Member Reviews

This one definitely took a little while to get going but ended up being enjoyable. The book follows Alice who has synthensia, I found how she could see other peoples auras fascinating. The story follows her journey dealing with this aspect of her life, I was glad we got to see her entire life also.

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Yet another success for Cecelia Ahern. The story is told by Alice who we meet as a child and by the end of the book, she is an old lady. Alice comes from a very dysfunctional family initially held together by her elder brother Hugh. Her younger brother Ollie ends up in prison and her mother Lily fails badly as a mother but you end up having sympathy for both of these characters and their flaws as seen through the eyes of Alice and through the colours which Alice sees around people - their auras. These colours reflect emotion. Alice struggles at school and struggles with her “gift”. She manages to break away from her family and to make a life for herself eventually marrying and having her own family. The story is told partly in flashback. The writing is brilliant and at times poetic. The characters are sympathetic. A thought provoking book. Thank you again NetGalley!

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Imagine being able to know someone's mood and intentions at a glance - no words required! It would be like having an extra sense, living in a world of color where everyone has their own hue that reveals so much about them. Synesthesia: the superpower you never knew you wanted and that’s what Cecelia Ahern’s novel, In a Thousand Different Ways is about.

Alice is an extraordinary character, loved by all who meet her. She's got the unique gift of being able to visualize life in vivid colours! Despite coming from a less-than-ideal family background she fights her way through each and every day with strength and courage but there are still days when it feels like distractions take over - how can one master life if obstacles keep getting thrown your way? Even more so – what does Alice do when face-to-face with someone whose intentions appear dark (just think playgrounds full of kids!). And then finally, what happens when synaesthesia meets apathy – two worlds colliding as they pass in the night…

I was entrapped by this novel immediately, the ability to see people from their aura certainly puts a different perspective on things but then there are the rare people who have no colour, how do you deal with those? Alice finds her perfect mate in one such man and Ahern used her sophisticated, masterful storytelling style to wrap all this up beautifully. Once Alice understands her skill, she manages to change how she thinks about it and uses it which makes for interesting and thought-provoking reading.

‘In a thousand different ways’ is a fictional account of how a person with Synaesthesia may discover it, in Alice’s case at a young eight years old and learns to begin to understand and live with it. It’s a fascinating insight into a different way of life almost. Every person can almost be seen (their mood anyway) without even knowing them and she can see mods transfer from one person to another.

The characters are well developed, and we see how toxic Alice’s family are, she eventually manages to follow her older brother's lead and escapes the family home, only to return to nurse her mother through ill-health, a trap many fall into especially as the only girl in the family. This is a sometimes sad and poignant tale but its so beautifully written it holds your attention well throughout.

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Another fabulous read from the author who us quite simply remarkable! A very original concept that was as educating as it was entertaining. Thoroughly enjoyable from start to finish.

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This is a story about Alice and how she sees colours around every person she meets. This book follows her whole life. A bit choppy and changey but you are taken into Alice's world and it literally tells the story of her life. Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for letting me review this book.

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What a wonderful book. It captivated me until the last page. I never knew about synesthesia before so it was even more of an interesting read. The impact it had on Alice's life and those around her was amazing. You were drawn to her character immediately and throughout. I know I will read this book again as it is too good not to. I have never ready anything by this author so I will certainly be looking for more from her. An absolutely amazing read

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This is a kinda unique idea for a story that at first I was sceptical but then I started to enjoy it and thinking of all the ways the world and the perception can be in a thousand different ways. I am not familiar with Cecelia Ahern's work but I loved this book and now I want to read more books written by Cecelia Ahern.

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This is a beautifully written book, eye opening, thought provoking and with a lovely ending (although I did cry!) it is an unusual way of looking at how others could perceive their world whilst touching on every day human experiences of life in complex family environments. It flowed well and as always there are characters to like and really dislike!

Thank you to the publishers, author and Netgalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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There's something very reassuring about sitting down with a Cecelia Ahern book, you just know you're in the hands of a confident story-teller. In a Thousand Different Ways delivers exactly what you'd expect, a beautiful story about a unique main character who you can't help but root for.

Thank you NetGalley and the Publisher for the opportunity to read this book, I really enjoyed it.

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This is the story of Alice Kelly who has synesthesia, she can see a colourful aura of people's emotions and moods in everyone.
It is an interesting story with a well drawn cast of characters and a unique plot which I thoroughly enjoyed.
I dropped a star from the rating as the story jumped around quite a lot from the present to the past, but as I had an advance reader copy I really hope it will be fixed up in the final edit.
Highly recommend!

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A superb read which I could not put down!

I’ve long been fascinated with the subject of auras - how some people can see them and how they can reveal the emotions of a person. I had never thought, however, about the negative impact on someone with this ‘gift’. Cecelia Ahearne tells the story of how Alice’s ability to see auras impacts her whole life. She is immersed in the turmoil of other people’s emotions until she finds a way of existing in society. The end is simply beautiful.

Cecelia Ahearne is a gifted story-teller and ‘In a Thousand Different Ways’ doesn’t disappoint.

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A touching, warm, and moving story about Alice who sees colours around people. Colours. Dancing around their heads and their bodies. Happy colours, sad colours. She feels them, and whatever they’re feeling, she feels herself. Everyone is completely transparent under her gaze.

The novel follows her life from a difficult childhood to self-discovery and the happy ending that the reader anticipates throughout.

Alice initially wants to isolate herself from everyone; she lives in solitude, which brings her even more sadness and disappointment. Slowly, with the help of true friends and nature, which never fails to heal, she learns to control her gift and live her own life.

The characters are completely human, with a wide range of emotions and relatable situations.

If you don’t feel your own pain, you cannot recognise it in others. Our own suffering can cultivate the ability to help others.

Cecelia Ahern is a master storyteller, and I thoroughly enjoyed this outstanding book.

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I was completely immersed in this story and sped through it in a day. The way it was written with few chapter breaks meant you just got sucked into the story and went with it.

Alice was an interesting character, slightly awkward but with what she was dealing with your occasional frustration with her was expected.

My only slight dislike was the controlling nature of her relationship with her husband - stopping her seeing her friends, his behaviour at the wedding, telling her how much she can share with him, but despite this I loved reading about their lives together.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

I’ve enjoyed all of the books I’ve read by Cecilia Ahern and this is no exception. I’m fascinated by synthasaesia so was really interested to read this book about Alice who sees colours around people which differ according to their moods and personalities….gold signifying innocent life, pregnancy and babies, white from the crown of the head when someone passes, lust shown to her as pulsing red. She also sees colour around living objects such as trees but suffers with headaches and migraines from this ‘gift’. As an observer it seems like a wonderful talent to possess but it must be overwhelming.

Alice is a wonderful character and I loved learning about her and following her life.

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I liked the sheer originality of the unusual ideas in this book. It was well written, with some interesting characters, who were not perfect as real people are not. I had a few tiny gripes, but for some great ideas I have to give this book full marks.

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Wow, this book really blew me away, I just absolutely loved it! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me an advance copy, I will definitely be recommending.

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Wow! This book was just incredible. I couldn't stop reading, I was absolutely absorbed in the story. I think it will take a lot to top this one. I adored every thing about it. The characters, the storyline, amazing. Thank you to the author, publishers and netgalley for an e-arc in exchange for an honest review. I'd give it 10 stars if I could.

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Such a, unique, extraordinary story, I was drawn in from the beginning and could almost feel the colours of the different characters as Alice saw them this was so beautifully written. I cried so many tears and will miss Alice kelly for a very long time.
My thanks to Netgallery for my opportunity to read such a wonderful book.

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Alice has a life changing experience when she is 8:years old, she realises she sees colours surrounding people, they vary as to what emotions they are feeling. She has a difficult family life with a mother who is bi-polar, a father who leaves when the children are young, an older brother, Hugh, she idolises and a younger brother, Ollie, who becomes a problem the older he gets.
Alice’s gift leads to problems at school and she gets sent to a boarding school for difficult children where she makes 2 good friends who we briefly meet again once Alice has moved to London and is trying to find a job she can do.
I have read a lot of books by Cecelia Ahern but this was the first one that took me a while to get into reading. I am glad I persevered as I enjoyed it the more I read.

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An absolutely epic read that I enjoyed immensely. It was so well done, so well-written, I looked forward to reading it every night. It was different to any book I had read before. It had a unique premise, insightful characters, and a really interesting take on how we see life differently. I also liked the fact that it went through her entire life. I did wonder if the end was a little rushed but it didn't detract from the enjoyment. A five-star read by a talented writer.

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