but extremely intriguing. This is one to pack in your suitcase and devour next to the pool with a refreshing drink by your side.

Dora is a “high” class escort/sex worker and despite her promise to new fiancé that she’d give it all up decides to do one more job as a favour to one of her clients, something she lives to regret. The first part of this long drawn out book is pretty much the life and times of a whore and then suddenly changed into a thriller with the daftest of endings. The middle section could have been so much shorter and I skimmed practically all of it. No one in this book deserves any sympathy and the plot was contrived. I enjoyed other books by this author so much more sadly.

In my opinion...
For some very strange reason this review has lived in my drafts for a long time & only now, as the latest Adele Parks novel is about to be unleashed, have I realised that I didn't comment on the previous one. Unacceptable.
Sorry Ms Parks!
To be honest , how many more superlatives can I add to the already full pot? This author is deservedly so popular, as novel after novel she writes something different, unpredictable & challenging.
Certainly I did find the subject matter rather challenging & very uncomfortable. I suspect Ms Parks has led a very colourful life as she always gets under the skin of her story whether it be gambling, addiction or the life of a sex worker- or, more likely, just extremely good at research. She hooks you, you're fascinated, dragged in & off you go.
As always, the story moves at great pace with twists that make it hard to put down. If you haven't read it yet, set some time aside, read it & then put 17 August in your diary ready for this year's novel 'Just Between Us', I can't wait!

An enjoyable read which kept me gripped and turning the pages however, I did struggle throughout the book to relate to or like the main character. The book also featured around the sex worker industry which isn’t something that I’d usually choose to read about.

So I've read quite a few other Adele Parks books and absolutely loved them so I had great expectations coming into this one and I'm so sad it really didn't live up to them! There was just something about the way this book was written which I rally struggled with. And then there was the plot which I just found totally ridiculous and outrageous. The pacing was all over, we got random flashbacks and places where we saw what had happened in the past but it was just so poorly done that it made things ridiculously confusing. So much of the plot made no sense and it just made for an overall poor read.

Wow, that was one incredibly addictive story. I literally couldn't get enough of it, and was finding any excuse to pick my my kindle to continue reading.
I loved the way Dora was talking about the world of being an escort and prostitution in general, it's a great way to see things, and I loved her turn of phrase generally, especially when talking directly to the reader.
What is very clear is from the first day of what was meant to be her last ever job, which she had been co-erced into, that things were really off at this French Chateau. I couldn't initially put my finger on it, nor could I be sure who to trust, but I was invested in the story and needed to know what was happening.
And when we get a section about Dora's past and what lead to her turning to this line of work, I was sucked even further into the story, it's a situation that I'm sure many could potentially find themselves in, although not all would make the same decisions it is totally understandable.
It is a compulsively gripping read that I am in some ways sorry that I reached the end of as I was quite happily engrossed in the storytelling. Another winner from Adele Parks.
Thank you to HQ and Netgalley for this copy which I have reviewed honestly and voluntarily.

hate to admit it, but this is actualy my first Adele Parks book, I now really feel like I've been missing out this whole time on others!
It was really easy to fall straight into the story, but not so easy to put the book down!
I really admired Dora, I actualy had a lot of respect for her and what she does/did. Although a certain part my heart absolutely broke for her, obviously won't say what as I don't want to spoil it.
But what I will say is, be prepared for the mother of all twists, I was left gobsmacked. Amazing book.

I requested this book purely because it's by Adele Parks and knew nothing about it when I started reading.... and I was immediately drawn in. I found the opening chapters intriguing and wanted to know more. I will say that you do have to suspend disbelief for some of it but I didn't mind that because I got so swept along in the story and the intrigue of where it was all going to end. I found some of the twists were predictable but some weren't and I couldn't turn the pages fast enough. I really enjoyed this one and I recommend it.

I was pleasantly surprised by One Last Secret by Adele Parks. Dora is a high class escort and after she falls in love she decides to give it up for love. She then gets offered one last job, surely it will not hurt to take this last one with a regular client? Things are quickly not as they seem. Has she had a dreadful mistake? A fab read.

Another great offering from the wonderfully talented Adele Parks. Whilst the twists weren't that surprising and were quite guessable, the story itself flowed well and it was an enjoyable time. The main character Dora was a little annoying at times, although that seems to have been the intention.
Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Adele parks is brilliant!! Mind if a genius and this has been every bit as addictive and gripping as I’d hoped.

A brilliant Adele Parks thriller, full of mystery, intriguing and plot twists - I demolished this in one sitting.
4 stars.

Adele Parks write compelling and intriguing stories. And this one is no exception from the norm.
I enjoyed this twisted book. The lavish lifestyle with its horrible people and so many secrets. Not sure if I can actually like any of the characters, not even the main ones but what they do, did or thinking to do , was a spike of adrenaline while reading it.
Some pasty’s were predictable and some scenes were easy to guess how they will pan out, but then you got the other scenes where nothing is as it seems and everything turns upside down.
Thrilling story overall that many will enjoy.

This was a gripping & compelling read, full of twists and turns that it really kept me guessing. Great characters and a very intriguing story make for a very entertaining read.

A twisted and dark tale of love and revenge. As always Adele Parks delves deep into the mind of her protagonist.

Entertaining, plenty happening, lots of twists, turns and surprises.
Kept me guessing right until the very end.