Member Reviews

This book had a lot of promise though this particular trope has been done a bit already, I was still all in. I thought that the first 30-35% was interesting but after that I just felt confused about the plot, which just became more and more unbelievable. Overall though, I enjoyed it and if you can suspend disbelief over some of the things that go on in the book, you'll be entertained.

From the stellar reviews I was expecting a great thriller. Unfortunately, the story fell flat for me right from the beginning. I found it slow and cumbersome. The introduction from the protagonist was boring and long-winded. This was a pass for me.

HOLD ON TO THE EDGE OF YOUR SEAT!!! This was a fantastic read by a debut author. I would have read the entire book in one sitting, but I'm old and could not stay up any longer, so I jumped right out of bed this morning to finish the last 25%.
Noelle is a cardiac nurse trapped in a relationship with Daniel, a beloved doctor at the hospital where she works. When she realizes that he may have murdered a member of her family and has his sights on another, she decides to escape the only way she knows how...by arranging her own kidnapping. The kidnapping goes slightly awry and the rest of the book is a cat and mouse game of her trying to disappear while Daniel doing everything in his power to find her! I was on the edge of my seat and was so thankful for the author's expert use of short chapters and alternating points of view of Noelle and Daniel. I will definitely be in line for Jessica Payne's next book!
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the opportunity to read and review an advanced reader's copy of this book. This in no way affects my review, all opinions are my own.

Make Me Disappear by Jessica Payne is my first book by the author. I love a good thriller and especially tend to enjoy those more that aren't set around the police or a government authority. Make Me Disappear ticks those boxes.
Noelle is a strong character and though she is someone who has been in an abusive relationship before and then somehow manages to end up with someone like Daniel, you do have to question her strength. But what I really enjoyed about her character was that she did turn things around. She got out and she went looking for answers and justice. Daniel is a character that made me cringe. He reminded me of someone from my past I wish hadn't happened, at times it was hard reading this. Like a car crash you drive past, compelled to look but know it won't be pretty. Noelle's strength made me keep reading though.
The story is well driven with interesting turns. I admit I worked out around 35-40% where the 'issue' lay and the big twist, but still there were some nice turns I didn't pick up on. Working it out so early on didn't spoil the story. I felt in the present at times the story dragged a little. But again didn't spoil my enjoyment or lose my interest.
This was a solid 4 star mystery/thriller which I feel many will enjoy. I will add from a personal perspective, if you have been in an emotionally, harrowing, abusive relationship, this may hold a few triggers for you. I'm not sure if anyone else has mentioned that in their reviews but wanted it noted here.
I want to end saying thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of Make Me Disappear to review. This does not effect my review rating at all whether I get a book FOC Or pay for it.

Dr Daniel Ashcroft was perfect: handsome, romantic, protective. Noelle thought she was lucky. But then she heard the rumors about his previous girlfriend, that she had vanished without a trace. Then she found out Daniel installed cameras in her apartment and tracks everything she does on her phone and e-mail. Daniel made it clear she couldn’t leave him so she arranged her own kidnapping to escape him. What could go wrong?
I loved the short chapters. It wasn’t the most unique storyline but it was still a page turner. It alternated between Noelle and Daniel. I felt Daniel’s chapters became repetitive and kind of cringey. He was narcissistic, had a hero complex and mommy issues. I think I’d have liked this more without his perspective at all. I figured out some of the surprises but not all.

Make Me Disappear
Jessica Payne
Published date: May 16, 2022
Noelle is a cardiac nurse whose boyfriend is Daniel, an anesthesiologist. Noelle’s last boyfriend physically abused her and she moved away and met Daniel at work. At first, Daniel was sweet and kind; the opposite of Michael. But Daniel became controlling, trying to make her into the perfect wife for his perfect life.
Daniel also has Mommy issues. You see, Mommy has lost her husband and keeps pressuring Daniel to keep his girlfriend in line. She has cancer and wants to see him settled before she dies.Daniel has taken her advice to the extreme. He wants to please his mother and have the perfect life she did not have. He constantly calls and texts and oh yes, always be available for Sunday dinner at Mommy’s. He’s even secretly installed cameras in her apartment so he can watch her when she thinks she’s alone.
This constant monitoring of her life has become so suffocating that Noelle arranges a staged kidnapping so she can disappear. What could go wrong? If only Noelle would have obeyed him; she wouldn’t have been hurt.
Payne narrators are Noelle and Danielle and
The story bounces around in time. It is a successful method for storytelling and works well for Ms. Payne. Her persuasive writing led me down the shadowy path but then…
Twist City! I never saw it coming! Well done, Ms. Payne, well done.
Thank you #NetGalley and #Bookouture for the eARC. The opinions are my own.

I was given an E-ARC by Bookouture and Netgalley in exchange for my honest review. Thank you to Bookouture publishing for approving me for this E-ARC!
"Make Me Disappear" by Jessica Payne is a debut thriller following a woman in an abusive, toxic relationship in Seattle. She gets to a breaking point in this relationship and decides to fake her own kidnapping, and, well, things take many twists and turns in this novel. As in every thriller, things are not always as they appear!
The premise of this book really interested me as I feel making it known how manipulators influence and trap their victims, especially women, is something important to talk about in media. I think the issues spoken about in this book are very relevant and important. It was also really insightful being able not only to look into Noelle, the main character's point of view, but also the view of Daniel- Noelle's toxic, unhinged boyfriend. This added a layer of darkness and sometimes even human understanding of the terrible nature of Daniel and how his thoughts operate- where they originate from. It was very unsettling and I feel highly accurate to how one like him would go through these terrible thought processes.
I found the story interesting and while I definitely did want to know the answers to the mysteries in the novel, it didn't end up gripping me as much as I thought it would. I think this is because I ended up guessing the major twist pretty early on, and I wished that I knew a bit more about the background of each character in the story, because I feel that would have made it all the more meaningful for me. I do also feel like some of the plot lines in this story needed more clarification, and some of them didn't seem exactly plausible. I think this is a good beginning/debut for this author though, and I'd definitely be interested in giving a future work of theirs a try to see if it lands better with me. I give this around 3 stars, and I'd recommend it to those new to the thriller genre.

This book was definitely a page turner. There was a lot of suspense and action which made for a very fast-paced read. I loved the storyline of Noelle. Although it wasn’t the most unique story-line, Noelle’s story held my attention for the full book. If you were a Gone Girl fan, I definitely think you will love this one.
My major issue with this book was the chapter’s in Daniel’s perspective. Honestly, they just weren’t needed to further the story. I found his perspective to be completely unbelievable and added and unnecessary cringe factor to an otherwise exciting thriller. I feel like if I had skipped over all of his chapters the ending would have been a much bigger surprise as well.
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for granting me a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Where to start?! I really enjoyed this book. It had all the elements of a domestic noir that I'd want. Granted it leans heavily into the "fiction" side of things but if you don't overanalyse then it's a really enjoyable story. Tbe characters are well written and I loved the twists that were thrown in. The perfect way to spend a summers afternoon

Make Me Disappear is the debut novel by Jessica Payne.
In this book, we follow Noelle, a nurse who seems to have struck gold when she starts dating Daniel, an anesthesiologist at the hospital that she works at. But over the next year, she discovers that Daniel isn’t exactly who she thought he was and instead of being her perfect match, he is her jailer. He has hidden cameras in her home, a tracker on her phone, and expects Noelle to drop everything, including her shifts at work, if he needs her. And those are just the things that Noelle can prove. After her aunt dies under strange circumstances and Noelle learns that Daniel’s previous girlfriends have seemingly vanished into thin air, Noelle knows she needs to escape. She needs a way to disappear without it looking like she ran away. Noelle learns about a paid kidnapping service that allows people to have their friends kidnapped as a joke. But to Noelle, it seems like the perfect opportunity to escape. Maybe the only way to escape her prison is to have herself kidnapped.
This is a book that you cannot go into if you are someone who over analyzes books. There were a lot of over the top, unbelievable aspects of this book. You have to pick this up to just enjoy the ride. This book is a super fast read, with short chapters and a writing style that is very easily accessible. The chapters from Daniel’s point of view were the highlight of the book. He gives of Joe Goldberg from you, but make him more pretentious. I also really loved the Seattle setting.
As far as cons go, I thought the big twist at the end was pretty predictable. There were also just a lot of things that didn’t really make sense. It was almost like there were too many moving pieces to give each one the attention it deserved.
I do think this was a solid debut, if a little over the top. I look forward to reading whatever this author puts out next.

What a great thriller! Noelle is trying to flee from her abusive boyfriend, Daniel, who has a had a previous girlfriend disappear. Daniel has cameras in her apartment, tracks her car, and bugged her phone. What Noelle does next sets into motion a CRAZY series of events.
This book starts out really strong but gets a little slow in the middle. The action picks back up in the end and will throw some for a loop! Daniel is so narcissistic, you’ll want to throw something at him.
Overall, it was a great read that I would recommend. I’ll definitely be reading other books by Jessica Payne. Thanks to Netgalley, Bookouture, and Jessica Payne for the ARC.

Shake Your Fluffin' Pom Poms! 😳😯😳🤯🤯
MOTHER FLUFFER! What The Fluff!?! What. Just. Happened?! 😳 Okay, let me start by saying this fab psychological thriller has the most unique premise I've read yet and I gobbled up like a sugar crazed kid shovelling chocolate cake into his mouth! Payne divees up shockers along the way that make you yell "WHAT?!" She builds up supremely with this novel and the crazy twists you never thought possible. I'm still gobsmacked with what I just read!
Noelle is a Cardiac Intensive Care Nurse in Seattle and after a difficult past, she wonders if her life is finally turning around. She eventually catches the eye of Dr. Daniel who is an infamous anesthesiologist in her hospital. He's charming, handsome, intelligent and protective. When they start dating Noelle thinks she's hit the jackpot! But as the months go by she starts hearing murmurs of a past girlfriend who upped and vanished. And soon Noelle realizes, Daniel is protecting her alright - to the point of cameras in her home. Noelle knows she needs to get away some how, but Daniel has warned her in subtle ways that it's not an option, or the ones she loves will suffer for it. But an opportunity arises that Noelle jumps at the chance for - one even Daniel never could've foreseen.
This was one of the best eye candy books I've read in a short while! Dear Baby Foxes the endless unraveling of connections, unbelievable secrets & twists that you just cannot imagine! My jaw did not stop dropping. Eye candy people! EYE CANDY!! A new fave author for me this year!
Thank you to NetGalley & Bookouture for this DARC.
Release Date: May 16, 2022
I give this 5 / 5 Bouquets! 💐

What a blast this book is!
Entirely original and wholly engrossing, I was so into I couldn't put it down. I read way into the night because I could.not.stop. I am exhausted today and don't care. Totes worth it!!
Thank you to Bookouture for gifting me a copy. It's my pleasure to write an honest review.

Well written. Interesting, suspenseful plot with short chapters kept me hooked. I liked the dual POV's. Daniel's POV was especially fascinating.

At first thought, I was a bit disappointed as I do not like reading books about nurses and doctors. When first reading the description of the book, I picked up that Daniel was a Dr. but not that Noelle was a nurse. I decided to give it a go since it did seem interesting.
First few chapters I love how the author give you so much details and so little at the same time, just enough to keep you wanting to read more.
Daniel is such a good character, makes you seem like he knows what's going on with all the drama happening but yet leaves you questioning if he really is. He gives off a real "You" vibe, being such a stalker like, possessive, controlling man with the women in his life. Real "hero" complex. All the meanwhile Eve who seems like such a frail mother turns out not what you expect her to be. Making you question the motives she's had in her life to get her where she is and the way her son has become the man he is today.
Noelle, a young nurse falling for a kind young Dr. she works with is the typical storyline you would expect, but things end up not what I expected. You find out Daniel is very controlling of her life and find out it seems to be the type of guys she tends to go for. The only thing I did not enjoy and skipped this chapter was a part of her childhood for some reason I did not find it needed to be in the story, especially since her parents are not in any way part of the storyline.
This thriller, mystery book keeps you wanting to read as there are so many possibilities as who's in the wrong, who's done what and why. The manipulation and revenge between all the characters is so harsh but yet you can't stop.

This book was pretty middle of the road for me. It wasn't terrible but it also wasn't great. The story line seemed unique and what really drew my interest into picking this book up. I also really liked reading from Daniel's point of view. (It felt very You by Caroline Kepnes to me, which is a book I loved.) However while reading there were a few things that just seemed too far fetched to me. All in all I would recommend it but there are other thrillers I would recommend more.

What a wild ride!!! This was a great debut psychological thriller that I could not put down. Short/intense chapters kept me on the edge of my seat. Original concept that totally worked in keeping my attention. How do you escape a controlling boyfriend when he’s watching your every move? Thank you @netgalley, @bookouture and @jessicapayne.writer for sending me this ARC. This book will be out on May 16th so keep an eye out!

Don’t start this book too close to bedtime! “Make Me Disappear” is a claustrophobic psychological thriller based on an emotionally abusive relationship between Dr. Daniel Ashcroft and Noelle, who is a nurse at the same hospital. Daniel is stalkerish and dangerous, and while Noelle would like nothing more than to leave him, she fears for the safety of her loved ones and herself. Desperate to escape, she engineers her own disappearance.
What follows next is a wild, over-the-top ride! Although at times a bit implausible, overall this was an entertaining and fast-paced read. The chapters from Daniel’s perspective give off a deliciously creepy Joe Goldberg-from-YOU vibe. While I did guess whodunit, there were some surprising twists and I still enjoyed the heck out of this debut suspense novel.
Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for providing me an advance copy of this book.

Thank you for this book in exchange for my honest review. Unfortunately, I could not get into this book no matter how much I read on. I was disappointed, based on the description.

An unputdownable tale of suspense,human relationships, friendship and the crazy world we live in. Noelle is strong and brave to end her relationship with manipulative Daniel. Mystery is iinteresting and the twist at the end was unexpected.. Author has done a great job in defining the characters.