Member Reviews

After reading The Summer Job last year I was really excited to get the chance to read The Setup and was hoping for some more outlandish fun, what I got was something a little different to that but still very enjoyable.

I think what I struggled with a little was Mara, at the start of the book she is a very closed character, for reasons that become clear the further you read, but I think it does make it hard to have that connection to drive you into the rest of the book. She can’t seem to make any decisions for herself and relies quite heavily on astrology to help her with what direction her life should go in, she has a moment of spontaneity at the very beginning and then it feels like she becomes a bit obsessive and delusional at points.

Having said that the more I read the more I understood Mara and could see how she had come to this place in her life and I appreciated that in her quest to fix things so that she could be ready for love; as her psychic reading had told her she would need to; she starts to get to know more about herself. The changes she makes gives her the confidence to open up to people more and start to build a community where she lives rather than be closed off and afraid of forming attachments.

As she starts to come out of her shell and open up to people is where the magic of this book starts to show, I loved the lido and the friends she makes there and that they all band together to try and make things better and keep it going. Of course, I have to mention Ash in particular, it is not an in-your-face attraction, it builds slowly and has a few hiccups as Mara isn’t sure whether he is her destiny, but he is such a lovely character. He is patient, kind and driven but in a very quiet way, the kind of guy that is always looking for ways to be helpful and make things better but without being showy about it.

Whilst The Setup did take me a little while to get into, I did eventually get absorbed into the story and was loving the antics that the team at the lido got up to trying to get one of their own elected to council member, and whilst they were not quite as lighthearted to read about I liked that this book explored the changing relationships that Mara had with her parents and with her friend Charlie who’s life is taking a different path than Mara’s. At the end of the book I was left with that warm, fuzzy, hopeful feeling of contentment and enjoyment, and I’m looking forward to seeing what Lizzy Dent comes up with next.

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The SetUp is just glorious. Funny, heartfelt, and life-affirming.

Mara suffers from crippling indecision and an incurable addiction to the idea of love - sweeping, romantic movie love.

So in June, when she visits a clairvoyant in Budapest who tells her she is to meet a man imminently, and when that man appears in the form of Josef, Mara gives fate a helping hand and arranges for him to visit Broadgate in August, by which time she vows to have fixed all the broken parts of herself.

But in fixing herself, Mara is also forced to face the pain of her past. And little by little, she recaptures her spark. Forming a bond with her work mates, she brings the community together to save the town's Lido. And in her flatmate Ash, she discovers kindness, acceptance and patience.

So why does she still feel compelled to meet Josef?

I was imploring Mara to see what was in front of her, and to start believing she deserves the joy Ash would bring her.

But does she?

Read The SetUp to find out!

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Enjoyable summer read about Mara whose life evolves around horoscopes. Warm and witty at times following Mara as she looks for love full of humour and the characters are really likeable.
Thanks to NetGalley & Penguin General UK for a advanced copy.

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Car crash heroine
Setting up 'v' serendipity
Wit and warm

The Set Up was an engaging contemporary read with wit and warmth. The protagonist Mara, took some time to get to know and like but she was worth the investment. She was definitely a complex character with some issues that Dent explored well.

This story took the reader from Budapest to various interesting locations across England. Everything Mara did came with a check on her horoscope to see if that gave her direction. I'm not a fan of horoscopes but I managed to rub along with that element.

The plot built to an impasse of setup versus serendipity and I was here for the serendipity of the housemate. You have to read to find out where Mara ended up.

Thank you @vikingbooksuk for the #gifted review copy.

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I'll be sharing my full review on the blog tour.

This is another uplifting book by Lizzy Dent. The Summer Job is still my favourite book by Lizzy but I enjoyed this one too. In a world full of anxiety, this is a good book to escape into - Mara has a summer of changes ahead of her.

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I was delighted to be given the opportunity to review The Setup after falling in love with Lizzy Dent's debut novel - The Summer Job. Lizzy Dent absolutely has the knack of writing rom-coms that are properly funny and captures your heart. The Setup is another absorbing summer read where time just flies by when reading in the sun.

The book is character driven by characters that you want to keep reading about until the very end and Mara, the main protagonist is one very interesting character to get to know.
Mara is going through some life changes and is into astrology. She studies and truly believes in horoscopes in such a big way that she totally follows their every word and absolutely believes in fate. It becomes apparent that horoscopes, clarevoyance, fate are a bit like a comfort blanket for her, concealing her insecurities and anxieties that do then begin to emerge to the surface. There are quiet introspective moments, giving readers an opportunity to see what's going on in her head as the character development builds up. There's a bit of repetition here and there, but that felt right as it felt like it was just part of Mara's personality.

There ends up being 2 men in her life. This is far from being a conventional love-triangle.
There is the  wonderful and sexy dream of a guy who becomes her flatmate - Ash and talented cello player - Josef. There's a choice to make - to follow what she thought was steadfast and true - the fate in the stars or be brave and step a bit into the unknown, where the rules and conclusion isn't so clear-cut and follow her heart.

Mara is also a film buff and there are wonderful references to many films, which really adds to the fun. They're intelligently woven through the story for a purpose - to send messages, but the question is, whether Mara actually sees what they are or not?

This is a rom-com perfect for a summer read, with complexities and humour.
Lizzy Dent absolutely nails it!

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A feel good story about Maya, a young woman who believes in fate and thinks that the love of her life is just around the corner. She has become estranged from her family, her best friend and is unhappy with her job. This book is a heart warming story of how Maya sets of on a journey of self discovery, making new friends and creating a new life for herself. A great summer holiday read.

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Mara reads her horoscope every day and plans her day around it. When a fortune teller predicts she will meet the love of her life very soon, is it the handsome cellist she meets? Or could it be her flatmate, Ash? How will she choose between them - and choose the right one? i really enjoyed watching Mara sort her life out and could not wait to see which one was her soulmate.

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Wow, what a fantastic read, this kept me gripped until the very end.

I would recommend this book to all of my friends

5 stars!

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The Set-Up by Lizzy Dent

Lizzy’s last novel was a great modern day romantic comedy that, thanks to its main character, managed to avoid being too schmaltzy and sentimental. It also contained a healthy dose of self-discovery for a young woman low in confidence and used to drifting in life. In The Set-Up she did it again. Mara is just the sort of quirky, kooky and unsure girl that readers fall in love with. A lot of the time I just wanted to give her a big motherly hug. We meet her as she’s leaving for a weekend in Prague with her best friend Charlie. This is going to be real quality time for them, something that’s been difficult to get organise since her friend became a Mum. Everything in her friend’s life has changed and while Mara is pleased for her, she can’t help but feel pushed out. She’s going through a whole raft of life experiences that Mara simply can’t identify with or share. This holiday is an attempt to get things back on track so she’s terribly disappointed when her friend cancels at the last minute. So Mara is in Prague alone and while wandering one day she sees a sign for palmistry and fortune telling. Mara is astrology mad, often reading her daily horoscope first thing in the morning. So on a while she decides to have her fortune told. There is a change on the horizon, a tall and dark man will literally walk into her life imminently. This is everything Mara has wanted to hear and she’s still digesting the news as the fortune teller explains she has to run, leaving the keys for Mara to lock up. Within seconds the door opens and in walks a tall, dark and handsome musician called Joseft, set to play cello in the concert hall. He asks for his fortune and who is Mara to object? She wants to get to know him better, because this might be her ‘one’. So she gives him a very specific fortune - when he comes to play in England later that year he will meet a woman called Mara in the pub on the seafront at Broadgate and she is his destiny.

Mara has been drifting through life. After knowing what she wanted to do from an early age and doggedly followed her dream of going to film school. She has an encyclopaedic knowledge of classic cinema and rom-coms too of course. She even has a little card index of all the films she’s seen, because she loves nothing better than showing one of them to someone who’s never seen it before. She completed almost three years of her degree course, when a lack of confidence and blind love and trust for someone proved to be a toxic combination. She thought that he was the one. He thought he knew more about film than Mara, because he had serious taste for art house cinema. As they worked on their final project together, Mara was envisioning them being a great team and she was proud of her script about a taxi driver falling in love with a passenger. All was well until Mara heard what he really thought, both of her and her work and to add to her broken heart, he stole her film. Unable to stick up for herself and claim the work as her own, instead she packed her bags and left university for good. Now living in sunny Broadgate, on the south coast, Mara is trying to make friends with her work colleagues at the town’s 1930’s lido. Directly on the sea front, the lido is a great example of Art Deco architecture but isn’t used nearly enough by the people of the town. Mara is full of ideas, but it’s whether her boss will agree to them. Every idea she puts forward seems to be blocked or put on the back burner to think about at a later date. Mara senses there is more to thus than mere apathy and starts investigating. To improve her finances she advertised for a new roommate and is gratified to find Ash, a local handyman/ builder who is keen to make friends but also help her revamp the flat. Finally and to To add to her new found enthusiasm for her work, she decides on a bold new look too. When Josef arrives in the autumn every aspect of her life is going to be perfect.

I’m guessing that Lizzy Dent is placed within ‘women’s fiction’ where her books are categorised or even modern romance, but this book is the very best of it’s genre. This isn’t simply a romance, at least not the conventional sort. What I enjoyed most about this book was the transformation of Mara, from her new look and the confidence it brings, to the inner growth that really transforms her outlook on life. As Mara works on the big anniversary project for the lido she starts to appreciate her new home and the history of this incredible building. The work brings her closer to her colleagues and they start to really bond as friends, in fact it is Samira from work who recommends a hairdresser to give Mara’s look an overhaul. She starts to appreciate their quirks and their skills, in turn they are impressed by Mara’s ideas and enthusiasm and their appreciation gives her confidence professionally. The negative voice in her head becomes quieter and a stronger, more nurturing voice begins to develop. I was desperate for this little team to triumph and save such a unique landmark for their community. Romantically, Mara isn’t remotely self-aware. She believes in fate, destiny and ‘the one’ - a viewpoint that her new roommate Ash finds hilarious. He doesn’t believe there’s a ‘one’ or a specific destiny awaiting him. I loved his common sense approach to life and love. He tries to get Mara to see that Josef is merely a fantasy and the likelihood of him turning up is very slim. He wants Mara to grab hold of life and to make choices for herself, pursue things that make her happy, wear things that make her confident and comfortable and improve her relationship with the family she seems to have cut out of her life. The author keeps us guessing over what will come next for Mara and I wanted to carry on reading straight through in one sitting, I became so invested in her as a character and Ash is so loveable too, the sort of man I just know gives the best hugs. The depiction of female friendships is so positive and true to life. I haven’t had children and only became a stepmum at the age of 46,so I felt that distance when my friends became mums like Charlie. I had to learn how much they needed new friends who were going through the same thing, as much as they needed their old friends to hang in there. I loved the last minute twist to the tale that forces Mara to make a choice, between the destiny and romantic fantasy of the old Mara and the more confident and certain Mara, able to make her own choices with conviction rather than leaving the universe to decide on her behalf.

This will feature on my blog The Lotus Readers for the blog tour and as part of the Squad Pod Collective’s work on the novel.

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Great story with well developed characters.

There are funny parts and the way the main character relates to other parts of her life and interests is enjoyable.

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Thank you Net Galley for the opportunity to read and review this book.
I thought this book was good but sadly not great, in my opinion there was something missing.
The main character’s story of pretending to be somebody else didn’t really sit well with me & the development of other characters could be deepened to really draw the reader in.
I would recommend it to readers who enjoy womens fiction or romance but not as a 5 Star read unfortunately.
I’m excited to give something else by Lizzie Dent a go and see how it compares.

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Loved Lizzys previous book and this one was just as much a treat

There are two men in my life. But this is not a love triangle.

Mara Williams reads her horoscope every day - but she wasn't expecting to be in a whole other country when destiny finally found her. Just as a fortune teller reveals that her true love is about to arrive, a gorgeous stranger literally walks into her life. And now Mara is determined to bring them together again . . . Surely even fate needs a nudge in the right direction sometimes?

But while Mara is getting ready for 'the one', the universe intervenes. Her new flatmate Ash is funny, and kind, and sexy as hell . . . There was no predicting this: it's as if her destiny just arrived on her doorstep.

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A great easy summer beach read.

a funny rom com with Mara the main character who is obsessed with reading her horoscopes.
A fun read

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Mara is obsessed with her daily horoscope and takes each prediction literally! She won't rely on her own thoughts and instincts but must have everything little decision endorsed by what her horoscope is telling her.

She is on a weekend holiday to Budapest; her best friend Charlie, can't make it, so she decides to go alone. Her horoscope tells her it's her destiny after all! When she is there, she gets her fortune told by a heavily pregnant clairvoyant who tells her to seize the moment as she will meet her true love very soon. She quickly finishes her reading as she goes into labour. She is about to give birth, so she asks Mara to close up, lock the door and all will be well.
Mara sets about taking stock and making sure that fate will come true. At the same time, she is finding her voice and sets about trying to save the Lido where she works with some great colleagues.

How will it all turn out and is her fate already set in the stars? Will she make sure what has been predicted come true?

A lovely feel good, humorous book.

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Funny, romantic and escapist fun.

Mara is a great character, and it was lovely to see how she developed through the story, from someone who was a little unsure and rigidly following a fortune tellers predictions and horoscopes to run her life, to someone who finds she can dictate her own fate.

If you enjoyed The Summer Job, you will love this.

A copy of this story was kindly provided to me by the publisher and Netgalley.

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I related to Mara more than I expected to and was incredibly comforted to be told in no uncertain terms, that nobody has it all together and that's perfectly okay.

I loved seeing Mara's personal journey, i loved the developing friendships/ relationships and the reconnection of past ones, and I also loved that it was reiterated that these relationships can change and that that's totally okay too.

I would have loved an epilogue to find out more about whether all of the plans for the lido were a success, and also to explore Mara's relationship with her parents further. I would definitely recommend this book!

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When Mara unexpectedly has to visit Budapest alone- as her bestie lets her down- a clairvoyant predicts her future. When she returns home she focuses too heavily on this when happiness is right under her nose. She gives herself a makeover and gives her all to saving the lido, where she works. Whilst frustrating at times, Mara gets under your skin and into your heart. I loved her involvement in the community and her passion to see things through. A bit predictable but so enjoyable.

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Mara has been unlucky with life and has decided that hiding away is the safest option.. She is even losing her best friend to babyland and is working at a rundown lido in a small coastal town.
This is a classic duckling to swan story as Mara gets the confidence to see that she can influence fate to make her own destiny.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for approving me for this arc

I tried so hard to love this book but unfortunately it wasn’t for me. The writing was decent but the narrative just didn’t do it for me

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