Member Reviews

This book had such an interesting concept and was very tense throughout. It showed a lot about team camaraderie in the airline environment. It's also very deep and keeps you on edge as the plot unravels.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this sample read.
I enjoyed this so much that I have purchased the book, read it & reviewed t as a 5 star read. Absolutely brilliant.

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Well that was confusing as I thought I was getting the entire book when it was just a snippet. From the very small amount that I read though, I definitely would like to read more.
It's very hard to rate from such a short piece of writing but it sounds promising...

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This is only a sample pf the book, the first couple of chapters. I'd already got the full length book last year but didn't get round to reading it. Well, this little sneaky peek at it certainly solved that one! I will write a full review on the full length version, which I finished in less than a day but it's safe to say this sample will definitely whet your appetite and definitely leave you wanting more!

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Well, it’s hard to give feedback from a snippet but I liked what I read. You’re right in there from the first sentence- it’s fast paced and I’m intrigued as to how the story unfolds.

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There is so much tension & suspence in this book.
A pilots family is held hostage and the pilot is ordered to crash the plane or his family will die.
The terrorists also have someone on board to monitor that he does as they say.
This was so intense and watching him and the stuardess working together to solve the issues had me at the edge of my seat.

There are some great moments in this book, long stretches of terror & suspence but I found that there's also a lot of very problematic situations too.
It's my first novel by this author & im overall intruiged to try more of their work.
Knowing they were also a real past air hostess made the knowledge and understanding of the scenario unfolding in the book very interesting

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I was given the first chapter of this and whilst it has promise it did jump around a bit. I think that would be resolved the more I read though. Just a lot of scene setting for a single chapter.

Would like to read more of this book to get a proper feel for it.

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So. The story here is great, total thriller, action-packed, sometimes ludicrous, but always engaging. I read this book in a few hours.

Why is Sam doing this? Well, he's from Kurdistan, and he has legitimate beef with the United States (as do most countries in the world), and he's going to get his pound of flesh one way or another.

The biggest issues here are that the characters are thinly drawn, rife with cliches, and the writing is often not good. Certainly, on a sentence level, the writing is fine, and the pacing is great. But the structure is kind of off in that a lot of the character development that there is, happens through weird flash backs that conveniently give the reader the information they will need to contextualize what's about to happen. I understand why it is being done this way but it is too convenient. The writer's work is too obvious and in plain sight.

You know how airplane internet never works and when it does you can barely download an email? Bill is on a flight with amazing internet. He spends the entire flight FaceTiming with his wife and the kidnapper, without any connection issues. It's simply ludicrous. You can barely log on to that crap internet.

The secondary characters include Jo, the tiny feisty black flight attendant and her FBI agent nephew Theo who resists authority, an airline attendant who is also diminutive but is called Big Daddy and let me tell you, every time his colleagues call him Big Daddy or Daddy, I just giggled with delight because it was just so strange. And then there is Kellie, I think, the third flight attendant who is brand new but rises to the occasion. As an aside, in WHAT WORLD, would there only be three flight attendants on a transcontinental flight? I happen to take this particular flight REGULARLY and there are usually like five or six flight attendants, even on single-aisle planes!

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I did not realise this was a sample snippet and now I’m hooked, I have to read the whole book to know what happened!
The introduction to the book was gripping and intriguing to say the least!

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This book has me hooked even just from the small sample that I read, I can't wait until the book is released as I will definitely be picking it up.
The fear of plane crashes/accidents has become more prevalent in society since the events of 9/11 and I'm intrigued as to how the author will use this.
Thank you to the Simon and Schuster Publishers as well as Netgalley for allowing me to review this book.
All thoughts and opinions about this book are completely my own.

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That was a quick and short taste of a very intriguing story. Will read the whole book soon as I really enjoyed it

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Falling by TJ Newman ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

You just boarded a flight to New York.
There are 143 other passengers onboard.
What you don’t know is that 30 minutes before the flight, your pilot’s family was kidnapped.
For his family to live, everyone on your plane must die.
The only way the family will survive is if the pilot follows his orders and crashes the plane.
Enjoy the flight!! ✈️

Loved this fast paced, action packed thriller! I’ve heard it’s going to be made into a film, will definitely be one to watch!

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What a great opening chapter, I'll definitely be purchasing the full book when is released in paperback. This would be a great summer holiday read - although maybe not when you're on the plane.

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Wow! What an opener: " When the shoe dropped into her lap the foot was still in it."
There can't be a much more attention-grabbing opening line to a debut novel.
Sadly, I was only privy to the prologue and first chapter of what looks to be an absolutely gripping thriller. The prologue continues in similarly graphic fashion so perhaps if you're a bit of a squeamish reader this one might be a challenge to start out but the first chapter changes tack to more of a hostage situation with pilot Bill Hoffman's wife and family being taken at gunpoint by a phony IT technician who had arrived at the house to fix their router just as Bill leaves for work.
The tension escalates within one short paragraph as the reader realises that Mr IT tech is not there to make their lives better but is linked to the situation which is about to take over Bill's flight and potentially change his family's lives forever.
Having been left on a huge cliffhanger I have downloaded the kindle book so that I can continue the story - I won't sleep until I know the outcome for Bill, his family and his 143 passengers!

Note: My rating is based purely on the sample I received, not the entire book.
The review which will feature on my blog and social media platforms in due course will be based on the complete novel and my opinions may vary based on my thoughts of the book as a whole.

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I had a very short taster of only the first chapter (11 pages) of this book so it’s hard to write much of a review but it’s certainly given me a taster for more and I will be downloading the whole thing. I’ll give it 5 stars as I don’t want to drag any average down but I want to emphasise that it’s based on the first 11 pages only.

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"When the shoe dropped into her lap the foot was still in it" - can you believe that this is the very first sentence of this book? I was immediately hooked and horrified by this opening sentence. The rest of the prologue had me covering my eyes from the horror being described. This one didn't even need a chapter to have me invested - this opening had me by the throat, and it did not let go.
Chapter 1 did not fall short. I was filled with dread from the start. Newman definitely wastes no time. Admittingly, I was nervous that it was going to be slow-paced, but it soon picks up and you find yourself engrossed.
From the prologue and first chapter that I was granted access to, I can draw one very definite conclusion: I understand why people have fear of being on planes and this novel is going straight into my shopping basket.

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3.5 maybe more.

I enjoyed this book, it's a solid action thriller that reminds me of a 90's action movie.
It's somewhat predictable but I didn't mind because it was a fast-paced easy read.

I'm not quite sure why but I had very high expectations for this book so I feel a little disappointed despite really enjoying the book.

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I had really high hopes for this, and the first third gave such promise for a tension-filled thrilling ride of a story, but unfortunately I felt a bit let down.

The initial build up was really good, and I couldn’t put it down for the first 70 pages or so maybe! It was really tense and really gripping to begin with, and I loved the writing style and short chapters!

After the halfway mark, I felt the story either really dragged in some places, or was completely rushed in others. The tension that was built up at the start never seemed to amount to anything, and parts of the story just seemed a bit odd. There was also the pretty stereotypical and possibly racist representation of the terrorists - I won’t go into this because I haven’t done any research on the matter, but it didn’t sit right with me in the way they were portrayed.

Overall I think this is a decent thriller, but not one I would be quick to recommend as I have seen really mixed opinions on this!! I’ve seen 5* reviews and I’ve seen 2* reviews, so it really is a case of you need to read it to find out!

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High Octane, Tension Fuelled…
The first chapter of ‘Falling’, a high octane, tension fuelled suspense, gives a taste of what’s to come in this superlative thrill ride at some 35,000 feet. Crisply drawn characters populate a pacy plot and an immersive narrative. Having gone on to read the book in full, the premise delivers on all counts.

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I've had this book on my want to read list for a few months after reading rave reviews so I jumped at the chance to read the first chapter. It didn't disappoint! I'm now eager to get my hands on the full book.

The chapter is full of action from a dream to a gunman and is hopefully a good indication of how great the rest of the book is.

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