Member Reviews

Thank you NetGalley and Harper Collins for a digital review copy of this wonderful book in exchange for an honest review.

“Finding your way is never a simple journey…

Alice sees the worst in people.

She also sees the best.
She sees a thousand different emotions and knows exactly what everyone around her is feeling.
Every. Single. Day.

But it’s the dark thoughts.

The sadness. The rage.
These are the things she can’t get out of her head. The things that overwhelm her.

Where will the journey to find herself begin?”

I am a great fan of Cecelia Ahern’s books but this one really blew me away! I was totally immersed in this book with its unique storyline about Alice Kelly and her ability to see peoples colours. This is storytelling at it’s finest and I found it a moving, beautiful read that will stay with me for a long time.

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What an absolutely beautiful book! I loved the characters and was completely engrossed. It's so, so lovely. Highly recommended.

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Another wonderful story from Ahern looking at unusual characters, in this case Alice who sees and reads auras, both in people and in nature. The book spans most of her life and is filled with wisdom and beautiful description, as Alice tries and stumbles to navigate growing up in light of her gift, which for a long time she sees as a curse. Heart breaking at times, funny in others, it’s a real story of light and shade in a world of abundant colour.

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Alice sees the worst in people.

She also sees the best.
She sees a thousand different emotions and knows exactly what everyone around her is feeling.
Every. Single. Day.

But it’s the dark thoughts.
The sadness. The rage.
These are the things she can’t get out of her head. The things that overwhelm her.

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Alice has a gift- though she doesn't always perceive it this way. She views people's auras, her ability enabling her to detect and feel how others' feel vividly. Burdened with the pain, despair and anxiety of others she develops ways to shield herself from the transference of their colours.
Cecilia Ahern has produced a masterpiece here, an original premise for a book and mesmerising characters. Simply stunning. Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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An intriguing read that had me hooked from the start. Unusual subject matter of Synesthesia which I had come across before but not to such an extent as Alice, the main character together with a gift of insight makes this an unforgettable book.. Wonderful development of characters throughout and the world through Alice's eyes throughout her life which was somewhat timeless. Certainly a powerful book and I think Cecelia's best that I have read to date. A resounding 5 stars.

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Loved it ! From the first few sentences the story had me. An interesting plot and characters you could visualise, don’t want to give things away but I felt I was “ seeing “ too, it was so well described . A delight to read and I loved it was a complete finale even though I did have a lump in my throat. Definitely a bestseller and yet again a totally fab book from Adele.

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I absolutely loved this book! Alice is a little girl living with her two brothers and her single parent mother who seems to be suffering depression. Alice does not have.a happy childhood. One day Alice returns home from school, petrified at the amount of deep blue hanging around in the air, unable to wake her mum up. The blue seems to be suffocating her. Alice is disruptive at school and she’s confused with herself. Several years later her brothers girlfriend realises what is different about Alice. Alice sees colour around everyone. She can tell if they are good or bad; happy or sad; a danger or a safe person. It’s a medical condition, it’s all clear now. Alice struggles to come to terms with this and spends most of her adult life hiding away. Until she meets Naomi, a Reiki healer, who makes her see her gift differently. Alice eventually lets in love, and her world is turned around, I absolutely loved this story.

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I adore Cecilia Aherns books I really, really do. Some of them have a really special place in my heart and are amount my favourite books I have ever and will ever read. I devour them all hungrily and greedily like gulping down water after waking up in the morning after eating a Chinese. I have had this book on my to read list since way before Christmas time when I first discovered that it was coming out.

We first meet Alice when she is a child she is living in a toxic household, with a mother who doesn't really care about her and wishes she wasn't around. The mother is suffering from terrible depression or so we think at first. Alice one days comes home from school and finds her mother asleep however there is a blue hue surrounding her and all over the room, it is seeping through Alice's sink. Alice thinks something terrible has happened to her mother and so she calls an ambulance. However her mother is fine and it is here that we discover that Alice has a very rare condition where she can see the colours of people. She can tell what they are thinking, how they are feeling just by looking at the colours they are omitting.

We see Alice struggling to come to terms and trying to understand something so monumental .mostly on her own, trying to work through life, family life ect which is really hard and scary for her.

We see her through her schooling life, her teenage years, her adultlesence, her adulthood, motherhood, married life and old age. We see her family evolve and change and all the struggles and turmoils that brings. We see her ups and downs and everything in-between. We discover how glorious and how frightening this ability is and how she must navigate the world.

People think that this ability would be great. But I'm not so sure. I'm not sure because think about how hard it is to have to explain things to people for them to not understand you and to never feel like you fit in, anywhere. Never having anyone really truly understand and get you. Having noone to be able to relate to you and to have noone be able to talk to you about things and discuss things with you and to help you make sense and understand what you go through every single minute if every single day of your life.

It is a book that talks to us about the importance of kindness, the importance of never judging someone by their actions, or words alone, but to try and get to know the real person because you never know what internal struggles someone is secretly dealing with. It is a book that begs the read to show compassion and understanding to everyone they meet, especially to people who are different to them and whose lives are different to our own.

Everyone has their own struggles in life, everyone has things that they have to try to understand and work through, everyone has things that are hard and difficult. But I can say that having a few things that rarely most people have is difficult, it's difficult to find people to believe you and to understand you and to appreciate and get you for who you are. It's hard to live in a world where most people do not have pain in their every waking moment and to not fit in with the norms of sociatal expectations. But to look to the outside world like you should and to look like you have everything together all the time. This book shines a light on people who are like this and how completely draining and hard life can feel and be. Thank you for writing this book Cecelia. It was written with such poise, such care, such understand and much love. I applaude you and thank you for the hard work and effort it must have taken to write this book. It means alot.

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I loved this book. I was hooked straight away and didn't want it to end. It is the story of Alice who can see people like others can't and how she navigates through her day to day life.

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Firstly I must say how much I admired the cover shown on the site, beautiful and so evocative of what was to come. An amazing story of what could be seen as a disability, but had so many more layers. Thank you for a chance to review this book, it was extremely readable.

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I enjoyed the way in which the main character, Alice, develops and learns to overcome the problems created by her chaotic childhood.

For me the references to synaesthesia were overdone. These sort of issues have been dealt with more sensitively in other books such as Once there were Wolves. However colour synaesthesia does provide a useful tool for investigating strong emotions in relationships. The story illustrated feelings that exist in all of us, and in extreme forms when we are under stress, but are difficult to acknowledge and deal with.

I found Hugh a bit too good to be true, whereas the younger brother, Ollie, was tragic but recognisable.

The writing is clear and economical, covering a lifetime of experience and character growth effectively. Different environments are created and help to illustrate how Alice finds an expansive and fulfilling life from a challenging start.

A sad story, but an enjoyable and, ultimately, encouraging read.

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A hard read. I did not liked at all all the back and forward from Alices life. It was hard to realize when I was reading from the past or her present life. And the last part was on full speed. The jumping from one age to another without a “heads up” notice made the reading even harder.
I loved the main Idea with the colors and the way she grow with this experience, how it shaped her, but that is one of very few things I like. I have read all oF Cecelia Aherns novels, only ROAR was worst than this one

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Cecelia is one of my favourite authors. In fact her book The Gift is one of my all time favourite books. I really enjoyed this book too & will recommend it to others.

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What a beautiful book this is! It’s full of heart, wisdom, emotion and love. I found it a little difficult to sink into at first, but then was drawn into the story and am so glad that I was! It’s powerful, and resonated with me in a way that I wasn’t expecting. The characters are beautifully depicted, flawed, imperfect and damaged, which I really liked. The story itself is very intriguing and compelling, and is wonderfully written. I loved the colours in this book, and how they are portrayed. The ending is perfectly written, and left me in tears. A lovely book that left me wanting more. Very highly recommended.

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This was such a gem of a read and came at just the right time. I was starting to get in a bit of a slump so flicked through the first few pages of several books and as soon as I began this one I just felt myself get swept away by it.

I don’t want to say anything more than the blurb says regarding the plot, and the beauty of this book is letting it all unfold. It left me feeling such a mix of emotions and I found it to be very thought- provoking whilst also incredibly readable. I will say I preferred the first half of the book, only because the pacing is very different in the latter half, but I do understand why it was written that way.

This just felt like true storytelling; the writing and the characters coming together was magic. I loved following Alice through her life, watching her grow and adapt, nurturing the love in her life and learning to let go. Highly recommend this one.

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This was the second book I had picked up within a week which had synesthesia as part of the premis for the story , this is the ability of the lead character in the novel to see the emotions of others as colours surrounding people . This is an actual neurological process which occurs naturally in some people , the author of the novel however takes it rather further than the naturally occurring process and the ability of her lead character has a more supernatural quality almost a super power
I enjoyed discovering how the colours lead to some of her strengths but also how seeing them was often very distracting and caused significant disability , she had to wear sunglasses for example to avoid seeing the. colours all the time and this ended up making her a victim for bullies
The book is easy to read I found it was probably best placed in the women's fiction category
The characters themselves are well defined and developed in a naturalistic way , I personally found that because her synesthesia was so pronounced that I found it rather unbelievable and lost some of my enjoyment of the book because of this .

I read an early copy of this novel on NeTGalley Uk the book is published in the uk on 13th. April Uk by harper collins Uk

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Alice sees the best and worst in people.
She sees peoples energy auras every day for everyone...............until one day there's a man with no aura.

This is a story of a woman finding herself and how to deal with other people's anger, darkness. A disabled mother, a brother recently out of jail and her brother and family living in Doha.
How will she cope and manage as her life develops?

I loved this book.

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The main character in this unique story is Alice Kelly and what a person she is! Alice lives in Ireland with her unpredictable mother, who suffers from mental health issues and her two brothers whose personalities are like chalk and cheese.
Alice sees people’s moods and emotions through colours that can be classed as a gift but more often than not it is a curse that she has had to live with as they give her migraines and concerns that are beyond imagination. The auras she sees often seep into other people so Alice is constantly on her guard. Looking through Alice’s eyes is often exhausting but as she ages, her life is certainly an interesting read.
My thanks to Net Galley and Harper Collins for the ARC of this quirky tale.

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Thanks Netgalley and the Publisher. Another great read from this fabulous author. Great characters, great storyline and wonderful read.

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