Member Reviews

A good crime thriller in thew world of drugs and gangs with great characters and a good story line, they kept me hooked to the final page.

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Thank you to Netgalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I am a massive fan of Lynda La Plante, she can do no wrong in my eyes. As always this book was well-written, well planned with a great plot. Definitely a recommended read.

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The first book I have read in this series, but I like Detective Jack Warr. There is a good balance of personal and professional for the detective, and this allows the reader to get to know him even if you haven't read previous books.

The plot is full of surprises and twists and engagingly balances action and introspection. Fast-paced and intense, it's addictive reading.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher.

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Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. Another great book by this author and Jack is a well developed character. A good storyline and plenty of suspense, it was a very enjoyable read..

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You know if you pick up a Lynda La Plante book you are in for a good read .
The Vanished did not disappoint it was a brilliant engrossing storyline & well written as always.
I hadn’t realised this was the third in this series but can definitely read as a stand alone .
I do like to read a good series so will definitely look in to reading the other two as I enjoyed this so much.
Avril Jenkins is a very eccentric widow living on her own in a large mansion with extensive grounds.
She has repeatedly told the police her lodger Adam Border, who is no longer living with her, is stalking her & breaking in to steal from her.
This case has been passed to detective Jack Warr from another police station who hadn’t taken it seriously, to see if there is any substance to it.
At first Jack is not sure if she is just lonely & confused as her behaviour at times is quite bizarre.
However Jack wants to make completely sure so starts to dig a little deeper before he can pass this off as some old lady losing it.
Then the unthinkable happens & Avril Jenkins is found brutally murdered.
The story develops quickly into a rollercoaster complexed plot with twists & turns you won’t see coming.
Gripping interesting read with great characters it held me throughout up right until the last page.
Thoroughly enjoyed it.

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Another Jack Warr book and the characters are well explained so it doesn’t matter if you haven’t read the others. It helps a little bit with the back story but is not essential so don’t be put off. Jack has to investigate a series of calls from an elderly widow and must decide whether her fears are genuine or not. A simple investigation becomes much more after a chain of events and lead us through cannabis farms, art fraud and murder. Never a dull moment and an absolutely gripping storyline!


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OMG - I could not put this down. I absolutely loved it!! Our main character is Jack and I loved the balance between home life and work life so I felt that I really got to know the character. Twists and turns in the plot kept me guessing but I loved that no matter what Jack was not giving up!! A brilliant read and brilliantly written, fast paced and unputdownable.

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As you would expect from Lynda la Plante this is a thoroughly enjoyable, engaging police drama. This is the third in the Jack Warr series but works just as well as a standalone novel. Caught up in one crime that branches out in several others we follow Jack in his somewhat unorthodox methods of tracking down the criminals and also learn a lot about his little family and his own past and how it has shaped him thus far. Many thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for my copy.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book. I have chosen to write this honest review voluntarily.
I have not read the preceding books in this series; there are enough explanations to understand references to the past but I think knowing more about the characters and the complex dynamics within the team and personal relationships would be beneficial. The plot progressed very rapidly and also became more complex as answers uncovered more questions. It seems that Jack is not always a 'good cop' and also misses cues right in front of him - I had guessed the mystery of his boss' retirement before we were told what was happening. There is a little bit of gory detail, but this is thankfully kept to the minimum. There is no doubt that this is an exciting, fast-paced thriller promising more in the series.

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As a newbie to Lynda La Plante I wasn't sure what to expect - what I got was something thrilling, chilling and gruesome.

Avril Jenkins claims she is being stalked. Repeatedly calling the police to report harassment and theft by her former gardener, Adam Border, her eccentric behaviour and lack of evidence fails to get results with most officers writing her off as being a bit crazy. DS Jack Warr is asked to investigate so they can close the case and move on. Finding her just as batty as her local police officers do, Jack is on the brink of handing the case back when Avril Jenkins is brutally murdered and dismembered in her bathroom. Investigating the crime, Jack soon finds a charred body - that of Jessica Chi, Adam Borders girlfriend - in the burnt out remains of the greenhouse. It soon becomes obvious that Jack has stumbled across a possible double murder. Frustrated by the lack of evidence at either scene, Jack has no idea where to start his investigation as even Adam Border can't be found...but no one stays missing forever and soon Jack is beginning to close in on the person he believes is responsible for Avril Jenkins death.

This is a thrill ride of a book with no horror left undescribed. The bathroom scene is very vividly described, as is what happened in the lead up to it when we eventually find out what really happened. I found it to be a very tense and taught book that kept me reading late into the night - and then awake thinking about what I had read! I really enjoyed this and will definitely be looking out for another La Plante novel.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this book it is a real page turner. The characters are great, the story is gripping and it grabs you from the very first page.

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This surprisingly enough was my first book by this well known author and I had not seen any of her tv adaptations of previous books so was interesting to see what all the fuss is about.

This is part of a series featuring the lead detective but you didn’t have to have read the others as you can read it as a stand alone.

An eccentric widow claims she is being stalked, items going missing from her house but the local police do not take her seriously but Jack Warr does and then a few days later the widow dies. Not only is there a death to investigate but international drugs ring and art theft to contend with, are they all linked and was the widow all she seemed?

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My thanks to Bonnier Books U.K. Zaffre for an eARC via NetGalley of ‘Vanished’ by Lynda La Plante in exchange for an honest review.

Lynda La Plante is one of a handful of crime writers that I can always count on to produce a strongly plotted, gripping police procedural. ‘Vanished’ was no exception.

It is Book 3 in her D.C. Jack Warr series that itself is linked to her earlier ‘The Widows’ series. Still, ‘Vanished’ works fine as a standalone as background is provided for readers new to the series.

The novel opens with Detective Jack Warr looking into the claims of an eccentric widow that she is being stalked by her former lodger. Most of his colleagues are convinced that she is just lonely and seeking attention but Warr believes her. Then a few days later she is found brutally murdered in her home.

I won’t say more in order to avoid spoilers though the case quickly becomes more complex. It’s the kind of satisfying twisty plot that I have long associated with La Plante’s crime fiction.

‘Vanished’ kept me happily glued to my seat for its duration.

4.5 stars rounded up to 5.

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Avril Jenkins lives alone in a mansion in extensive grounds and is a thorn in the side of her local police station. She keeps calling them claiming that her former lodger Adam Border is breaking in during the night and stealing priceless paintings or expensive jewelry. To finally put the case to rest DS Jack Warr is asked to meet with Mrs Jenkins to ascertain whether she’s really being targetted by Border or a bit forgetful about what she has and hasn’t sold. Jack isn’t convinced that Avril is lying about the thefts but can’t find evidence to back this up however when she is then murdered his case becomes a full blown murder/drug operation. Anymore information will spoilt it so I’ll leave it there.

This is the third in the Jack Warr series and was another great read.

Thanks to Netgalley, Bonnier Books UK and Lynda La Plante for the ARC of this book in return for an honest review.

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I have read none of the previous books in the series, but I enjoyed this book with no problems regarding who the main characters are and what’s their part in the story is.

It probably shows why the author is so loved and how great her writing is.

DS Jack Warr is something that I haven’t expected from a detective. He is outspoken, goes beyond his duties and cross lines but also shows that he won’t give up on his instincts and believes if he wants to find the truth.

Believing that there’s much more to the story than the eye can meet, he starts an investigation that will bring a lot of his past secrets to surface.

I found myself intrigued by the story and some twists were very unexpected. The author has done an amazing job of intertwining elements that maybe in other situations wouldn’t work at all, but here they are perfectly mixed throughout the novel. I mean, drug cartels with an old lady story? Cleverly done.

This installment surely opened my appetite for more in the series so I’m looking forward to read more soon.

Very grateful to the publisher for my review copy through NetGalley
4.5 stars

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Everyone has heard of this author. Seen her books in shops but just never read any of them. I didn’t know this was the third book in a series but it does read almost as a stand alone. I am so interested in reading her back catalogue and so will start with book one of this series. Loved her writing and her characterisation. She really writes well and I can see why she is published. Really enjoyed the story and I feel she never paints a picture that doesn’t feel real. Loved it!

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As soon as I saw the author, I really wanted to read this book. I fell in love with Linda La Plante in 1983 with the release of Widows shortly followed by years of Prime Suspect. This book did not disappoint.
Vanished is book no.3 but can be read as a stand alone book.
Deceive Jack Warr is called to a case about an eccentric widow living in a large property. She had previously been dismissed by a neighbouring police station as attention seeking and Jack has to admit, her claims do seem strange.
Meanwhile, his wife to-be asks him not to investigate a crime as such but to help a surgeon she works with look into who his teenage daughter is involved with as he is increasingly worried about her uncontrollable behaviour..
Jack soon finds himself looking for Avril the eccentric widow’s lodger or is he her son Adam Border who seems to have vanished. After a gruesome murder, art theft, drugs squad, another body and a supposed death by overdose, Jack also has to deal with an accusation of sexual assault and getting married.
And the Widow’s I mentioned from 1983? Well when I read the name Dolly Rawlings, I thought it was just a simple nod. But, oh no, it is more than just a tenuous link.
With thanks to #NetGalley and Bonnier Books UK for this preview read of #Vanished. Fabulous mystery thriller read. Can’t wait for the next one!

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I have done it again, chosen a book without realising at first that it was part of a series. Based on the author I thought it would be good and although I had to guess at some of the back plot I was able to enjoy the book very much. Jack Warr is an interesting character,, not quite snowy white for a detective.
The plot led the reader all over the place with some characters that were downright menacing and that included the murder victim. Well thought out and enjoyable. I hope to find more about Jack Warr in time.

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I was sent a copy of this book in return for an honest review. What can I say? Got into the book really quickly, loved how gripping the story was and really liked the characters. Exciting, interesting and had some funny moments (the pea green Nissan was one!). Read it!!

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I see that Vanished is the third in a series about Detective Jack Warr and he obviously has a back story but this reads well as a stand alone. I was fully engaged in this story from the first page and the pace never dropped. The relationship between the different characters was very interesting. Although Jack Warr is a hard-working detective he relies on his boss, Ridley, to drive him on to do better. I am a little conflicted with his character because he is obviously not 100% honest. I will definitely look out for the first two books in this series to find out more about Jack Warr.
Many thanks to Netgalley/Lynda La Plante/Bonnier Books UK for a digital copy of this title. All opinions expressed are my own.

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