Member Reviews

Info dump info dump info dump
I tried to get into this but the hook just was not there I’m afraid. First the book has a prologue which is a mistake if the hook isn’t in the prologue, because then we spend time retreading the same ground to connect the two scenes.
Dumping all the gods on us in one chapter was also not my favourite. It felt like all this important info was there and I’d need it, and yet it was all at the start. It doesn’t give me a chance to get to grips with any of it.
Overall, cool concept but I couldnt find it in me to push through the info dumping.
I feel like giving it a one star since I dnfd but I don’t think the writing itself was bad just…too much info. I don’t know, sometimes the writing is objectionable but in this case it was fine it was just too much for the concept being presented.

Miles Cameron's "Against All Gods" is a thrilling and epic conclusion to the "Gods and Monsters" trilogy, set in a world of gods, magic, and ancient myths. The novel follows the story of Aranthur, a student of magic and warfare, as he becomes embroiled in a conflict between the gods and their mortal allies.
Cameron's writing is engaging and immersive, with vivid descriptions that bring the world of the novel to life. The plot is complex and multi-layered, with plenty of twists and turns that keep the reader guessing until the very end.
The characters are well-developed and relatable, with Aranthur's growth and development throughout the trilogy forming a satisfying arc. The novel also explores themes such as power, loyalty, and the price of war.

I hadn't read anything by Miles Cameron before this and I don't think I will continue the series.
The writing is pretty jerky and not very easy to follow. I think partly to do with the long names of the gods and partly because it jumps between multiple points of view pretty rapidly.. There's also parts where objects, events and characters are mentioned for the first time and is written like they should already be something the reader knew about.
It's just another book about gods being not all they seem at first and the average human trying to rage against them with a bit of magic tossed in.

Ah, the age of bronze: tyrants descended from gods, shoring up their divine blood with consanguineous marriages, glut with human sacrifices. Or! centralising states backed up by a highly trained scribal class capable of great feats of literature and architecture. Or! Hoards of scarcely washed barbarians descending from the eurasiatic steppe or the middle sea to terrorise the agrarian-based peoples of the coast. Or! You get the picture. The bronze age was one of considerable variety and vivacity and yet it has proven to be anything but a popular choice in fiction. Instead, many writers try to follow Tolkien’s wonderful evocation of the Middle Ages with none of his skill and some reflection of his commercial success. Unlike most moderns, Cameron has produced work (under both guises) which show a clear appreciation and understanding of the medieval, from Fiore dei Liberi to Froissart; from the rules of amour Courtois to tying one’s points. There is some irony in Cameron turning away from that familiar, best-selling, setting then given his accomplishments there. Can he do that again? Can he make this new setting interesting?
Against All Gods is a good book. It introduces a new series that I would be minded to continue reading. The setting is an interesting melange of historical cultures, literary tropes, and genre influences (there is even some Lovecraftian in the mix) and is populated by interesting characters. The title encapsulates the central conceit nicely; this is a theomachy. A group of adventurers from different backgrounds have been wronged in some way by the gods or those who (purport) to support them and so set out for revenge and, eventually, revolution. How does one hurt a god? The author has any number of classical and near eastern sources to draw from: Gilgamesh against the bull of heaven; Diomedes vs Ares in Iliad 5 (which I suspect Cameron of drawing upon directly); Hercules vs Ares in the Aspis etc etc and it is interesting to see what he does with this literary heritage.
It is important to keep this broad heritage in mind. Despite his previous work, Cameron is not just doing a riff on the Greek Bronze Age and there are hints of Mesopotamia, Anatolia/Syria, and Egypt here. This is not Tolkien for those of you expecting that kind of “worldbuilding”, but the world manages to feel alive despite some of the slightly off-key linguistic choices: There is a traveller analogue culture here who practice a form of nonviolence here called himsha. This is obvious referencing the Hindu principle of ahiṃsā and so is an adroit way for the author to get the audience to think of travelling Roma but the missing a in Sanskrit is a privative prefix and so himsha literally sounds like the word for violence. This is a minor quibble, as I said the world feels alive, and the language is just as often astute: Narmer will bring to mind Egypt, Mykoax somehow both the Mycenaeans and the Minoans, Dardanians can’t but help allude to the broader Troad etc.
It is hard to overstate how vivid and alive the world can be at times. Early on we get perhaps one of the best descriptions of how a logographic script in clay tablets was used and stored. Seldom will a reader have to work hard to imagine the ziggurats, high city walls, the divine counsel chambers of Sumerian/Assyrian literature, and it strikes me that any TV executive looking to replicate the success of Game of Thrones could do worse than look here. This book would be a visual treat.
The book as it its best when the author combines history and genre. The sea people analogue is intriguingly terrifying, the Thera style set-piece is cinematic, who – or what – are the gods? What happened to the previous goddess of the sun? what is the great beyond? And what of the dry ones? Never mind the clever take on the transition from bronze to iron; I am still waiting to find out what’s the deal with those neolithic hammer things.
Violence is done well. Or at least respectfully. Let me try and explain. I picked up another book in the genre recently in which there is an almost Marvel comic book attitude to combat – this is all to common. Swords are not treated as expensive, specialist, instruments but fashion accessories. Toys almost (why are people who have just met keen to prove themselves with naked steel); people who are 100lbs soaking wet are suddenly breaking down groups of grown men, and so on. You know of what I speak. Conflict has weight, it has tension, it is as much a part of the world as the seas and the sky, and it is done well. Here’s something funny about Cameron. I have recently been re-reading his Tom Swan and at one point the characters spar with sharps, the author has the blades bite into one another. That is a weird detail. Only someone who has sparred with sharps would know that. What a madman.
Enough about the background and setting. I sure nobody would appreciate my going through the book and pointing out parallels with real world bronze age cultures and I have given enough to convey my impression of the world, I think. Of the plot I shall give the merest summary so as not to spoil anything.
Centuries ago, Enkul-Anu (who is like a Zeus crossed with En-Lil crossed with cocaine) and his brood overthrew the old pantheon and set themselves up over humanity, whom the kept in a technological and economic stasis. Victory has not bought peace: there are remnants of the old pantheon (and perhaps something more?) to be found and stamped out, younger godlings chafe at their strictures of their elders and plot their less than subtle treasons, the rulers of city-states (so called god-kings) foment war with one another and Enkul-Anu just wishes everyone would shut the fuck up already and do as they’re told, especially his scheming wife and that drunken sex-pest Druku. An assassination gone wrong drives the aged wizard Gamash of Weshwesh to war against the gods…
Actually, despite Gamash’s role in the beginning, the book has an assorted cast; there is no particular hero. Throw in the various gods and their own plot lines and there is always danger of confusing the reader. I think it safe to say all that has been avoided here as the characters and their motivations each appear distinct. The individual strands of woven deftly together by the end of the book and seeing our fellowship assembled and proceeding with their task will be a major draw for the sequel.
I was surprised at how firmly I became attached to Zos. On the face of it he seems to be little more than an archetype but Cameron draws him with such wry humour and humanity you can not but help like him as much as you do bald Polon (of course I’m going to rep my fellow scribe). Conversely, I was surprised by how little I cared for Era by the end of the book. She had by far the strongest opening but came across as techy and ineffective by its end. The gods themselves are all colourful individuals and whilst, as the villains, you can never quite feel sympathetic to them, you do find yourself wanting to at least understand them better. The characterisation is one of the best draws of the novel.
Against All Gods is a great entrant into an overcrowded and frankly sclerotic genre. It is an imaginative work and deftly written. I think it’s about time readers of sci-fi/fantasy swapped their castles and elves for some ziggurats and insectoid resin carriers.

Cameron delivers a great fantasy novel set in a mythological age and featuring gods, humans, and monsters.
A fast paced and action packed plot, excellent storytelling, great world building.
Highly recommended.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine

A novel set in a mythical Bronze Age, with capricious gods that play cruel games on mere mortals.
This epic fantasy tale has a wonderful tapestry of monsters, mortals and gods battling against each other, with treachery and deceit and a journey of three unlikely people brought together in a conspiracy that could change everything for everyone.
Miles Cameron really is as good as any fantasy author writing today.
This novel is a perfect example of his quite brilliant prose and understanding of how to captivate a reader.
Simply outstanding.

I always love a good book surround in Greek Mythology and Against All Gods delivered. This was the first book I have read from Miles Cameron and after reading Against All Gods I will definitely reading more from him. The world building was incredible and I really loved reading and learning about all the different characters.

I’ve seen this book compared to Madeline Miller and her novels set within the Greek pantheon and I’m rather uncomfortable with that comparison – this one is far closer in tone and style to Dan Simmons, the other author cited in the strapline. While the Greek gods are certainly a self-absorbed lot, who don’t treat their mortal worshippers with much regard – they are frankly paragons of virtue when set against the sorry lot who feature in Cameron’s Heaven. Every single one of them is busy plotting to gain power or in revenge against another of their number. Most look upon humanity as merely insects to be disposed of with as little thought or care. And some of the bloody deeds that are suffered by said humanity are horrible – all the more so because the gods simply don’t care.
It took me a while to get through this one, despite it being well written with an engrossing plot – because I found the sheer bloodiness a bit of a problem at times. I’m well aware that is probably more about my own mindset at present, rather than an issue with the storytelling. But I’m giving it a mention because if you are a tad squeamish about scenes of senseless brutality and torture, then this one might not be for you. That said, out of the carnage stagger a number of characters who somehow survive the sacking of a city and terrible punishments designed to act as a deterrent. There is a dancer, an orphan boy and his donkey, a warrior, a former warlord and a scribe who end up on a boat managed and crewed by a merchanting family who belong to a sect of pacifists. And when together, there is a fair amount of humour within their interactions, albeit sometimes on the grim side. Some of these characters also have magical abilities they can wield with varying amounts of skill and strength. I do like the fact that any magic is very draining and can only be wielded for a finite amount of time, before it uses up the practitioner. They also have an extraordinary passenger – one of the Bright Ones, who often attack and kill travellers in the desert, except this creature seems intent on saving their lives.
This unlikely group are plunged into all sorts of extreme adventures which are described with verve and vividness. No one writes battle scenes better than Cameron, who is also an experienced historical battle re-enactor who has fought in armour. As the story gained momentum, I got to a point when I found this one difficult to put down – but do be warned, it does end on a cliff-hanger with a number of important plot points left dangling. Recommended for fans of epic fantasy stories featuring gods and plenty of action. While I obtained an arc of Against All Gods from Netgalley, the opinions I have expressed are unbiased and my own.

Against All Gods seems Miles Cameron move away from the usual quasi-medieval fantasy setting, writing instead a tale inspired by Greek myth. We are introduced to four main characters - Gamash, an old warror mage, Zos, a Godborn sell-sword, Era, a Godborn dancer and Pollon, a scribe - as they band together to overthrow the gods.
I struggled with this book and, a week on from turning the final page, I’m still at something of a loss as to why. Certainly the tale lost some of its momentum for me once the central four characters came together. I also found myself somewhat confused during the climactic battle in terms of exactly what was happening - but I suspect this was down to my concentration levels, rather than any fault of the author.
Ultimately, I would classify this book as “not for me”, but if you are looking for a new fantasy series with an original setting this is one to check out.
Thank you to NetGalley and Gollancz Publishers for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Against All Gods is a new historical fantasy epic by Miles Cameron, set in a Bronze Age-influenced world. It is every bit as different from Miles' other fantasy/sci-fi epics (Traitor Son Cycle, Master & Mages, Artifact Space sequence).
It is a sweeping tale of gods, mortals, war, and conspiracy. The gods are trying to survive. As ever, where gods are concerned mortals are always caught up in their machinations merely trying to survive their capricious and vengeful natures. There are times when mortals are pushed to their limits once too often. This is where we are introduced to a handful of mortals. Pollon is a scribe, Zos is a sellsword, Era is a dancer and swordswoman, and Daos a mysterious young boy who can see things and who talks to a stuffed bear, although all is not what it appears to be. All these unlikely players are scattered across the known world when we are introduced to them. Gradually over the course of the story, they are pulled together in a conspiracy of their own. A conspiracy to take down the corrupt gods for the last time.
Talking about gods, I enjoyed reading their perspectives and witnessing the unfolding of all the machinations. You have the current king of the gods, Enkul-Anu, who is astute and sharp-witted but tries to rule with an absolutism. Set against Enkul-Anu are Temis and Tyka of the old gods…there is always one set of gods plotting against the others.
I really enjoyed the idea of mortals taking on the gods. Miles Cameron creates an immersive reading experience, set in a completely new world. As you would expect from Miles Cameron’s previous fantasy books, the worldbuilding is spot on, and very well developed. Miles Cameron’s passion for the period shines on every page.
The focus of the story is split between plot and worldbuilding, character development and action. The plot is pacy and engaging with some great intelligent and thought-provoking writing. It is a story full of scheming and vengeance. It is a book you need to pay attention to just in case you miss something - this is a book you cannot skim read but savour every detail that Cameron puts into this world. I enjoyed the plot about ageing gods playing their power games and wreaking havoc on us mere mortals because they just love to manipulate us, poor humans! It reminded me very much of ‘Clash of the Titans,’ where the gods manipulate Perseus.
If you are a veteran Cameron reader whether writing as Miles Cameron (fantasy/sci-fi) or Christian Cameron (historical, ancient, and mediaeval) then you know he is one of the best for intimate, close-up, and personal action scenes, fighting, combat and battle sequences this book is no exception. No other author writes fight scenes like Cameron, he truly puts you right at the heart of the action, feeling every sword stroke and thrust.
This fantasy book is epic, witty, dark, violent, and gloriously immersive. I would like to thank Netgalley, Orion Publishing Group and Miles Cameron for an advanced copy of Against All Gods. All opinions are my own.

Miles Cameron has once again written a brilliant fantasy novel; disclaimer: I’m a fan of the author, went in expecting the book to be good, and wasn’t disappointed. The story is epic: a grand quest to incite revolution against a pantheon of frankly awful gods but don’t worry the melodrama (which to be clear I loved) is tempered by plenty of good humour; the novel doubles as a wickedly funny critique of ancient mythology, and perhaps colonialism as well. Inspired by multiple Bronze Age societies, the fantasy world in Against all Gods is a marvellous creation, one that pleasingly avoids Euro-centrism. Rich and varied peoples and cultures, grand cities, meticulously detailed ancient warfare, ingenious magic systems, and of course those viscous gods are neatly packed into this 400 page novel. No one can complain that Mr. Cameron has cheated them on the world building.
Of course none of this would matter if the plot and characters driving it weren’t suitably engaging but this being a Miles Cameron novel of course they were! Our heroes are a disparate band drawn from across the world, not due to destiny or prophecy but because they’ve all been grievously wronged by the gods who dominate their societies. They’re an eclectic bunch from musicians, swordsmen, and old nobles to scribes, jewellers and a polyamorous family of pacifist sailors. Mr. Cameron ably handles the large cast; all are engaging, each portrayed with fondness, care, and remarkable economy. Naturally the polyamorous sailors are a standout, in particular their and their culture’s commitment to pacifism felt authentic to world and made them refreshingly atypical protagonists.
The quality of the prose makes all of this possible. Readers of Miles Cameron will already know what a skilful writer he is, and how seamlessly he integrates mammoth amounts of historical research with the worlds and peoples he creates. Intricate battles and sieges will be rendered wholly real through unobtrusive descriptions of historically accurate armour, military tactics, and more prosaically camp life. But more importantly the sensitivity with which character and feeling are conveyed is flawless. After surviving a god sanctioned tragedy, the musician Era chooses to adopt a strange, maybe mad, maybe magical orphan, the spareness and precision of language turns potential cliche into something deeply moving.
That brings us to those truly terrible gods. Mr. Cameron is having a lot of fun writing these awful deities and is very happy to let you the reader know he is, not that I minded it’s all part of the book’s charm. Venal, cruel, insane, and utterly ridiculous only begin to describe the pantheon that rule over this poor world. Readers may not like it but it will be impossible not to enjoy the chapters from the gods’ perspective; outrageous evil is tricky to write well but here expect the balance between moral outrage and caustic black comedy to be just right. No wonder our heroes are desperate to be rid of them, of course being careful what you wish for is exactly the kind of sentiment that makes a story like this perfect for a trilogy………

This book was fantastic! I’d not heard of the author Miles Cameron prior to finding this book, however after reading this, that is something I intend to remedy.
Having read the blurb of this book, I was so excited to read it and when I was accepted to read an Arc, I was over the moon.
It took me a little while to get into the writing style (not the authors fault, I find this everytime I switch from one author to another), however once I did I literally couldn’t put it down.
The story flits between gods and mortals, all I’m saying is I’m glad I don’t live in this world, the gods are ruthless and nasty. Mostly obsessed with their furthering their own agendas.
The mortal characters were fantastically fleshed out and even early on so well presented that when in mortal danger I flinched. Not knowing the author well L, when he put characters in mortal danger I truly feared for them!
The world building was fantastic and really made me feel and see it all. And don’t get me started on the battles! Gritty and so realistic (as realistic as you can get considering there are gods about).
I could keep going on and on about the book, I think it’s safe to say that I’ll definitely be picking this up on release day (which is literally this week!)
Easy five stars for me!

Thanks to NetGalley & the publisher for providing me with an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review!
I actually really struggled to rate this book and summarise my thoughts for this review. For the first 15-20% I really considered DNFing this - it's an incredibly slow start and it doesn't really pull you in. Things definitely pick up after that, but overall I'm left feeling that it's a bit flat for an epic fantasy.
The plot was intriguing and the world building done quite well, but I think the character development and pacing is what threw this off for me. In saying that, it's only the first book so I'm sure the author was limited in the foundation he needed to lay for the rest of the series, but I just didn't feel strongly connected to any character or found any of them a bit likeable. I think if the cast of protagonists was slimmed down a bit, I could have spent more time getting to know some of the POVs and ultimately, feel more invested in their part to play.
The plot does pick up from the 50% mark, and I did want to know how everything worked out, I just didn't really care how it got there and who did what.
I'm not sure if I'll continue with the rest of the series or not, but I'm looking forward to seeing reviews. If it becomes more character driven, as opposed to solely plot driven, then I'll likely give it a shot!

A world filled with extravagant, self-involved gods and the havoc they wreak on humans, who seek to overthrow them...
I wanted to enjoy this more than I actually did. The worldbuilding was well-developed and I could see just how much effort Cameron had put into researching the historical elements of this book, but I couldn't bring myself to be wowed by it. I did appreciate the description and research put into the Bronze Age and the portrayal of the gods, which I felt rang true to expectations.
One of the things that made me uncomfortable was the description of women, where their breasts were mentioned more than it was really necessary to, mainly to signify attractiveness but are even mentioned in descriptions of demonic creatures that are meant to be unattractive, where you'd think that the POV character would have better things than to notice that!
It was obvious that this was written for the male gaze, because even the one queer POV character, Era, is thirsted over by Pollon and Zos, both straight men who are aware of her sexual orientation, something that felt like a weird choice for me, as it didn't seem necessary for the plot progression. In addition, the book kickstarts Gamash's journey by having his pregnant daughter die, which is another trope that tends to be a bit overused, where women die for male characters' growth.
While there was a lot of action and worldbuilding, the characters fell a bit short for me, as I found it difficult to connect with them. Even though some of them express their anger at the situation they find themselves in, they never do so to the extent that makes me feel their desperation or makes me want to root for their success enough to be invested. To me, the human element was what let me down, and ultimately made it hard for me to truly enjoy this book.

When the order is epic, Miles Cameron sure delivers. I have only read one other book by the author, and that was Artifact Space, Cameron’s first foray into sci-fi, which immediately became one of my favourite books thanks to its well-rounded characters, fascinating world, and intriguing plot. Against All Gods is no different, and really speaks to the vast imagination and great skill for writing that Cameron has, because it all just slots together so easily and his storytelling draws me in immediately. You can also see the attention to detail that went into this book, which is a historical fantasy set in the Bronze Age, and the descriptions were all so vivid that I really felt like I was there, with all the chaotic sounds, colours, and smells of the period.
Against All Gods has a big cast of characters, but the three main points of view are those of Pollon, a scribe and archer; Zos, a god-born warrior; and Era, a dancer. The three are scattered across the map when we meet them, but right from the start they are being pulled towards one another by the machinations of the Huntress – also known as the Black Goddess, the Enemy, and Temis – who is always plotting against the other gods. And what gods they are…
Cameron has drawn from a number of the mythologies present in our own history, but the pantheon he has created is entirely unique, and each deity bursts with character. I cannot say that any is entirely likeable (though I do love Druku), but all are fascinating, right from the opening scene in ‘Heaven’ where the gods dwell, and we witness the wrath of the Storm-God upon his not-so-competent subjects. And these are the ‘New Gods’ who, a thousand years before, overthrew the ‘Old Gods’ in a great and violent war. This aspect of the world-building is felt throughout the story, and still tinges all godly interactions, which I found fascinating. The gods are also characters in their own right, affecting the course of the plot just as much as the mortals; it does not feel at all like a deus-ex-machina situation, though, because a lot of the time the pantheon knows only as much as or even less than the humans do, so they tend to make things worse by interfering, which is greatly entertaining!
I will admit, though, that there were a few moments when I myself was a little hazy on what was actually going on, and I think this is definitely the kind of book that will open up even more during a re-read, which I am already planning… what is clear is that Cameron has a big picture in mind, and is skilfully unwrapping it layer by layer, showing hints and giving clues, but leaving so much still to discover. Needless to say, I cannot wait to see what happens next, because this story is just so good!

I really am grateful for the opportunity to be able to read books in advance courtesy of the publishers and of course Netgalley but the editing has to be sufficient to allow the reader to engage with story and not have to try and decipher what is happening from sentence to sentence, its a shame as given the miles Cameron's previous books I am sure this would be outstanding

"Against All Gods" was a very enjoyable read, filled with brilliant characters (the gods, especially, are a treat!), great writing, and a plot that had me hooked. The scene setting is perfect. I did have a couple of "Ooh, that's icky" moments, which added to the pleasure I got from this book. I hear it's the start of a trilogy... I'm a happy reader.
My thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley. This review was written voluntarily and is entirely my own, unbiased, opinion.

What an absolute page turner this is, it usually takes a little time to settle in to the flow of a new to me author, but this book just hit the ground running and kept on going. I cannot wait until the next in the series comes out.
( side note, I think that the book needs proofreading again as there are quite a few spelling mistakes )

Ok, look: Against All Gods is anime outrageous, absolutely over-the top, balls-to-the-walls story about group of ragtags taking on gods.
And I mean, literally Gods, as in powerful beings who can bend laws of physics.
But they really, really, had it coming.
Imagine a human who barely survived some idiocy gods or their representatives on Earth put them through watching a carnage before them and than they mutter:"Fucking Gods."
Now, imagine the Head God looking with distaste at his Pantheon after some disaster and then he mutters to himself:"Fucking Idiots."
This, my friends, is the crux upon the entire plot of this series hinges. Basically, overpowered egomaniacs are playing their power games and wracking havoc on humans in the process because they can and/or are bored and the God in charge is jaded only because they make him look stupid, not because he cares for humans. Gods in general don't really concern with humans in this novel. So, that means it's up to little beings to stop their idiocy themselves.
As part of old goddess's plan to overthrow the current God in charge, several humans are carefully guided and manipulated to the same point:
-Gamash of WeshWesh- the old warrior mage hero who fought bravely on behalf of Gods only to lose his daughter in an act of casual cruelty of a young god.
-Zos- a Godborn sellsword. (Godborn is a descendant of Gods or humans appointed by Gods who prolonged their life by giving them ambrosia).
-Era, a Godborn dancer and entertainer who travels with mysterious child Daos who seems to receive prophetic messages from his toy bear.
-Pollon, a scribe and Atosa, a Chief jeweller whose honourable nature led to their imprisonment and punishment.
-Hefa-Asus, a mysterious smith who knows more than he lets on and seems to wait all of his life to fulfil his task in this plan and travels with his apprentice Nicte.
All of them are carefully led to a position to strike at Enkul-Anu, current God in charge, and his Pantheon, but they just kind of realized they had enough of Gods' games and decided to do their own thing and overthrow them all together.
-As stereotypical as ragtag group of misfits in this scenario sound, it's exactly what I enjoyed about it. And perhaps the aged sellsword the most: Zos is a typical hero who's past his prime and who's seen countless battles. He kind of lost his purpose and seems to just fulfil his contracts, before he embarks on this journey. He is absolutely clueless in some finer dealings with people and women in particular, but he knows how to battle. And he has that heart of gold which springs in the crucial moments where he reluctantly does a heroic thing and, don't blame me, but I just like reading this. It doesn't mean that other characters are not as developed, but Era and Zos stand out. It's the combo of humour, the badass moments a plenty since author writes really memorable fight scenes and interesting background and, quite honestly, it reads like Zos was author's favourite as well.
-Since plot offers nothing particularly new and characters were a bit stereotypical, I have to mention the world-building. I am entirely conflicted about this, because I was baffled by some things, and then there were some parts I was absolutely enthralled with and wanted to know more. For example, the story opens with Author's Note that because novel is being set in a fantasy version of the Bronze Age. there is no steel, no standardised measure system, it's barter economy, etc. But, to be quite honest, if he didn't stress the importance of Bronze Age reference, I honestly wouldn't even pay the intention as much and you know why? Because the novel literally opens with a scene where Head God asks: "What the fuck just happened?" It was, more than anything, a clue to me that I shouldn't take it as seriously and be pedantic about the whole thing. I understand why it's there, but light, ott tone, in my opinion, gave the author a greater leeway about, let's call it, "authenticity" of bronze age. But some parts of world-building were so epic and interesting: like, Zos was a slave trained to be a bull-leaper- it's a type gladiators who are supposed to jump at a charging bull and there is a whole legend about this and references to their fearlessness. Then there is the entire culture of Hakrans who are pacifists ship-traders with unusual marriage and family structure. A large part of the book is happening aboard of Untroubling Swan where family of Hakrans gets entangled with our group of heroes and it challenges their believes and way of life. It was not just mentioned to be woke inclusion, it was actually fascinating to read how Hakrans and their ways fit in this world in regard to other nation and Gods. Gods themselves are fun to read and well-imagined. My favourite was Druku, God of drunkenness and orgies and Cameron put a fun twist to this. I just liked reading about them being flawed, vain and rude schemers with weaknesses to exploit, as opposed to them being omnipotent beings of ageless wisdom.
-My biggest criticism is that for a novel that is so fun to read about, it opens with Ganesh's pov that's rather confusing to get into and figure out what's happening. It's like he's in a weird state of mind and it's hard to get a grasp of what's going on and it took me several days to get through this chapter. He is otherwise a fun character, but as far as introductory chapters go, his was the only one I had issues with. This is supposed to kick the story going, so I suggest you just go through it, because then you meet Era, Zos and Pollon and they will engage you for sure.
-Ending is, naturally, the mess of epic proportions and our group being broken up, so I expect some kind of reunion in the next one.
All in all, this is just so damn fun. It's the blood-soaked, monster-filled bonanza with the absurdity of Record of Ragnarok and it's not even attempting to be anything else.

This was a great start to a series. I loved the cast of characters and the world building. Fast paced and engaging, this was an enjoyable read inspired by Bronze Age myth. Highly recommend.