Member Reviews

R.K. Syrus' "Apocalypse U.S.A: Civil War II" is the third in a series known as "Apocalypse World." It is being published by BooksGoSocial, and for those of you who have read either of its two predecessors (one focused on the Middle East and another on Western Europe), it is very similar in style (which is very important here). The catastrophic events in this book include mass murder, the use of bio weapons to produce pseudo-zombies and the author's trademark tech. I can see little point in going through the extremely convoluted plot here, but I will note that an unlikely female Anglo-Asian reporter/blogger/novelist of considerable wit and possessed of a gift for getting into serious trouble is, once again, at the center of things, and it is largely through her eyes that we encounter events. The narrative is not without its charms, principally in its wickedly knowledgable treatment of popular culture and the protagonist's wiseass temperament, and it is loaded with action, violent and often almost comedic. There is an air of the "tongue in cheek" about the whole enterprise. Its appeal is limited, however, and it is apt to find more of an audience amongst those who think of themselves as young and "hip" as opposed to a more discerning audience. Audiences of more "mature" apocalyptic fiction, even such as that featured in the recent spate of zombie programming, are apt to be left scratching their heads in wonder and confusion.