Member Reviews

This is a middle grade book. The descriptions are so vivid that you can imagine being there. The characters are wonderful. The suspense is good. Perfect for readers of all ages

Thank you to BooksGoSocial and to NetGalley for an ARC of this book.
This book is made for young reader to introduce them to Historical fiction. I love that this is the aim of this book.
I am love Historical Fiction and I have been interested in all things Titanic since I was very young, so this book was right up my alley.
This book was just fun and well written. I was really invested in what happened to the characters as well.

The Titanic Tunnel which is the sequel to The Blitz Bus both by Glen Blackwell, was just as good in my opinion. Emmie & Jack, the storyline and the other characters that were introduced was amazing. I enjoy reading cute time travel mysteries and can't wait to read more from this author.

This book was so good and I can’t not wait to add it to my younger reader shelf in my home library! I love every thing about the titanic and i really enjoyed the story that the author came up with.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book and so did the young readr I shared it with. Engaging with enough detail to have a sense of suspence but not terrify the reader. A great find and I cant wait to read more by this author.
A interesting take on the historical event of the sinking of the Titanic, but seen though the eyes of time travellling children who know that time is running out, but must not alter hsitory.

This is the second book in the series, I am kind of hoping there will be third book as to explain some things that happened in this one.
We are following another adventure of these two friends who find themselves stranded on the Titanic before it sinks. And they must accomplish something in order to go back to their own time.
I liked the ending a lot but unfortunately throughout the entire book it just seemed like they were always looking for someone (each other, 2 kids, a friend, the stranger they met). And oh yes, the stranger. A mysterious man who they never met before just appears out of nowhere, and just happens to know everything that is going on and what they need to do to fix it.....I hope there is a third book to explain that 😅.
I did like the climax at the end, and the sacrifices the friends made to save others. As well as I did like the setting, and taking a peek at the behind the scenes of the Titanic.
*thank you to #netgalley for a previous copy of this book to read and review.

Really enjoyed this book! I grew up reading the Magic Treehouse books and I think that's why I fell in love with historical fiction. Not sure this will be a favourite but I would recommend it to the children in my life to read. I also haven't read the first book and felt that you needed to read the first book to understand the full scope of the second book. I felt that the characters ages didn't match their actions or maturity levels. I also felt that the characters should have been younger to fully engage the age of the audience reading this book. I would recommend this, wouldn't buy this for myself but enjoyed my time reading this. It is a clean engaging read for children. Thanks for the opportunity to read this book.

An interesting historical mystery. A lot of fun and nicely written which will appeal both to its target audience as well as adults with an interest in time travel.

I was unaware before beginning this book that this book resides inside of a series, all featuring the same duo travelling back into pivotal moments of history. Not having read the former instalment did nothing to halt my enjoyment or understanding of what occurred here.
Emmie and Jack begin the novel on a school-trip but quickly find themselves tumbling back in time and on-board the infamous ship, the Titanic. They are aware of its sinking and the date this occurred on, meaning they become increasingly anxious as time ticks on and they remain unable to escape the fated vessel.
This was an interesting and informative read, which I thought did a brilliant job of illuminating history for the younger reader. It explored, with sensitivity, all that occurred as well as some of the figures on-board the ship. Emmie and Jack were easily lovable protagonists and their adventures on-board were executed gracefully. I would have no hesitations in recommending this to the younger readers in my life.

The Titanic Tunnel by Glen Blackwell
#NetGalley #The Titanic Tunnel
Emmie and Jack are back for a new time travel adventure.
This middle grade story follows Emmie and Jack who need to rescue Mary.
The way the book is written is like we are actually there with the kids on the ship. Vivid descriptions and lots of research must have been done, but it does not feel like reading a history book.
So the reader learns while the story unfolds but it is a joy to get those facts sprinkled into the book.
I've always had a fascination for the "unsinkable" titanic so this book was a pure pleasure to read.
The reader will connect with Jack and Emmie and will care about the passengers and wonder who will survive, if anyone will.
The suspense was great in wondering if Jack and Emmie would return to their own time or perish with the ship.
I had to know if Mary got rescued or not, and of course what would happen to Emmie and Jack.
Upon finishing the book I went on a search for Mary, to see if she really existed and what her fate was.
Highly recommended!
Thank You, NetGalley and BooksGoSocial.

I wish this book exist when I was a kid. An interesting way to introducing Titanic history to young readers. I think the author doing her research and insert the information smartly in the storyline gradually without overwhelmed narration. Both main characters memorable and easy to love.
Thank you Netgalley and Zoetrope Book for letting me read this copy. My thoughts are my own.

Emmie and Jack end up on the Titanic, the ill-fated ship, a few hours before it is struck by an iceberg and sank to the bottom of the ocean. In their efforts to find their way home Jack is mistaken for a server and Emmie meets a girl who is searching for her two missing brothers. It is up to Emmie and Jack to find her brothers, try to save her and her family, and find their way home: all without letting their hearts lead them to save everyone and change the tides of time forever.
I enjoyed the story and was pleased to read about the ship from an "insider's" perspective. I would add it to the curriculum as a fictional narrative to pair with a nonfiction piece.
I was given the opportunity to read this book by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I love anything to do with the Titanic, so when I saw this title and the beautiful cover for the book, I knew I had to read it. I recently visited The Titanic Exhibit in Las Vegas and recommend if you ever visit, make sure that it is one of your stops. It offers lots of history with some real-life items from the ship including pieces of the ship itself.
The book is geared towards middle-grade-age children to introduce them to a part of history they may not know about, but I think the book can be enjoyed by any age and has a lot of facts about the Titanic that many may not know about.
In the story, we follow two children, Emmie & Jack, on a field trip to Belfast Ireland to see where the Titanic was built. During the field trip, the two separate from the rest of the group and are transported through a tunnel to 1912 where they themselves are on board the Titanic.....the author’s use of time travel to tell this story is very unique. It will keep a child's interest as well as any grown-up!!
You, as well as your children/nieces/nephews, won’t be able to turn the pages fast enough to find out what happens to Emmie & Jack. Will they make it off the ship or will this be their last voyage?
Blackwell has thoroughly researched the Titanic and gives the reader a vivid description of what it was like on board the ill-fated voyage. The descriptions are so detailed that you can actually visualize in your mind what it must have been like and feel the tragedy in your heart as it took place.

I like many others are fascinated by the tragedy of the Titanic and enjoy details about the ship. After seeing earlier reviews I wanted to read it.
What a great story teller the author is, I was engrossed in the detailed descriptions and was impressed with the research done and the way is was written for the intended audience, although as an adult it was really enjoyable too.
Well worth a read for adults but definitely a perfect book for upper primary children and maybe older.

Jack and Emmie have weird adventures. Today they're going to see the dockyard where Titanic was built and The Museum around it. There's a musician playing - he packs up and walks away. They follow, through a door, into a tunnel and onto Titanic.
Jack gets mistaken for a kitchen worker and dragged off. Emmie is on her own on a ship at sea that is supposed to sink. She has to find Jack, but meets a stranger who tells her to look in different places to find the answer, but also she meets a girl, Mary, from 3rd class whose brothers have gone missing (they got in a lift - when the doors opened again they weren't there). The stranger tells her they must save Mary's life in order to free themselves. She manages to find Jack again, only for the three of them to get caught and Jack to be taken back to the kitchen and Emmie and Mary locked in a cupboard. They escape!
Again being reunited with Jack but the alarms are going off. Emmie's watch tells her they are close to sinking. Can they get Mary and her family into a life boat from third class? Can they get off?
This is a really good book. The ending was so close. I will be looking to buy this for school. In addition I will be reading Blitz Bus which has been on my Kindle for ages!

Firstly thank you Netgalley for this ARC
My granddaughter loved reading this book with me. Love books about Titanic

Glen Blackwell has a unique approach to historical fiction for middle grade readers. Taking his readers back in time with his characters, children are able to experience what life in the past was like from a modern perspective. In The Titanic Tunnel, readers find themselves on that great ship, haunted by an ominous feeling. We already know something terrible is going to happen but will our characters escape from the ship in time?
Jack and Emmie are on a school trip to Belfast to see where the Titanic was built. While there, they become separated from the rest of their class and end up onboard the Titanic over one hundred years in the past. As the infamous date draws closer, they must find a way to help some of the passengers before they’ll be able to leave.
This story paints a picture of life in 1912 – the real people who travelled on the Titanic, the class system they lived in and the technology that structured their lives. Fascinating details about food, accommodation, work, and expectations for behaviour round out the story making this a great class read to accompany a historical topic.
There is something about the Titanic that captivates people. The Titanic Tunnel will build on that intrigue, answer some questions and leave readers wanting to find out even more.

Imagine going back in time to 1912…You find yourself on the famous ship Titanic, which you’ve read and studied about. You know the outcome of that fateful April night, but in order not to change the future, the fate of Titanic must not be made known to anyone on board…
Excellent historical fiction for middle-grade readers! I think reading this would be a great motivation for kids to find out even more information about the Titanic.
*I received a digital copy from Netgalley. All opinions are strictly my own.*

I read this with my eight year old niece over the past few days & she absolutely loved it! The book is about Emmie and Jack, who keep finding tunnels into the past. This time, they’re on a school trip to the Titanic museum & find a tunnel directly onto the Titanic when it’s halfway through it’s fateful journey.
It’s a nice little story, which after chapter 6 or 7 basically runs through the plot of the Titanic movie (without the romance of course) as we see all of the same plot points crop up, though some are explored in ways more appropriate for children. For example, there’s a character called Mary, and through her struggles we are shown all of the social issues around class and how third class passengers were treated.
There are several chapters where Emmie and Jack are separated so the focus is on them trying to find each other and therefore the situation they’re in gets a bit lost. At one point my niece said, “Don’t they realise they’re in a ship that’s going to sink?” which was a good point but it showed she was engaged with the story.
This was fixed several pages later when Emmie realised how little time they have to find their way back to the tunnel before they hit the iceberg, and the story became quite pacy once they were against-the-clock.
She really liked the information at the end of the book about a couple of real people linked to Titanic, including John Cofee who was meant to be aboard but didn’t show up before it’s last journey.
Overall this is a great read for kids and very educational without being upsetting. Very good!

Great storyline! I love books about the Titanic, so this is a book that I knew I would enjoy! I would definitely recommend this book to other people, especially some of my students.