Member Reviews

Page turning, gasp inspiring and shocking! A brilliant premise to this story where three daughters find out their father is a serial killer, on the day of his funeral. It made me really question what I would do in this situation, destroy the evidence or allow for justice to happen? with a twist in the later part of the book which made me gasp out loud. A memorable, worthy read!

The pacing was fast, but the writing wasn't appealing; it let much to be desired. I actually don't know what I was expecting from this book, if good plots and turns or an appealing writing? Instead of it, I'm being thrown like a ball between 3 povs that felt dry and with characters that didn't feel likeable at all.

This is my least favorite from Miranda Smith. I am a huge fan of the author, this book, however, did not meet the standards of her previous works.
The three sisters aren't likable, but I think, it was intentionally done, to show each of them has traits they got from their serial killer father. I believe what spoiled this for me is the repetitive writing because of the 3 POV's. Also, I did not like how easy it was for them to decide to pin another man's crime on someone naive, someone who has been there for their father and for them after their father died, just to save themselves and just because they can.
I loved the cliffhanger in the end but I think I already know who that is.
And I'm hoping justice for Elias will be the main focus of the sequel.
Thank you Bookouture and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.
This book is set to be published on March 31, 2022

3 Sisters, mourning the loss of both parents within 6 months, a serial killer who seems to be targeting them and shocking discoveries, secrets,lies and murky pasts all combine to make this a sharp, taut and mostly exciting thriller
It’s amazing that just with the 3 and thier partners it could be confusing ( character wise ) but the author has made all of them so distinctive it’s not a problem and we soon get them worked out and their specific ( and some ) annoying traits differentiate them clearly
The story is fast moving and ever changing and I found myself thinking I knew the outcome which although I did in part had not worked out the why’s and wherefores and how’s and then, of course, we get the exciting ending AND the final sentence shocker
A good, well formed read that held my attention and was different and cleverly put together
4 Stars

4.5 stars
There are family secrets and then there are family secrets that are so beyond what one can ever expect.
Rachel, Cara and Molly having just buried their dad discovered such a secret that it was earth shattering.
How could their dad be a killer.
The killings begin again.
The pages turn quickly and the lights will stay on to the final page as the tension mounts and the bodies multiply.
Can they even trust each other.
The ending I did not see coming at all.
Don't miss out on The Killer's Family, you wont be checking family tree after this read.
Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for a hold your breath read.

The Killer's Family really got my heart pounding! Fast paced and full of shocking twists. This was unputdownable, I was up reading late into the night, I've already recommend this one to friends. Five stars!

The Killer's Family
by Miranda Smith
Thank you NetGalley and Bookouture for the digital review copy. This was a very good thriller. The suspects were many. The one was a total shock. Kudos for Amanda Smith

Rachel, Cara and Molly were distraught over the sudden death of their father, a popular and well-respected teacher. They thought they knew everything about him until they ventured into his work shed where they found secrets to his other life. Many questions swirled around in their minds about their father after their horrifying discovery. How could he have kept this a secret all these years? Was their mother aware of his dark side and did he ever think they would find out?
When the killings began again and the press feared the Gemini killer had returned, I tried to figure out who in the small town might be a copycat killer. Had their father trained an apprentice to carry on once he was gone? I analyzed all the characters who gave me a weird feeling to determine if any of them were capable of these monstrous acts. Their father’s secrets consumed their lives, minds and thoughts on a daily basis, and they were never the same after they unearthed his secrets from the grave.
As I continued reading, I had a revelation that more than one person could be the killer, but it wasn’t until the shocking ending that I found out the dramatic truth. Once the killer surfaced, the sisters were in danger and I felt that if they worked together, they could outsmart the killer and come out on top. How would they survive knowing what their father had done? Would they become different versions of themselves that they didn’t even recognize? I fear that having a monster in the family would be with them forever.

When I say I flew through this book, I mean I flew through this book! I was on the edge of my seat from the very beginning. I thought there were parts that were repetitive and could have been left out but overall it was a thrilling read. The last plot twist really got me mostly because it was a total cliffhanger!
The book opens with sisters Molly, Cara, and Rachel at the funeral for their father. Upon going through his personal things, they discover a compartment full of disturbing items. Among them pictures, jewelry, and perhaps most horrifying, a hand written confession from their father saying that he was the infamous Gemini serial killer.
The next portion of the book has the sisters arguing if their father could truly do these despicable acts, if he was framed, and most importantly what to do with the items they found. Simultaneously, girls are found murdered in a similar fashion to the Gemini killer however, each of these victims has a personal connection to each of the sisters. Did the Gemini killer really return? Add in an illegitimate sibling and you have a exiting thrill ride ahead.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc in exchange for my honest review.

Highly gripping, extremely intense, page turning edge of your seat read. This book is really great and the author really knows how to spin q tale that keeps you guessing right until the very end.

The Killer’s Family starts off with 3 daughters at their father’s funeral. They had only lost their mother about 6 months prior to that and now their dad was gone as well. One night shortly after the funeral, all of the sisters couldn’t sleep and found themselves out in their dad’s “man-cave “. They discovered a secret “room” and found lots of photos of what they thought were dead girls. Did their dad have something to do with them? 17 girls were killed by a serial killer. Could he be it? I just can’t imagine if that were my dad and I thought that! Wow! Lots of secrets popped up throughout the book. Thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this early release in exchange for my honest review.

Whilst I liked The Killer’s Family, I didn’t love it. A couple of nice twists to pique my interest but I thought the plot could have moved on quicker. I also didn’t particularly like the three sisters. Thank you to NetGalley, Bookouture and the author for the chance to review.

Do you really know your family? Henry Martin has just died and his daughters Cara, Rachel & Molly are mourning is loss. But they are about to find out something that will change their lives forever. They find pictures of dead women in the shed and they can't believe that their father would have anything to do with it. Molly can't believe that her loving father that did everything for his girls would be a killer. No there has to be another explanation.
Cara can't let it go and she can't let her husband Tate the cop find out what she is doing. She has another secret that she can't share just yet and it was have consequences for the whole family.
Rachel lets her life fall apart and she loses the one person that she can always count on. Now she just drinks herself to sleep everyday.
Molly has tried to move on from everything if she pretends then it can't be true.
They are all lucky as they have a friend that they can count on to listen to them but no one can know their secret as it will change everything.
What they find out next will either destroy them or make them stronger.
A good solid read. We all have secrets but I don't know if they are like the Martin's.
I was lucky enough to receive a copy via Netgalley & the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

Really enjoyed this creepy domestic thriller. So tense and exciting. And a great reveal I did not see coming! Great characters.
Thank you NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book

I really thought I knew where this was going..... I thought I had already figured it out from the 1 few chapters but boy was I wrong! What a ride this book is. The overall premise is really original and the characters all amazingly well written. The start of the book and the subject of losing a parent is dealt with so realistically and in such a relatable way that it really does have you feeling for the sisters and what the loss of a parent does to you.....and then.... well it all get a bit more complicated really! Amazing story, really well written, fast paced and witb plenty of twists you won't see coming. Such a enjoyable read!! I was captivated from chapter one and loved the fact that nothing is drawn out there isn't any waffle or page fillers to us the word count. The characters act the way you or I would act which just makes it all the more relatable and really makes you empathise with them all the more. Just...... I can't say enough good things. Just read it

Had promise but fell short for me. It was a little repetitive and not quite as twisty as I was hoping for.

my first book buy this author and so very much enjoyed very gripping from the start. Margaret and Henry Martin have three daughters Caro Rachel and Molly. they lost there mum to cancer and now they have just lost there father Henry. after the funeral they all go back to the house for the wake it s such a sad day for the girls each remembering there father. Molly cant sleep that night so she decides to have a look in her dad s man shed then her other two sisters find her in there and Molly finds a hatch door on the floor and they get one hell of a shock the photo's the jewellery. there home town had a seriel killer many years ago they called them the Gemini killer. Molly can't believe its her father. then for some reason the Gemini killer starts again is it a copy cat are the girls safe so many twists and turns so good recommend

Very interesting plot. I really enjoyed reading this book. It flowed very well. It was well written. I couldn’t imagine being in the position of these sisters. Felt there were parts that were far too repetitive. There was no need for that. Lost points because of that sadly.

Name of Book: The Killer’s Family
Author: Miranda Smith
Genre: Mystery/Thriller
Publisher: Bookouture
Pub Date: March 31, 2022
My Rating: 3.5
When I decided to read this I was sure there were going to be twists and turns and was also sure is was NOT going to be a dismal, disturbing story as the title might picture in my mind.
Story starts with three sisters Cara Gibson, Rachel Martin, and Molly Martin grieving the death of their dad ~ a mere six months after the death of their mother. Rachel and Molly both are thinking that they would never experience their father walking them down the wedding aisle and dancing the father/bridge dance as he did for Cara. The sisters feel alone but having each other does bring some comfort
Dad ~ Henry Martin was a teacher at the local high school and mom Margaret was the music/choir teacher. Both were loved and respected.
After dad’s funeral, the girls find they cannot sleep and one by one the end up in their father’s backyard workshop. As they are reminiscing they discover an uneven floor board and what looks like a handle. Curiosity has the best of them and they lift the small door and find a dusty cardboard box hidden. The box reveals info that their father wasn’t who he pretended to be but was a serial killer.
There is a secret/twist revealed rather early in this story. At first, I was disappointed that this twist appears early but was sure there was going to be a lot more to this story.
I was curious!
Hmmm ~ The ending left me guessing there just might be Book #2!
I have no idea why this is only my first Miranda Smith. I will read another!
Want to thank NetGalley and Bookouture for this eGalley. This file has been made available to me before publication in an early form for an honest professional review.
Publishing Release Date scheduled for March 31, 2022.

The book tells the story of three sisters who discover that their father was a serial killer. It’s decided to destroy the evidence their father has kept as souvenirs in a fire. However, shortly after their father’s death, copycat murders appear - and they are people close to the sisters. I found this to be a superb read, which kept me guessing and which kept me on the edge of my seat throughout. Very good novelist.