Member Reviews
A thoroughly enjoyable read and one to recommend to anyone looking for a story into which they can escape.
The main character of Lucy is well drawn and it is easy to feel empathy with her throughout the various stages of her life. No spoilers, so I won't give away the ending but, merely say, it is a satisfactory one.
The detailed descriptions in the book set the scene perfectly and the historical events bring further authenticity to the story.
Thank you NetGalley and BooksGoSocial for the eARC.
It's 1906 and Lucy and Rosa Fox are on their way to Melbourne by ship, when they have an unfortunate
docking. Rosa elopes...
3 Seamen enter Lucy's life and trader Min-Lu introduces Lucy to a wondrous and exotic life in Broome.
It's 1914 and the start of WWI which forces Lucy's lover to join the fight.
After the war, the terrible flu pandemic hits, Lucy is far from home and she faces her terrible betrayal.
This is such a poignant story and I loved Lucy and Min-Lu. With everything going on in our world now it definitely made me realize how true the saying 'history repeats itself' is. This is a stunning, romantic history novel that I highly recommend.