Member Reviews

I’ll start with my rating for this book - 3.5 stars.
Just to say there’s some trigger warnings for this book I think should be made clearer including cancer and weight stigma/issues.
This book centres around Hannah and Davey. Hannah lives in England and Davey lives in the US - a chance phone call brings them together but circumstance keeps them physically apart. It’s a classic will they/won’t they but a fresh take on it and it’s a really heartwarming story.
What I liked most about this book was the fact that one of the main storylines in it was based on the authors lived experience - when I knew that it really bought it to life for me and resonated on a different level, I thought it was such a brave thing for the author to do. I loved the character of Hannah - she has such a great character development throughout the book and whilst at times she had me nearly screaming at the pages, she really does blossom towards the end. I really enjoyed the love story in this with the message that if it’s meant to be, it will be and I love when a story really comes together. I also loved the way George the sleazeball was portrayed - what an awful character but well written.
What stops me giving full stars to this is that it is a really cliche storyline - granted the author does take it in different directions but the ending was still quite cliche but I do like that it was a happy ending. I’d have loved to find out more about the Hannah/George dynamic and what he was hiding and would have liked more of an understanding of Hannah and Davey’s feelings - it all just felt quite sudden with their love and feel that could’ve evolved more.
Overall I really enjoyed reading this and couldn’t put it down as I had to know how it ends.

This was very slow to start to the point where I was fully expecting to rate it a 2 if I even managed to finish it. I found the writing style quite dry to begin with, not a lot happening plot wise and it felt more like reading someone’s journal account of what had happened. Very much tell instead of show what was happening with Hannah’s life. Then there was a turning point. At around 30%, when we find out why Davey won’t be joining Hannah in London and the subsequent separate routes their lives take, the plot seemed to get more rounded. We also started to get Davey’s POV which I loved. What followed was a heartfelt story of two people brought together by fate but kept apart by the cruel reality of the world. Though I would love an extended epilogue with more scenes of Hannah and Davey physically together, I did still enjoy their story in the end.
I will say I also expected more of George’s story, he seemed quite evasive about a lot of things (the being up at 3am detail that was also added) to find it was just him not opening up to her. Like it was all building to some big secret then nothing happened. He also seemed to say things and do things and I just never understood his reasoning especially surrounding money.

A wonderful, beautifully written chic-lit romance. I read it pretty much in one sitting. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me an advance copy, I will definitely be recommending.

Is this going to be a film? It needs to be a film!
One day Davey (in the US) misdials a telephone number and instead of speaking to his new employer he ends up talking to Hannah (in the UK), and so ignites the faint sparks of a relationship, but will they ever actually meet and find out if they could be more than friends?
I loved this, it's an easy, enjoyable read. It is contemporary and romantic but not overly slushy. I liked the main character Hannah, she felt real and rounded, and her relationships and interactions with the other peripheral characters, I thought, were believable.
Yes the coincidences that happen are maybe a little far-fetched (as coincidences are by their nature) but it’s a romance so they are necessary for the hopes-dashed-passions-reignited tug-o-war that we all want and expect from this genre.
My only very slight criticism, and it’s a completely personal one, is the name Davey. I didn’t feel it suited that character and well it just doesn't do it for me! Apologies to all Daveys out there!
This would be an ideal date-night movie so I hope someone picks up the film rights.
I gave this book 4½ stars ⭐ ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
Thank you so much to NetGalley and Random House, Cornerstone Penguin for providing an advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

I really did enjoy reading this story, I was hooked pretty quickly and easily became invested in the character's story. I loved the writing style and the whole will they / won't they breath-holding moments, the anticipation was palpable. The story was full of those moments which change everything, how just one wrong decision or over-considered thought can alter the future and I loved this about the book.
The characters were well developed and I felt I knew them all really well, which, to me, has to be a sign of good writing. Hannah is adorable. I loved how invested she became in her relationship with Davey, how kind she was and how caring too. She wanted to please everyone and at times I did want to shout at her to stand up for herself and see how she was being treated; especially by George.
Davey was lovely. I felt for him and the struggles he went through with his life-changing news, I felt as if I was there with him. The way the author described what he was going through and how it affected him and others so well, had obviously come from personal experience. It made my heart ache.
This book is a wonderful read, with some great side characters, I especially liked Hannah's neighbour and her best friends, they brought a lot to the story. I was a little disappointed with the ending however, it was just too rushed and I really needed to know what happened next. Despite this, I would highly recommend this story, it was a really lovely read.

Throughly enjoyed this book, finally something that has very good character development as well and an over all well-paced story line.
The book gave me a similar feel as when I was reading One Day in December, but with a lot more quickly and funny characters. I love that we get to see point of views from both of the main characters.
The very ending seems a little rushed, but it wraps up well all the same.
Aside from all the plots point and cute little moments we do get to understand and experience the emotional trauma that the main character went through, it was indeed for me an eye opener, and I am grateful that the author had given us both perspective of the patient and the people close to them.
I enjoy the relationship of the main characters as they progressed through the book, however. as they seems to be rather intense it would have been much better if the initial part of their relationship was a little bit longer than one month.
Overall, a solid rom com book the best one I have read so far this year. Thank you Netgalley and Penguin books UK for the arc.

Thankyou to netgalley and the publisher for allowing me an earc of this book. I wasnt expecting the way this book played out and it hit me in the feels. i loved the relationship between Hannah and Davey and I can honestly say ive never hated a character more than george. Will definitely read more from this author

A wonderful chic-lit romance but with real depth. Intriguing and interesting characters; beautifully written. I read it pretty much in one sitting. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me an advance copy in return for this honest review.

I adored this wonderful story. Hannah and Davey seem destined to be together after Davey accidentally misdials a potential employer and gets Hannah instead. There is only one problem - she lives in London and he lives in Texas. As their friendship develops, they make plans to meet. But life has other plans and they have to put their plans on hold. What follows is a well told tale of life, love, friendship, risk taking, being true to yourself and hope. I found myself laughing, crying, and hoping against hope that Hannah and Davey would get their happy ever after. I would love the author to write a follow up as I’d really like to know what happens next. If you love ‘You Before Me’ you will love this. Recommended.

This was an easy-going romcom that I wouldnt have normally read. There are emotional drawbacks in things that I wasnt ancipitating and surprises that held my gaze. The pacing was slow and the characters were monotonous however. Even thoug it was well written, I cant see myself coming back to this.

I didn't expect to love this book as much as I did. Obviously I liked the sound of it, or I wouldn't have requested it but I"m sure we've all been fooled by blurb before, haven't we?
After having read the first couple of chapters, I thought this was going the way of the few books that I DNF but I persevered and I'm bloody glad that I did.
Hannah answers her mobile one evening in London to an unknown international number. On the other end of the line in Texas, is Davey. He's supposed to be calling into a job interview. After making a few helpful suggestions for getting the right number, Hannah wishes Davey good luck and doesn't expect to hear from him again.
When Davey texts Hannah to let her know that he got the job and that he will soon be relocating to London, she's pleased for him. They carry on texting, then the texts become calls and the calls become video calls.
Both Hannah and Davey begin to develop real feelings for each other and are enjoying planning what they're going to be do together when Davey moves to London in just a few weeks time.
Hannah takes the day off work and travels to the airport with a homemade sign, ready to welcome Davey to his new life . . . but Davey doesn't arrive. The plane has arrived but there's no sign of Davey. Did he take one look at Hannah at the arrivals gate and sneak out without her seeing? Hannah tries to message Davey, tries to call him but there's no answer to her messages and his phone just goes to voicemail.
When Hannah eventually speaks to Davey, she is told the reason that he wasn't able to move to England after all and it's something that just turns their worlds upside down.
I shan't say anymore due to spoilers but I loved this book. I loved the characters all of which are so important to the story and every one of them are so detailed and more than just a "place-filler".
I love how Hannah isn't the woman that so many authors seem to write about at the moment. Utterly unfulfilled, no friends, no life. Hannah has a very full and varied life. She doesn't sit at home every evening and weekend lamenting the lack of a man. She is a very strong woman who, like the rest of the population of the world, doesn't always make the right decision.
I hope with all my heart that this book gets the recognition that it deserves.

I loved this! A modern love story with a delightfully old fashioned feel. Beautifully written it was at times heartbreaking but overall heartwarming, a perfect combination for me

I liked the UK vs US colloquialisms to differentiate between the characters. However, non-UK readers might not understand a lot of the references mentioned by Hannah throughout the novel E.g. locations, behaviours etc. Overall, it was a good rom-com book which wasn’t overly focused on the romance and more so the other aspects of life.

The Man I Never Met by Elle Cook is a slow burn, complicated romance. I settled in to read what I thought was going to be an easy-going romcom to escape reality for a bit, but I shortly found myself in very unexpected territory.
The author, Elle Cook, tackles a hard, emotional subject with care and respect, and even though the story wasn't what I'd anticipated, I found myself glad my initial expectations weren't met. A love interest with a serious illness isn't exactly the usual romcom material, and, to be honest, isn't a subject I'd intentionally have chosen to read, but I'm very glad I was surprised by the turn The Man I Never Met took. I hope to read more stories like this.
I did find the pacing a little too slow for my liking, and I would have preferred that Hannah's character had a bit more backbone. Other than that, I found it well written, surprising, and a book that handles a scary subject with respect.
Thanks to NetGalley, Elle Cook, and Random House for providing this ARC for me to review.

Firstly, I just want to say thank you to Elle Cook, NetGalley and the publishers, Penguin, for sending me this as my first ARC review! I was overjoyed when I was accepted!
So this is a tear jerker! I went in thinking this would be an easy romance but boy did it pack a lot more than that. What starts off as a brilliant meet cute between the main characters, Hannah and Davey, soon turns into an emotional rollercoaster!
Davey, an architect from Texas, accidentally calls Hannah when interviewing for a new job in London. Things quickly start to blossom and connections deepen. Not to much time passes before excitement builds as Hannah waits to greet Davey at the airport but then things take a horrible turn for the worse.
I was instantly hooked on these two characters journey both as individuals and what they brought out together with their friends and families. And I will tell you one thing, never has a book made me so thirsty before! I seriously wanted a Pina Colada or a coffee every few chapters! However, I can’t do an honest review without a spoiler so here’s your warning for the next part…
I absolutely hated a character called George. His control over Hannah and his fixation on her body image made me so cross! I appreciate this may have been intentional so we, as the reader, knew they were never a good fit however, I just wish this wasn’t such a big feature as it was so unhealthy and I don’t think it helped strengthen Hannah’s character.
I can’t wait to read more reviews on this and see the physical copy later on in the year!

Thanks to Netgalley and Random House UK for letting me read this great book!
I gave this book a 4.5 rating bumped up to 5. This book took me through a roller coaster of emotions and could definitely empathise with the main characters. A well written romance novel with a unique situation and there was good character development throughout.

my first book by this author! the ending was quite predictable but other than that, i loved the characters and the romance.

I was lucky enough to be sent an advanced reader copy of The Man I Never Met via NetGalley in return for an honest review. Thank you NetGalley and Random House UK for the ARC, and thank you to Elle Cook for writing such a lovely summer read!
Hannah lives in London and gets misdialled by Davey, who lives in Texas, USA. He is interviewing for a job in London but calls her by mistake, Hannah wishes him luck and they keep in touch as kind of internet pen-pals.
This isn't an unheard of concept if you were raised with the internet (how many of us milennials DIDN'T have an internet boyfriend - though ours likely weren't real!).
I very much enjoyed how well-rounded each of the characters were. Our female lead, Hannah, is a whole person with flaws, motivations, various relationships and interested. I related a lot to her!
I really enjoyed the slow-burn 'are we lover's?' story but it doesn't stop there. This story grapples with some real issues that I wasn't expecting. We watch Hannah go through heartbreak, feeling lost and searching for direction. I couldn't put this down in places and stayed up through the night reading!
Elle Cook does a wonderful job of bringing us into Hannah's world. I really enjoyed how she captured the joy of each season throughout through careful details and gave us a real sense of how time passed along Hannah's journey. This was a really lovely touch of purposeful description!
WARNING: This next paragraph contains spoilers. If you've not yet read The Man I Never Met yet, exit out of this review and go start the book!! You won't regret it!
I won't go into too much detail - but if you've read the book, you'll know what I mean.
The ending was relatively obvious. By this I mean that I felt that we were handheld excessively through the ending. I would note, as a nitpick - throughout the story we are reminded of little tidbits of info that I found repetetive, some callback moments are nice but we can put two and two together!
However I do think this ending was so heartwarming and so beautifully described that it was enjoyable nonetheless.
I would have appreciated a little more of "what happened next" with Hannah and Davey - especially after the level of *spice* we had previously - I was left wanting in that area after our Texan Cowboy returns!!!
Minus one star for these minor issues, but overall I really enjoyed this!
Note to the author: Thank you for writing this. It led me to have a serious conversation with my partner halfway through about checking himself - and then reading the acknowledgements made me cry! Thank you both for sharing this story with us all!

The man I never met is such an easy read modern romance story . I enjoyed the twists and turns of the book . The characters were well portrayed and the plot drew you in. Hoping for some more modern romances from this author!

Wow… I didn’t expect what this book gave! I didn’t read the blurb of this book as I like going into a book blind and I definitely wasn’t disappointed. I loved Hannah and I loved Davey. I was convinced through the first half that Davey wasn’t real until we got his pov. There was loads of elements in this book I didn’t expect and it took the story in directions that were definitely unexpected (not a bad thing, kept me enjoying the book). I wouldn’t day this book was predictable at all and I would recommend to anyone who wanted a different take on a romance book!