Member Reviews

3.5 stars rounded up to 4
At the edge of a forest, a husband and wife are driving through the winding lanes. When a song comes on the radio, the song that brought the high-school sweethearts together on a dancefloor forty years ago, they turn to each other. That split second - a stolen glance as memories wash over them - is one of their last. Moments later, their car crashes.
Two strangers lie in hospital. Zach survived a near-fatal accident. Chloe has a life-long heart condition. But Zach and Chloe's lives are saved that day when they each receive a new heart.
What a beautifully written story this is. The story is told by Mike, Susan, Zach and Chloe's points of view. It flips back and forth between the present day and the past. It will also pull at your heartstrings. Organ donation is such an emotional rollercoaster, someone's gain is another families loss, but the author has cover it sensitively. This is a story of love and second chances.
I would like to thank #NetGalley #Bookouture and the author #CatherineMiller for my ARC of #TheCrash in exchange for an honest review.

This is a story of love developing in the most unusual circumstances. A brilliant book that will stay with me for a long time. Highly recommended
Thanks to Netgalley for the opportunity to read this ARC.

This is my first time ever reading a book by Catherine Miller and it didn't disappoint me either.
This was a great story and really makes you think.
I enjoyed Chloe and Zach's story. This was such a powerful, satisfying read.
“I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.”
Thank You for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!
I will post my review to my platforms, blog, B&N and Waterstone closer to pub date.

This book is stunning and absolutely beautiful. It is heartbreaking and beautiful. Life affirming and just really beautiful. I really loved it.

This is both a heartwarming and heartbreaking story about organ donation with the strong message of how love goes far beyond the physical body, even after death.
The story is told through the POVs of the donors, Mike and Susan, and the recipient's Zack and Chloe, while also going back and forth between past and present.
This is a slow burn read but with a story that blossoms beautifully, that will tug at your heartstrings until the very end.
Overall, a beautiful and enjoyable read that I would recommend to anyone who is looking for a unique love story to read.

I was intrigued by the Publisher’s summary of “The Crash” by Catherine Miller. It sounded like, forgive the expression, a book I would read, enjoy, and get all the feels from (sometimes I just want to read a book that makes me cry).
I’ve seen and read stories about people receiving hearts and reuniting with the donor’s family to “hear” the heartbeat or the person who can see more clearly. Organ donation is such a personal topic and I felt that Ms. Miller presented it in a touching and sensitive manner.
In this book, Mike and Susan are killed and their hearts are acceptable matches for Zach and Chloe. Zach’s heart (Mike’s) ‘searches’ for Susan’s heart (now in Chloe). I hadn’t heard about cellular memory in heart transplants before this book, but it’s a real theory. It all sounded so promising, but for some reason, this book just didn’t evoke the emotions I wanted. Mike and Susan, after 40 years of marriage, were having issues - not major ones, but minor ones, that can come over time. But for some reason, their backstory work for me and I found myself skimming over their sections sometimes. Zach seemed to be more “aggressive” than Chloe in wanting to be friends, but, again, it just felt off sometimes. I guess because this book was full of emotions, it just didn’t work for me and I actually considered DNF at the 50% mark, but decided to continue reading to see how things would work out. I cannot explain why this didn’t work, as I really wanted it to, but something was off … which I found disappointing. I so wanted to like (and cry) this book … but it didn’t happen.
I'm giving this a 3 star rating based upon the Goodread's scale of "liked it" - I did like parts of it (the sensitivity toward organ donation, Chloe's health issues, and Zach and Larry's job/organization), but I cannot say that I "really" liked the book.

This is a story about four people, two hearts and a love story that will captivate the reader and take the reader to an emotional ride.
Susan and Mike had been childhood lovers. While listening to a song that had brought them together, they meet with an accident. Years later, Zack gets into an accident that causes him get a heart transplant and Chloe also get a heart transplant. After the heart transplant operation, Zack felt a connection to Chloe and soon starts the story.
The plot of the story attracted me first and when I started reading the story, I immediately got hooked into the story. The story is told from the perspectives of Zack, Chloe, Mike and Susan and I do like the backstory of Mike and Susan's love story, how Zack and Chloe's love blossomed through the heart connection they had. I was drawn into the blossoming love story of Zack and Chloe and it was actually a heartwarming and emotional story. From the first chapter to the end, the story took me to a journey. I do like the concept of how a transplant of the hearts brought two people close together.
Overall, for the ones who liked to read a good heartwarming story that will captivate the reader from the first chapter itself this book is the one for you--worth five stars in my opinion!
Many thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC. The review is based on my honest opinion only.

I was intrigued by the premise of this book – the effect of cellular memory in a transplant patient, whereby some of the donor’s memories and personality characteristics are experienced by the recipient. Unfortunately, the writing style and character development was disappointing.
The story reflects the experiences of Mike and Susan (the donors) and Zach and Chloe (the recipients) in alternating chapters covering the past and present. I found the pace agonizingly slow at times with much repetition of the back story and relationship dynamics between the characters. While Zach and Chloe’s medical conditions engendered sympathy, the breakdown of the relationship of the donor couple was not particularly engaging.
The core message of the storyline is that love survives even the death of the physical body and that life is a precious gift to be appreciated and celebrated.
My thanks to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for the privilege of reviewing this book. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
This review is being posted immediately to my GoodReads account and will be posted on Amazon upon publication.

The crash tells the tale of two donor heart recipients and that of the two donors!
Organ donation is such an emotional, harrowing topic as some ones loss is some one else’s gain but this was told in such an empathetic, sensitive manner and it was interesting to see the process from both angles.
The crash explores how recipients of the donor hearts feel and if there is a tenuous link to their donors, their characteristics, lives,dreams etc.
we are taken on a voyage of discovery as the recipients find each other, prove that they have a connection, meet the donors family and gradually fall in love!
A really thought provoking read.
Thank you netgalley for this early read.

Wow, this was an incredibly written story surrounding the hope that can bloom after unexpected loss and tragedy. I felt so connected to these beautiful characters and their heartbreaking journey. This is one of those books that absolutely everyone should read. It was emotional, moving, and special. Make sure you have lots of tissues nearby!! Thank you Netgalley and Bookouture for this wonderful ARC!

This was such a gripping yet heartwrenching read. It was well written with an intriguing and emotive storyline and well developed charcaters. I read this in one sitting as I just couldnt put it down.

I absolutely loved this book and managed to read it in a day - the characters and the plot completely drew me in and I was unable to put it down.
This isn't my usual read but I'm glad I tried something new as this was heart-warming and escapism at its best. Exploring love, life, miracles, this book reminded me that no second of life should be taken for granted.
Highly recommended

I am really struggling with this review.
(minor spoiler)......
This book is about organ donation, and the question of what lives on after you die...
This type of book is up my alley. You have death, romance, love, drama.... Two characters who receive donated hearts from a couple who died are drawn to each other. I am so ready for the schmaltz....
So... I didn't cry.
Why am I telling you this? because I cry at everything! I love a good book that makes me cry. I cry at Nicholas Sparks books even though I know he is manipulating me. I sobbed at FireFly Lane, and In An Instant - sobbed, I tell you. Now we have a book that should be so touching, and bittersweet, and I didn't shed a tear. Not one.
I was torn the entire book. Was this really touching or too over the top to be believed? I wanted to suspend disbelief - I really did.. If I love a book, you could tell me the moon was made of green cheese and I would go with it. So... I guess I have the answer - I don't know why, but I didn't love it. I actually found myself rolling my eyes once or twice..
Why is this review so difficult? I kept reading this book. I WANTED to know what happened next.
My advice - get this from the library.. I do want to thank the author, the publisher and #netgalley for the ARC which did not impact my review.

I would like to thank the author, the publisher and NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read an ARC of this book. Having read previous books by this author I was really looking forward to it and once again I wasn't disappointed. It was beautifully written with such believable characters and I really didn't want the story to end. I will be recommending to all my friends.

2 hearts. 4 people. 1 epic love story.
From tragedy, comes hope.
Have you ever wondered if transplant recipients become inextricably linked to their donor’s spouse or family? Just me?! I’ll never forget how I felt at receiving a letter from a sweet lady who received my father-in-law’s corneas. She was overjoyed at her first Christmas being able to see her grandchildren. I keep the letter in a safe spot and yes, I’m on the organ donor list.
Miller will sweep you away with her tender story about the 4 people involved in a transplant operation; 2 donors and 2 recipients. She’ll remind you to make every second count as we never know when our last breath will be.
I don’t want to spoil anything, so I won’t tell you any more. Be prepared to feel something as two of the heart recipients - two hearts searching for their missing part - find each other. Slowly and tenderly the story progresses as the author shares the back stories that lead to the 4 people arriving in hospital. The characters are so well crafted and I became emotionally involved in each and their future. Miller taps into the hopes, fears and dreams of the two women as they try to define their relationships and shows that despite appearing to have very little in common, they share what really matters.
A must-read for anyone who loves epic love stories, stories about a second chance at love, or those curious about the donor-recipient transplant bond. If you’ve read The Girl Who Couldn’t Leave, the same warm, fluid, heartfelt writing is continued in this book.
I was gifted this advance copy by Catherine Miller, Bookouture, and NetGalley and was under no obligation to provide a review.

The second book I’ve read recently on donor transplantation and this was awesome. Utterly impossible for me to put down. A heartbreaking story… I really haven’t been able to put this one down and found I had devoured the entire book in just one sitting… I have loved this book so much, I wish I could give it five hundred stars. All I can say is "WOW - read it. You won't be disappointed

A star crossed novel about love and second chances. I absolutely love the story. I was immediately drawn into the characterization and the plot. Highly recommend!