Member Reviews

A sweet and easy-to-read romance, perfect for gym lovers. It’s also very interesting to read about social media / social media influencing in a book, I haven’t read many books that feature that, so it was a fun angle to read from.

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This book had me giddy for days!

It was really easy to read and I enjoyed every second, I was actually sad when I finished it!

Smut is brilliant too, which I wasn’t expecting! It wasn’t cringy at all.

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I really wanted to love this one, after seeing how hyped it is, however this one unfortunately isn't for me. The premise is really fun but I didn't feel there was anything unique to the story and with it being so heavily gym orientated and myself not being a gym enthusiast as such, I found myself drifting away from the book a lot and losing interest. The characters were really lovely though and I am intrigued to find out what happens to the characters in the next two books, so I will still be exploring them and hopefully loving them.

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I loved this story so much. Crystal and Scott are just too cute. Crystal is kick ass and Scott is swoony and that locker room scene 🥵
Devoured it in one night and will definitely continue to read Amy Lea's books.

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I couldn't really get into this book. The blurb sounded fun and I was thinking it maybe would make me like the gym. But being reminded of how one gets treated sometimes by the gym crowd just pulled me out of the fantasy and I wasn't able to enjoy it.

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Mixed feelings; it was fun and well paced but there were parts I just felt like I had to skim through as I wasn't entirely invested

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Great little read! As a plus size woman, I really connected with this book and the characters. Since reading this I've picked up more of Amy Lea's work and I am excited to delve into her as an author.

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I read Amy Lea's debut, Set on You, a few months ago and I enjoyed it a lot. I liked the fun style and the banter between the main characters, and I especially loved the positive body image message it focused on.

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Dnf’d 132 pages in to the book. The moment we meet Scott he was a red flag and I hated him. Him ‘being mean’ to Crystal because he likes her is one of the biggest red flags and on its own would’ve been enough to make me dnf. But on top of that for a book that’s supposed to be body positive the author sure is scared to use the word ‘fat’, it was curvy this and curvy that. And then the grandmother was doing everything in her path to set the two up despite how uncomfortable Crystal clearly was, this whole book was a no for me. (And yes we get it, Scott is supposed to look like Chris Evans, I got that after the first time it was said, it didn’t need repeating over and over again)

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I really enjoyed the positive representation of plus size people in this book. It's something romance books are lacking, but slowly starting to include a lot more. I'm glad that they are.

The balance between the relationship between Crystal and Scott, and Crystal's experiences as a plus size woman, was done really well. I did however feel it was a little too slow burn for my liking and took rather a while for anything to happen between them.

I can't wait for Amy's next book.

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I absolutely loved this book! The premise immediately hooked my interest and it was filled with complex characters and such an adorable plot!

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First things first, I LOVED the body positivity message within this book and younger me really could have done with a little bit of it, if I’m being honest!

However, I kind of felt like the bullying situation was belittled a bit and I wasn’t really feeling the pacing or the romance. I don’t know, I liked the characters individually but I just wasn’t a fan of them together because it seemed like their romance moved quicker than it should have considering the unresolved issues lurking beneath.

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This was a fun, easy romance that would make a great beach read or book to get someone out of a reading slump.
It is a bit of a slow burn but I didn't mind that.
Yes, the plot was pretty predictable and I could have done without the third act breakup but I flew through this, which is normally a good indication that a book has me hooked.
Having a plus size main character was also nice to see, as was her talking about fatphobia and her experiences.
Scott was super cute too.
I'd definitely be interested in reading more from Amy Lea.
Thank you to Netgalley for providing me with an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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A really enjoyable book - great characterization and romance between the main characters. The second book by Amy Lea that I've read now and both were right up my street.

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Crystal Chen is a body positive fitness influencer and she has worked hard to build her career and smash gym stereotypes. So, when the infuriatingly handsome firefighter Scott appears at the gym and hogs her favourite squat rack, a fire is lit within Crystal. Imagine both of their surprises when Scott turns up at Crystal's grandmother's engagement party as the grandson of her grandmother's new fiance. As the wedding draws closer, Crystal and Scott realise that there's perhaps more to each other than their icy exteriors but they'll have to navigate social media trolls and scars from the past, if they want to be together.

I really enjoyed the family dynamics in this book. I wasn't a big fan of Crystal, which surprised me because I usually warm towards plus-sized heroines, working against societal norms. However, I found her a little too self-obsessed and vain. While obviously, every woman has the right to love themselves, there is a fine line between doing this in a 'yas, queen!' way and an arrogant way. While I wouldn't necessarily describe Crystal as arrogant, I think she definitely veered on that end of the scale. I did adore her sister Tara and her best friend Mel and I believe that the sequel follows Tara, so I'm really looking forward to that!

The sex scenes were written really well and that can be a tough thing to get right because sex can so easily start to sound either funny or cringey (or both!). Sex definitely wasn't gratitutous in this book, so I could really believe in it and go with the flow of their feelings.

Although it was predictable, I did enjoy the ending and thought Crystal and Scott were a good match. Lots of potential to revisit them as background characters too, which I think is where I'd prefer Crystal to be!

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I couldn't get into this, I found the protagonist very judgemental and rude for someone who promotes body positivity and confidence for a living. She was full of assumptions about this poor guy who was constantly shut down and making an effort, only to have his appearance mocked by her and labeled a cheater or a thief.

I just didn't enjoy the characters and found the pacing was too slow, but my dislike for Crystal was what put me off.
Also there's too many pop culture references for my liking, we're even told what the characters look like by them being compared to a celebrity, none of them are described. Not my style of writing.

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Absolutely loved this. The mix of feeling positive about your body one minute, then like a complete fraud the next…oh I felt that one so hard!

The romance was absolutely gorgeous even though I wanted to slap Crystal for not seeing how into her Scott was earlier on in the book. Gah! I definitely think this was a “he falls first” situation. It just took Crystal some time, and a few tears and self reflection, to realise it.

4 happy stars.

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One of my favourite books this year. I loved this book!’ I cannot wait to read more from this author and recommend this book to friends. It is a contemporary romance with humour. The two characters were great to read about and very fun.

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Fun, heartwarming romance with great characters. Reading this was like a breath of fresh air. Amy Lea is definitely an author to look out for.

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Keyword : BFE (Big Firefighter Energy)

This was a fun, sweet read with the right level of depth and an enjoyable plot and MCs. Loved our lady lead and the ending absolutely hilarious. Well done!

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