Member Reviews

I loved this page turner which was tense, thrilling and moved at pace.

It had nice twists throughout the story and aspects that made you think twice.

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As a frequent thriller reader, I had high hopes for “Falling” by T.J. Newman, and while it delivered on many fronts, there were also a few elements that left me with mixed feelings.

On the positive side, the novel is undeniably gripping. Newman’s background as a flight attendant lends an air of authenticity to the narrative, immersing the reader in the high-stakes drama of Coastal Airways Flight 416. The plot is a white-knuckle ride from start to finish, with tension and suspense masterfully maintained throughout. The story of a pilot being forced to choose between crashing his plane or saving his family kept me on the edge of my seat, and the character development, especially of the pilot and his family, was well-executed and believable. However, there were aspects that didn’t resonate as well with me. Some parts of the plot felt overly dramatic and somewhat implausible, which occasionally pulled me out of the story. The pacing, while generally fast and engaging, sometimes felt rushed, particularly towards the climax. This left little room for deeper character exploration or nuanced resolurion.

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I heard so many great things about this book so I had high expectations before picking it up. I can say that I was not disappointed in the least. Although I'm not sure it's the kind of thriller you want to read just before travelling! This was a true edge-of-your-seat kind of book that had my heart racing right until the very end.

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Firstly, this would make a great movie and I don't usually say that about books as I don't want them spoiled, but I think the big screen could add even more tension.

Bill Hoffman is a commercial pilot whose family has been kidnapped and his plane hijacked. His family will die unless he crashes the plane.

How can he decide between his family who he loves, or the lives of his passengers and crew who he is ultimately responsible.

It's certainly a decision that he doesn't want to be making.

So what will he do?

Well, I can't tell you that because you HAVE to read this novel for yourself!

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Formulaic, all-been-done-before but so much better, and so cliched, I’ve actually forgotten almost all of this book before I even set fingers to laptop to write a review.

So, handsome pilot’s family has been kidnapped and he has to crash his plane to save them. We have the sterotypical characters – aforementioned handsome-good-guy-family-man pilot, feisty-you-don’t-frighten-me woman, villain who just happens to be Middle Eastern, and on it goes. As I said, I’ve actually forgotten much of when on in this, that’s how nail-biting and memorable it is…

If you’ve never read anything in this genre before, then you may enjoy iy on one of those grey, wet afternoons when you have nothing else to do, but even then….I think I’d rather go to the dentist...

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3.5 ☆

I received an arc for this book when it first came out but didn't end reading it until now (and in a very different format). So, sorry, netgalley + publishers. This will be, nonetheless, an honest review.

This story is a fast-paced, thrilling, and emotional experience. I was glued to the pages throughout (mentally, at least, I did listen to the audiobook).

Plotwise, I wish it hadn't been as political, I wouldn't have picked it up if I'd known because it's definitely not something I enjoy in books, and it did affect my rating.

Overall, it's still a pretty fun thriller and a good summer read. Great on audio too!

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Although this was just the first chapter of the book I was really hooked and really wanted the story to continue. I’ve already requested this book from the library so I can carry it on. It was fast paced thriller packed with action right from the start.

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This is a difficult book for me to review as, despite the hype, I found it a difficult book to finish.

It's a decent storyline about Bill Hoffman who has to crash a plane in order to save his family. Unfortunately, as he's a pilot and therefore can't leave the cockpit, his heroic effort to save the lives of the passengers must be achieved by working with the crew. I found it a tad formulaic and cliched at times, but, it definitely hits the spot for those wanting drama / thrills and a rollercoaster ride. Not for those nervous flyers, but, a decent holiday read.

Overall, a decent 3* Good Read

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This was only a short excerpt, something I hadn't picked up on when requesting the book, so it's difficult to review on such a short piece. It seems like it will be quite an action-packed book, similar to a Jack Ryan type of book where a younger Harrison Ford would have played the main character. It seems to be well-written from the bit I read, but I can't say that I am eager to read the full book. I probably will read it one day when I have time but it's not going to be a priority read.

My thanks to NetGalley & publishers, Simon & Schuster, for the opportunity to read the excerpt.

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This was only the first chapter and not the complete book as I had been expecting. The theme was rather like another book I've read recently but unfortunately after reading the sample I don't think I'll be reading the rest.

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This excerpt had me hooked. I anticipate that this book will be incredible. I'm slightly sad I didn't realise it was an excerpt only, as I was so invested and then it finished

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This was not what I expected.
I did enjoy reading it, it was fun and binge-worthy, however, I feel like there are so many questions that are still unanswered - some plotholes and explanations-needing scenes.
This would be a great movie if adapted.

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I didn’t realise this was a sample read initially. A bit disappointed as I was just getting into the fast pace.

From what I have read, it’s going to be great. I can’t really rate it fairly overall but just on the sample I’d give it a 4.

Many thanks to netgalley for an ARC sample.

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I know that this book is a bit like marmite, so I was a little hesitant going in. I read the first chapter through Netgalley and was intrigued enough to grab a copy of the book from my local library.

Falling follows a pilot whose wife and children have been kidnapped. He is given the option to either crash the plane and kill everyone on board, or his family will die.

I must admit, I have never read a book or watched a film involving a plane hijacking before. It is very possible that this has altered how I viewed this book. For me, this book was something new and exciting, but I know it won’t be like that for some. I found myself continuing to turn the pages, desperate to know what would happen even though I already guessed it. I liked the philosophical question of whether you would save the people you love or a larger number of strangers. I enjoyed seeing that fleshed out in this book. I’ve always found pilots and cabin crew fascinating so I loved taking a peek into their world through this novel.

Unfortunately, I didn’t connect with many of the characters. I felt a connection to Jo, I am so a fan of a brave female who takes control and does their best to help others. I was also a fan of Big Daddy, he tickled me! But I just found I didn’t quite get the depth I wanted from any of the characters. I also found the kidnapper/ransom guys difficult to wrap my head around. I struggled to support the FBI as they fumbled around making reckless decisions that put MORE innocent people in danger. I think this would have been a 5 star read for me if I could have connected more to the characters! I did still find myself feeling a little emotional towards the end of the book though, which is so rare in a thriller like this!

Overall, I personally enjoyed this and I’m looking forward to more from this author. Although I know it is not for everyone! I want to thank Netgalley, Simon and Schuster UK and TJ Newman for allowing me to read the first chapter of this novel.

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a good sample chapter, will get the full book, didn't realize it was just the sample when I got this :)

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I enjoyed this sample chapter and would look forward to reading the rest of possible. Sounds like a good premise

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A gripping, fast-paced thriller filled with all of the best cinematic tropes that compel you to do nothing but keep reading.

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I enjoyed this sample chapter. I have been hearing a lot about this title. The writing was interesting and I am intrigued to find out more.

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'Falling' begins with one of the most attention grabbing prologues that I've ever read.
It's difficult to tell just how the situation has turned so terribly wrong in this prologue but it does make for an exciting start and the pace does not let up for a moment.
In this novel we meet Capt. Bill Hoffman, a pilot with a commercial airline. Hoffman is commencing an average day at work when he discovers that his wife and children have been kidnapped - unless he agrees to crash the full plane he is flying, then his family will die. Save three lives (your family) or 100's? This is the beginning of a high-octane thriller.
I did struggle to relate to the characters who remain one-dimensional throughout the novel and towards the end, I did find it easy to guess what could happen next. However, if you are content to be ambivalent about the characters and just enjoy the journey, then you will enjoy this novel.
A fantastic start to the novel which really raised my blood pressure but sadly this did not live upto my hopes.

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I really enjoyed this preview snippet. I have been gripped from the get go and look forward to reading the rest of this book and finding out more. I love an action packed thriller. Also that first line!!!!!!!!!

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