Member Reviews

Wow just wow. From the moment I heard about this book on Cecelia's Instragram page I was drawn to it. Now I know why it is a book like I've never ever read before. From the very first line I was hooked, drawn into the world of Alice Kelly, a girl who is so so special.

The book is set in Dublin to being with then moves to Doha, Liverpool and finally London. Alice, at the age of eight, is given a gift that makes her unique, special but also controls her life in so many ways. She sees colours around people. Through there is only three chapters of book, it makes sense why its just three with just chapter titles not chapters. Trust me keep going its so worth it, we see Alice as she's rejected by her mum and younger brother. Her older brother and saviour, Hugh, is always there for her protecting her every step of the way. You can't help but hope she flourishes and succeeds in everything she does. In someway she does but through a wonderful journey of discovery, finding yourself and maybe find true love along the way.

We see glimpses of her past, future and present as she goes to a special school, her life after that as she starts to try and discover who she is and meeting people who accept her. Some who even think she is special in ways she doesn't even known.

Normally it can take me maybe a week to two weeks to read a book, but not Cecelia's latest offering. I have only read one of her other books but like I said something about this drew me in. Wither that was the cover, the description or simply because its Cecelia.

Trust me when I say this is a book that is an absolute must read of 2023! Thank you so much for the publisher and NetGalley for giving me advance access to one of the most beautiful, moving books I've ever read. I hope this one wins some awards that's for sure.

WILL BE POSTED ON and Goodreads under the same title.

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Wow...what a book.......I have no words!

I've been a Cecelia ahern fan since the early days of PS I love You, before it was a movie.
I believe this book is one of her best yet.
Such an unusual story written in such an engaging way........just wonderful!

Alice sees things differently and it affects how she lives. This book follows her story as she adjusts and comes to know herself.
The most fantastic of tales and so cleverly written.

A must read for fans.

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Wow! I can't describe how much I loved this book. Its a story of life and love and how we navigate our way through. I laughed and I definitely cried. Absolutely loved it.

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Alice is a young girl who can see other peoples' energies as colours surrounding them. She can tell what sort of person they are, what mood they are in and what their intentions are. Raised by a bipolar mother, Alice is prone to picking up the energies of others and tries to shield herself from them. It's an interesting read and certainly something a bit different.

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I don't think any book has ever made me feel this undecided about writing a review and 'awarding' stars.

I love Cecelia Ahern's books - I think I've read them all - and I particularly loved Freckles. Loved it enough to read it twice within a couple of months. Cecelia Ahern is the author I most admire; I think her writing is fantastic. So I had ultra high expectations of this book, which perhaps affected the way I read it. Ultimately I was a bit disappointed with this one.

There are some wonderful things about it. I loved the premise - the protagonist sees colours swirling around people, different colours according to their emotional state. She doesn't want to be 'infected' with these colours so learns to put up a shield around herself, which means she keeps people at a distance. I loved the writing - Ceceilia Ahern conjures up - as she always does - amazing visual images with seemingly effortlessly constructed sentences. It never seems contrived; some authors seem like they're 'trying too hard' but I never feel that with her books.

However, the plot of this one just didn't grip me like Cecelia Ahern's other books have, and it's hard to pinpoint why. I found the jumping timeline a bit tricky. Sometimes it jumped unexpectedly and i was lost for a paragraph or two. I found parts of it very bleak, with little hope or optimism. Parts of it felt slow, then at the end, it seemed to race through decades.

If I had to pick my favourite Cecelia Ahern book, I'd be struggling as I love her writing, but it wouldn't be this one. So if you have never read a Cecelia Ahern book before, I would choose something else.

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I've been trying to work out what it is about this novel that I found lacking. It's an interesting topic: synesthaesia. Couple that with a less than easy family, and it really ought to have been a winner for me. And yet... I found it all a bit twee. I should say that this is the first novel of Ahern's I've read, and I've heard good things about her novels, so went in with a high expectation. Perhaps that was it, perhaps I needed to lower my expectations. What I liked was the subject matter, which had massive potential, and the (almost experimental) narrative style, which (I think) went some way to emulate the confusion and off-whackedness of the protagonist's thoughts. Perhaps. What I didn't like: the characters are cliched and the ending was rather unsatisfying. know I'm probably in the minority here, and this will definitely appeal to others. That's the thing about being a writer: you can't please everyone.

My thanks go to the publishers and NetGalley for the ARC.

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I haven't read anything by Cecila Ahern for quite some time, but when I saw this on Netgalley, I had to request a copy. Thank you to them and Harper Collins for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Alice sees people's colours. A little bit like an aura, the colours allow her to see both the best and the worst in people. The colours swirl and dart around everyone, showing their true self to her. But Alice is also an empath of sorts and takes on the emotions that those around her have. Her story is how she deals with this, first as a child and then throughout her adulthood.

This was a slow burner for me and it took us a while to gel. The stars for the review started out as a 3 in my head but mentally went up as the story progressed. The characters are all well written and beautifully diverse. The way Ahern visualised Alice's colours was gorgeous and I could not help but love her. It's mainly linear, but does jump back occasionally to help set the scene. I think Ahern has a wonderful knack for story telling and I think this will sell really well. It's published in April so I'd 100% recommend you put it on your TBR.

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There’s nothing better than settling down with a book you know is going to be great. Cecelia Ahern is one such author. She writes delightfully and her stories are all incredibly interesting.

The main character in this book has synesthesia. Each person Alice meets has their own colour that changes with each mood change. She knows how a person feels before she has time to ask them. Everyone has their own colour until she meets one person who doesn’t. Who is he? Why has he no colours? He is her future husband.

I really liked the character of Alice. I enjoyed finding out about her early life as she struggles to make sense of her “gift”. She struggles to find out who she is and carries us along for the ride.

What a fabulous book. I enjoyed reading it so much. Alice lives in a chaos of other people’s emotions. She has to learn to protect herself from these overwhelming feelings. Alice only wants peace and solitude. The grief, love and violence of other people must not be allowed to offset her own emotions. Her story is twisted and you don’t know where it is going to lead.

Alice is a superhero with a superpower no one knows about. Her world is described brilliantly by Cecelia Ahern. You can understand it through her writing even though you will never experience it. Thank goodness I hear you say.

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Eleven-year-old Alice Kelly returns from school with her kid brother Ollie to find her mom lying unconscious in her bed and the whole house covered in blue. Panicked she calls the paramedics. Turns out her mom Lily Kelly was only sleeping.

Alice has an uncanny gift for seeing colors around people. She sees the colors dancing round their heads and their bodies.

For instance her mother gives off blue and red colors, red when she’s angry; blue every other time.

Her brother Hugh, on the other hand emits a pink color which indicates a calm aura. Alice can also gauge people’s emotions from the colors they emit.

Frustrated by her weirdness and her knack for getting into trouble at school, Alice’s mother ships her off to a therapeutic boarding school where she stays for six years.

The story is though provoking, the characters have so much depth. A poignant read. Recommended.

Thank you to Cecelia Ahern, NetGalley, and HarperCollins for the arc of this book

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I’m a big fan of Cecilia Ahern but have to admit that I didn’t enjoy her last couple books as much as her earlier ones and I wasn’t really sure about this based on the blurb however this had me engrossed for the start and is every bit as enchanting as her earlier books. Alice’s gift of seeing peoples emotions through colours was far more of a curse for her and the impact it had in her life was painful at times but made for brilliant reading, her challenging background added a lot to the story as there were some very difficult relationships to navigate and it’s easy to see why the combination of both this and her gift made her act in ways that many others couldn’t comprehend. I would have possibly liked the last two chapters to last a little longer but otherwise this was a beautiful telling of a life. 9/10

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LOVED this book! Such a unique storyline that had me gripped instantly as we followed the life of Alice. I found it so emotional in parts. I couldn't read it quick enough as I felt so absorbed in finding out more. An absolute MUST read.

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This is a stunning, emotional read. Cecelia Ahern is an absolute master at stories that stay with you and I’m really thankful I got the chance to read this ARC. Thank you so much to the publisher.

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Alice sees colours around everyone and she doesn't know why. It disrupts her childhood because she doesn't know why this is happening to her

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I admit, I really struggled with this book. I think perhaps it was the way in which it was written, I get that the character was unique but I never truly felt anything for her, no sympathy or understanding. Not for me.

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This book indeed "can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways'. Alice, the narrator, describes the course of her life, from dysfunctional childhood home in Ireland to building a life for herself in London. All the while Alice is trying to come to terms with a unique ability, one which is simultaneously her critical weakness and her superpower. Cecelia Ahern has produced an absolutely wonderful book that spills over with resilience, humanity, happiness and hope. Alice's world is sharply observed and vividly and vibrantly described. I cannot recommend highly enough, Deep thanks to HarperCollins and NetGalley for a no-obligation advance review copy.

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With thanks to netgalley in exchange for an honest review. In a thousand different ways which is out in April is the story of Alice. Alice has the ability to see colours surrounding everyone she meets whether it's good or bad. She feels everyone's energy. Wow is all I can say Cecelia Ahern is just getting better and better with every story she writes. This is her best yet while Alice's story is sad at times it was so hopeful aswell. Some of the words left me so gripped and I got lost in the story. Truly excellent.

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This is a truly beautiful book and one that will stay with me for a long time. I don’t think I’ll quite be able to put into words how much I loved this and was touched by the story.
In all honesty, I had fallen out of love a little with Cecelia Ahern’s books which was really disappointing as some of her early books are my favourite reads.
However, this book surpassed all of the previous ones and is by far her best yet.
It’s one of my best reads this year and I’ll be recommending to all. It really is stunning.

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Cecelia Ahearn has always blended subtle magic and reality together beautifully, and In a Thousand Different Ways was no exception. It follows protagonist Alice as she navigates her way through life with an unusual way of seeing the world and people in it (no spoilers!). Out 4th May 2023. Massive thanks to @netgalley and @harpercollins for letting me sneak a peek!

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This was my first title by Cecilia Aherne and I was thoroughly engrossed in the story and am now keen to discover more of her writing.

From her extraordinarily difficult childhood, we follow Alice throughout her life, dealing with her strange gift which she cannot describe, therefore nobody can understand, and consequently has her labelled a troublemaker. Relationships with her siblings and her mother are complicated. Her school days are fraught with problems due to her condition preventing her from making friends, until she finds people she can relate to in a special school, just one of many breakthrough moments in the story.

I found all of the characters well rounded. We get to know them well through their impact on Alice. Her meeting with Naomi is a turning point, where she learns that her life can be different. Her relationship with Andy, after an idyllic start, becomes troubled at times, but they learn to deal with each other's idiosyncrasies. Her love of being out in nature and her growing understanding of plants through seeing their moods and colours was fascinating and and, for her, life-changing.

There are some big leaps forward in time, but for the most part I didn't felt that I needed to know the detail of what had happened in the intervening years. It's only towards the end, when suddenly there are children and grandchildren, that it feels too rushed.

Alice is a wonderful character who could have been overwhelmed by the problems she faces, but she finds her place in the world, through her own determination and with a little help from her friends. Despite some very dark subject matter, particularly involving Alice's mother and her younger brother, this was a delight to read.

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A stunning, wonderful, powerful tale: Alice lives with her mother and two brothers, one older and one younger. Alice has synaesthesia (to see or feel in colours)only this isn't recognised until she is older and sadly she is seen as being different and a trouble maker. She sees the anger in her mother and the calm in her older brother. Imagine being able to see and hence make a judgement of someone by the colour surrounding them. When there is a crowd you are overwhelmed, when seeing strangers you can make a call. When Hugo, her older brother, goes to university and her younger brother is on the wrong side of the law it is left to Alice to look after her mother as she is now in a wheelchair.

Cecelia has a rare talent. One that has the ability to draw the reader in without them really knowing it. There isn't a plot as such, it is a story of Alice’s life, but you can't help but be drawn to her and knowing you can't give her a hug (it's too much for her to cope with) I felt protective of her. Anyone having had a toxic parent will sympathise and understand her conflict let alone with the confusion and disruption of colours as she was growing up. A wonderful, poignant at times, emotive story and one that left me with a tear. To quote Oscar Wilde “ Mere colour, unspoiled by meaning and unallied with definite form, can speak to the soul in a thousand different ways”. Stunning

(rest of links on publication)

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