Member Reviews

Pen-chan is so adorable, I want one of my own! I like that there's not really a plot to follow, we simply just read Pen-chan and his owner go through life. His owner, Hayakawa, does irk me a little though as he comes off as an airhead, unappreciative of Pen-chan's help.
I preferred reading it bit by bit instead of in one go as I felt like it was just a bit too mundane to read in one go (as well taking a break from Hayakawa)

Thank you Netgalley for this ARC!
The story has a slice of life type of plot with new elements I had not seen before in a manga, which made it a refreshing original story. The drawing style is very pretty and the characters and well written.

I absolutely loved this. I'm a fan of slice of life style Manga, and especially loved this one because it was just so cute.
I'd definitely recommend.

This was cute and silly. Like, really dumb in a funny way. The "owner" of Pen-chan was so damn annoying lol. Justice for Pen-chan

My thanks to NetGalley and Kodansha for an eARC copy of this book to read and review.
I think I am too sensitive a reader at times, because I felt SO BAD for the poor penguin, being stuck with such a thoughtless, careless owner. Honestly, to me, I saw the penguin as being one half of a relationship where they did nothing but give and the other did nothing but take and didn't realize how horrible the taker was to the giver. It was such a toxic relationship.
Also, the penguin roasted a chicken for it's owner and friends for dinner.
A penguin, a bird, bought the slaughtered body of another bird, and roasted it, to be eaten, by it's owner, owner's friends and maybe it partook of the roasted bird too?!?
This manga disturbed me on multiple levels, but I think I read this one wrong.
2, I didn't hate it and Pen was incredibly cute, stars.

This manga was so cute!! We follow Hayakawa and his pet penguin, Pen. Pen helps Hayakawa around the house with the cooking, cleaning, and various other house stuff. They go out together and Pen even brings Hayakawa his lunch when he leaves it at home! I love Hayakawa and Pen together and I will definitely be checking out the next volume of this manga!

Thank you to netgalley and kodansha for sending me an arc of this book.
It was very cute and amusing. Penguin is such a devoted and smart pet and it was cute seeing him trying to help his owner. Although seeing his efforts go to waste most of the time is a bit dishearting.
His owner was also very funny as he was quite good at everything he was doing and seeing penguin and his friends lose it over it was so funny.
Howerver I did not enjoy the drawings all that much.
I will give it a 3 stars

I got an ARC of this book.
It was cute, I guess. There wasn't any real plot. There was no character development. There wasn't much that happened. Instead it was the owner kinda being a jerk to his pet penguin. The penguin was far more advanced than a typical penguin.
I liked the penguin, but there wasn't anything else for me to really latch onto. I think I would have liked it better if the penguin would have had more adventures on his own instead of serving his person. It just felt like an attempt to be something like The Way of the House Husband, but with a penguin. It never got funny enough or cute enough to really stand on its own though.

Pen is a unique penguin - he is a pet and more like a personal assistant: he cooks, he cleans, he makes deliveries. His human Hawayawa does not always appreciate or realize all that Pen does for him. They clearly love each other, but Hawayawa clearly exasperates Pen with obliviousness. Hawayawa seem like an airheaded university student with a good heart.
Highly recommended for anyone who loves penguins and needs a smile.

I love the translation notes at the end of the book. And obviously, I also want a Pen-chan in my life.

What a fun little collection of pen stories. I adore this I think my daughter would too. You can't best these

This was a very cute manga about a boy and his pet penguin who seemingly can do anything and everything but especially cooking.
These were just little short stories of the penguin doing random things along with his owner and they were adorable! I loved the art and how expressive the little penguin was. It was definitely a lighthearted read and perfect if you just need a little pick me up!

Story: I seem to love slice of life/comedy stories more every time I read a new one these days. It's easy to read on the go because a story usually just keeps ´going for about 5 pages. Also of course the endings are always very predictible I enjoy the simpleness in the stories of this penguin and felt genuine pain everytime his work was for nothing. I hope to see more of this penguin in the future and maybe also get some background stories on these two somewhen.
Art: The art is very simple but I still need to laugh at every facial expession of the penguin and it conveys all the feelings you need for such a simple story.

This was so cute! The plot was a little thin but it read like a newspaper comic! Pen is adorable and I would 100% pick these up for a smile on a sad day!

Rating: 4.13 out of 5
-Characters: 4/5
-Cover: 4/5
-Story: 3.5/5
-Writing: 5/5
Type: Manga
Worth?: Yes to the HELL YES!
First want to thank Netgalley and the publisher for letting me read this in exchange for an honest review! This was a cute and simple read, nothing too serious. If you love penguins and the ones that cook and clean then this the one for you! It was so cute and I love the characters. There is some story to this but it isn't something heavy and definitely a light read. If you are in need of a breather I highly suggest this manga!

This was a really cute but strange story of a penguin pet who takes care of their owner as well as it can but the owner doesn't fully appreciate it. It has very cute illustrations and you flow through it very quickly. It was just a bit strange in some parts but really quite wholesome and I really enjoyed it

Thank you to Kodansha and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this manga to review!
This is a cute, sweet, light-hearted slice-of-life manga following the exploits of a butler penguin and his master. The artwork is humourous and expressive. The characters are fun and interesting. The plot, we have no plot.
Well, in actual fact there may be a plot buried in there somewhere but it seems we are just following around a penguin who wants to do his best and look after the human who keeps him. Of course, this is obviously unrealistic but the penguin does resemble a wife/ mother character in that they are cooking, cleaning, and generally looking after what appears to be a lazy and inept human unworthy of such amazing feats. And that's kinda it.
It follows many other manga of this type; domestic with an element of the fantasy which makes it fun but ultimately: fluff. This is the kind of manga to read when you want to feel nothing but a vague sense of calm and wellbeing. So it certainly has its place in the world.

A collection of short skits involving an adorable penguin and his slightly scatterbrained owner. This was a fun read. The stories don't really have any deep meaning to them or any long drawn out story line. They are simple fun quick little hits, making you able to just pick up the manga and stop after a few pages. The artwork is simple, but the penguin is drawn as a chibi blob and is cute in their own way. I must admit, I feel bad for the penguin as they try so hard to do nice things for the owner, and the owner is a bit too scatterbrained to realize it at times. It makes me feel bad for the cute little guy. Overall, it is a cute manga and I did enjoy reading it.

Cute and absurdly funny. A super talented penguin that lives with a human that doesn't seem to realize just how crazy talented his pet is. Now I want a butler penguin of my own.

Thank you to Kodansha and NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this manga to review!
Penguin & House is best described as a slice of life/comedy manga about a college aged student and his pet penguin. His pet penguin does all of the house work and cooking. The running gag in the manga seems to be that the main character tends to be quite messy, often ruining the things that his penguin cleans, and forgetful, so that his penguin has to bring him things often.
There seems to be an emergence of a new genre of "cute animals acting as housemaids" and while these stories can be light and fun, I unfortunately did not enjoy this manga very much. There is another manga called "The Masterful Cat is Depressed Again Today" which has a very similar story, except with an oversized black cat insread of a penguin, and I felt like Penguin and House somewhat copied that one. Some of the stories were strangely very similar. I also felt like The Masterful Cat had funnier and more developed characters in comparison to Penguin & House.
Even though this manga did not work for me, I think if you love penguins you would probably find this to be very cute and loveable! It is definitely worth giving a read.