Member Reviews

My Review:
Awesome!!!! What a fun twisted fast paced enjoyable read this was. It had all the trimmings that you would want in a book. The secrets were shocking and by the end you were left speechless. You never knew what was coming next and were left guessing the whole way through. I would have to say though that my favorite part of the book were the characters. They were either evil and conniving or were naive and oblivious. You had a little bit of both in this book. The story line kept me captivated and intrigued me the entire time. Who doesn’t love a whirlwind romance that turned into a wedding that not everyone is happy about. What could go wrong with this picture? This is my first read by this author and it certainly will not be my last. I look forward to her next book.
In conclusion, the plot, the characters and all the twists in this book made this book an enjoyable read. I would definitely recommend it and happily give it 4 Hearts❤️❤️❤️❤️

Dana Wynters, 25, lost her parents when she was just 6-years-old. She was taken in and reluctantly raised by her aunt and uncle. Now, she has a job and lives in her small flat.
One day, Dana meets Sam Corbett, 35, whose wealthy family owns a successful accounting firm where Sam works. They immediately click and within just 2 months, they are engaged.
Dana is surprised to learn that Sam still lives with his parents in a very large mansion. He has used a lot of his money to buy some rental property and living at home just makes financial sense for him. When Dana is introduced to his parents, Evelyn and Harold, she is rather intimidated and wonders if they look down on her.
Dana and Sam were ready to close on their own home but a fire took it off the market. Therefore, Dana reluctantly agreed to move in with Sam’s parents just until the wedding in a few weeks.
Evelyn has taken over a number of the wedding preparations. While Dana would like more say, at least Evelyn is following her wishes and absorbing the costs. So, Dana can certainly not let a few hiccups bother her, right?
This book is so much more than just a story about a mother-in-law as there are lots of twists and turns. Some of it comes across a bit like a soap-opera, and almost a bit too many mishaps added in. However, all in all, it is a good story that I’m sure a lot of readers will enjoy.
Copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Domestic suspense thrillers is a genre that I really enjoy so I was excited to read this one. Oh wow this book had me completely and utterly gripped right from the very start. This is a completely addictive and twisted suspense thriller that will honestly have you on the edge of your seat the whole way through. This is a fast paced read with a fantastic storyline and excellent characters.

You start this book knowing something awful is happening and just have to keep turning the pages to find out what happens next. Dana is madly in love with Sam and they’re planning their happy ever after. Then she meets the parents or perhaps I should say the mother in law. Can Dana survive this romance?
The tension just keeps ramping up until a thriller of an ending.

I received this ARC from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
Dana is on her way home from a job interview when she meets a man called Sam by chance,the very same day he’s asking to take her out to the theatre at the weekend.
Soon they fall in love after a whirlwind romance , they are the perfect match.
They decide to get married that summer even through they’ve only known each 6 months and they come from widely different backgrounds.
Dana is so excited even when Sam’s mum Evelyn tries to take over the wedding, Evelyn makes out she’s helping Dana but really she’s not. Dana just lets it slide!
What a nail biting book! I was so frustrated that nobody believed Dana when it was obvious what Evelyn was doing but I wasn’t prepared for that TWIST! I didn’t even see it coming.

I received a free copy from Netgalley to review. Dana has met the man of her dreams but then she meets the overprotective mother in law who she is convinced is trying to prevent them getting married and thus follows unfortunate events and accidents. I would say the book is perfect to read on a holiday laid round the pool. It doesn't take any brainwork and I felt I wanted to give Dana a good talking too for being a bit of a doormat! Don't think it will win win any literary prizes but an entertaining story that kept me entertained.

I was captivated by The Mother-in-Law from the opening page. I completed the book in a single day because it kept me motivated.
My favorite kind of thriller is domestic suspense, and this one had some particularly perplexing turns. The plot may have had a few minor flaws, but I didn't let that stop me from enjoying Karen King's writing. I enjoyed the book and intend to read more works by Karen King.

First of all, thanks to NetGalley and the author for providing me with an ARC. The fact that I received a copy of this book for free does not affect my review at all. The author wants to know my honest thoughts and opinion, so that's what I'll give her.
In The Mother-In-Law, we get to know Dana, a twenty-something bride to be. After only a few months of dating her boyfriend, Sam asks her to marry him and Dana feels as if she's never been happier. Sam is perfect and so will there life together be. When she starts getting to know his family however, she begins feeling less and less sure about that. Sam's mother, Evelyn, doesn't seem thrilled about the upcoming wedding and before long, accidents start happening around Dana. But surely it must all be a big coincidence. After all, no one, and certainly not her future mother-in-law, could possibly be hurting her on purpose, right?
Okay, wow, this was good. To be completely honest, I thought this book would be a little cliché and predictable but I am definitely pleasantly surprised. Some things that happened were a bit predictable, but this didn't actually bother me or stop me from enjoying the story. I did like the characters, despite some flaws, but those made sense at the end of the book (see spoilers for an example). King's writing style isn't mind-blowing, but it's definitely not bad either. The story was interesting, thrilling and very well worked out. I am looking forward to read more of Karen King's work in the future! If you want to know my thoughts a bit more in detail, you can go onto the next part, but be careful, there will be spoilers about the ending of the book!
I did think Sam was a bit of a mama's boy, but when we found out he knew she had been abused by Harold in the past, it completely made sense. I did really like the shift at the end of chapter 42. Up until that point, I had assumed it really was Evelyn doing all that stuff and trying to get Dana killed. I only started suspecting Harold when she mentioned she should've never trusted him. Whenever Dana mentioned that she shouldn't have stayed in the house etc previous to this chapter, I assumed that she was talking about Evelyn, but when I realised it was Harold, I also realised King had never out-right said it was Evelyn she should be scared off. She kept it very ambiguous as to not give the plot twist away, which is a detail that I think is brilliant. I did think it was a bit obvious that Ruby had some bigger part in the plot and it was very on the nose when the birthmark was mentioned, but that was a minor thing so it didn't really bother me too much.
Check out my blog!: https://destinysbookspot.blogspot.com/

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓-𝒊𝒏-𝒍𝒂𝒘
𝒃𝒚 𝑲𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒏 𝑲𝒊𝒏𝒈
Dana and Sam are engaged. Sam still lives at home and Dana moves in with them for the few weeks up to the wedding. She's involved in many different "accidents" that could postpone the wedding or maybe even kill her. Who is out to harm Dana & why?
For true thriller fans like myself this book doesn't give you the thrill you're looking for in a book. I felt pretty underwhelmeded by this book. I sped through it and didn't feel that anxious feeling I get waiting to see what happens next. But, keep in mind I read a lot of books and most thrillers. However, if you're new to the genre this could be a good book to ease into the world of thrillers.
𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝑩𝒐𝒐𝒌 𝑰𝒇:
👰🏻 you're new to the thriller genre
👰🏻 you want a book that is easily predictable
👰🏻 you like books that have very small twists and give you a very small thrill
I personally dont think I can recommend this book except to a fairly specific group of people. If this book is on your radar I'd mark it is as a 🅑︎🅞︎🅡︎🅡︎🅞︎🅦︎

I struggled to get halfway through the book, and could only skim the rest.
The lack of character development, extensive dialogue, and irrelevant descriptions made it a struggle to feel like the plot was making by any progress. There was nothing thrilling here. Classifying it as a domestic drama due to the events and pacing of this story would be more accurate. Each chapter ending with these ominous questions or statements was cheesy and choppy, too.
I was expecting something more intense, dark, and twisty - perhaps my hopes were too high!

4 stars rounded up. Dana meets Sam and it is love at first sight. They plan to get married in six months, and everything seems wonderful--until Dana meets her future mother-in-law, Evelyn. It is clear that Evelyn does not want Sam, her only child, to marry Dana. Mishaps, accidents, and injuries start happening to Dana. Is she imagining things or is her mother-in-law trying to kill her? This book is dramatic and entertaining, and all of the characters were suspect. The twists were good and I did NOT see the ending coming! Pure enjoyment of a book for a lazy summer afternoon! Thanks to Bookouture and NetGalley for this e-ARC!

"Too perfect to be true, a little voice whispered in my head. I ignored it. That was my first mistake."
The story opens with Dana all aglow in her beautiful wedding gown and her maid of honour beside her in her own lemon Grecian style dress. The day has finally arrived when all is said and done, Dana finally married Sam and becomes Mrs Corbett. Despite everything that has gone on before, why would Dana think that the day would run smoothly? After all, nothing has since their engagement was announced and she'd moved into Sam's suite of rooms in his parent's sprawling mansion in the Malvern Hills. But this was her day and she was determined NOT to let anything ruin it.
And everything did run smoothly...the ceremony, the service, the reception, the speeches, the meal...everything up until the happy couple cut the cake. Sam places her hand over his as they cut into the bottom layer of their three tiered cake and playfully fed each other a couple of crumbs and luscious icing. And then everything changed. Her world suddenly falls out of focus as she falls to floor, the voices yelling seemingly in the distance. The last thing Dana saw before she passed out was the triumphant gleam in her mother-in-law's eyes.
Rewind back to six months previously when, having just left her interview at Corbett and Sons Accountants, she meets Sam who had been chasing his favourite trilby hat which Dana had inevitably caught and returned to him. After a coffee, the pair exchanged numbers and before long began dating. Sam would text Dana 'good morning' and 'how was your day' each day and she was thrilled as she had never known such attention before. After a couple of months, Sam gets down on bended knee with a stunning sapphire and diamond ring and asks Dana to be his wife. "Yes! Yes! Please!" was her answer that the other patrons of the restaurant all clapped and cheered their congratulations.
And then it was time to meet his parents. "They'll love you" Sam assured her. But Dana wasn't so sure...particularly when she saw their house. Sam came from a very different world to her and she was sure his parents wanted more for him. But they were in love and not only were they engaged but they had both decided on a summer wedding...in just a few months time. His parents were stunned but accepting of their decision. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad after all.
"Too perfect to be true, a little voice whispered in my head. I ignored it. That was my first mistake."
The couple are adamant at wanting to buy a home together but when something happens to their impending purchase, Dana has no choice but to move in with Sam and his parents. And anyway, it will only be for a little while till find another place. But then little things begin to happen. Small things at first that Dana wondered if she had imagined them. Or was she just being silly? But then a few more concerning 'accidents' occurred. And yet, still Dana talked herself out of anything more than an accident or misunderstanding.
But one thing is more than clear. Sam's mother Evelyn is a dominating force who is controlling and would do anything to keep her son from leaving home. Wouldn't she? But as sweet as pie as she at first appeared, Evelyn was a force to be reckoned with. Particularly when she started bringing Tamara into everything. The unbridled conflicts between Dana and Evelyn, no matter how big or small, continue to rage although Sam is convinced his mother only means well. Dana is not so sure but doesn't want to come between Sam and his mother. Needless to say, whenever she does try to air her concerns, Sam dismisses them. No matter what happens, Dana just wants to marry Sam so she endures it all as she can see the end in sight when they will finally marry and move to their own house.
But if Dana thought it was going to be that easy, she was sadly mistaken. Gaslighting is prevalent in this wild thrill ride that both infuriated and had me glued to the pages until the end. Dana was a little annoying and very easy to allow others to walk over her but then I'm guilty of the same thing to keep the peace. If Dana is anything like me, she hates confrontation so her complacency and compliance would be to keep the peace.
Despite its title, you just know that THE MOTHER-IN-LAW was going to more than just another mother-in-law tale. It was going to be something deeper with twists to shock and leave you reeling. Evelyn was naturally unlikable, of course, she was penned that way. As was Tamara. But I had my suspicions elsewhere that I hadn't wanted to be true.
Compelling and addictive, THE MOTHER-IN-LAW is a dark and twisted tale as well as being an easy read that I devoured in a matter of hours. And I naturally loved the short snappy chapters that are always a winner for me as they keep the pace moving at a rapid speed.
While it may not have been as brilliant as her two previous thrillers "The Stranger in my Bed" and "The Perfect Stepmother" , it was still a fantastic thrill ride worth 5 stars that I enjoyed every delicious minute of.
I would like to thank #KarenKing, #NetGalley and #Bookouture for an ARC of #TheMotherInLaw in exchange for an honest review.
This review appears on my blog at https://stinathebookaholic.blogspot.com/.

This is my first book by Karen King I absolutely loved it. I read it in one day. I would give it 4.5 out of 5 stars. Some of tue characters drove me nuts a times but it was well written.

Thank you to Bookouture and NetGalley for this ARC. I am leaving this review voluntarily. Can you say mommy issues? Dana meets Sam by chance and their love story is like a fairy tale. They fall in love and are engaged in a short period of time. Dana is the girl next door and Sam is the son of wealthy country club parents. He is also a very successful and wealthy accountant as well. First red flag... a 35 year old man still living with his parents when he is independently wealthy! Dana thinks this is a little odd, but he seems close with his parents. However, it does not take her long to figure out that Sam's mother has a tight hold on him, and she "thinks" he is marrying beneath him. She never comes right out and says it, but her innuendos speak loudly all with a smile on her wicked face. Second red flag... the girl next door who is beautiful, classy and well-bred, and is obviously well-loved by mommy. The accidents start almost immediately. I literally wanted to reach inside the book and slap his mom and Tamera (the girl next door) as their noses were stuck so high in the air that they would drown if it rained! There were plenty of wicked twists and turns in this book as the mystery is further revealed. The characters were well written and the writer does a great job of making you feel real empathy for Dana as she tries to decide who she can trust. I also liked the fact that there were not too many characters which meant that you could really get to know each character as they were developed throughout the book. It was intriguing, and I would definitely classify it as a psychological thriller. Once I started it, I could not hardly stand to put it down! For mystery/thriller lovers, you will enjoy this one.

The Mother-in-law was a wild ride, that both infuriated me and enticed me to finish. The MC got on my nerves and didn't have a backbone until the last 3-4 chapters, but I guess that is how the author wanted this domestic thriller to play out. I was was upset with the MC's fiance and best friend for not believing her stories though! I would drop the friend and fiance!
Narration of the audiobook was decent. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC in exchange for my honest review.

If you think you have a mother-in-law problem, then you should really read this! It immediately grabs you from the prologue and does not let up until the stunning end. Very well done and highly entertaining1
Many thanks to NetGalley and Bookouture for this ARC!

The Mother in Law was a good quick read. It was neither a great story or a bad story, it was just very middle of the road. I didn't feel like I got to know much about the characters, the story felt really rushed but held my interest. Overall a nice read.

3.5 stars rounded up
As I put my beautiful white wedding dress on, I try not to ignore my fears. I look in the mirror and feel more beautiful than I ever have before. I know marrying Sam is the right choice. He's the best thing that ever happened to me. I reach for my bright yellow roses, and I force myself to be as cheerful and sunny as these flowers. I won't dwell on everything that's happened recently - ever since we agreed to stay with his parents for the weeks ahead of the wedding. glancing sown at my sparkling engagement ring, I pretend to myself I can forget about all the 'accidents' I keep having, or about his mother's barbed comments and the dark looks she gives me.
For Dana and Sam, it was love at first sight. After a few months, they decide to get married. They move in with Sam's parents, Evelyn and Harold, and Dana starts having accidents. Evelyn is a hard woman to please. She would have preferred Tamara to be Sam's wife. Then Dana hears Evelyn and Harold argue and a secret is revealed. This is a well written, easy to read novel. The characters are well fleshed out and believable. The plotline is creepy and twisted. The last three chapters had me turning the pages at a faster pace.
I would like to thank #NetGalley #Bookouture and the author #KarenKing for my ARC of #TheMotherInLaw in exchange for an honest review.

This is a page-turner with numerous twists and turns to keep the reader engaged and trying to figure out things with Dana! I've never read anything by King in the past, but I sure plan to check out her other books!

Lovers of ‘Mother In Law’ tales, me being one, will be happy enough with this, the formula is there, poor unlucky in love girl meets Uber rich man who adores her…enter the Mother In Law from hell and let the battle commence, it’s a tried and tested base for a story and it works, not much deviation from this main story although there is a vile ever so perfect ‘family friend’ Tamara who sidles her way in with her catty remarks and ‘organising busybodieish ways’
There is naturally a bit more to it than is initially made out but lovers of this genre will figure it out and be happy to let the ride continue and enjoy a story they know they will relax with and be comfortable enjoying ( again like me )
You cant go wrong with a tale of a ferociously beady eyed Mum in Law and all that goes with it especially when well written
4 Stars