Member Reviews

What would you do if you received a letter that accused your husband of committing a terrible crime? Jess, Priyanka, and Stephanie are three wives who are thrust together because of this letter that binds them. This is a multiple POV story that was engaging. There are definite trigger warnings so proceed with caution if triggered by sexual assault. It’s a relevant topic done in an interesting thriller sort of format.

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This is not the book for me. This book is so boring and repetitive. It is mismarketed as a thriller.

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I read this in one sitting and I haven't done that for a long time. ‘Good Husbands’ is a book with layers - the best kind. The story is engaging but there's a lot of food for thought here, and a lot of ideas imparted too. Very well done and I look forward to hearing more from Cate Ray.

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Cates knack for building tension and her expert use of misdirection kept me enthralled from start to finish. It’s a page turner at its best

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What would you do if you were one of the wives of three men accused of an unspeakable crime over 20 years ago? Ignore the letter which informed you of the event, show your husband to get his side of the story or find the other two wives so that you can make a joint decision? This is the dilemma facing Pree, Steffi and Jess. A bit of a misnomer to call it a thriller because it certainly wasn’t but it’s definitely a drama alright! It was well written despite the endless ramblings. Told purely from the female perspective but nothing from the husbands which I would have liked to have seen. Nor do I think it necessary to have had that ending for one of the characters. The ladies were very unpleasant too with how they wanted to resolve part of the situation regarding the children involved. Have your cake and eat it springs to mind!

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Interesting and well written I just personally couldn’t get into the story. Difficult to follow at times and a little slow. I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Wow this book was so good I couldn't put it down!!!!!! The deceit and betrayal will blow your mind.

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This book was so good. I read it in a couple of days, because I quickly got drawn in and couldn't put it down. Highly recommend.

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The cover really made me think I was getting more of a thriller, but I feel like it was a drama at best. I missed the thrill.

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Good Husbands has a thought-provoking premise, and it's certainly prevalent these days. So, it's an intriguing story but not quite what the labels would have you believe. I think the blurb calls this one a psychological drama, and I suppose I would loosely agree with that, but I think it falls more into women's fiction than the mystery/thriller genre.

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I gave this 2.5 stars on Goodreads. I am stuck between saying that I didn't enjoy this book at all or chalking this up to the book not being 'for me'. I usually always stick with the latter. On more than one occasion I have mentioned in reviews that just because a book didn't work for me, doesn't mean that it won't work for you but this book kind of made me question that. I do think that for the right reader, this would be a hit. For me, it was a dud.

For starters, it seemed like nothing was happening. I am all for a slowburn but this dragged on for way too long. This book could have (and in my opinion, should have) been about 100 pages shorter. On more than one occasion, I had to make myself pick this up. Plus, I felt like I was constantly 'waiting for the other shoe to drop' to no avail. To put it simply, I found this book to be lacking from beginning to end.

My biggest issue with this is how it is marketed. It is labeled as a thriller in more than one place. Sometimes a book can be mis-identified on Goodreads, but I checked on multiple sites and all of them referred to this book as a 'thriller'. This is not a thriller. Domestic suspense is a more accurate description. Picking up this book, reading the synopsis, thinking that I would be reading a gripping thriller, and getting the book that I got was a total disappointment. Had this book been marketed appropriately, I may have had different expectations and likely would have enjoyed this read more.
If you are looking for a book to get you out of a reading slump, like I was, this one will not help with that.

Overall, I am indifferent about finishing this book. I don't necessarily regret reading it because it certainly wasn't the worst book I have ever read but it was far from the best. I would suggest this book for readers 18+. There is some adult dialogue, language, situations, and themes referenced throughout. If you find the synopsis to be interesting, enjoy domestic suspense, and love a slow-burn---this book might be the one for you!

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The tag line starts off with, 'who do you believe.' This was a juicy, nasty, trashy fun read. It was exactly what was needed to pull me out of a reading slump. The characters and their actions were outrageous and had me rolling my eyes, but in a fun way. Sometimes you need something so out there and so crazy it has you saying, 'wtf?!' I love the writing style and finished within a few sittings. It was my first read by the author, but it will not be my last.


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Que livro é esse, gente? UAU.

Você sacrificaria sua vida familiar para apoiar outra mulher?

Aqui na história vamos conhecer Jess, Priyanka e Stephanie. Elas são casadas e felizes com homens que elas acham que conhecem de dentro para fora.

Cada uma delas recebe uma carta acusando o marido de envolvimento em uma agressão sexual ocorrida há 20 anos.

Afinal, em quem acreditar? O que devem fazer?

Um thriller sobre consentimento, amizade e preconceito. Uma história envolvente.

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A book should, at the bare minimum, have a good plot or a good narration. I couldn’t rely on either to make the book at least somewhat-sufferable. I wish we could preview a few pages before deciding if we want to read the book or not, would’ve saved me the stress of pushing myself through this one.

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I’m still shookt! That was a pleasant read. Looking forward to more from this author.

Cheers to Netgalley for the copy!

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I really enjoyed this book. Well written . Good twist. I would definitely look out for this authors next book.

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Jessica, Stephanie and Priyanka are complete strangers, but they have one thing in common: they’ve each received a letter accusing their husbands of committing a sexual assault more than two decades prior. Is the accusation true or is there more to the story? It was a secret that remained buried for years.

Whoa, this book deals with some hard hitting subjects, what would I do if I found out my husband had raped someone? It's a nightmare situation! The drama unfolds and Cate deals with subject well. I found it difficult at times but I love a book that challenges me and engages me emotionally.

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This had me gripped, It was definitely a page turner and every time I opened it something new/questioning came up.

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Very unputdownable read, that had me gripped from start to finish! The twists where very well written, and it had me on the edge of my seat.

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Three women receive a shocking letter stating that their husbands all committed a sexual assault decades before. That leads to the question of, is the accusation true or is there more to the story? This wasn't so much a thriller as it was a domestic type of plot. I did like how the plot unfolds in each woman's perspective and thoughts. It adds to the story and makes it seem more believable. Overall it was an okay read but the subject of sexual assault made it a sad read also. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the advanced reader copy.

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